Disclaimer: I do not own the animes or mangas of Black Jack or Inuyasha. They belong to their rightful owners.
AN: This idea of a crossover came to me when I was talking to Beautiful Phantom and she said that she had thought about making a Black Jack/Inuyasha Crossover and lit me have an idea she had made concerning a robbery and Kagome have a fear of blood while also getting sick from the sight of it. But, as I saw the first two episodes, I decided to make my own that really didn't involve Kagome getting sick from the sight of blood while fearing it.
I just can't imagine her ending up that way after all hell she went through in the Sengoku Jidai from killing demons and seeing so many bloodied battlefields. Sorry Beautiful Phantom.
As for those who don't know what Black Jack is, trust me when I say that it's a really good medical anime series despite that it's art is very similar to Cyborg 009 or any of those other old but classic anime.
Hope you guys enjoy this.
AN2: On another note, for those of you who are interested in adopting what I have written so far on my last idea for a Black Jack/Inuyasha Crossover, just send me a PM or Email to tell me that you're interested and I'll send it over to you, but only if you have a working email account.
Category: Crossover
Anime(s)/Manga(s): Black Jack/Inuyasha
Genre: Romance/drama (maybe)/Humor/Spiritual
Pairing: Black Jack/Kagome
Summary: Now twenty-eight and a licensed doctor for humans AND animals, Kagome takes a boating trip with her friends, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi, but is tossed overboard because of a storm they sailed into and was washed up on shore of a beach. A certain doctor and his child assistant find her barely alive on a beach. Will a friendship come of this meeting between Kagome and her savior? Or will it be something more?
Chapter One
It was a nice sunny day with a good breeze blowing through Kagome's long black tresses as she took in the view of the sea. The salty air smelled great with the sound of the waves crashing against the rock crops nearby. Kagome felt at ease being out at sea with no worries. Only problem was… she wasn't alone.
To her displeasure, she was out there with her friends, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi.
Kagome could tolerate her old high school friends, no problem with Eri and Yuka still bothering her every now and then about her love life, despite her current occupation but Kagome tended to ignore them when it came to that subject. Ayumi had stopped bothering her about that after it had grown a bit old and took the hint that Kagome wasn't interested in dating, since her current job hardly left any time for herself.
What made her so called 'vacation' just plain boring though was that, her high school admirer and was actually the owner of the boat they were on, Hojo was there.
After seven years, he still tries asking her out so many times and even asked her to marry him once after he had graduated from medical school a year or two after her.
Yes, because Kagome wanted to help people in any way she could, the young miko decided to become a doctor. Just like her mother wanted. But unfortunately, because of her absences from her last year of Junior High backed by her grandfather's bogus diseases, Hojo became a doctor as well.
The only difference between her and the not so bright boy was that Kagome became an established surgeon while he was a physician's assistant at the same hospital Kagome worked at.
As for Kagome's friends, Eri and Yuka were nurses for the children's hospital that was built just across the street while Ayumi became an obstetrician (1) at the women's center of the hospital Kagome worked at.
Right now, with Kagome taking her vacationing time, her friends offered her to – more like made her – come boating with them for a vacation. After she was packed, it was Ayumi who told her that Hojo was going to be there.
So here she was, trying to make the best out of the vacation while doing her best to tolerate Hojo and her last two matchmaking friends, Yuka and Eri.
Kagome could feel Hojo's eyes on her as he stirred the boat, her back turned to him while Eri was below deck, getting drinks (most likely wine or brandy), Yuka was catching a tan and Ayumi was sitting next to her, reading a book she had packed.
The young miko soon felt a gust of cool air carried on by the warm breeze as Eri came up from below and asked, "Is a storm coming in?" In her hands were four wine glasses and an unopened bottle of red wine as she looked to where some dark clouds were looming over the cerulean sea.
Looking in the same direction as her, Hojo spoke, "it's probably going to be a slight drizzle. It won't ruin our vacation so there's nothing to worry about." He sounded like he knew that he couldn't be wrong.
But Kagome knew better…
Those clouds with the coolness of the wind that blew in their way with the warm breeze showed that there was going to be a bad storm, if not a hurricane.
Caring less about the clothes she had packed, Kagome tied her bag, which held her wallet and such, securely so that nothing would fall out and shouldered the bag.
"Kagome, why are you shouldering you bag? Hojo said that it's probably a slight drizzle. There's nothing to worry about." Yuka said but Kagome didn't listen to her, knowing that sometimes a man doesn't have all the answers and also knew that Hojo couldn't read and predict weather like she could.
Ayumi knew better too. Seeing Kagome gather her important personals, she started to securely pack her personal belongings too, knowing first hand that Kagome's hunches with the weather were usually right. And she wasn't going to take a chance about doubting her friend now.
Yuka, Eri, and Hojo thought that they were just being paranoid but thought wrong when a storm had indeed hit them with waves crashing onto the deck with Hojo trying to control the boat while the girls were trying to keep themselves from going overboard.
A huge wave then hit them, catching Kagome off guard and throwing her overboard. Every time she surfaced, each wave hit her making her go under and tumbling her with the currents. The last thing she heard before blacking out from her lack of oxygen and being carried away by the sea was the sound of her friends and Hojo calling out her name over the crashing waves and rain.
Later that day, after the storm, the sun was bright as Black Jack and Pinoko were taking a walk along the beach until Pinoko began to feel faint, telling Black Jack, "Doc… I don't feel so well…"
After he rested a hand on her forehead, the unlicensed doctor confirmed that she was right before suggesting, "Let's head back home and get you to bed."
As the doctor knelt down to pick her up so they could make their way back to the car, Pinoko caught sight of someone lying on the beach close to the water, soaked to the bone. Gasping in shock and surprise, she pointing ahead where the person was lying, "Doc, look! Someone was washed up on the beach!"
Black Jack looked into the direction his charge was pointing to and found the person she saw. After they had quickly made it to the person's side, Black Jack noticed that it was a woman before turning her onto her back.
He then checked her vitals, only hearing a faint heartbeat while the woman wasn't breathing. After tilting the girl's head back and pinched her nose closed, he started to perform CPR.
At the third time he had breathed into her mouth, the girl started coughing up the water that she had breathed into her lungs and turned over onto her side toward him. Once she was able to breathe again, exhaustion kicked in before she became unconscious.
Turning toward Pinoko, who held a look of worry despite being a little flushed from her fever, Black Jack suggested that they take to young woman with them to make sure that she was okay. Letting young Pinoko climb onto his back, Black Jack picked the woman up into his arms, absently thinking how light she felt.
After they had made it back to the car, the dark clothed doctor let Pinoko down so that she could open the door to the backseat for him.
Once he had set the girl to lie down in the backseat, Black Jack let Pinoko in so that she could watch the woman while he drove back to their home where he could take a better look at her.
Yes, another Crossover made but I couldn't help myself. After watching the movie (or OVA, I'm not sure what I had seen) on the Sci-Fi channel one Monday night I just became hooked and tried to find everything I could about the series. And after Beautiful Phantom told me about her idea of a Black Jack/Inuyasha Crossover and let me do one of my own, I started typing one after finding the TV series of Black Jack.
For those who want to see the series, go to realitylapse(.)com and look under the "B" section of their anime listings. The series is only in Japanese with English subtitles but the voices suit the characters awesomely and the series being drawn in such a classic way similar to Astro Boy makes it that much more interesting.
Hope you guys enjoyed this new Crossover.
Reviews with ideas and suggestions are welcome.
Flamers with their flames, don't give me your shit if you don't want mine. If you don't like this fic, then don't bother giving me a hint of what you think if it's not positive.
Until next time.
But before that, here's the definition for "obstitrician".
Obstetrician – a doctor who specializes in obstetrics or the branch of medical science concerning childbirth, as well as caring for and treating women in or in connection with childbirth.