Can I Keep You

Chapter 1


Kagome frowned as the fresh breeze coming into the carriage hit her face in passing.

It was a nice, warm spring day, and yet she was feeling as cold as ice.

She and her parents were on the way to get acquainted once more with her fiancé's family, who lived in the western lands while her family lived in the east..

Of course, she didn't remember a thing about her fiancé or his family, but for some reason, she felt as if she wasn't going to like him one bit.

She knew that his name was InuYasha and that he was the same age as her.

She'd been told that he had long silver hair, amber eyes, he was hanyou, and little doggy ears on top of his head.

"Great, a dog," Kagome said. "If I don't like him, I can just throw him a bone…maybe it'll hit him in the head…"

The carriage approached the castle grounds and Kagome had to admit…she was impressed.

The castle's size rivaled her family's castle back home.

And the trees and bushes and other plants…they appeared to be kept in good condition, just starting to flower in the early spring.

And the lake that she saw made it all the more beautiful.

Of course, it was about the same as her home was, but she was impressed.

She hated the thought of getting married….especially to somebody that she didn't even really know.

All she knew was that her parent's word on this decision was final, and that nothing she said could change a thing in their minds about it.

Shouldn't a young maiden such as herself be free to make her own choices about who to pursue…at least when she got a bit older than she was now?

Kagome glared over at her parents and they only smiled over at her warmly.

She rolled her eyes.

The town surrounding the castle was wonderful, so full of life.

It reminded of her of the town by her castle back home.

They obviously loved their rulers, the royal family.

"Lord Sesshomaru is so…dashing!" Kagome heard one of the town girls say in an excited voice.

"Yes, he is!" another girl said. "But that look in his eyes…it's so cold...but so cool!"

"His father is a dish, too! Their long silver hair and amber eyes is a carried family trait that's so catching," one girl said."

"Doesn't he have a younger brother?"

"Yes," the other girl said. "I think his name is…InuYasha. I haven't seen him before, but I have heard that he has quite the temper. He has not yet been introduced to the townspeople. I wonder why…"

"I heard it was because of his bad behavior and all around conduct," another girl spoke.

The carriage had been riding by quite slowly, so Kagome heard their whole conversation.

"I've heard that he's a trouble maker, unlike lord Sesshomaru. And doesn't he have a human for a mother?"

"You didn't know that the Lady of the house was a human?"

"Yes, I did know, I just didn't know that he was her son at first."

"Lady Izayoi is so beautiful. I wish to be just like her someday."

"Yes, she is most beautiful. And she's so very kind. I wonder what it's like to be her!"

'Great,' Kagome thought. 'Just what I need…An irascible mutt for a husband…"

She saw somebody standing outside of the castle, a man and a boy, both with long silver hair.

"Is that InuYasha?" Kagome asked more to herself than to her parents as she leaned forward in the hopes of getting a better look at him.

"Yes," her mother spoke. "That is the young man we expect for you to treat with honorable civility meeting him today, and every day before and after your marriage that you see him."

Kagome snorted.

"What if he doesn't…treat me with honorable civility?" Kagome asked.

"You'll have to make due. Kagome, you know that you are already walking a thin line with us due to your conduct. And we have already alerted you as to what will happen if you act badly on this trip," her father said.

"Yeah, sure," Kagome said.

InuYasha saw the carriage entering the castle grounds.

A girl appeared to be looking their way.

"Is that the girl you're forcing me to marry?" InuYasha asked.

"Making you do what is expected of you doing as a prince of these lands is not forcing you, it is guiding you in the right direction," his father, the Inu no Taisho, told him.

"It's all the same to me," InuYasha said.

"No, it is not all the same, InuYasha," his father spoke. "This is a good match, you and young lady Kagome. All will be worthwhile."

"I don't want to get married," InuYasha said. "Look at her. I can see her from here; she's ugly, looks like an ugly duckling. You expect me to wake up next to that everyday of my life after getting married?"

His father looked at him, surprised at what he said.

"That's it," his father spoke. "You are getting married to that girl and that is final!"

The carriage came to a halt in front of them.

InuYasha's father gave him a light kick in the leg and InuYasha stepped up to the carriage and held out his hand.

He was frowning.

His father gave him another kick in the leg and he pasted on a fake smile.

Kagome rolled her eyes and sighed.

Her father cleared his throat.

She looked over at him and he had that, 'You better do what you're supposed to do,' look.

She put on a fake smile, too.

He cleared his throat again and Kagome accepted InuYasha's hand in help out of the carriage.

Kagome was a couple of inches taller than InuYasha and she had to look down on him just a bit.

She sized him up.

He had long silver hair like she'd been told, amber eyes that looked a bit hostile at the moment, and twitching little doggy ears on top of his head.

She saw right through his little smile.

Kagome knew that he wasn't enjoying this any more than she was.

Another kick in the leg from InuYasha's father and he bowed low before kissing Kagome's hand.

Kagome turned her hand the other way and made a gagging indication.

InuYasha did the same.

Kagome's father cleared his throat again.

She glared at him momentarily before addressing the boy in front of her.

"I am very…delighted to meet you, InuYasha. I am Kagome, your future wife," she said before doing a little curtsy.

InuYasha's father kicked him in the leg again.

"I am very…pleased to meet you, Kagome. As you know, I am InuYasha, your future husband," he said before bowing again.

'This whole thing is so stupid,' Kagome thought.

'This whole thing is stupid,' InuYasha thought.

"So InuYasha," his father said. "What do you think of your future wife?"

"I think need to look up just to see this stick, and when I do look up, the glass in a mirror would break into pieces like the spots on her face," InuYasha said.

Kagome heard what he said.

"Excuse me? Are you indicating that I am overly tall?"

"No, of course not," InuYasha said. "I said you were overly tall, ugly, and had lots of freckles."

Their parent's mouths hung wide open.

"InuYasha, that is no way to talk to your future wife," his father said.

"No girl in her right mind would ever want a short little rude mutt like you. I'm afraid I'd get fleas. Excuse me; I have to go wash my hand because it's dirty from just touching you."

"Kagome," her father spoke. "That is no way to talk to the man who is going to be your husband!"

"But why do I have to marry him?" Kagome asked through clenched teeth as she glared daggers at the hanyou boy in front of her.

"Don't worry," InuYasha barked out. "I don't want to marry you either!"

The two glared at each other.

Their parents were standing by, wondering if a fight would start and wondering who would make the first move.

The young prince and princess had been betrothed to be married since they were babies.

That's when they first met.

And even then, they had hated each other.

The baby Kagome yanked at baby InuYasha's hair and InuYasha retorted by trying to scratch her eyes out.

And now, meeting at the age of twelve, they hated each other with a passion.

"Like I'd want to marry a dog eared mutt like you!"

"Like I'd want to marry an ugly duckling like you!"

Kagome did look like an ugly duckling now.

She was unusually tall, definitely not filled out in any of the right places, and she had many freckles.

"Oh just shut up dog boy!"


"You jerk!"

"Quack quack quack!"

"Stupid Hanyou!"

"Pathetic human!"

"You freaking mongrel idiot!"

And with that, she stormed away towards the carriage that awaited her.

She hopped in and stuck her head out, looking at her parents.

"Well are you coming?" She asked, sounding bossy.

She hadn't meant to sound like this, but she couldn't help it.

That Inuyasha had really got her steamed!

Kagome and InuYasha's parents exchanged apologies for their children's behavior and went their separate ways.

Kagome looked out of the back window, looking back at that castle that the hated one lived in.

She now hated that place almost as much as she hated him.

She could see that he was still standing out front, talking with his father, though she couldn't tell what they were saying.

"Kagome," her father spoke sternly. "I am afraid that your…actions, your etiquette, attitude, and your use of tongue has been quite inadequate lately…"

"Daddy, it's just us in the carriage. Please speak in a language I can understand," Kagome said in an irk manner.

He sighed.

"See, that attitude of yours is going to get you in trouble, young lady," he said. "Kagome, your mother and I have been discussing something…"

"Hey, I'm not really in it," her mother broke in.

"She's your child, too," the lord of the eastern lands spoke.

"True, but this is your idea, you take the credit," the lady of the eastern lands spoke firmly.

"What are you two talking about? Kagome asked in an annoyed tone.

"Kagome, like I said, your actions, e…What was that middle one?"

"I think you said etiquette before dear. Honestly, you're thirty two years old and you already can't remember things," his wife said with a shake of her head.

"I'm still twenty five," he told her, though he knew better.

Kagome laughed at him.

Her father told the driver to start driving away from the castle now.

"I'll have you know that all the young ladies in the kingdom still love me. Now back to what I was saying…Kagome, your actions, etiquette, and your attitude have been quite inadequate lately. You have not been acting as a princess is expected to act. We tried to teach you what you needed to know, but I see now that our efforts have been in vain. You knew that you were treading in deep water already, close to getting this punishment, and your behavior with your fiancé today proved that this must be done. So…"

InuYasha stood there with his father.

"InuYasha, you have not been behaving the way a young prince such as yourself is expected to. Your derisory demeanor has been causing problems and now you have stepped on bad footing with your bride to be. This cannot be allowed. I have given this great thought and I have come up with a feasible solution to our problem."

"What are you talking about?" Kagome and InuYasha asked at the same time.

"Young lady," Kagome's father said.

"Young man," InuYasha's father said.

"You are going to Finishing School," both fathers said at the same time.

Kagome looked from her father to her mother.

"Daddy…you…you're joking, right?" Kagome asked, laughing nervously.

Her mother shook her head.

"You're…sending me to a prissy prim school?"

Both of her parents nodded.

"Dad, you've got to be kidding right?" InuYasha said hopefully.

"I'm afraid not, son," the Inu no Taisho spoke.

"It can't be true. Finishing School is for girls, and in case you haven't noticed….I AM NOT A GIRL!"

"Boys can attend Finishing School as well, and you are going to."

"So…you're not joking?" Kagome and InuYasha asked at the same time.

The carriage with Kagome and her parents inside had almost reached the front gates of the castle grounds.

"I'm afraid not," Kagome's father said.

"I am completely serious," InuYasha's father said.

Object horror registered on Kagome's face as it did on InuYasha's.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" both youth's yelled at the same time.

Their yells were heard all throughout the castle grounds.

Kagome collapsed dramatically on her seat.

InuYasha's stumbled back and fell onto the ground.

"Lift the tea cup gently to your lips and now sip, don't…" she began.

Sango slurped her tea.

"Slurp," the teacher finished.

"Oh, I'm sorry teacher," Sango said in her most sugarcoated voice.. "I shall try not to do it again."

"I'm sure you won't," the teacher said as she turned around.

Kagome laughed.

"Now lift the tea to your lips again and…"

"Ah!" Kagome said as she spilled hot tea all over herself.

"Kagome, are you okay?" Sango asked.

"I'm…going…to…kill…InuYasha…for…disrupting me into behaving badly in front of my parents!" Kagome yelled.

"Young lady," her teacher spoke. "Be quiet."'

She then turned her back to them.

Kagome got stuck in Finishing School, but luck was with her when her cousin, who just happened to be her best friend, Sango ended up going with her.

"Young lady," Kagome mimicked in a low, mocking voice. "Be quiet."

Sango laughed, but straightened her back and put on a straight face when their teacher turned around.

The teacher then turned around the other way again.

"Now, the lesson for learning how to properly drink tea is now over for the day," the teacher said. "Now, we shall work on learning how to properly cross your legs, and you'll learn just why it is necessary to do so."

"I'm not sure I'm going to want to hear this," Kagome said.

"Turn your chairs to face me and watch me as I do it first," the teacher said as she sat down in front of them. "Cross your right leg gently over your left leg. Make sure that your legs are folded tightly together. Now we wouldn't want any young men to see your upper legs or your…"

Kagome squeezed her hands over her ears.

"Please, no more!" Kagome cried.

"The torture, the torture!" Sango said dramatically.

"Skin," the teacher finished.

Kagome blinked twice before removing her hands from her ears.

"Wait…that was all you were going to say?" Kagome asked.

The teacher looked at her as if she were crazy.

"Yes…what did you two think I was going to say?"

"Oh…nothing, nothing at all," Sango hurried to say. "We knew that you were going to say skin all along."

They both began to laugh nervously.

Honestly, they'd known their teacher to say really bold and outright blatant, disturbing things.

But this time, she did nothing of the sort, much to their relief.

"That is all the time we have for today," the teacher said. "You two run along…in a ladylike way."

Kagome and Sango hurried around the corner, but poked their heads back around so that they could watch their teacher without her knowing.

That was when they saw the woman pull a forty ounce of only God knew what kind of alcoholic beverage out of her desk.

"No wonder she's always…well you know," Sango said.

"Kagome's… me into this!" InuYasha yelled. "I'm going to kill her for this!"

His teacher hit him on the head with a paper fan and glared at him before continuing on.

"Now, young men, you shall learn swordsmanship, dancing, horseback riding…"

And that was when InuYasha decided to tune it out.

"Wait, did you say I'll be learning the smooth moves to dance with the ladies?" Miroku asked hopefully.

Miroku had been InuYasha's best friend for as long as he could remember.

But Miroku had also been a bit…perverted…ever since he could remember, too.

The teacher laughed.

"Ha. Young man, with my dance moves, the ladies won't be able to resist you," the teacher said.

"Oh, I'm sure he has to beat them off of him with a stick," InuYasha said sarcastically.

"They'll be chasing after you, so be sure to carry a stick," the teacher said.

"I bet he tries to get a date with the ladies so they start chasing after him with sticks," InuYasha said.

InuYasha and Miroku started laughing.

"Enough!" the teacher said as he clapped his hands together just before the wind coming from the open windows blew his toupee made of horsehair off of his head.

InuYasha and Miroku laughed even harder.

"On second thought," InuYasha laughed. "Maybe I'll have to thank Kagome for getting me into this."

"You two little vagrants will stay here for two more hours, learning how to properly address people. And then you will learn how to properly clean a room from ceiling to floor," the teacher said.

"On second thought," InuYasha said. "I'm still gonna have to kill her."

Day after day, the young prince and princess excelled in their studies, much against their own wills.

They became better at becoming what their parents had wanted, at least on the outside.

But they still very much blamed each other for what they now had to do.

They were betrothed and each hated the idea of spending the rest of their lives with each other.

But could you blame them?

They really did get off to a bad start, didn't they.

But now, the real question is, will things get worse?