Here is the next chapter there probably won't be a whole lot more chapters in this story cuz it's almost over :( !(remember that i'm changing it a little from the story)

disclaimer:i dont and never had owned anything in this story!!!!!!

Nobody's p.o.v.

"hey everyone" sharpay says walking in the door, she looks at troy "you look fresh this morning"

"yeah Ryan let me use some of his clothes" he smiles

"hey why dont you all go for a walk before dinner?" Gina says

"sure why not" troy says

"um...ok sure"

they start to leave and both end up under the mistletoe

"oh you have to kiss" Gina says

" i'm sure that-"

she was interrupted my troy kissing her.

They both felt magic when they kissed but neither said anything.

"ok lets go" troy says after he pulls away


they leave the house.

"what was with that?" sharpay ask

"well I've decided that i'm going to be the best fake boyfriend for the rest of the time"

"but why"

"because my girlfriend is on her way with the police and then your parents will see you for who you really are"

"oh" she was kinda speechless

"so are you missing Christmas with your parents this year because your up here"

"i'm parents are dead, they died in a car crash"

"oh my gosh, you said your work for your dad"

"no you said that" he pointed at me

"oh well-" she was interrupted when troy took a run for it

"hey stop" she catches him "i thought you were going to be good?"

"just thought I would try one more time, only joking I wasn't going anywhere"

"whatever, lets get back before dinner"

they Start walking back.

Once they get home they go to their rooms to get ready

Sharpay's p.o.v.

I was about to take a shower when I notice I had no shampoo.

I walked to the other bathroom. I walked in and saw troy without a shirt shaving.

"oh sorry" I said

"no it's ok"

I need some shampoo"

"yeah sure" he goes and grabs some

"thanks, well see you later" I walked out "wow"

after I shower and get dressed in my dinner dress(picture on profile), theres a knock on the door.

"come in"

troy walks in.

"oh hey" I say

"are you ready because I want to show you something"

"yeah just let me grab my coat" I walk to the closet and grab one and head after troy.

They are now out side

"so what do you want to show me?"

"you'll see"

"ok" I look up and smile at him

we arrived at a little clearing with a gazebo.

"this is beautiful" I said

"yeah but hold on" he ran and turned a switch and all these trees lit up with lights

"wow, why did you do this?"

"well I thought it might be nice to do, but you have to do something for me in return"

"oh yeah whats that?"



"sing for me" he pulled out a CD player "i asked your mom about the song and she told me she had a cd with the music on it somewhere and she found it so sing, please"

"ok fine but I haven't done this in forever"

(I dont own this it's by Marie Digby )

Dear Santa
I wrote you a letter
I wonder if you ever read it
I've only one wish that I ask you
It's the same old thing
as every other year
Ooo oooo Oooo

This year I can't say I've been perfect
I'm pretty sure I've got a regret or two
But Santa please don't hold it against me
Cause this time I'm counting on you..

To bring me
Bring me
Santa, bring me
Bring me love whoa
Bring me love
ohhh Ooooo
Bring me love

As a child I remember dreaming
Of all the beautiful things that you can create
But I can have all the toys in the world then
You'd see it still wouldn't mean a thing

Can you
Bring me
Bring me

Santa, bring me
Bring me love whoa
Bring me love
Ohhh Ooooo
Bring me love

Cause I've been (I've been)
Patient (patient)
I've been (I've been)
Waiting so long
Hoping (hoping)
Praying (praying)
Just tell me that you heard me just this once

Can you bring me
Bring me
Santa, bring me
Bring me love whoa
Tell me the time has come
That there is someone waiting for me too
So Santa bring me
Bring me love
Bring me Love
Ohh oooo
Bring me love
Oh oooo

"beautiful oh and I have one more thing" he said


"will you........"

so what did you think? Let me know? R&R plz!!! only a couple chapters left but thats just cuz i'm making the chapter so long!