Here's part two of the crossover hope you like and thank you for those who reviewed it so far.


Samus made the final jump into the Kalli system. She scanned the system. The computer hummed and magnified the large ice covered planet at the far end of the system. In orbit was a massive mechanical ring.

"Halo." She whispered looking at the ring. From here it seemed so small and insignificant but she was not disillusioned about this machine the Halo had the power to destroy a large part of space if it was activated. The computer beeped again as the view shifted to some debris. She scanned them and found a power signature. While she was mildly interested in the power signature the Halo was more important. Alarms blared again as flashes from hyper jumps filled the view port. She gasped. The ships that jumped in were not Space Pirate but older Covenant ships that had been retrofitted with newer parts over the years. The ships either did not detect her or didn't care. She gunned her engines and headed right for the debris. Once among the wreckage she powered down and scanned again. The small fleet was still on course not one ship had deviated from its path. She frowned and keyed up the com. She sent a message to the Federation about the Halo and the HPM forces that had taken it. Time moved by at a crawl while she waited for a transmission from the GF. The reply was short and to the point. They were diverting their forces to her location. She sighed. 'There goes my paycheck.' She though. The computer beeped again. The power signature was still there. Samus smiled. Maybe she could find something in the wreckage to make this trip worth her while. She called her power suit and made her way to the cargo bay.

"What's going on?" Nelexx called. Samus kept walking and entered the launch tube. The silence of space was deafening to Samus. She hated to go EVA but it was the only to get on the damaged ship. She glided through the void towards a rip in hull. From the looks of the vessel it had been torn in half. She entered and engaged her magnetic boots. She walked along the halls of the broken ship. She finally arrived at the source of the power signature. A sealed airlock greeted her. She patched into the seal and unlocked it. The airlock cycled and let her inside then it closed and cycled again before opening again.

Denatra received a communication from the GF as she entered the Fuul system. She replied that she could make the rendezvous with the fifth fleet as a dark blade shaped ship glided towards her pristine white battle cruiser. She gave the order to lower the shield and she left the bridge. She stood before the hatch to the ship as it opened and Kral stepped out. She saluted, he nodded.

"Sir, the HPM has taken possession of the Halo, and the GF fifth fleet is on their way to intercept." She spoke. Kral smiled.

"Good. Meet them and lead them to our prize Captain. I want no mistakes this time." He placed his hand on her shoulder. "When you arrive Admiral Drake will promote you to Colonial. I gift for your service to the Family." He spoke and walked away. Denatra stood there shocked. She shook herself form her stupor and followed Kral into the interior of the ship. She soon caught up with the crime boss as he walked along the vast halls of the ship.

"Sir, I appreciate the promotion but how did you attain it?" She asked. Kral laughed.

"Surely you don't believe that you are the only GF officer in my pocket. I reward my lieutenants well." He smiled. He looked around the ship. "Truly amazing."

"Yes the Hawk's Fire is the best of its class. Only the larger carriers and destroyers out match her."

"Indeed. Your troops are well trained?" He made conversation was they walked.

"I stake my life on their performance." She replied proud of her crew.

"Good, good." He stopped. Denatra realized where they were. The glass doors to the bridge stood before them. She turned to Kral.

"You must me tired. I have the commander's quarters prepared for you if you'll just follow me." She stammered and began to walk away from the bridge, but Kral remained where he was.

"No, I will watch the operation from the bridge." He turned to her. "If you'll indulge me." Without waiting for an answer he entered the bridge. She reluctantly followed. When they rendezvoused with the fifth fleet Denatra was as Kral promised promoted to Colonial. She was grateful but wondered if this advancement would not come at a price she was unprepared to pay. As the fleet rallied and battle plans were made. Kral walked around the Hawk's Fire meeting crewmen and familiarizing himself with the ship, much to Denatra's displeasure. After the battle plans were finalized she returned to her bridge only to be waylaid by Kral. Who wanted every detail of the operation. Denatra couldn't refuse her boss so she went over the battle plan with him and even then he followed her to the bridge. As the fleet prepared to begin their jump cycles.

The pirate operating the scanner chattered nervously.

"Large group of Federation ship have jumped into the system." He hissed. The commander frowned.

"Have they spotted us?" He asked.

"Not yet." He replied. The commander turned to one of the officers on the command deck.

"How long before the Metroids are ready for departure?" He asked.

"We are loading the last batch now sir." The officer hissed back.

"Prep for erratic jump sequence for the fleet. If they come after us jump otherwise we wait for word from the General." He ordered. The hours that the fifth fleet spent in the system were the most anxiety ridden hours of the Space Pirates life. Once the fleet jumped away they calmed down. The com officer turned the commander.

"Sir, receiving a message from the General." He screeched.

"Read it." He ordered.

"Once the Metroids are stored jump to these coordinates and wait for my signal to jump into the Kalli system. Destroy all but my ship and take the ring. Do not fail me." Even when read by another the General's words brought fear to the pirates.

"Follow the instructions." The commander ordered. "Prepare to jump the fleet."

Lei looked at the Halo as his ship the Fist of the Prophets moved towards it.

"Soon we will finish what Truth began. I have seen our future on that ring." He said

"Sir, what about the ship we scanned upon entering the system?" A Grunt asked. Lei waved his hand dismissively.

"It matters not. I will go to the ring personally and take our future." He moved towards the door. "Krah, you are in command until I return." Krah saluted as Lei left the room. Krah turned and sat in the command chair.

"Prep all fighters. Set up defense grids and patrols around the Halo. Scan for incoming ships." He bellowed.

"Are you expecting trouble?" A Jackal asked as he relayed orders to the fleet.

"The ship might have called the Federation. I want to be prepared."

Lei boarded his Phantom with his personal guard and left for the ring. Lei sat in mediation on the future that was to come. 'I will wipe away the Demon's spawn and the filth of the Heretic with the pure fire of the Halo.' He had received visions of the great ring long before it was found. On it he saw the great weapon of the Forrunners who built the rings. He saw the wraith of the Prophets who were destroyed by the Demon and the Heretic cleansing the unclean from this universe with the purifying fire of Truth. Yes Truth. It was Truth that called to him in his dreams and led him to the holy site where he had left his legacy. I was Truth who guided Lei now. The Phantom dipped low and connected with the ring. He grasped his gravity hammer and followed his guards out into the Halo. All was quiet and still as they moved towards the entrance. The door cycled and hissed admitting them to the ring's infrastructure. They were greeted by a floating orb.

"Identify." It called in a high pitch mechanical voice.

"Lei Truth." He spoke. "Leader of the pure." The orb scanned him.

"You are not Forrunner, nor are you Reclaimer." It spoke. The light color of the orb changed from green to red. "Identify now or be destroyed." The Brutes brought their weapons up, but Lei held up his hand to stop them.

"We are the children of the Forrunners; we seek to understand they're great works such as the ring." He spoke kneeling before the machine. "They are our lords and thus their creations are as well." The orb buzzed and the light returned to its regular green.

"This installation is not active at this moment. There are no immediate threats." It hummed as if thinking. "You may pass Lei. I am Fallen Spark 424 it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Samus activated her visor light. A green beam washed over the pressurized cabin. Seemed ordinary and very very old. She was certain this wreckage was an old UNSC ship. Her visor alighted on a lone cryo tube. Inside was another relic.

"Well there's your power signature." She said to herself.

"And here's your ass kicking." Came another female voice as a bolt of purple energy leapt from a consol to her suit. The suit ejected her on to the hard steel floor. She rolled and grabbed an errant pistol that was lying in the cabin. She aimed it around the room. Nothing only her, the cryo tube, the suit. 'The suit.' She thought. As soon as she was ejected the suit should have disappeared, but it didn't. The suit's visor glow changed from green to purple. It raised it arm and the cannon on it began to glow.

"Bad day." Samus growled and press a badge on her left breast. A skin tight light blue suit appeared over her scant undergarments. The Zero suit had served her well in the past when her suit was taken over by the X parasite. She dodged the first energy bolt and returned fire with the pistol. The bullets bounced off the Chozo armor. "Damn." She dropped the gun and drew her laser whip. She thumbed it on and flicked it at the suit. The suit caught the whip and yanked Samus off her feet. She regained her balance and landed a kick on the visor of the suit. She landed and lashed out with the whip wrapping it around the suit's left foot. She yanked. The suit tittered and toppled over. She jumped landing on the suit's chest and slammed the heel of her hand into the face plate again cracking the plate. She then pressed the emergency deactivate button she had put in after the X incident the armor collapsed lifeless. "Never get beat by the same trick twice." She stated and hooked her Zero suit to the power suit. She began to purge the systems one by one forcing what ever it was that took her suit to move from system to system. Finally a purple bolt shot from the suit into the computer on the wall. The machine beeped and a hologram activated. A blue purple woman whose body was mane of computer code appeared.

"You will surrender or be destroyed." The woman said. Samus pressed a button on her whip and it straightened.

"Fat chance." She spoke. The woman closed her eyes. Two auto defense guns swiveled to face Samus. With a flash Samus had sliced both guns to pieces. She faced the Hologram again. "That the best you can do?" She asked. The woman smiled.

"Surrender or I'll vent the atmosphere."

Samus stopped. She was caught the power suit was damaged and the Zero suit was not air tight. Samus dropped her whip.


"You will identify yourself and state why you're here." The hologram demanded.

"I am bounty hunter Samus Aran, service number 1147 under the Galactic Federation Security Council. I came here to investigate an energy signature thinking it might be some profitable salvage and you attacked me, by the way taking over my armor was a neat trick."

"Thank you." The woman smiled. "Your armor is strange I had a hard time working the systems."

"I'm surprised you could work them at all. The Chozo had to augment my DNA just to get it to work for me."

"I touched your database to while I was in there but had no time to really look, so let's start simple where we are?"

"Do you have a name or should I just call you computer?" Samus asked. The woman frowned.

"My name in Cortana, I am an AI unit for the UNSC ship Pillar of Autumn." She spoke. Samus' eyes went wide.

"If you're Cortana then that makes him…"

"Masterchief, Spartan 117 of the UNFC marine core." Cortana answered. Samus stared at the fabled super solder that had almost single-handedly wiped out the Covenant. "Do you mind if I link with your suit again and connect to your database?" Cortana asked. Samus smiled.

"I'll do you one better." She pressed the badge on her left breast. Then she unhooked a jack cable from her belt and plugged it into the computer that Cortana was on. "This will let you link with my ship's AI and you can download the database from there. Also you might want to look at some upgrades for your program. You are after nearly a hundred years old."

"Acceptable. This should only take a few seconds, but try anything funny and you better hope you can hold your breath for a long time." Cortana growled and disappeared.

As Lei and the others moved along the corridors of the Halo led by Fallen Spark he looked in wonder at the prize he had found for his people.

"Tell me oracle, what are the uses of this installation?" He asked.

"This is the prototype ring and as such is not as advanced as the others that came after it. It does have the same destructive capabilities and also a containment area for the Flood…" Lei stooped dead in his tracks.

"Flood here?" He stammered. Fallen Spark turned to face him.

"Indeed, this installation was the main research center on the virus called the Flood. There are many specimens contained in the labs for study." Though the main threat of the Flood was destroyed when the grand worm was killed in the final battle of the Halo war. Pockets of the monstrous virus popped up from time to time forcing entire worlds to be glassed to save the galaxy from the disease. Lei did not like the idea of so many flood on his prize. Once he had it under his control he would send his men and exterminate the vermin. They continued on through the corridors.

"Why did the Forrunners abandon this installation?"

"In the war with the flood no containment measures were successful. The only option was the use the Halo system to…"

"Escape to a better place." Lei finished.

"Passably I do not have any knowledge of the masters after they left this station."

"Then what is your charge here?"

"To guard the station and protect the relic."

"What is the relic?"

"Unknown it predates the Forrunner civilization by one hundred and sixty six billion years. It is theorized that the relic is a remnant of the universe that came before. It is the main reason this installation was designed. The Flood virus has an adverse reaction to relic resulting in a one hundred percent mortality rate for the virus and host." The orb spoke as they began to pass rows and rows of cryo tanks filled with Flood specimens. "It is the energy that the relic produced that inspired the creation of the other Halos."

"Indeed. Where is the relic stored?"

"Sub level eight I will take you there now if you would like."

"That would be preferable." He answered. The orb led them to an elevator and down to sub level eight. When the doors opened; Lei found himself standing at the entrance to a massive sphere shaped chamber. A single walkway led out to the center of the massive room. Lei walked out onto the catwalk. "Where is the relic?" He turned to the orb.

"You must press your palm to the consol at the end of the walkway." It replied. Lei walked out into the center of the room and pressed his palm into the consol. The room hummed and the floor opened up. Lei and his guard were blinded for a moment by the light emitted by the relic. The deep purple glow consumed the room as a large swirling sphere like object rose into the center of the room. Lei looked at it.

"It's wonderful." He whispered. "Look on my warriors this will be our salvation."

That's part two what did ya think?