Grissom and Brass were sitting in the makeshift hospital room talking to Robert.
"I understand why you chose some of your victims, but why Greg, and why Leigh Whannell?" Grissom asked.
"Greg Sanders began laughing at the first victim of my games, you claim I'm sick but you don't see anything wrong with that? And Leigh Whannell, who claimed he had sympathy for the victims and their families but yet he spends his first few nights in Las Vegas getting drunk and dancing at clubs." Brass began to speak to Robert.
"Due to your declining health we'll have to place you in a hospital, however it will be guarded 24/7 and you will not have any visitors until you and your niece's trial." Brass radioed an ambulance to transport Robert. He simply stared out in space as they loaded him into the ambulance.
Greg began walking outside he stared at everything, the sky, the plants, buildings, people, and he realized, he was glad to be alive. He was startled when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around shakily but realized it was Leigh.
"Hey, sorry, didn't mean to scare you."
"That's ok, how are you doing?"
"A lot better now, thanks, how are you? I heard you got the guys."
"I'm doing great, yeah we got the guys and they'll never hurt anyone again."
"That's good to hear; well I came by because me and James are leaving for California soon. And I wanted to say thanks, for everything." He pulled Greg into a friendly hug.
"You're welcome, I'm glad you're ok. Take care of yourself."
"Yeah, you too." Leigh said as he turned away and walked back to the car. Before James drove off Leigh gave Greg one last look, and Greg saw tears in the young man's eyes. Greg felt a few tears come to his eyes as well; he quickly wiped his eyes and walked back inside the lab.
A few weeks later Robert lay in a real hospital bed surrounded by machines and IVs. Memories flooded his brain of him and his niece, no his daughter. He realized he was never going to see her again and actual tears fell down his eyes. With his last breath, he heard the machines let out a loud steady beep and saw his niece's face before his world turned black. Medical personal flooded the room and attempted to revive him but pronounced him dead at 3:05 p.m.
About an hour later, across town, Leslie laid on her bed in her holding cell. Suddenly an officer opened her cell door and informed her news of her uncle's death. Leslie only sat in shock for a few moments, and then burst into loud, heart wrenching sobs, her father, the only person who ever loved her, dead. The officer places a comforting hand on her shoulder and leaves her in her room. Leslie continues crying until she falls into a restful sleep where she dreams of the better times.
Well, that's it, the story's finally finished. Thank you for all the positive reviews and for actually reading this story.