Hay everyone! I know it's been a while. Sorry! I am back, and am working on quite a few stories. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know how I did!

Hiei carried Keiki in his arms as they all headed off to the nearest town. When they got there Kurma dragged both Hiei and Keiki all over the town pointing out different shops that they would have to stop at. He dragged both Hiei and Keiki into a clothing shop. They were greeted by a young panther demon who smiled shyly at them. The little girl giggled and called out for someone. An Elder panther come walking out, she smiled and ushered the little girl into the back room. "Hello, how can I help you?" she asked.

Kurama stepped forward, "Hello, we are shopping for this young lad." Kurama said ushering Keiki in front of him. "I don't think he has ever been fitted for clothing or bought close before. Also if you could hook up Mr. Dark and pouty here with some new clothing as well I would appreciate it." Kurama said pointing to Hiei as well. He smiled gave Hiei a peck on the cheek before leaving the tent promising to be back in an hour. Hiei stood there his eye brow twitching, and Keiki had moved to cling to Hiei's cloke.

About an hour later Hiei sat on a chair watching as the Shop keeper hand Keiki more and more clothing to try on. Next to him on another chair was a pile of clothing that had been picked out for both him and Keiki. He had about had it, when suddenly Kurama walked in carrying a bag himself. Hiei glared a bit at him, but Kurama just smiled. "How shopping for clothing going?" Kurama asked. Hiei rolled his eyes and pointed to the pile.

"What have you been doing?" Hiei asked. Kurama smiled at Hiei, he didn't say a word instead he started going though the clothing on the chair. A few minutes later the Pantherss proclaimed that she was done. Keiki hoped down from the stool that he had been standing on. He was smiling as he attacked himself once more on to Hiei's cloke. Kurama smiled and walked over to talk to the panther demon. He negotiated the price for the clothing before paying for the clothing. He put all of the clothing into a cloth bag that he brought with him and led the way out of the door. "So were to now?" Hiei asked. Kurama smiled and pointed at a show just down the road.

"To the toy store, and then we will head back home for lunch." Kurama said. Hiei let out a sigh of relief. Once they got to the store Kurama pushed Keiki in with a smile. "Alright Kaiki here is the deal, I have here a cloth bag you can get as many toys that will fit in it." Kurama said pulling out a Medium size cloth bag, and handing it to the boy. Keiki looked at the bag before moving into the store more. Kurama went over to talk to the shop owner. Hiei stood off to the side and watched Keiki.

Keiki walked deeper in to the store, he looked over a lot of the toys but hand picked up a single one. He glanced over the shelves of dolls, trucks, until he saw the shelf with puzzles on it. He walked over to that shelf and picked up a few of the puzzles, looking them over, before placing a few of them in his bag. He glanced over at Kurama before moving over to where Hiei was standing, he glanced down worriedly at his bag, before he set it down and grabbed on to Hiei cloke again. Hiei placed a hand on his back before kneeling down to talk to Keiki.

"What's the matter Keiki?" Hiei asked. Keiki looked over at the bag and then around the store before turning back to Hiei with his head down.

"I don't know how to use any of these toys" Keiki replied to Hiei's inquiry. Hiei turned to glance around the store then back down at Keiki. He took Keiki's hand and moved around the store. First he stopped at the Dolls and made a face.

"I have no clue what the point of these's are for." Hiei said before moving to the next shelf. He picked up one of the trucks before placing it back down on the shelf. "I see what you mean." Hiei said as he looked around and studied more of the toys. For a young boy who has known nothing but slavery, toys were useless. He was never allowed or taught how to play. Hiei glanced over to where Kurama was talking to the store owner still before grabbing Keiki's hand and dragging him out of the store. He walked down the street a bit to where he had seen a weapons shop. He was greeted by the smith, who was a boar demon.

"Greeting, what can I do you for today?" the Boar demon asked. Hiei pushed Keiki in front of him.

"I would like to have this kit measured for a Katana." Hiei said placing his hands on Keiki's shoulders. The smith walked over and knelt down, asking Keiki to hold out his arm. The smith measured Keiki's arm then wrote down the measurements.

"Sir, do you have any specific about the katana?" the Smith asked. Hiei gave the smith a few instructions. One the order was placed Hiei grabbed Keiki's hand and lead him outside of the shop. They headed back toward the toy shop. He found Kurama standing outside of it, the bag he had given Keiki to put toys in. From the looks of it, the bag held a few more toys then what Hiei remembered Keiki putting in. As soon as Kurama noticed them he walked over.

"How about we go and have some lunch? Then there are a few other things we should pick up before we had home." Kurama suggested. Keiki cheered at the mention of food making both Kurama and Hiei smile. The three of them grabbed some food, Kurama allowed Keiki to try many different things from different venders. They stopped and picked up the last few things that Kurama needed before they took off and headed home.

When they returned home Kurama handed Keiki the bag of toys he had bought for him and asked him to go put them in his room. Kurama handed Hiei the extra bag of stuff they had picked up, before taking the secret bag of items he had bought and put them up in his room. When he was done He went and Helped Hiei. Once all of them were finished they all sat down to enjoy some quiet time. Hiei and Keiki sat for another game of chess, and Kurama pulled back out the book he was in the middle of reading. They played a few games before Kurama stood from his seat and announced he was going to start dinner. Hiei and Keiki finished up their game before heading to the kitchen to assist Kurama with dinner. Once they were finished they all sat down to eat dinner, after which they cleaned up.

After they had finished Kurama and Hiei decided that they were going outside to spar. Keiki followed them outside and sat against a tree to watch. Kurama and Hiei stood facing each other; they had agreed to use no weapons or Ki and just spar using hand to hand combat. Their spar lasted a while both seemed evenly matched as they spared. Until Hiei got the upper hand, after blocking a punch from Kurama Hiei dropped to the ground and tripped Kurama. Kurama caught himself from falling and was about to flip back up, however Hiei reacted faster than him by kicking Kurama in the chest. Kurama tumbled to the ground; Hiei took fast action and sat himself on Kurama's back pinning his hands behind his back as well. Hiei smiled and leant down next to Kurama's ear. "Pinned you fox." Hiei teased. Kurama grunted and lifted his head off the ground.

Hiei moved off of Kurama and reached to help his lover off the ground. Kurama took Hiei's hand and pulled him down on the ground next to him. He moved so that he was straddling Hiei, smiling the whole time. "You had me pinned, but now I've got you." With this Kurama leant down to Hiei's ear "and now that I've got you what should I do with you?" Kurama whispered.

Leaning up Hiei whispered "Mmm I can think of a few things, however we have an audience right now" Hiei remained Kurama. Kurama smiled and stood up pulling Hiei up with him. Kurama smiled and looked over at Keiki who was sitting against the tree watching them. Hiei followed his eyes and smiled at Keiki.

"Keiki, would you like to learn a few moves?" Hiei asked. Keiki nodded his head and stood and walked over to where Hiei stood. Kurama smiled and sat back against a tree as he watched Hiei teach Keiki some Kata's. After a few hours Kurama watched Keiki yawn a few times. He stood up and called Hiei's attention announcing that It was time to get cleaned up. Hiei nodded and took Keiki's hand following Kurama back into the cave. Kurama went and got clothing for him and Hiei, while Hiei and Keiki went and got clothing for Keiki.

Hiei assisted Keiki in cleaning up once more, the Dried and brushed the boy's hair, then Lead Keiki back to his bed room. Kurama meet them in the room, he was folding the rest of Keiki's clothing and putting them in the dresser. Keiki climbed in to his bed and yawned. Kurama went over and tucked him in, wishing him a good night. Kurama had the lamp weeds dim to a low glow, and he closed the curtin covering the childs door. He turned and smiled at Hiei, who stood behind him.

"Now my love, where were we?" Kurama teased as he moved to pin Hiei up against the wall of the cave. He leant down and devowered Hiei's lips. Kurama pulled back from the kiss and looked Hiei over. Hiei's eyes has drooped, his face was blushed, and he was panting slightly. Kurama leant down and nibbled a bit on Hiei's ear. "I remember, I asked, what I should do with you. Guess I may just have to eat you." Kurama whispered in Hiei's ears. His nose could smell the spike of arousal Hiei was giving off. Kurama, grabbed Hiei's arm and started guiding the littler demon down the Hall way into their shared room. He pushed Hiei in the direction of the bed. Kurama closed the Curtin on their door, and ordered his vines to block it off. He had no intension in letting poor Keiki accidently walk in on them.

Hiei stood in front of the bed, his face still flushed, and his breath still a bit short. Kurama approached him and leant down to steal another kiss. It was a chase kiss, not lasting long. Kurama pulled back from Hiei and smiled down at the little demon. "I love you Hiei." Kurama said, he ran his hand across Hiei's face. Hiei turned and Kissed Kurama's palm.

"I love you too Kurama." Hiei answered, his red eyes hooded, and his face flushed more. Kurama reached for the hem of Hiei's shirt, and pulled it up and over Hiei's head. Kurama then pushed Hiei back ward until his legs came in contact with the bed. Kurama, leant down and sucked on Hiei's neck. His hands trailed down Hiei's chest, to his hips. Were Kurama un did the 3 belts that were around Hiei's waste. When they were undone, he allowed them to fall down and expose Hiei completely. Hiei's cock was already hard and alert. It looked delicious, in Kurama's opinion, and Kurama wanted nothing more than to eat Hiei right up. But he couldn't yet. He had plans tonight. Kurama striped out of his clothing, slowly giving Hiei a bit of a show. The young Fire demon's face flushed, but his eyes watched hungrily. Sure they had both been nude in front of each other many times. But Kurama had just started introducing Hiei to the pleasures of the body. And Hiei was finding this strip tease different from normal.

When Kurama had finished striping out of his clothing he approached Hiei, and placed his hand once more on Hiei's face. He brought Hiei's face up and they both meet each other's eyes. "Hiei, I have something very important to ask you. We have been partners for years, and together for about a year. I could never be happier with anyone else. And because of this, I want to ask, if you will be my mate?" Kurama asked. Hiei's eyes widened at the proposal.

"Kurama? Are.. Are you sure, that you would want to be bound to me? I am the Imako, I should not even exist." Hiei said. His eyes down casted and glanced off to the side." I know you love me, and I love you too. But to mate, are you sure, that you want me?" Hiei asked in a whisper. Kurama moved Hiei's eyes back to meet his. He smiled at Hiei, and kissed his forehead.

"Hiei, I want you for my mate. I don't view you the same way. I want you. No matter what blood runs though your veins. No matter what others might think of you. I love you the way you are. And would not have you any other way. So please, be my mate?" Kurama asked. Hiei's eyes glossed over, and a smile graced his face. He blinked his eyes a few time, water gathering in them. Kurama moved his hand to wipe Hiei's eye, but was stopped. A lone tear, rolled down Hiei's face. It dripped off his chin, and solidified, clattering to the floor of the cave. Kurama bent down and picked the red gem off the floor.

"Yes, I will be your mate." Hiei answered, his hand covered the one that Kurama cradled the gem in. "This tear gem is the first one I have cried, in true happiness. Like a mothers tear she gives to her children. This one I give to you. Because you made me cry it. It is proof of my happiness." Hiei explained. Kurama lifted their hands and kissed Hiei's hand. He separated their two hands, and placed the gem on the table next to the bed. Kurama walked to the edge of the bed, and sat on it. He grabbed Hiei's arm and pulled the smaller demon into his lap so that they were facing together.

~_~_~_~_~ LEMON ALERT, please skip if you are not old enough :P _~_~_~_~_~

Kurama leant forward and Kissed Hiei deeply. He let his hands roam down Hiei's shoulders, down his back, until they rested on Hiei's ass. Kurama gave it a light squeeze, which caused Hiei to jump a bit. Kurama broke the kiss and moved to nibble and suck on Hiei's neck. Then he sat back. "Do you know how to do a complete mating?" Kurama asked his tone full of lust. Hiei blushed and shook his head no. "Alright, I will do most of the work. But it's important, that the next time I bright you to completion, you need to bite down on my neck, hard enough to draw blood and you need to pour your energy in to me. I will be doing the same thing. Our two energies will combined and become one." Kurama explained. Hiei flushed a bit and nodded his head. Kurama smiled, and nipped at Hiei's neck. He then Flipped them over so that Hiei lay back rested on the mattress.

"Just feel love, and leave the rest to me." Kurama said. He trailed kisses down Hiei's neck to his chest. Were he spent some time playing with Hiei's nipples. He nibbled and sucked on them, making Hiei squirm a bit. Well Kurama worked on Hiei's nipples his hand trailed down Hiei's body, until it reached Hiei's hard member. Kurama gave it a few light strokes, causing Hiei to toss his head back and gasp. His hips moving to arch up at the sensation. Kurama left a few more nibbles and licks on Hiei's torchered nipples before he moved lower. He nuzzled Hiei's cock, and gave it some long licks causing Hiei to shudder. Kurama slowly licked the tip and then ever so slowly devoured the tip. Hiei gasped and tried to thust his hips up, but was pinned down to the bed by Kurama. Kurama, used his tong to circle and play with the tip of Hiei's penis. And then, suddenly he took the whole thing in his mouth, sucking hard on it. Hiei's hips jerked, and his body arched again. His breath started coming out in pants, and moans feel from his lips. Kurama let the cock fall from his mouth. Much to Hiei's displeasure.

"Fox! Please" Hiei moaned his hands fisted in the sheets.

"More is to come love, be patient." Kurama instructed. Hiei panted and shook his head no. Causing Kurama to chuckle a bit. "Maybe you need something to help hold you back. Ive got just the thing." Kurama said. He leant over to the bottom draw of the bed side table and grabbed something from within it. Kurama moved back down to his place between Hiei's legs. He blew lightly over Hiei's cock, causing Hiei to arch and moan. Kurama pulled back a bit, and smiled up at Hiei. He then brought forward a small black ring. Hiei panted and looked down at the fox. "This, should help." Kurama said, he grasped Hiei's cock in his hand causing Hiei to arch and cry out in pleasure. Kurama slipped the tight ring around Hiei's cock and pushed it down to the base. Cutting off any hopes of release for Hiei. Kurama pulled his hands back and glanced up meeting Hiei's eyes. "This love, will keep you from finishing to soon. Your not very experienced, and we can't have you cumming before the time is right." Kurama explained.

Hiei panted and wiggled in his spot a bit. His breath coming out in pants. Kurama licked the head of Hiei's cock once more before sitting up. Hiei groaned in disappointment and lifted his eyes to meet Kurama's. Kurama was fishing threw his hair and he pulled out a seed. He placed the seed on the bed and willed the plant to grow. The plant sprang to life, and grew a large blossom, with a center that secreted fluid. The petals created a bowel to catch the fluid. Kurama dipped his fingers in to the flower, coating them, and then brought his hand down between Hiei's legs. He let one finger slip in, Hiei clenched around the finger. Kurama rubbed his other hand down one of Hiei's legs to help sooth his little lover. Hiei didn't stay clenched for long, remembering that he needed to relax for this to continue. Once Kurama felt Hiei loosen up he slipped the second finger in, allowing as much goo from the flower to slip down the two fingers, and inside Hiei.

Kurama then began to stretch Hiei, he took his two fingers out and dipped them a second time, this time three fingers returned inside Hiei. Hiei clenched at the intrusion, and his breath was coming out ragged. He was starting to feel fire pooling in the put of his stomach. And his cock was pulsing hard with pleasure. Kurama's fingers pressed deeper, until they found Hiei's prostate. Kurama stroked it, causing Hiei to cry out in pleasure and arch his back once more. Kurama gripped Hiei's hip with his free hand and with the other continued to stroke Hiei's prostate. The small demon and thrusting his hips down against Kurama's fingers, moving with need, like he had earlier with the vine. His tied off cock bobbing with his movements. Hiei was gasping his head tossing from side to side. Mumbling words that Kurama could not quite make out. A few pleases and Kurama's name was among the mumbles.

Finally Kurama withdrew his fingers. Hiei cried out he arched and rocked a bit in place, trying to find his missing pleasure. Not getting any more of the fingers Hiei's body dropped flat against the bed. He whimpered out. His hand drifted down to his hard, and neglected cock. Kurama grabbed his hand, and lifted it back up above Hiei's head. Hiei couldn't keep his eyes open any more. He moaned and whimpered for Kurama. Kurama could tell that Hiei, was quickly becoming over whelmed. Kurama dipped his hand back in the flower, and this time used the nectar to coat his own cock. He slide up to position himself between Hiei's legs, moving Hiei's legs around his waist. He lifted Hiei's rear end up off the mattress and slid his lefts under, lining himself up with Hiei's entrance. He then guided Hiei's arms around his shoulders, and brought Hiei's head to rest against his neck.

Finally with Hiei in position, Kurama thrusted up quick, striking Hiei's prostate head on. Hiei cried out at the intrusion, his face buried in to Kurama's neck. Kurama repeativly struck Hiei's spot over and over. His lips moved to suck on the side of Hiei's neck that was exposed to him. He nibbled a bit, and nuzzled it. Hiei crying out was getting weaker, and even more incoherent. Kurama could tell that this was getting to be to much for the smaller demon. Kurama moved and nuzzled Hiei's ear. "Hiei, this is it. When we come, remember what you need to do." Kurama whispered. His Hand slipped down between their bodies, and he slipped the cock ring off Hiei. Who gasped at the contact. Kurama was on the verge of cuming himself. He thrust harder into Hiei, and started stroking Hiei's cock once more. Hiei however could not hold out any longer. He bite down on Kurama's neck just as he started to cum, he forced his energy into Kurama. Kurama came right after, Hiei got so tight, that he could not hold back. Finishing at about the same time, they both bit into each other's necks, and their energy flared and mixed.

The two energies combined, and waves of pleasure washed over both of them. Hiei saw only white and passed out right after cuming. Kurama was not any better off. He detached himself from Hiei's neck, and managed to flip them so that Hiei was sleeping on top of Kurama. Then Kurama passed out still buried in Hiei.

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