Crazy Chat

This is a crossover of Pokemon and Naruto. If you don't like Naruto or if you won't give that idea a chance, then don't read this.

This was inspired by Pikachu's Friend - Nightpaw. All the characters will know each other. So know one will act extremly stupid if they don't know each other.

Screen names: (I can't think of good ones. If you want to make up good names for the characters just send me a message... please.)

Ash: Poke'-Master49

Misty: Water-Pokemon-r'-cool

Brock: Love-Jenny-and-Joy

May: Eevee-Lover69

Max: Brainiac73

Drew: Top-Coordinater21

Dawn: Blue-Haired-Beauty

Paul: Evil-Trainer

Naruto: Believe-It!

Sasuke: The-Sharigan-is-cool

Sakura: Pink-Madness

Neji: Destiny-loves-me87

Kiba: Hound-boy90

Hinata: Shy-girl42

Shikamaru: Lazy-bum

Choji: Fat-Man32

(I hate these screen names. But at least they have screen names! I didn't put some characters because I couldn't come up with a good name, or for some other reason.)

Believe-it! has logged in

Believe-it!: I'm the only one here?

Pink-Madness has logged in

Believe-it!: I guess not.

Pink-Madness: Is Sasuke here?

Beileve-it!: No.

Pink-Madness: Damn it! I am alone here with you.

Believe-it!: Yes! Dreams do come true!

Poke'-Master49 has logged in

Pink-Madness: Damn it! I thought you were Sasuke.

Believe-it!: Damn it! No we aren't alone. I was going to ask you something.

(Pink-Madness punches Believe-it!)

Believe-it: Ow!

Pink-Madness: You aren't going to ask me a damn thing!

Poke'-Master49: Calm down Sakura... I think i shouldn't have said that.

(Pink-Madness punches Poke'-Master49)

Poke'-Master49: Ow! That hurt!

Pink-Madness: I'll calm down when I want to!

The-Sharigan-is-cool has logged in

Pink-Madness: Hi Sasuke!

The-Sharigan-is-cool has logged out

Believe-it!: Ha ha ha!

Poke'-Master49: Ha ha ha!

Pink-Madness: Grrr!

Believe-it!: Oh crap!

Poke'-Master49: Run away!

Believe-it! has logged out

Poke'-Master49 has logged

Pink-Madness: Yeah! You better run!

Blue-Haired-Beauty has logged in

Pink-Madness: Hi Dawn.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: Hi Sakura. What did I miss?

Pink-Madness: I punched Ash and Naruto.Sasuke came, then left in less than ten seconds, and Ash and Naruto logged out.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: You could've just said not much, or a lot.

Pink-Madness: Oh...

Top-Coordinater21 has logged in

Blue-Haired-Beauty: Hi Drew.

Pink: Madness: Hi Drew.

Top-Coordinater21: Hello Ladies.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: Why is your name Top-Coordinater21?

Top-Coordinater21: Because I am the top coordinater. Why is your name Blue-Haired-Beauty?

Blue-Haired-Beauty: Because I have blue hair and I am beautiful.

(Pink-Madness sweatdrops)

(Top-Coordinater21 sweatdrops)

Blue-Haired-Beauty: What?!

Pink-Madness: You are full of yourself.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: So is Drew!

Top-Coordinater21: I can't argue with that.

Destiny-loves-me has logged in

Destiny-loves-me: I am now using my Bayakugan for my own use now.

Pink-Madness: Don't you use the Bayakugan for your own use already.

Destiny-loves-me: But for a different use.

Top-Coordinater21: I don't want to know. I am already having a thought.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: What are you thinking?

Top-Coordinater: Nothing... Just forget it.

Hound-boy90 has logged in

Hound-boy90: Akamaru peed one me!

Destiny-loves-me: Destiny must've kicked you in the ass.

Pink-Madness: Or Akamaru just peed on you because he felt like it.

Top-Coordinater21: Are you still in the same clothes that Akamaru peed on?

Hound-boy90: Yeah.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: For how long?

Hound-boy90: For 3 hours.

Pink-Madness: Why?

Hound-boy90: I rather not say.

Pink-Madness: Eww!

Blue-Haired-Beauty: Gross!

Top-Coordinater: Sick!

Destiny-loves-me: You freakin' disgusting person!

Hound-Boy90: I'll go change.

Hound-boy90 has logged out

Destiny-loves-me: I'm out everybody.

Destiny-loves-me has logged out

Shy-girl42 has logged in

Pink-Madness: Hi Hinata.

Shy-girl42: ...

Blue-Haired-Beauty: Hinata?

Shy-girl42: ...

Top-Coordinater21: Say something, Hinata.

Shy-girl42 has logged out

Pink-Madness: Okay...

Fat-Man32 has logged in

Top-Coordinater21: Hi Choji.

Fat-Man32: I'm hungry. I'm out.

Fat-Man32 has logged out

Blue-Haired-Beauty: How many wierd things are going to happen today?!

Top-Coordinater21: I hope that was the last wierd thing.

Blue-Haired-Beauty: I'm logging out, so I don't have to see any other wierd things happening will I'm here.

Blue-Haired-Beauty has logged out

Pink-Madness: I am logging out too. I have to go beat up Naruto and Ash.

Pink-Madness has logged out

Top-Coordinater21: (sniff) Now I am alone. I logging out too.

Top-Coordinater21 has logged out.

Sorry for the short chapter. If you want to make on of the characters screen names better, just send me a message or put it into the view for which character. If you want to to make the chapters a little longer, just say it in the review. I will try to update everyday. Please review and no flames.