Summary: Even Hope needs a bit of hope as the Shadow of Mordor lengthens. Aragorn finds his hope in the birth of a child.

Aenil in Estel

Chapter 5

Aragorn smiled when he spotted the Last Homely Home nestled deeply in the valley of Rivendell. Even though he had arranged to meet Gandalf here in a day or two, which probably meant some bad news for him, he was glad to be home again. He patted his horse's neck, before gently digging his heels in her sides to spur her on. Before long he had led the horse over the bridge and rode into the courtyard of the house.

'Ada!' a small voice exclaimed as he dismounted. He turned around just in time to prevent the small blur of energy to immobilize his legs, instead catching it in his arms and lifting up the giggling child.

'Arianna,' he muttered in reply, holding the child an arm-length away from him to study her. 'Le galonniel ir im únoant sí,' he observed. (You have grown while I was not here) 'Berantech úgalathoch arnin heb.' (You promised you wouldn't without me around) This caused his daughter's giggles to increase and he smiled, drawing her close. Her small arms automatically wrapped around his neck as he held her tightly to him. 'Anírant an le.' (Wished for you)

'Anírant an le sui eithel,' the girl replied sincerely. (Wished for you as well) Her grey eyes bright, the light in them making them appear almost silver. Aragorn smiled at her and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head as he sifted her to perch on his hip. Slowly made his way to the house, an Elf had by now come to tend to his horse.

'Hannon le,' he remembered to call over his shoulder, receiving a smile and nod from the Elf leading the horse away to the stables.

'Aenil, where are you?' A fair voice suddenly rang through the courtyard. Aragorn looked up and nearly dropped Arianna. He tightened his arms and bit his bottom lip to keep from gaping. Before him stood the maiden he had thought to be a dream. His heart both pulled and jumped, missing a beat. He blamed his heart for loving so deeply still after losing Aerin but five years ago.

'This my ada, Arwen,' Arianna offered, causing the maiden to smile as she walked down the steps to reach them.

'Thisis my father,' She corrected, touching the girl's nose.

'This is my father,' Arianna repeated dutifully. Amazement striking Aragorn at the realisation no one ever thought of teaching the girl Westron.

'Mae govannen, Aragorn Arathonion,' Arwen answered, turning her attention to Aragorn.

'Mae govannen hiril Arwen, geil querar na dú ir le thio,' Aragorn replied, bowing as best as he could with Arianna still happily perched on his hip. (The stars turn to dimness when you appear) The blush spreading on her cheeks was strangely satisfying to see, especially when she quickly turned her attention back to Arianna.

'Let us grant your father some time to freshen up. He must be tired from his journey here,' Arwen told the girl. And she was right. By now the sun was setting, supper would soon be served and he could feel the day on his horse. Arianna obediently held her hands out to Arwen, but the Elleth shook her head. 'You can walk perfectly well yourself.'

Arianna made a face and clung to Aragorn's clothes now. He had trouble keeping his laughter from showing. He carefully pried the little hands lose and place Arianna back on the ground. 'The Lady Arwen is right,' he told her, switching to common for the first time. 'You can walk for yourself. How about you go off and play and I'll see you at dinner.'

Arianna pouted, but slipped her hand in Arwen's anyway. Aragorn smiled and bowed at the two. 'My ladies,' he grinned, before entering the house for a long soak in a hot bath to sooth his aching muscles.

Arwen watched him leave and still stared after him when he had long disappeared from view in the house. Arianna giggled and tugged on Arwen's hand. She snapped out of her daze and looked down at the girl, shaking her head slightly at the mischievous face. 'Come let us find Bilbo, he might have a story for you,' she informed the child. Arianna looked positively delighted at the suggestion and skipped along on Arwen's hand.

Elrohir smiled and closed the door behind him again. He quickly made his way to the family's private dining-room. Elrond looked up at his lonely appearance, causing Elrohir's smile to turn into a large grin.

'Estel will not be joining us to break fast, Ada. He has found himself otherwise occupied,' Elrohir informed him.

'Oh,' his father replied, raising an eyebrow at the younger twin. Elrohir felt like laughing and noticed he had caught his brother and sister's attention as well.

'The little one has been dreaming again,' the Elf answered the unspoken question. 'They looked too peaceful to be awoken.'

A smile now appeared on the other Elven faces as well. Too little could Arianna seek comfort from her father and it was only too precious a time when she could to disturb it with trifle matters like breakfast.

A soft knock on the door of his study had the Elf-Lord look up from the stack of papers he had been working on. He had requested not to be disturbed, unless the matter was of importance. Yet the knock suggested this was not the case for this matter. For a moment he considered sending the person away, but the amount of papers still demanding his attention and the amount of papers already passed through his hands convinced him of his need for a break. 'Come in,' he called eventually.

The door opened and he felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth when his foster-son stepped in. Aragorn looked much better than he had at dinner last night, convincing him Elrohir had made the right decision to let them sleep this morning. The proud ranger would never have admitted it, but Elrond had seen the exhaustion in his eyes. Now he looked much more alert and hi eyes were brighter too, only making the guilt in them stand out all the more. Obviously he had been warned about the 'do not disturb'-request.

'Sit,' he gestured to the chair in front of his desk. He stood up himself and walked over to a small table next to the balcony doors. On it stood a tray with some delicate crystal goblets and a decanter filled with Miruvor. 'Do not look so guilty, I admit the break is much welcome,' Elrond smiled as he poured two goblets Miruvor. Aragorn accepted the goblet and took a sip. 'Now to what do I owe this blessed interruption?'

'Arianna,' Aragorn replied and grinned when he noticed his foster-father's expression. 'It's not what you're thinking. I have a, maybe somewhat, unusual request.'

The Elf-Lord's eyebrows raised and he nodded for Aragorn to continue. He sipped his Miruvor as he watched the ranger ponder the best way to voice his request.

'I am confident Arianna is safe within Imladris. But I cannot deny her the world outside the valley. I cannot deny her, her people,' Aragorn explained.

'No one expects you to, ion nin,' Elrond replied. 'Many rangers visit the house so she will not be deprived of mortal company. Sometimes they bring children to provide playmates of her own age and people.'

'I know and I am very grateful for that. But she will also need to know how we live. If I do not live to see the end of this age, it has been decided among the Dúnedain to accept Arianna as my heir. She should not have to learn our ways of living while also having to lead.'

'A wise decision, but I see no unusual request,' Elrond inquired.

'Once she's old enough, I shall not deny her travelling freely between Imladris and the camp. But an escort demands men we can't spare and attracts attention. She would be pointed out as important. Also we cannot always spare the men needed to protect her if our camp is discovered and attacked. I wish her not to have to be dependant on others for her protections all her life,' Aragorn finished the explanation and hesitated for a moment. 'I was six when I started my sword-training,' he added.

Elrond thought he could make a fairly good guess where this conversation was leading. But he judged it best to let Aragorn finish the request himself. He eyed the man across from him intently. Aragorn took a deep breath to carefully voice his request. 'I wanted to ask you if it is possible to teach her as I have been taught. That way she'll be able to defend herself if necessary.'

'Arianna's return to the Dúnedain is much on our mind, as well as her safety when the time comes. Though indeed an education in arms is unusual for a girl. I admit the way of the Dúnedain is different from any other and both men and women have the need for basic handling of arms to protect the children. I shall ask Glorfindel if he can spare the time for a new student.'

Aragorn smiled relieved. 'Hannon le, Ada. I am in your deb.'

'I disagree,' the Elf replied with a twinkle in his eyes. 'But if you feel you are, maybe you could repay me by helping me clear away these papers.'

Aragorn laughed and shook his head. 'I would if I had but the time. I hate to admit having arranged to meet Gandalf and he is due here tomorrow. I have a feeling his request will have me on long journeys again and I would like to spend some time with my daughter before that. Though I shall not leave before a week has passed.'

'Arianna is of opinion that six is by far old enough to learn how to ride a horse,' Elrond replied. A smile appeared when Aragorn looked at him inquisitively. 'There are some ponies in the stables and your first saddle has been polished. Arwen and the twins offered to teach her, but I believe she would love it all the more if you had the chance first.'

Aragorn smiled in reply and placed the drained goblet on the desk before he stood. 'Again I thank you. I truly would help. Should I send El and El up to help in my stead? They are Lords of Imladris as well.'

'Your brothers are hiding behind the family stables, fletching arrows until I have finished. Lords of Imladris they are only when it suits them.'

The two shared a laugh and Aragorn left as Elrond returned his attention to his work. The pile of papers now seemed smaller than they had before the conversation and he decided he might finish them before the end of the afternoon after all.

A/N:Hope you enjoyed this new chapter. Please review and let me know what you think.