Ahem…yes…my first fan fiction! I've written other fiction before, but not for my favorite series. I'm kind of glad, as I tend to fantasize about my favorite series, like what Kyouko should do to Sho, if there aren't any bodyguards around to stop her. Mwah, ha, ha…

Anyways, please don't flame me, I'm too young to be roasted! Although this story is not finished yet, it takes place in the period before Kyouko meets Kuu, and right up to before she meets Kuu, although she doesn't meet him in this story.

Anyway…Disclaimer: I do not own SkipBeat!, nor am I associated with any of it's affiliates, such as Hana to Yume magazine, or ShojoBeat publishers. All characters within are created and presumably owned by Nakamura Yoshiki-sensei. I humbly beg pardon for any mistakes that may be made by me.

Garden of Tears

Story by PhoenixTorte

Kyouko walked cheerfully into the LME talento offices. She had gotten the day off to a good start, with school being a breeze, and the okami-san giving her a cake to take with her for lunch. Humming happily, she went up to Sawara-san. Since she wasn't working on any acting projects, she had just been doing Love-Me work.

Sawara-san looked up as she approached his desk in the busy office. His face lit up with excitement. "Guess what, Kyouko-san!" he exclaimed. "You have another offer, for a movie!"

"Really?" Kyouko asked, perking up even more.

"Yes, and it's a story I think you'll like!" Sawara said. "You play a young girl from a rich, traditional family who is engaged to be married to a young man that her parents picked out. However, the girl falls in love with another man, who fights over her against the fiancé. It has a tragic ending though…"

"Ohhhhh!" Kyouko exclaimed, her eyes wide and shining. "I finally get to play a 'rich young lady'!" Upon seeing the look on her face, Sawara wondered what fantasies were going through her head. He could almost see a scene of a young, rich looking young lady, laughing and surrounded by all sorts of rich looking furniture…

"So, shall I accept the offer for you?" Sawara asked.

"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" Kyouko yelled with jubilation. Whirling and skipping, she danced her way out of the office. 'Oh, finally,' she was thinking. 'I hope I can do a great job so that I can get more cool roles like this!"

Meanwhile, back in the office, Sawara picked up the phone and dialed the director of Garden of Tears, the drama that Kyouko had agreed to. "Hello, this is Sawara of LME. Your proposal was presented to Kyouko-san, and she agreed…yes, I'll be waiting for a copy of the script…I'm sure she's looking forward to it…Oh, I forgot to tell her that Fuwa Sho and Tsuruga Ren were going to be in it…I'm sure it's fine…"


Ren leafed through the new script that he had to learn. This one was a love story as well, and he was hoping to do as well as when he worked on Dark Moon. He had heard that all the actors hadn't been contacted yet, so he hoped that the female lead was one that he could act well with, a professional who wouldn't hang all over him. He hated how he was forced to be polite to the girls that threw themselves at him, and though he had to be nice, he was often annoyed. But he couldn't show his true self, or let anyone see anything but "Tsuruga Ren". Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, but he despised being interrupted at work. Only one girl in the business didn't irk him so, because she treated him like she did everyone else. 'If only she was working on this project with me.' he thought. 'I wouldn't mind kissing her…no, get a hold of yourself. A relationship with 'her' is totally inappropriate.'


Ren looked up. It took all his guts as a professional not to slug the smug young man in front of him. Closing his script with a snap, he smiled a gentlemanly smile. "Yes, how can I help you, Fuwa-san?"

"Guess who the female lead is?" Sho asked a smirk on his face.

"Why?" Ren asked, suspicious about Fuwa's motives.

"It's Kyoukooooo-chan…" Sho said, dragging out her name. "You really like her, don't you? I can tell by the way you act, and how you look at her." Fuwa leaned in closer, an evil grin on his face. "But I really hate you. And Kyouko still belongs to me, and she always will. So I'm afraid that I'm going to have to steal her from you."

Still smiling his gentleman's smile, Ren replied, "Mogami-san is her own person, and can do what she wants. However, if you are hoping to get back with her, you may be out of luck. In case you haven't realized she really hates you now…"Ren shifted in his seat so that he was leaning forward in his seat a little, his smile replaced with a truly scary glare. "…so, do your worst, newcomer. I'll use my acting to completely crush you, and help Mogami-san get her revenge on you."

Sho involuntarily backed up from Ren's glare. "If it's a challenge you want, it's a challenge you'll get," he said. "I've been working on my acting, and I'll use it to get Kyouko-chan back. Wait and see…"

Back at LME…

As she headed past the receptionists' desks, Kyouko was assaulted by a barrage of sneezes. 'Someone must be talking about me,' she thought.

Note: In Japan, the superstition is that a sneeze means someone is talking about you.


-san- the equivalent to Mrs/Mr/Ms.

-chan-familiar honorific, used with those that you are closer to. Usually when referring to girls, or a cutesy term between lovers.

-sempai-(not used yet) used with someone senior to you, or an upperclassman, in a school or business setting.

chichi-ue-honored father


gomen nasai-excuse me, sorry

teme-a rude word, a very rude way to address someone that is not mentioned here because it's only got a K rating.