HAHA! I'm redoing this chapter, too harsh.

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Im just borrowing them without the author's permission. And...I might be keep them for eternity. Yea, that's it!


Sake's oxogen Band

Chappie One (HA! XD)

Hey I'm Kagome Higurashi and my bffls and I have a band. Your probably wondering why our band's called Sake's oxogen. Well, my friends' names are Sango, Ayumi, me Kagome, and Ebony. Haven't caught it yet? S for Sango, A for Ayumi, K for Kagome, and E for Ebony! And that spells...Sake!

So we started a band to break away from our High school's drama. My friends and I are so over the giggly stupid girls faces and school. Which we call GSG's. Lol I know. To think that my friends aren't popular, but not unpopular at school. At least, that's what everybody says. But we don't care if were hated. Especialy Ayumi. She once told a GIRL that if she insulted our band again she'd burn their balls off. Pff, like that's possible.

That was the last time anyone insulted our band.

Anyway, were performing right now. But who knew right now I'd meet the biggest annoyance of my life?

''Hey everyone! Havin' a good night?'' I said putting my guitar over my shoulders

The audience yelled in reply

''Okay let's get this party started then!'' Sango said coming out from the back of the stage.

''Crank the beat!'' Ayumi yelled

The audience screamed

Ebony went behind her drum and started to pound the beat. Ayumi picked up her guitar with confidence. Then, Sango picked up her microphone. Kagome started to strum on her guitar

Let me hear you say Hey Hey Hey! The audience obeyed with excitment.

Sango then took the beat. With her verse-

Alright! Now let me hear you say Hey Hey Ho! The audience reply once more


I hate it when it when a guy doesn't get the door even though I told him yesterday and the day before.


I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab and I have to get my money out and that looks bad yea.

The the audience turned their heads to Ayumi's part.


Were are the hopes were are the dreams our Cinderella story scene


when do you think they'll finally see?

The audience turned their heads to their favorite: Kagome and she did her part...


That your not not not gonna get any better


You won't won't won't you won't give in and you'll never


like it or not even though she's alot like me well not the same


And yea yea yea I'm lot at handle and you don't ever try cause I'm hell of a scandle


Me I'm a scene, I'm a drama queen

Kagome Sango Ayumi Ebony

Were the best damn thing that your eyes have ever scene!

Okay you get the point we were perfroming. Let me get to the point were I met him.

''You guys had a great show. I'm a huge fan! Can I have your autograph?'' A juinor girl a school said.

Kagome remembered her from 5th grade. Belinda. She was a cute little plump girl that was always nice to her even when her friends weren't. Belinda considored her a friend, and so did she.

''Sure!'' Kagome pulled out her lucky pen that said 'Wicked' and signed their band name.

''Thank you!'' The girl hugged her and ran off to her friends.

''Aww that was so cute!'' Ayumi said

''Yea, but that song was wicked'' Ebony said butting in, which is suprising. Considoring Ebony to be the nicest of the group.

''It was kinda obvious to me. I mean, come on! Everyone knows were the best damn thing.'' Sango chimed in.

''Especially I'' A guy with a short pony tail and a purple tee on with black slacks said coming up behind Sango said.

''Glad you took notice but who the holy hell are you?'' Ayumi asked, looking at the guy as if he was crazy.

''Not nice,'' Kagome scolded her.

''Whatever, doesn't make a difference to me.''

''My name is Miroku. And I'm a fan of you breath-taking women.''

''Wow and I almost cared!'' Ayumi said

''My lady, you do me injustice'' Miroku said rubbing her tush (lol had to say tush XD!)

''Dude please'' Ayumi said punching his face ''You wish I'd do you some injustice''

''Is that a threat or a promise?'' He asked rubbing his callused face.

Ayumi leaned into his ear and whispered ''Neither''

Miroku turned pale.

''Hey we''ll see you in school dude!'' Kagome said taking off after her car.

''Nice meeting ya Miroku!'' Sango said going after Kagome.


Kagome's POV

Hey it's me again Kaggie. So maybe you didn't meet him, him. But were going to. See, I met him when I had to give drinks to the football players. You see, me and San San thought it would be cool if we could flood the girl's bathroom. So for our detention, Sango had to give towels to the tenis players and I had to give drinks to the football players. That's were we got our other name 'Pranksterettes' me and San San love playing pranks on people. Yea were kinda bad girls. But we both have 4.0 grade averages so were smart badbitches...

I was sitting down on the outside bleachers waiting for those big sweaty guys to want their drinks. So I put my earphones on and swiched my MP3 player to My Chemical Romance's song 'I'm Not Ok' and drew some pics for our band designs and he just had to come bother me. Stupid ass...

Sesshomaru's POV

My name is Sesshomaru InuTashio. I'm caption of the football team and I've dated almost all the girls in school. No girl doesn't want me. I'm 17 years old and I'll be graduating Shiko High next year. Like I said every girl wants me. Except them. Except her. All of them don't fall over me! Why? And what's bad about it is that all of those girls are the prettiest in this school. Their all smart. Their all beatiful. Their all not sluty. How is it that the girls that I want to date don't even know I'm even in this school! I heard Kagome's gonna be giving drinks out to us football players. She's the one I really wanna date. Hell or high water I'm going to make her like me. Good she's over on the bleachers, I think I'll go give her a visit and introudouce myself.

Normal POV

''Hi there,'' Sesshomaru said standing over her looking at her sketch.

''Hey'' Kagome said looking in a bored.

''I here you flooded the girls bathroom.'' He said

''Yea. So?''

''But don't you-''

''Dude. Were's the chase in this converation and how do I get to it?'' Kagome said looking at her watch

''Bored already?''

''Wow. Who knew you had a brain? Excuse me but I have to go get drinks to the guys that care about the sport they're playng.'' Kagome laid her binder and MP3 on the bleachers stood, then walked over to the back.

''Hey. You Kagome?'' A guy asked coming through the door, Kagome's back was turned since she was picking up drinks so she didn't see him.

''Depends who's asking.'' Kagome replied boringly.

''Hojo speaking.''

''Well you gotta lota pep. What are you here for?''

''I gotta clean the bleachers.''

''Yes and that would be why?''

''Because, me and my friends thought it would be cool for me to blow our teacher's tires out for giving me a F. So when I got my detention I had to ather had to clean toliets or clean bleachers. I flipped a coin,''

''Wicked dude.''

''Thanks. Why are you here?'' Hojo asked

''Me and my friend Sango thought we could flood the girls bathroom. And we could. So I had to give drinks to the sweaty guys out there, and Sango had to give towels to the tennis dudes.''

''That's so wicked.'' Hojo said helping her with one of the packs of gatorade

''You a juinor?'' Hojo asked


''Maybe I'll see you around.''

''You too, hey I know, random question: Have you heard that one weird song called ?'' I asked him smiling.

Hojo looked thoughtful for a moment and smiled at me. ''Actually I do. The one that goes 'But you'll never catch, !' and then he goes-''

''AHAHAHAHA!'' I filled in for him laughing in my real voice.

(It's a stupid song, but it's hilarious for all who are wondering.)


''There's my sleeping beauty.'' Sesshomaru said coming back to the bleachers.

''Get out of my face.'' Kagome said closing her sketching binder.

''Your so fiesty. I like it.''

''Good. You can like it all the way up your ass. Don't you have some squat thrusts or something?''

''You're playing hard to get. Oh I see.''

''And your a pain in the neck when your trying to get laid.''

''I don't wanna get laid. But if that's what turns you on-''

Kagome leaned up to his ear and whispered the words; ''It doesn't,''

''Then why don't you come over to my place for a sleepover and see were the night takes us.''

''Are you trying to Mike Tyson me?''

''And if I say yes...?''

''I'll shove my foot up your ass.''

''And if I say no...?''

''You won't have to walk like a boot legged penguin.''

''I choose no.''

''Hmm good answer.'' Kagome checked her watch. ''And I'm about to leave this hell hole. Okay, you'll live another day''

''But I never got your name.''

''I'm your worst nightmare.''

''Your still sexy. So I'll call you seductive.''

''Nevermind horny. My name is Kagome.''


''A pervert?''

''Funny. My name is Sesshomaru''

Kagome held her chin and looked him up and down like she was fitting him ''I don't see it.''

''Seeing isn't believing. Believing is seeing.''

''Well, that actually words of wisdom.''

''I'm touched.''

''Good for you.''

Sesshomaru's POV

Kagome walked over to Hojo and talked to him for a couple of minutes. In between times she laughed and even looked amused. Then she waved at him and mouthed to call her. Damn how come she won't talk to me like that? Was it because I looked at her like another girl from class? That might be it. But she seems like a shell and I need to break it. I guess I'll have to charm her.


Normal POV

''Hey Ayumi come over to my house today.'' Kagome said walking up to her locker.

''Why?'' Ayumi asked putting her english stuff out and taking her math stuff back in.

''Cause, I think I thought of a song that's really means something.''

''Oh, okay. When do you want me to be there?''

''About 6:00. Bring Sango and Ebony with you so we can see how it works ok?''


''I gotta get to history in a jiff so bye. See ya in homeroom!'' Kagome said running back to her locker

''You too.'' Ayumi said waving.

''Hello seductive.''

''Does god hate me so much? Does he have to torture me?'' Kagome asked the ceiling.

''God doesn't have to do that I will.'' Sesshomaru replied.

''Wow. I'm so turned on right now, pervert.''

''Good now come over to my place and-''

''Dude. Are you high or something?''

''I feel high when I'm with you.''

''Then I guess I can call the cops.''

''Now would you really want to do that?''


''I'll see you later Kagome.''

''I might've shot myself in the eyes by then.'' I replied.

''And why would you do that?'' He asked me.

''Oh, no reason.''


Do you see the beauties a few touch ups can do? I might do this on every chapter...