Losing You

Disclaimer: I don't own it.

I swear, I wrote this like a year before Bury Your Dead aired. Great minds, huh?

AU, set in season two before Hometown Hero.


Chapter One: Too Close to Home


Gibbs was awoken from his usual sleeping place – under his boat – by the harsh ringing of his cell phone. Stiffly, his muscles cramping from his uncomfortable bed, the NCIS agent rolled over and after some scrabbling, managed to locate the device amid his tools.

"Gibbs," he grunted, rubbing a hand over his eyes.

"Special Agent Gibbs, this is Detective Calhoon of Metro PD. We've just identified a blue 1990 Corvette involved in a fatal RTA tonight as belonging to one of your people, an Agent…"

Cold dread coursed through Gibbs, waking him more effectively than a bucket of ice water and a gallon of coffee.

"DiNozzo," he said quietly. "Is he ok? What happened?"

"The car went off the road and hit a tree between fifth and Jefferson. Gas tank ignited almost immediately; the driver had no chance to get out. There's no guarantee that it's your guy, but…"

"But it's his car, which makes this my case. Preserve the scene, detective. If any of the evidence is contaminated before my people get there…"

"I'm sorry, Agent Gibbs, but the scene has already been processed and the vehicle towed. It took us some time to ID the car."

"Then I want everything you have sent to NCIS immediately, including the body. I'll meet you at the scene in one hour to go over the sequence of events."

"I thought you might say that," replied Calhoon. "Evidence is on its way." He shook his head in disbelief when Gibbs hung up without another word. Man must be hell to work for, he thought.

Gibbs, however, was more concerned with calling Tony's cell, praying that he was alive and safe in some bar with a giggling blonde.

"Hey, this is Tony's phone," came the familiar cheery tones on the voicemail. "Leave a message and I'll get back to you; unless you're Gibbs, because then you're gonna kill me for not answering."

Gibbs cursed and tried his landline with the same result.

"Oh, Tony," he said aloud. "What have you got yourself into this time?"


"As you can see, Agent Gibbs," said Calhoon, gesturing to the tyre skid laid down by Tony's beloved classic car. "It seems pretty clear- cut. Tyre blew out around here, driver overcorrected the spin and this tree got in his way. Poor bastard was probably out cold before the fire started; at least I hope so."

"Witnesses? Security cameras?" Barked Gibbs.

"No witnesses, unless you count the guy who called 911. By the time he arrived the car was already in flames. Not much in the way of cameras around here either, but if you pull the tapes from the surrounding streets you might get him on his way, maybe figure out his route."

Tony's apartment was only four blocks over. Gibbs really hoped that was a coincidence, contrary to his usual assertion that there was no such thing. He made sure to make some noise as he entered so as not to startle Kate and McGee, who were already searching it.

"Find anything?" He asked abruptly.

"Tony owns every DVD ever made," said Kate. "Other than that, nothing. It's tidy; maybe the people who took him cleaned up after themselves?"

"Or maybe no one took him," said McGee. "There's a note on the fridge to the maid telling her he'll be back late and her money's in the usual place."

"That could just mean he hasn't been home," said Gibbs. "He mention any plans for tonight?"

"I think he said something about an old buddy being in town," said Kate. "They were going for a beer, but I don't know where. I wasn't really listening; you know how he gets."

"Yeah, Kate, I know. McGee, go back to the office and pull Tony's phone records. I want to know who he met and where they went."

"Yes, boss," said McGee, grabbing his bag and hurrying out.

"And make sure you take Abby some of that caffeine crap she likes," Gibbs called after his junior agent.

"Gibbs?" Kate asked, allowing her voice to tremble slightly. "Do you think…? Is he…?"

"I don't know where Tony is, Kate," he replied gently, before his voice hardened. "But I intend to find out. And if anyone's hurt him, they will pay." Looking into her boss' piercing blue eyes, Kate suddenly felt almost sorry for them.


The friend, Brett Saddler, had been an old college buddy Tony hadn't seen in years. They found him still in the bar where they'd met, well on his way to drinking himself into oblivion while drooling over an equally inebriated brunette. He could only tell them that Tony had left, alone, around eleven, after nursing a single beer for over an hour. He'd said he had work in the morning and if he showed up late or hungover his boss would fire his ass. The bartender confirmed Brett's story; and the two NCIS agents had no proof that the evidence wasn't as straightforward as it seemed.


"Tell me you have something, Ducky," said Gibbs, striding into autopsy where his friend was examining a set of dental x- rays intently.

"I do, Jethro," the ME said, his voice full of sorrow. "But it's not good. I'm afraid the x-rays indicate that it was indeed our Anthony in the driver's seat."


I can't help it. I have a certified medical condition known as Evil Cliffhanger Woman Syndrome (ECWS). The only known treatment is lots and lots of reviews…