Disclaimer: I do not own any of the series from TV to OVA to movies/specials to Manga of Black Jack nor do I own Inuyasha. They belong to their rightful creators- Osamu Tezuka-sensei and Rumiko Takahashi-sensei as well as their distributors. I also don't own any songs that may appear in the story, whether they be for background or ringtone.
AN: Hello everyone! Sorry I hadn't updated this fic in so long! There had been so many good anime coming out that became potential xovers that I couldn't help but write along with my dad's laptop and my own computer not able to receive any good wireless signals, I'm getting my self together to try updating this and some of my other older fics.
But, with ShadowFoxMoon's excitement of watching the anime of Black Jack and her writing an xover oneshot of her own (I was able to chat with her for a while before not being able to receive wireless real well), I'm getting back into the series with what I was able to see online again.
Also, in tribute to ChocolateBunnyChan's own Black Jack xover "From a Jack to a Queen", I also would like to dedicate this to her for making such a wonderful xover herself.^^
Hope you guys enjoy this no matter how short or rushed it may seem.
"Human, demon, half-breed, alien… Good or bad… they're all the same to me. Who am I to judge who I treat?" Quoted by Kagome.
Chapter Six
While making their way from Black Jack's office to where he kept most of the supplies for patients who stayed over for more than a night, Pinako found them before handing Kagome her clothes that were washed and completely dry, smelling fresh.
After Kagome was done changing, Black Jack continued to lead them to the supply room, bidding Kagome to follow him. After opening the door, he entered and starting looking through a box that held a lot of outdoor sandals before asked Kagome, "What's your shoe size?"
"Um… 21 to 21.5*?" Kagome answered slightly embarrassed as she looked to her feet.
With her being so small in height and petite in figure as well, it was a bit embarrassing to have such small feet too.
Black Jack mentally smiled after subtly glancing at Kagome's feet when she stood at his side. He thought that they were about that size, considering her height.
Finding a pair of sandals with the right sized, he handed them to Kagome, "Try them on and see if they fit. If not, we'll look again."
The sandals were nothing fancy, just the casual and contemporary variety. But it was the best Black Jack could provide until he also took her to get some shoes for herself.
After slipping the sandals on, Kagome walked out of the storage room and around the hall to see if they were a good fit and were comfortable enough to walk around in.
Before Kagome could say anything, both doctors heard a phone ring from the living area. Black Jack excused himself to take the call, leaving the store room.
Kagome smiled to herself at how the shoes fit nicely before slipping them off and walking out the storage room. She was still slightly embarrassed that she had such small feet but was kinda used to it since Ayumi always teased her about her having trouble finding shoes for Kagome, for gifts or if they went shopping together on their rare days off.
Sometimes she even had to go as far as looking through the kids' shoes to look for something that was small enough for her.
Hearing footsteps coming her way as she was about to head back to Black Jack's office, she saw the good doctor walk up to her.
"Was the phone call important?" she asked curiously.
"Not really. Just an old friend calling me for consultation on a case he took up at the hospital." Black Jack answered before asking, "How do the sandals fit?"
"Oh, they fit perfectly." Kagome answered before looking sheepish, lightly scratching her cheek and blushing, "With my feet being as small as they are, it's hard to find shoes in my size. Most shoe or department stores usually don't have my size in stock for any of the shoes that I like, so I'm usually forced to look in the kids' footwear to find something more basic than what I'm looking for." Kagome had a light blush on her face at that last sentence. 'Like those two-inch faux fur winter boots from last winter…'
The scarred doctor chuckled, understanding that most women as small as Kagome had to go through the same thing, "I understand. It's hard for petite women to find something that fits them." Taking a seat in his chair at his desk, he asked, "Since you told your friend that you won't be going back to Tokyo until after you spend you vacation… what do plan to do now?"
Taking a seat on the couch that was set in the entry hall, after setting her sandals down at the door; Kagome answered thoughtfully, "I'm not sure… I told Ayumi that I would spend the rest of my vacation here the way I wanted to… but I don't know where I am exactly… a vacation alone sounds lonely. I'm so used to spending my vacation time with my son and my family…"
Black Jack then got curious, "You mentioned that you had a son…"
The miko surgeon smiled with a small laugh, "Yeah. My adopted son is going to be thirteen soon. And the rest of my family consists of my mother, grandfather, younger brother and quite a few guys that I see as brothers."
"That's gotta be quite a big family." Black Jack said before Kagome laughed, explaining, "The guys I've been friends with since I was in Junior High are basically my brothers. We're not related by blood but I see them as family all the same. I technically have two brothers; my older brother who's related by adoption and my younger brother by blood. But in essence, they're all my family."
The scarred doctor smiled at this while understanding what she meant.
Remembering Kagome mentioned knowing the head of Taisho Memorial, Black Jack asked, "You told your friend on the phone something about informing the head of Taisho Memorial… do you know him personally?"
"Yes… he's one of my brothers, as I mentioned earlier. The older adopted brother, but I hadn't seen him since I was sixteen." Kagome replied as she continued to look through her things and see if they're all accounted for, "I knew him through his late half-brother, who was my fiancée at the time, and we grew close… and even closer after his half-brother passed on. And like I mentioned before at breakfast, he somehow got word that I had graduated from Med. School, he offered me a job as an assistant surgeon before his Head surgeon retired. And I had been the head surgeon of Taisho Memorial since then."
"That's quite a leap in a career. How long had you been the Chief Surgeon for Taisho Memorial?"
"Yeah… but by then, I already had the experience needed by the time the previous head surgeon retired… so some of the staff knew they were in good hands from Taisho-sama's decision. As for how long I've been Chief Surgeon?" Kagome thoughtfully paused for a moment before answering, "It would be… almost three years? Give or take? The days had just gone by so fast since I took up the position after my predecessor retired."
"Who was the previous Chief Surgeon?" Black Jack asked, curiously.
"His name was Heiyamura Jinenji. He's retired as a surgeon but he still manages his own clinic in a rural area outside Tokyo with him own shop for herbal remedies."
Remembering that the only clothes Kagome had with her were the ones she was found in and the shirt he allowed her to borrow, Black Jack suggested that he's take her into town and help her get some clothes and maybe a place to stay while she was spending her vacation in town.
From her place in the passenger seat in Black Jack's car, Kagome took in the sights of the seaside town that her savior lived in.
Most of the shops they rode passed were nice and quaint with a western look to them. This went the same with most of the other places they drove passed.
It seemed like a nice vacation spot or even a weekend getaway.
"This is a nice town…" Kagome said mostly to herself but was heard by Black Jack as he started to drive down the familiar roads toward the local shopping center.
"It is a nice town. Most find it an ideal place to raise a family, especially since they have good schools." Despite Kagome finding this helpful information, Pinoko – in the back – was bristling with jealousy; taking Black Jack's words the wrong way.
Although the unlicensed doctor was just saying this as something helpful for if Kagome wanted to move and still be within range of a local school district, Pinoko assumed that he was proposing that the two surgeons can create a family together. The real reason for the small eighteen year old insisted on coming along was so that Black Jack wouldn't be alone with the female surgeon and prevent anything forming between them that could be more than friends or acquaintances.
Pulling up to a small parking lot that was within walking distance of a line of clothing and department stores, Black Jack turned off the ignition before offering Kagome, "If you don't have enough money on you, I'll help in buying what you need."
Eyes widening in surprise, Kagome brought her hands up in an uneasy manner, "Oh! There's no need for that. I always carry my debit and credit card with me so I'm pretty much set; I have plenty on me."
"If you're certain, then let's go." With that, the scarred doctor opened his door and stepped out of the car before Kagome and Pinoko soon followed.
Once the car was locked, the three made their way to the first clothing store on the street. The clothes on the racks were of all styles and sizes, Kagome noticed before she started to search for the petite sizes. Not far behind her, Black Jack followed while Pinoko looked on the racks for something that would make Kagome look less appealing to the Doc.
Before Black Jack and Kagome could look through the racks they were closest to, they were confronted by one of the employees of the store, a sweet-looking young woman dressed in a uniform for the store employees, asking if they were looking for anything in particular.
"Oh, yes, I'm looking for the petites? And I was also wondering if you had anything on clearance or on sale." Kagome asked. Although her paycheck from Sesshoumaru was enough to buy her self the designer brands, considering practicing medicine for demons and hanyous was top secret and she was a pretty well-known surgeon, Kagome was brought up in a middle class family that try to buy something just as nice with half the cost or less than a Designer brand.
'Mama always said that you never have to spend too much to look nice.'
In answer to her question, the clerk answered, "If you're looking for clothes in petite, just follow me to where we have them…" as the small group of three followed her, she added, "as for Clearance, you're in luck. Right now, we're selling the last of our late spring clothes to make way for our shipment of summer clothes and almost everything from the long rack is about twenty-five to almost thirty-five percent off since we're trying to get them sold off before mid-summer's around the corner."
Kagome was quite impressed by the price cut and believed that she might be able to buy a few outfits that would last her for her vacation if there was anything she liked.
After thanking the salesclerk, Kagome went to looking through the outfits on the clearance rack while Black Jack also looked around and Pinoko looking around with a frown.
When her eyes caught sight of some floral dresses that were long and looked slightly unattractive, the small brunette feigned innocence and offered, "Ne, Higurashi-sensei! I can help find something!"
Thinking that the teen in a five-year-old's body was trying to help, Kagome answered with a soft smile, "Go ahead and call me Kagome, Pinoko-san. And I'd appreciate the help."
As Kagome turned to continue looking through the clearance rack, an sly glint entered Pinoko's eyes before she made her way to the elderly section and took down a floral dress with lace along the collar of the neck and the hem of the short sleeves. Not to mention the dress looked two sizes bigger than what Kagome wears.
Once Pinoko had the dress in her arms she made her way back to where the female doctor was standing and showed her the dress she believed would look 'great' on her.
Almost an hour had passed since the three had entered the store before said three exited with Kagome holding three bags of her purchased goods. All of which were new clothes she was able to get on sale and able to wear for her vacation. Altogether, due to the discounts, she was able to buy clean undergarments, five summer dresses, three pairs of shorts with three shirts (two short sleeved and one long-sleeved) and another pair of sandals, as well as a pair of simple tennis shoes that went with all her outfits.
Although she found it 'sweet' that Pinoko tried to help her looking for something to wear but everything the small teen picked would be something her late grandmother or very sheltered girl would wear. So when Kagome saw the dresses Pinoko suggested, she was speechless and had no idea what to say that wouldn't sound rude.
But Black Jack was kind enough to say that even though the dresses Pinoko found were fine, they weren't suited for someone Kagome's age or her personality.
Aside from that, there wasn't much trouble in Kagome getting clothes besides Black Jack offering to buy her clothes for her when she knew she had plenty in her bank account and credit card to spend for herself. The two surgeons were almost butting heads on who would be paying until Kagome pointed out she had plenty saved for her vacation, including for anything she may want to splurge on.
So with all that said and done, Kagome turned to Black Jack and thanked him for taking her to the store for new clothes.
"Its fine, Higurashi-sensei. I'm sure that you're new to this town and something as simple as showing you around and showing you where you can get clothes is nothing." After Black Jack had said this, a stomach growl from both girls in his company sounded before said females gained a blush on their cheeks. With a soft chuckle, the dark doctor suggested, "Since it's almost time for lunch, how about we get something to eat?"
Kagome grinned sheepishly before agreeing and following the older surgeon back to his car. Once they made it to the vehicle and set her bags in the trunk, she asked the scared man, "Where do you suggest we have lunch?"
"A small shop that Pinoko and I always go to." Black Jack answered before continuing once they entered the car, "A friend of ours owns it and they have pretty good lunch specials."
It was another day at Tom's as Tetsu was cleaning glasses and mugs that had been used by customers who by now had already paid and went on their way while his waitress and foster child of sorts, Kumiko was taking a short break and making small talk with Wato Chiyoko and her brother, Sharaku who was also doing his homework.
Yep, it was just another day for steady business.
At the sound of the bell announcing a customer entering the shop, Kumiko paused in her talk with her friend before turning to said customer and bidding them welcome. While she recognized the customers being Black Jack and Pinoko, she paused moment at seeing an unfamiliar woman with the regular customers.
She stood behind the dark doctor, looking around with her deep blue eyes appreciating the simple and quaint décor of the shop. As she was taking in the décor of the shop, Kumiko noticed that the woman was very beautiful.
Her hair was long and as dark as a blue-tinted raven's feather, lightly sun-kissed skin, and although short, she had a much toned body with a body that looked worthy of a model. Even though Kumiko knew she wasn't an expert, she believed that the woman was outgoing and maybe was an outdoor person.
Kumiko was brought out of her curious gaze as she felt someone nudge her arm softly to gain her attention. Next to her, Wato-san leaning in toward her ear, asking in a whisper, "Hey, have you seen her here before?" The young waitress' reply was only the shake of her head before telling the short haired tomboy, saying lowly how it's not her place to pry even if the customer is suspicious before moving to where Black Jack, Pinoko, and the new woman took a seat at the bar.
'Although… I wonder if she could be Black Jack-sensei's girlfriend…' Kumiko asked her self
Feeling someone staring at her as she took a seat next to Black Jack, Kagome glanced to where she saw a teenage girl and a boy with a cross-shaped bandage on his forehead. As they noticed her gaze directed at them, they quickly turned away to avoid being caught by her.
At their reaction, she raised a brown before turning her attention to the young woman who set a glass of water in front of her before asking what she would like to drink as the a balding man with a mustache took Pinoko and Black Jack's orders.
After their orders of House Special ham sandwiches, Kagome continued to feel the waitress' curious before giving an upturn of her lips and asking, "So what's on your mind? You've been curious since I entered the shop."
Kumiko could help but blush in embarrassment at being caught staring but timidly answered while apologizing, "I'm sorry. It's just I've never seen you around here before, that's all."
"Don't worry. I understand. I'm usually the same when it comes to any new faces I've never seen before that come to my family's home." Kagome smiled before asking gently, "So what's on you and your friends' minds, aside from me being a new face?"
Kumiko smiled softly before speaking, "It's not just that we've never seen you before. It's just really rare of us to see Sensei with a woman…"
Kagome stopped at mid-sip of her drink before raising a brow in curiosity, asking, "And why's that so strange? I'm sure he's been on a date or so…"
Hearing a good natured laugh from her left, next to the waitress, Kagome looked to the man that had prepared their lunches as he clarified, "To be honest, Miss, despite that all of us had known Black Jack for some time, we've never seen him with a woman outside of a case he takes up."
Pinoko could be heard giving a huff while muttering, "Even then, he's still not allowed to go on any dates since I'm his wife!" before she started tearing into her lunch with an annoyed fervor, making her finish quickly and ordering her favorite dessert "Pinoko Special" that Tetsu immediately started to prepare.
This made the female surgeon blink confusedly while Black paused in drinking his coffee before looking at the curious but still expectant gazes.
At her curious gaze, Sharaku asked with a curiosity and straightforwardness of a child, "Are you Black Jack-sensei's girlfriend?"
Kagome's eyes widened as did Black Jack's at the question, partially wondering what made them think such a question.
As Pinoko was about to blow a raspberry and beat Sharaku for asking such a question and stating that she was the scarred doctor's wife, she was stopped at hearing not only the woman, Kagome give a laugh but also Black Jack giving an amused chuckle of his own.
The teenagers looked on, wondering what's so funny while Tetsu looked on amused as he did the finishing touches for Pinoko's dessert. Although Black Jack was a mysterious man himself, Testu doubted that he's known the woman very long and also had a feeling that because he of his occupation with the underground, the skilled male surgeon never thought about settling down considering his number of enemies.
After Kagome's laughter had calmed, she apologized while clarifying, "I'm sorry, but to be honest, Black Jack-sensei and I had only met very recently." Noticing their questioning gazes, she explained, "You see, he and Pinoko-san had found me washed ashore yesterday after I was thrown overboard from my colleague's boat during the recent storm."
"Oh, I see. So he's taking care of you until he deems you well enough to release you." Wato concluded aloud.
"What were you doing out at sea during the storm?" Kumiko asked.
They all noticed Kagome's expression turned annoyed before she explained, "I was talked into taking a vacation with my friends and a guy – who's the colleague I mentioned – and because the guy can't signify the signs of a storm, we ended up sailing right into it and I ended up getting thrown overboard."
Everyone was silent while Black Jack continued to eat and drink his coffee before Tetsu asked, "Did you call anyone to tell them of your whereabouts yet? Any family or even the friends you were with?"
Kagome gave a light smirk before answering while munching on some baked fries that came with her sandwich, "Last night, one of my friends who I was with called me while I was out and I was able to call her back this morning. As for my family, she assured me that she would notify them for me. But I'll call my son before the day is over so that he can have proof that I'm still alive, especially after my colleague gave my family the scare of me being thrown overboard."
Tetsu nodded at this in relief before setting Pinoko's order in front of her, ready to dig in.
Although the teens had more questions, they decided it was best not to pry and allow the woman to continue eating. The woman was a stranger and most likely new in town so it's probably better to allow her to adjust, especially since there was a chance that she may not be staying very long.
As Kagome was about to ask if there were any good priced motels she could stay at during her vacation, the bell from the door sounded before hearing a male voice greet everyone with false politeness. With the greeting, the atmosphere grew a little tense. Turning to see who had everyone grow so tense, Kagome gave a surprise pause at who she was seeing.
Brown trench coat, matching hat, round thick framed glasses, strong chin, black hair with thick sideburns, and a very… very petite handlebar mustache. There was only one man she and her family knew with that appearance but she couldn't be completely sure since it had been three years since she last saw the middle aged man and his family.
When his eyes met hers, the miko surgeon could see the recognition in his eyes before she stood and greeted with a rueful smile while gaining everyone else's attention, "it's been almost three years since we last saw each other, Tomobiki-san. My family and I are hurt that you hadn't visited us again."
Yes, a cliffhanger. I know I'm being mean in stopping the chapter at such a place and after how long it's been since I last updated but after this, I need to start gathering ideas for where I want to take this.
Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this, especially ChocolateBunnyChan, who also has a Black Jack xover posted as well. I'll do my best to update again when I get the chance or when I finally get some good ideas gathered for this fic.^^
Other Reference
1) 21 to 21.5 –Japanese conversion of U.S./Canada 5 to 5½ in ladies' footwear; 21 = 5, 21.5 = 5½.