Author's Note: Whoah another chapter. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed. Ya'll are the bomb :) Quickie recap: Jenny and Faith used Polyjuice Potion, so Jenny is Cormac, and Faith is a random fifth year Ravenclaw dude named Patrick Hacket. They were planning on using a mistletoe (enchanted, so that the people under the mistletoe had to kiss or else bad luck would haunt them until they do kiss, blahblahblah) for Harry and Hermione to kiss and possibly fall in love, and all that mushy gushy stuff. If you're really lost, you should probably read the previous chapter or something -- it's not that long. This chapter isn't that long either but yeah.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, but I do own Jenny, Faith, Patrick Hacket, and Seth (Seth isn't in this chapter, so he doesn't really count. Sorry, Seth)

Delusional First Years: Mission HHr

Objective 4.0: Bingo

"Harry! HARRY!"

Hermione's scream was too loud for my eardrums. Well, they were Cormac's eardrums, but whatever. They were mine for now. Muahaha. So Harry, who was apparently across the room or something, looked around and searched the crowd until his green eyes found Hermione. The way he smiled at her was kind of cute.

But the way that he was taking in her beautiful appearance was even cuter.

Luna Lovegood, who was talking to Professor Trelawney and whose arm was hooked with Harry's, was pulled across the room as Harry rushed to Hermione. "Wow," he said. "You look...nice."

Hermione blushed, and Harry gave me a wary look. I was apparently smiling or doing something un-Cormac-like, so I quickly changed that by clearing my throat and wiping the stupid smile off of my stupid face. "Thank you, Harry," Hermione said gently. "You don't look so bad yourself."

And she was pretty dang right.

Harry, who was kind of attractive in the first place, appeared to be about a year older in his dressing robes, which were green and brought out the color of his eyes. I shook my head, trying to ignore my feminine side. The music was quieter than I had expected it to be, but the decorations were more elegant than I could have ever imagined. Red and green were blinding my eyes, not only from the decorations, but from everyone's outfits. Luna's yellow dress stuck out like a sore thumb, which didn't really help the blinding thing.

However, my attention was drawn back to Harry and Hermione for moment. They were talking about whatever sixth years talked about, I guess, and I could certainly see the -- what was the word? Cormac used it a lot. Oh, yeah -- sexual tension. I smiled to myself, admiring my own maturity that was able to comprehend the phrase.

"Jenny," I heard a stiff whisper from behind me.

"AH! Who's there?!" I exclaimed in my most girlish voice, jumping with fright.

Almost half of the guests at the party turned their heads and stared at me. Cormac was going to kill me once he heard about how "he" had screamed like a girl randomly at a highly populated party. Although the guests returned to whatever they were doing, I could hear them whispering about the previous disturbance. Hermione, however, waved away what I had just done, because she had apparently seen weirder things and was not easily embarassed.

"It's me," the whispering voice said again.

I turned around to see Patrick Hacket. Well, really, he was Faith in disguise, but whatever. The girl that Faith had originally walked to the party with was now lost in a group of giggling girls.

"Thank God she's gone," Faith said with a sigh of relief. "She was about to burst one of her lungs from giggling."

"Too bad that didn't actually happen," I said, becoming annoyed from those giggling girls even from a distance.

"Um, Cormac?" Hermione's soft voice interupted our conversation. She coughed loudly. "I'm going to hang out with Harry for a bit, do you mind?"

I attempted to stop my smile, but I honestly couldn't help myself. "Of course I don't mind!" I said happily. She gave me an awkward glare as Harry led her to another area of the enlarged office.

"Bingo," Faith said.

"Bingo? What the -- "

"It's a Muggle saying for success," she explained impatiently. "Come on, I've got the mistletoe..."

It wasn't until ten minutes and a weird conversation with Professor Slughorn later that we were able to find Harry and Hermione. They were in the least-populated area of the office, talking about a kid named Malfoy.

"I'm telling you, Hermione, he's onto something -- "

"You're getting too skeptical about these things! This is a bloody Christmas party! We're supposed to be normal teenagers for once, relaxing and hanging out with our friends," Hermione said, the softness in her voice slightly faded.

Faith gave me a worried glance, but I tried to stay as confident as possible (the sky was the limit when it came to my confidence, after all).

"Are Harry and Hermione even going to bother with a mistletoe above them?" Faith asked. I shrugged to myself, grasped the mistletoe from my pocket, and placed it at the center of my palm. "And are you sure that you've got the charm down?"

"You worry too much," was my reply. "You're gonna die of a heart attack one day, I swear."

"Geez, thanks, Jenny. I love your support," Faith whispered. "And you're gonna die of murder when I get sick and tired of your -- "

I covered her mouth with my hand, which stopped her from talking for a bit until --

"Ouch! What the bloody hell was that for?" I said, trying to keep the volume of my voice the lowest as possible. Faith had bit my hand. I mean, seriously, what kind of civilized witch does that?

"You didn't let me finish my sentence," she whispered. I could see her trying to fight back a smile.

I pointed my wand away from the mistletoe for moment, pointing it threateningly at Patrick Hacket's face, then back at the mistletoe. "Wingardium leviosa!"

The mistletoe, with red sparkles gently falling from it before they evaporated into the atmosphere a few centimeters down, levitated into the air without notice from Harry nor Hermione.

"I wish that I could be a normal teenager, too, Harry -- "

"You are!"

"No, I'm not! I've been helping you with everything. Or at least, I've been trying to. You push me away," Hermione said as I concentrated on setting the mistletoe a perfect distance above, yet between, the two sixth years.

Harry was silent for a moment, which meant he was thinking, which meant then that either two things would happen: he was going to say something awkward, yet sweet, or all hell was going to break loose. I closed my eyes once the mistletoe was settled correctly. I could hear Faith quietly applauding me.

"I just don't want you to get hurt," Harry said quietly.

"Harry -- " Hermione began.

Smiling, I kept my eyes closed.

"I mean, there's just so much danger nowadays -- "

"No, Harry, just look up."

My heart was about to explode. Or was it my brain? Or possibly both now, because I opened my eyes and both Harry and Hermione were staring at the mistletoe with reddened cheeks.

"It's enchanted," Hermione said.

"Bingo," I whispered to myself, without even realizing that I was using that stupid word. I knew that she would figure it out. Good ol' Hermione.

"Enchanted?" Harry asked, pulling out a wand and pointing it at the mistletoe.

Hermione laughed, her cheeks still red, as well as Harry's. "No, it's not really dangerous. Well, I mean, it's dangerous if -- if -- "

"If what?"

"It's just bad luck if...if-the-two-people-under-the-mistletoe-don't-kiss," Hermione said.

"Are you just saying that?" Harry asked curiously, examining her expression and lowering the wand in his hand and putting bak it in his pocket.

"No! No, of course I'm not!" Hermione defended. "I've read about these enchanted mistletoes to write an essay for extra credit in Herbology. It's nothing really, just a bit of bad luck if we walk away without kissing."

Liar. It was something really; I could see the hopefullness in her facial expression.

"Right," Harry said, awkwardly clearing his throat. "I don't need more bad luck, though."

Faith squeezed my wrist, trying to contain her excitement. I wished that the two teenagers could just suck it up and kiss, because first years only have so much patience.

"That's true," Hermione agreed. She was waiting for Harry to make the first move.

"So, should we just, like, kiss or something?" Harry asked, awkwardness written all over his voice and the way that he was brushing off invisible debris from his dress robes.

Hermione smiled and hesitantly nodded. And the world almost seemed to stop the moment that the gap between Harry's and Hermione's lips closed. I held back a squeal as Hermione's hands reached the back of Harry's neck and his hands cupped her face and they both deepened the kiss and I couldn't stop smiling to myself with satisfaction.

"What should we do now?" Faith whispered, her smile as wide as mine, as Harry and Hermione continued kissing. I turned on my heel and began walking back to the main scene of the party, and Faith followed behind.

I thought about Harry and Hermione, who were probably still lost in their kiss. I was expecting a little peck or something, but this...this was all a delusional first year could ask for.

Author's Note: This seems like the end, doesn't it? Well, I honestly don't know whether or not I should end this right now, or something. I could add a sequel, like 'Delusional First Years: Mission (enter mission name here)', which is my primary consideration right now. I'm not going to be like those writers like "omg i'll lyk totally end this if i dont get 25 reviews for this chapter". I would, though, appreciate what's written in your reviews: compliments, critique, suggestions, etc., as long as it's not flame. Please review, and please help me decide the fate of the plot :) I will consider all suggestions. Oh, and was my attempt at humor good? I'm kinda in a bad mood, so I would like to know if I made ya smile, like this smiley face :) I'll shut up now.