Disclaimer: J. K. Rowling owns everything in this world, I choose to twist her characters a little to suit my own means.

Author's Notes:

Please heed my warnings to you all that all books were considered when writing this tale and it is just that a tale because it is not completely accurate to the final events of the Rowling Series. So Sorry! Please forgive this author for not liking certain characters to have found each other when others could have been better together.

Warning: There is some Deathly Hollows material used in the making of this story particularly referring to information Snape reveals. But keep in mind that most of the story has been tossed aside. If you have not read the deathly hollows, I am not giving anything away but why Snape may or may not have been Dumbledore's man and why his patronus is what it is. If you feel that this information is not crucial to the events of the whole to the story and they may or may not be then feel free to read this story. There are no more than four characters deaths that have been disregarded for this story but I will not reveal who they are for those of you have not read it.

Chapter 17

Hermione took her time getting herself redressed for her appointment with the press. She knew that her friends would need her to stand with them in defense of their marriages. She needed to tell their tale even if no one would believe them.

She had made sure to remove all of the glamours from her person before she carefully redressed herself to the original dress and hairstyle. She replayed the speech she had prepared for the media in her head twice before she flooed herself back to the ministry. She was careful to remove all the soot from her person before re-entering the ballroom to gather the troops. They all seemed to have been waiting for her. They gathered around her as she had waited several feet from the press box for them. When they all had arrived she began.

"All of the order members wish to make this announcement. We the members of the Order of the Phoenix formally announce that at this time there are no members within the ranks that shall be eligible for the law that was announced today during the Order of Merlin Celebratory Ball. The bindings of all of the members that had fallen within the age range of the law regret to inform the general press that at this time the bonded pairs shall not reveal any information to the press since there are still some inherent dangers to their status as Order members being public knowledge. We do however wieh to thank the general public for their well wishes and heart felt sympathies. At this time the only announcement in marital statuses that shall be revealed is the bonding of Remus Lupin to Auror Tonks. None of the bonded pairs within the order are ashamed of their relationships but wish to move one with their new relatively free lives and ask that the public do the same. The Order fought bravely to bring about peace in our world and we would like to see that peace be a time of great joy and bring about the birth in a new era of equality among all of the magical community." Thankyou." She said stepping back into the space with the other members.

Harry nodded his approval to her and they all waited for a second for the questions to begin.

"Harry Potter, is it true that you married to protect the reputation of the unborn child your wife carries?" Skeeter asked.

"My wife is not pregnant at this time and we bonded only accepting the advice of a mentor about love being the strongest magic." Harry said.

"Miss Granger is it true that you shall be a researcher for Sebastian Industries and are not returning to Hogwarts to sit your seventh year?" a reporter from the quibbler asked.

"I am currently seated on the R&D team for Sebastian Industries but I shall be returning to Hogwarts in the fall to teach in the position of Transfigurations Professor while I obtain my masters in the same field. Master Snape shall be assisting me with my studies in Potions so I can obtain my second mastery." Hermione said.

"Is it true Mr. Weasley that you are married to Madame secretary Bones only daughter?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes. Susan Bones and I were bonded a few days ago. We will not hide our relationship. We ask that the press leave our joined families in peace so we can go back to our regular lives." Ron said confidently embracing Susan who was standing at his side.

"Will anyone comment on the sudden marriages within the Order?" Skeeter asked.

"I will. The members of the Order of the Phoenix fought a valiant fight to rid wizard kind from evil. Under the guidance of our former leader, we were instructed to move forward to set an example for the rest of the wizarding world showing that love is the strongest magic and with love all of things are possible. Albus Dumbledore loved one witch for more years than most of us have been alive. His love for her was our example and we followed it. We encourage everyone to seek love and peace." Hermione said.

"If all of the members feel the same as Ms. Granger, then why are you all hiding your spouses?" Xeno Lovegood asked.

"We do not wish to be hounded further because of our choices and we wish for everything to return to normal. I am not subjecting my wife to any un-necessary accusations or press attention since we do not wish our private lives to be the subject of gossip." Severus said. Hermione had not seen him return and was shocked to have heard his voice.

"And what does your wife have to say about all of this?" Skeeter asked.

"She wishes for normalcy to return to us." He replied calmly.

"I fear no relationship forged by battle shall ever be normal yet we all love our bond mates. We have chosen each other and we shall stick with our decisions. My advice for all the press at this point is for you all to wait. Our relationships shall all be revealed by the start of the new term when the Headmistress introduces us all to the school. Please await our announcements till then." Remus said.

"Did the members of the Order of the Phoenix marry one another to escape the law that was announced today?" One of the Profit reporters asked.

"No, we did not marry off to escape the law. We married to celebrate our newly won peace and freedom. We married because we love one another. Some of us married to preserve our contracts with one another and others because it was time we made honest women out of or spouses." Harry said leaving the group of reporters. The rest of the Order followed suit leaving them. Severus left again and Hermione followed not long after saying her farewells.

She returned to the manor vowing not to be seen again till the first day of school. She did know better though. They still had the staff meeting left to attend as well as set up her classroom and the different things that went along with it. The Headmistress also had a few things to go over with her privately concerning Gryffindor House.

Severus pulled her onto his lap as soon as she came into the bedroom.

"Severus!" She squealed. She could clearly feel what was on his mind at the time.

"Hermione, you have been gone too long." He stated as he began divesting her of all of her clothing one article at a time kissing his way across and down her body.

"This is what happens when we dance the tango together." Hermione nearly moaned as Severus found one of her more sensitive spots under her breasts.

"This is what happens when you light the fires in your husband then leave him to his own devices for thirty minutes while you attend the press." He said pulling her hand over his rather obvious erection he was sporting through the robe he was wearing.

"You attended part of that press conference too." Hermione said giving him a good squeeze making him moan in pleasure.

"I was making sure that you had not forgotten about me at home." He said rather pathetically.

"I could not forget about you." She said before kissing his pout away. "You know the students would love to see you pout." She added.

"They would not believe you if you told them I was capable of such a display." He said snogging her heavily for the cheek. He pulled her down on the bed after removing the last stitch of clothing.

"Careful. I do not want to teach my first class with love bites on my neck." She reminded him as he nibbled his way down the side of his throat.

"I am sure that they will be long gone by the first class Monday." He said deliberately marking her. Hermione spuealed then marked him back.

They wrestled for a few moments trying to come up with the best position before the succumbed to their mutual desire for one another a mass of limbs and sheets. They would remain tangled like that till long after they were sated.