Chapter 30

The son of Ajihad was weary. Too long these nights now felt. Nights were nothing happened, nights where he could feel the efforts of every last one of them dwindle. Whatever their task, it seemed a fruitless one. Nothing or no one dared to attack the castle or the King. The only noticeable, questionable activity existed within the walls of the imposing building. And whatever was happening, whatever spell was being cast – it was growing stronger. Of course whatever happened inside the protection of The Shield was none of their business and approved by the King. But still… it was difficult to ignore such a feeling. Difficult to not try and feel the edges of the spell and imagine the use for such a power. At a light tap on his shoulder, his lips stopped moving. His relief had arrived. With a brief nod, he left his post and headed toward the one place that he would find comfort, rest and pleasure.

The tavern was unusually quiet. The halls were empty and there was not a woman in sight. The place seemed deserted. Brow creased in frustration, he approached the counter and slammed his fist down upon the small bell. The sound rang around the room and was met by nothing. Angered by the lack of service, he headed straight for the room that was "his". The room that he used to sleep, to indulge himself and to hold meetings with the mysterious woman. Barging through the door, the first thing that he saw was a pool of blood. Following the puddle that stained the wooden floor, he discovered Erika. She was seated with her back against the wall, cradling the head of the dead young man on her lap.

"What happened?!" he thundered.

Without looking away from the face of the deceased, Erika only pointed a finger to the blank spot that existed between them. Taking a step forward, the son of Ajihad was about to demand an explanation, when he felt it; the residue of the creature that had been there. The feeling was not unknown to him. Its origins were no secret and his face turned hard.

"They know…They sent it after you…You are no longer safe here… He has already paid the price… If they know you are here and their creature has been disposed of, they will come again, and this time, they will finish the job themselves…"

Erika lifted her head, cold eyes meeting his. "…Them?"

"The Twins," he replied. "That…whatever that was…It was of their doing. I may not know the direct result of their work, but as the only spell casters residing in the castle, I am familiar with the feel of their work."

"They… they sent it here…for me?" she asked, in a tone so chilling that the son of Ajihad was forced to raise a brow.

"So it would seem…" was all he replied.

Erika became absolutely still. Two words escaped her lips.

"Get Lia."

He complied.


Lia nudged her sleeping friend gently. Ella groaned and then rolled to her side, eyes opening sleepily and yawning massively.

"Is it that time already?" she asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"I am afraid so," Lia smiled.

"You have to love these early mornings," Ella chuckled, stifled another yawn and then sat up.

Stretching her arms over her head, she assessed her mentor's face and felt a sudden twinge of worry. Lia didn't particularly look either happy or sad, but there was a questioning look in her eyes that she had never seen before. Somehow, it did not bode well.

"What's wrong?" she asked, trying to hide the anxiety in her voice.

"There has been a slight change of plan…" Lia began.

"How do you mean?"

"Well… to put it mildly…we are about to do something very, very stupid."

A grin broke across Lia's face, but in her eyes told a different story.

"Define… stupid?" Ella asked as casually as she could.

"Murtagh and I are going to take on the King."

Ella gawked. "That's a cut above the usual stupid."

"I know," Lia agreed. "Which is why I am allowing you the opportunity to walk away. This will be no laughing matter. If things go wrong…If we get caught… Those associated with us will pay the price. You have come this far and for that, you have my everlasting gratitude…but I have put you in enough danger. This is-"

"I don't care what this is. If you stay, then so do I," Ella frowned.

Lia sighed. "There is no way that I can change your mind?"

"Talk about stupid," her friend muttered.

Nodding, the warrior knew that her attempts had only been carried out with the smallest of hopes.

"Then there is something you should know."


"Eragon will be joining us…tonight…This will be our last fight."

Feeling her chest close, Ella gasped – half in fear and half in delight. Last fight? What did she mean? But… Eragon would be here. The four of them would be together once more. Nothing else seemed to matter. Grabbing her friend's arm, Ella squeezed hard and felt the first signs of excitement build up inside her.

"Then we will fight…All of us… Together."

Lia reached out and grabbed Ella's arm in turn. "It would be an honour."

A moment of togetherness passed between them, followed by a smile.

"When?" Ella asked.

"Tonight," Lia informed her.

"Then I suppose we'd better get ready," her friend replied, jumping to her feet.


Hepzibah was by the windows arranging her herbs, when she saw the dark skinned man heading towards the store. Whispering under her breath, she willed the man to walk on by. He met her eyes and dipped his head. There was no escaping that form of recognition. Growling under her breath, she marched to the door and opened it wide. Striding past her, he gave the store a brief glance and skipped all formalities.

"Lia. She must come to the tavern. Now," he said.

Without a word to the man, Hepzibah opened the door to the underground chamber and hollered.


Standing outside the bedroom door, the son of Ajihad stayed put. Ella stood behind Lia, as her hand rested on the handle. From behind the door, she could hear the sound of dry sobs. Standing on her toes, Ella sought to take a look inside.

"I think you had better stay here…" Lia mumbled.

Ella rolled her eyes and rested against the wall beside the young dark skinned man.

"Yes… because the both of you get along oh-so-well."

The son of Ajihad gave her a level look. "You are young. There is nothing behind that door that you need to see."

"I don't live a sheltered life," she spat. "I can handle it."

"But can you handle an unstable sorcerer?" he asked, with a crooked smile.

"Unstable sorcerer?" Ella cocked a brow. "You mean Erika?"

"Of course. She is dangerous."

"So it's alright for Lia to walk in there, but not for me?" Ella argued.

"Your friend can protect herself. What can you do?" he asked condescendingly.

Cheeks burning, Ella's hand flashed for her dagger. He had her arm pinned against the wall in a painful grip, before her fingers had even touched the blade. Ella scowled up at him, humiliated. The son of Ajihad smirked down at her. Lia's face appeared between the both of theirs, bemused.

"I appreciate the point that you are trying to make here for her own safety, but if you have left even a bruise on her arms, you will have to answer to me," she warned.

His hand fell away from Ella's arm, which she desperately tried not to rub. Still smirking, he backed away. Folding her arms, her jaw jutted out and she did nothing but glare. Leaving them, Lia took a deep breath and quietly entered the room. The son of Ajihad glanced at the door and jerked his head towards it. Ella raised a brow.

"Care to listen?" he invited.

Too angry to reply, but not stubborn enough to turn down the offer, Ella nodded. The both of them quietly approached the door and pressed their ears to the wood. There was only the slight muffle of voices.

"I can't hear shit," Ella grumbled.

The dark skinned man muttered a few words and then, the voices became as clear as if they were standing in the same room.

"Better?" he asked with that same smirk.

This time, she returned it.


Taking small, careful steps, Lia approached the strange girl. She tried to ignore her dead former friend, but she could not. He would have almost looked peaceful, if it were not for the gaping hole in his chest. Erika clutched his head in her hands, fists grabbing handfuls of his hair and mumbling incoherent words under her breath. Rocking back and forth, her skin looked pale and taut – the look of someone who had spent the night crying until the tears could no longer come. Lia knew those nights. They may have taken hold of her years before, but she remembered them only too well. Kneeling beside the girl, she did not say a word, did not move out to comfort her – only watched her with a sorrow that she never knew she could feel toward a rival.

"The idiot gave his life for me!" Erika finally spat out, her fingers pulling hard, tearing out clumps of his hair. "I treated him like nothing and yet, he fought to save me!?!"

Lia gazed down at Jacob's still form and closed her eyes halfway.

"Yes, he always was an idiot. A selfless idiot when it came to helping those for whom he cared… I do not know what you did for him, nor do I wish to know… But Jacob was never one to act lightly. Whatever it was that you did; you gave him cause to risk himself for you. He was never a monster…just…misled…Do not mourn him Erika…He took his risk willingly and I think…you gave him something that everyone else could not…"

Unhinging her fingers from his hair, Erika finally moved his head to the floor and turned her eyes away from his.

"His sacrifice was only the beginning…My former masters know of my whereabouts…They sought to kill me…I am no longer safe..."

Standing, Lia gestured to the door.

"You have done more than I could have asked and more than I deserved. You are free to leave. You always have been. From tonight, the tables will turn. Plans have changed and the only mission that is left is an assassination. Murtagh, Eragon, Ella and I…we plan to face the King. You have suffered enough."

"But have they?" Erika hissed. "After all that they have already done to me, they wish to end my life? Did I really expect anything less? No… I suppose I didn't. But him…"

Her gaze flashed to Jacob, then away.

"…He had nothing to do with it. He had nothing to do with anything. It was my job to keep him safe and he died. I don't know what this feeling is that burns through my veins. I didn't care for the boy at all, but his actions, his death… they were unacceptable. They have gone too far… They misjudged me from the beginning and I held back… but not anymore. I stay. I will stay and fight, but not for you or anyone else. I stay and fight for me…and for this …this imbecile. I will show those bastards exactly what I am made of – show them what their experiments could not. If it means killing them and the man who issued their orders, so be it. My hands have been clean for too long…it is time to stain them with blood."

Lia gave the girl an appraising look. "The plan is yet to be made, but a plan there will be. Will your emotions cloud your judgement, or will you be capable of following orders? I do not intend to rid you of your retribution. However, an error in your part may endanger us all. If we formulate a plan that meets all of our requirements, will you play your part?"

"Will my part involve bloodshed?"


"Then I will work by your side this one, final time."

Extending a hand, Lia held it there. Erika glanced at it and then took it. When she was stood on her own two feet, the warrior was still gripping her hand and she gripped it firmly back.

"Then let's make it count," Lia grinned.

"Let's," Erika agreed with a cold smile. "But on this occasion, my services are not for free."

"Very well," Lia acceded. "Name your price."

"Teach me how to fight. It remains the only skill that I lack. Teach me to fight the way that you do."

"It has taken me years," Lia said dubiously.

"It will take me hours," Erika stated with an air of promise. "Teach me and I will be just like you… only better looking…with larger breasts…and longer legs…and then maybe the son of Morzan will see good sense?"

Lia grinned. "Why don't we find out."

"Why don't we," Erika agreed with an enticing smile.


When the voices stopped, the son of Ajihad stared at Ella and Ella's eyes darted to the front entrance. Had Lia meant for him to hear her plan, or had it been an act of pure carelessness? The man could leave them now, foil their plans and order their deaths, before she could even hope to grab a hold of his arm. He continued to stare at her and think. So…the young man that they sought to save was Murtagh…And they wish to kill the King and face the Twins? Interesting. Foolish, but interesting.

"Please…" she whispered her pathetic plea.

"Please what?" he asked, curiously.

"Please…just leave us be. They will never know that you were involved. Can't you just forget what you have heard?"

"I cannot," he replied gravely.

Ella's heart sank.

"For if I wish to be of any assistance, I shall need to discuss my role further," he grinned.

Gawking after him, she watched as he pushed his way through the door. Erika's eyes slid his way and dismissed him at once. Lia did not even turn to face him.

"Are you with us, or against us?" Lia asked simply.

"I am with nor against anyone – but I will provide aid in what little way that I can. But this is it warrior – the last time."

"I believe tonight will be the last time for a lot of things," she stated calmly.

"I believe you are right. Until then, may I be so bold as to make a suggestion?"

"Please," Lia invited.

"You train this one," he gestured to Erika. "And I take the young one."

"I am not that much younger than her!" Ella fumed, appearing at his side and glowering up at him.

Erika rolled her eyes and Lia smiled.

"It is true," she informed the dark skinned young man. "But where will you take her?"

"Your area of expertise is violence – this child can be useful elsewhere."

Ella threw her hands in the air. "I am perfectly capable of holding my own!"

Indecisiveness flashed across Lia's face. Ella saw the reaction before it could be concealed, and felt her throat tighten. She could look after herself… she could be useful… Erika smiled smugly and she narrowed her eyes at her. Turning to the son of Ajihad, Ella pursed her lips.

"And what exact use do you have for me?" she demanded.

The young man smiled. "Have you ever tried your hand at magic?"

Ella's eyes widened and her mouth formed a small "o". Lia gave him an interested look and Erika snorted her disapproval… or disbelief. Whichever it was, it was enough to make up Ella's mind.

"Fine," she agreed. "Show me what to do and I will be useful."

"Ella…" Lia said softly.

Ella bit her tongue and then sighed. "If you won't let me fight Lia, let me do this much. This is why I stayed. To help. Don't rob me of my chance to make a difference. You think teaching that evil bitch will make her a fighter? Then fine! I'm going with him."

The warrior came to stand by her side, a hand touching her shoulder.

"You have always made a difference, just by being here. But I know that it is not what you want, so go. Learn from him what you can and…"

"Make you proud?" Ella sniffed and shook her head.

Lia paused. "No. Make yourself proud. You are capable of much Ella and you learn quickly. You give me too much credit and your opinion of me is simply too high."

"I'll second that," Erika said with distaste.

"Do this and prove to yourself that you are every bit as capable as you know you are. You have never needed to prove anything to me Ella…not for a long time. From now on, live for yourself," Lia insisted, lifting her hand away and turning her back on the girl.

Ella squared her shoulders and faced the door.

"Come on you," she said, grabbing a fistful of the young man's robe. "Let's do this."

Flinging her hand away from him, he smoothed out the crease on his robe and threw her an unforgiving look.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I mess up your clothes? Stop trying to be so bloody scary! I'm not in the mood for it and it's not going to work," she growled.

For a moment, his eyes darkened, but then his lips twitched. He extended her an arm. Taken by surprise, she glanced over her shoulder at the other girls. They bit down on their lips, hiding their smiles. Lia gave her an encouraging nod. Ella turned red and frowned at the gentlemanly gesture.

"I can walk fine by myself, thank you very much," she mumbled.

"I am sure that you can," he agreed. "However, as a young lady standing on her own two feet, some form of respect is due."

He winked down at her. Her brows plummeted further. About to withdraw his arm, she thrust her own into his and marched forward, dragging him in tow. Stumbling after her, he threw the remaining young women a somewhat helpless look.

"We shall return tonight," Ella informed them in a loud and confident voice as she marched away.

"Apparently," the son of Ajihad chuckled.

Erika and Lia watched the young girl lead the young man outside the building with amused expressions. Leaning into the warrior, the strange girl stuck her tongue in her cheek.

"You know…that child gets more and more like you every day," she pointed out.

Lia smirked. "I know."

"You're proud, aren't you?" Erika snorted.

"I couldn't be prouder," Lia chuckled.

Stepping away from her rival, she pulled out both her swords and tossed one through the air. Erika moved in a blur and caught the sword somewhat clumsily.

"You are lucky you have speed going for you," Lia muttered with a derisive look. " Because that catch was…well…like a girl."

Erika feigned a laughing fit.

"Hilarious warrior!" she exclaimed.

Then, without warning, threw the sword. Lia barely had to side step to the right. She then stared amusedly at where the sword had pinged harmlessly against the wall, and then cluttered to the floor.

"Let me guess," Erika sulked. "I throw like a girl too?"

"However did you guess," Lia grinned.

Muttering, Erika stormed across the room, picked up her sword and then stood by the warrior's side.

"Enough games?" she asked tersely.

"For now," Lia replied. "In the meantime, do as I do."

Stepping forward, Lia thrust her sword at an invisible foe. Erika copied the motion flawlessly and the lesson began.


Upon stepping out into the open, Ella's arm dropped from the young man's and she hesitated, looking left and then right.

"Wondering which way to go?" he asked innocently.

"Well which way do we go?" she shot back irritably.

"Some place very familiar," he promised and then started walking.

She followed.


Hepzibah was standing in the doorway, mouth agape, both hands wrapped around a cup of herbal tea. Calm. She needed to be calm. The events of today could be tied to her in no way whatsoever. Whatever happened, she had to seem innocent. And here, approaching the store for the second time, in the same day, was the one person who could change all that.

"Greetings" the son of Ajihad said, pushing Ella through the door before him.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hepzibah snarled.

"Is that any way to greet a customer?" he asked, arching a challenging brow.

At the word "customer", all anger slipped from the witch's face. If he was here to purchase items, well that was a different story altogether. Nodding briskly, she ushered them inside. Once the door was closed, she locked it behind them.

"So… how may I help you on this fine, fine day?" she asked warily.

"We require some herbs," the young man replied.

"Very well, take what you need, pay me some coin and we shall call the transaction complete."

He presented her with a shrewd smile. "And then…we will require use of your cauldron, witch."

Sighing heavily, she ran her fingers through her hair. So it was going to be one of those days. There was no getting out of this – not whilst she was caught in her bind. Letting loose a flow of curse words, she turned the sign in the window from "open" to "closed."

"Well let's get this over with," she groaned. "What is it that you need?"

The son of Ajihad told her. Her eyes widened in recognition and then, she smiled. Clever boy.


Making his way along the walls of the throne room, Murtagh tried to ignore the changes that were happening inside him. Sleep had come to him, but too late. He had had a few hours – not enough, but there was no more time. His stomach could accept no food, leaving him drained and nauseous and worst of all, everything itched. It felt as though snakes writhed within him and an army of ants crawled across every inch of his skin.

At one point in the night, he had awoken, scratching himself vigorously to relieve some of his discomfort, only to rub away a length of skin. And this time, with his protection lifted, there was blood and pain. To injure himself before their nights work was out of the question, therefore he had closed his eyes, bit down on his tongue and rested in what little way that he could.

Now, there was nothing left for him to do, but wait for Lia to make contact and formulate a plan. His part was an easy one – he simply awaited the others. And now, he was doing the only thing that he could think of. Paying a visit to the only other being that he could converse with during this time- the dragon of the King.


Shruikan gazed through the gap in the curtain at the back of the throne. He could see the one arm dangling from the side, the fingers drumming against the wood. And not a word was exchanged; not a glance was passed his way. Nothing. He felt the boy's presence and his lips curled back, as he issued a warning growl. The sound was pitiful – only a half-hearted threat. If the boy had come to irritate him once more, it was a distraction that he welcomed.

Moving away from the hole, the dragon settled into a more comfortable position, lying on his belly and fixed his onyx eyes on the fluttering piece of cloth. The boy did not even feel the need to announce himself. So confident was he, that he simply entered the den of Shruikan, crossed his legs and offered the dragon a casual wave. Shruikan' s tail flickered from side to side – the only sign of his annoyance. The boy smiled, closed his eyes and rested his head back against the wall.

"Murtagh?" the King asked.

Murtagh and Shruikan both glanced at the throne and then at one another. Neither said a word. The King chuckled.

"Resting in the dragon's den? How delightfully rebellious of you! I see your protection has given you gall. How are you feeling? Can you feel it yet? Do not worry child, for your suffering shall end soon. In the meantime, why do you not enjoy what little time you have left?"

"Do not worry yourself your highness, I fully intend to," Murtagh sneered.

The King laughed and Shruikan studied the boy's face and then felt something different. The boy lacked something- something was missing from the time that he had felt him before. He had had some kind of aura, some form of spell – this so-called "protection". It was no longer there…but how? If it pleased the dragon, he could have shot flames at the young man, toasting him alive and earned some attention from his Rider. But there was something else that was different…the boy…he no longer felt like the boy. Reaching out with his mind, he felt the boy's mind open and ready… as if he had expected nothing less.

The King…he does not know… the dragon stated.

It was no question. Murtagh shrugged.

And what of your progressive condition? Shruikan probed.

Murtagh's lips curved.

Now whom is the one asking too many questions? he teased.

Shuffling forward, the dragon moved his snout inches before the boy's face. The boy's eyes remained closed and he showed no sign of fear, despite the warm breath that blasted against his skin. Shruikan inhaled.

You are losing your scent. The King believes you have days left in you. You have no more than a day.

Well that should make him pleased Murtagh chuckled.

This scent…it does not become you. I remember Morzan the Forsworn, I smell him upon you, but it is not he. This is not the man that they remember. Whatever they have resurrected is an abomination.

What difference does it make? My father was an abomination

No… this is different…The Morzan within you is of a different kind

Different? You mean worse?

If you can believe that possible - the dragon snorted – The Morzan within you is an intensified version of the last. It is the same man, however, after decades of his soul festering inside you, reliving memories of old – his needs are great. This Morzan will come forth as an enemy to the King, not an ally. Too long has he waited to spill blood again, too long has it been since he has been with a woman. When the monster returns, he shall make his highness seem like a prince and he will not be taking orders from anyone, only seeking pleasure for himself

I don't know – Murtagh chuckled – That sounds just like regular "dad" to me

You can joke about such things… the dragon noted.

My entire life has been a joke, why should it stop being funny now?

And when you lose your soul for all eternity? Will you be laughing then? You will not. You will not be able to. You will cease to exist. Does that not frighten you?

Will it really be such a difference from the life I have led? Always being perceived as an enemy, an outsider? Never being trusted? Hunted each and every day? Some may call it a release

What would you call it?

Does it matter?

I suppose not

Neither spoke for several minutes. Murtagh opened his eyes to see the dragon's head rested by his feet. It was a picture of ease and an entertaining one at that.

And what of you Shruikan?

The dragon issued a low rumble, but that was all. Murtagh sighed and nudged the dragon's nose with his foot. The dragon snapped his teeth at it, but Murtagh only laughed.

Fine, ignore me. But let me tell you this much. If I were not destined to lose my body and soul and if I were King, I would treat you a damn sight better than that arse hole

You… A king?! the dragon snorted.

Mock me if you will – Murtagh laughed – But let me present you with these options. What would you rather be? The dragon of a King? Or the dragon of someone who gives a damn?

Shruikan remained in a seething silence. Murtagh noticed a small shaft of light that snuck in through a gap in the curtains. It bounced off those jet-black scales, causing the dragon to shine. In some strange way, he preferred this hide to Saphira's blue.

You may find this hard to believe dragon… but I like you…I see in you a stubbornness that mirrors my own – he grinned – I am no Rider, nor have ever wished to be. But if I was ever to take a dragon companion, I think it would have to be you

Unable to think of a reply, the dragon only stared. Murtagh stared back almost sadly and then rose to his feet, wiping the dirt from his rear. Hesitating, he reached out a hand and held it there, palm outstretched.

Well… this is goodbye… It has been interesting knowing you Shruikan, dragon of the King

It has been interesting knowing you, Murtagh, son of Morzan

Unsure how to respond to the gesture, the dragon simply touched the hand with his snout. Murtagh patted it and then turned his back on the beast.

Farewell Shruikan

Farewell Murtagh

With those final words, Murtagh left.


The Twins stood before the three burning cauldrons and gazed up at the mirror with bright smiles. There, reflected back at them, was Morzan the Forsworn. The image was distorted, but only by the slightest blur. However, it was there. Soon

"Did it return?" one asked the other.

The other shook his head, still distracted by the image that stared down at them. "No. I fear it has disobeyed our orders once more."

"And Erika?"

"She would not have survived such an encounter. Retrieving our pet can wait. This city is full of lost souls, having several more extracted shall make no difference. Allow it to indulge itself, before we issue the punishment.

"Very well. And the resurrection?"

"There is nothing left for us to do. Now it is up to him," he gestured to the mirror.

His brother beamed.


Lia and Erika moved side by side, dancing the dance of death. When they stopped, Erika was panting. Unable to rely on her speed for the moment, the physical exertion was taking its toll. Lia walked to the corner of the room, found a pitcher of water and poured the girl a glass. The strange girl drank it in huge gulps, water seeping from the corner of her mouth and dribbling down her chin.

"To learn the steps, they must be learned slowly," Lia said. "But you have mastered the art of fighting thin air. Now, you will master the art of one to one combat. I will not be fighting you in the sequence that you have just learned. You will need to pay great attention to my actions and try and anticipate my next move. Real combat follows no rules, no set line of thrusts and parries. It is about anticipation and instinct."

"And let me guess…this too has to be learned slowly," Erika whined breathlessly, pouring herself another glass of water.

"Yes… but do not worry. Once you have mastered that, the fun begins."

"You mean you will allow me to use my speed?" the girl near begged.

Lia grinned. "Even better… I shall try to match it."

Erika's eyes gleamed. "Now that, I should very much like to see."


Standing in the background, Hepzibah watched the son of Ajihad instruct Ella in the use of the herbs, chopping them finely and adding the exact amounts necessary. She was impressed. Of course, being a member of The Shield had to make him a proficient spell caster. However, the finer arts of potion making were normally lost on people new to the skill of magic. But he was a natural… and Ella was absorbed by his every word.

"Now add them," he instructed.

She did so, and a sweet fragrance filled the air. The witch inhaled it deeply and smiled. The simplest of sleeping draughts – so simple that is was undetectable and untraceable. Delicious and appealing, it would prove to make a beverage difficult to refuse.

"Now…I will tell you the words and you will cast the spell."

"Alright," Ella agreed, confidence leaving her voice.

He told her the words. She uttered them. Nothing happened. The words were not difficult. On the contrary, they were few and easily pronounceable. Pursing her lips, she spoke them again to no avail. Exhaling sharply, she averted her eyes and her mouth tightened. The son of Ajihad laughed.

"Giving up so soon?" he asked mockingly.

"No," she muttered.

She tried again, failed again and this time, she glanced at Hepzibah's figure in the shadows. Ella tried to discern whether the woman was laughing at her. She was not. The woman only watched her intently.

Ella's shoulders sagged. "Go on… tell me what I'm saying wrong."

"It is not what you say, it is what you are doing. You are letting your doubt seep into your words."

"This is my first time, you know."

"And we have all been there – even the witch. And the first thing you need to learn about simple spell casting such as this, is that anyone can do it."


"Anyone," he smiled. "It is not a question of talent, only belief and will. Even carriers of non-magical blood can cast spells. If you believe, then you can. Say the words, but believe in them too."

"It's difficult to believe in something hen I don't even know what I am saying!" the girl complained.

"She makes a good point," Hepzibah muttered from the corner.

The son of Ajihad nodded. "My apologies. However, the translation of the words is simple enough. Sleep. Cast the spell, believe it to work and the water should turn red."

"And all I have to do is believe?" Ella asked.

"Exactly," he assured her.

Doubt etched across her face, but she rolled up the sleeves of her robe and prepared to try again. Tilting his head to the side, he smiled slyly.

"Maybe some incentive would go a long way. If you can master this simple spell, I shall teach you another…This one, being a little more concerned with…battle."

Those were the words that Ella longed to hear. Focusing all her concentration on the words that were to be said, she spoke the words with a new sense of purpose. The water turned red.

"Well what do you know…" Hepzibah mused.

Ajihad gazed into the cauldron and nodded his approval. Ella shuffled closer and sniffed the water.

"Is it ready?" she asked.

"It is ready," he confirmed. "And so t seems…are you."

Smiling hugely, she awaited his instruction. Seeing her eagerness, he cast a sidelong glance to the witch.

"Would you care to assist me?" he offered.

Hepzibah pretended to think about it. "Well I don't have anything better to do."

He hid his smile as the woman ambled forward and Ella felt herself tingle with excitement. She was to be taught magic by a member of the King's finest and a renowned witch. Finally, she would have her chance to shine.


Another hour had passed, when Lia was satisfied that there was no more to be taught. Erika had indeed learned with inhuman speed, a few minor errors and now, she was ready to fight on her own. But there was one last thing that Lia wished to try and somehow, she felt that this strange girl held the key.

"It is time," she announced.

"Finally!" Erika rejoiced.

"But I have one request…"


"Can you… explain something to me?"

"What?" Erika asked, her interest piqued.

"Your speed…I understand that it is a part of you, but how do you control it?"

Scrunching her eyes, Erika pondered the question. Then, she disappeared and reappeared in the time it took for Lia to take a breath.

"After years, it has simply became a natural reaction. I barely pay my movements any heed. But in the beginning, it was concentration. That was what gave me control."

"But your concentration was directed in slowing your speed," Lia qualified.

"Yes, that much is true. In fact, even now, I find normal movements all the more tiring. Every part of me screams to move fast. It is as if I am fighting against a current, every time I struggle to walk at a human pace…Why do you ask?"

"I wish to be able to control my own speed," Lia admitted sheepishly. "I have these skills and no idea how to control them. Sometimes it seems as if they are brought on by strong emotions, but it is not enough. Not now. Not tonight. I need to learn."

Erika gazed down at the warrior, brow creased in thought.

"You realise that what you ask to learn in a few hours is impossible. For me to learn what you have taught me is another matter entirely. But for you? You are only human…"

Lia met the girl's eyes and felt the heat rise to her face. "I understand that…And I can tell you now that in an afternoon's work… you are better than me."

The strange girl's eyes widened in surprise. "Come again? I didn't quite catch that…"

Taking a breath, Lia's expression hardened. "I am not so pig headed that I cannot recognise talent when I see it. If I fight you now, you will best me. Your speed and your new knowledge make you superior. As of this moment, you are the better warrior. All I ask from you is to offer me something- anything that can help me gain some control of my powers. I am not accustomed to begging Erika, but if that is what it takes, then I will."

Taken aback, Erika stared at the sword in her hand and frowned.

"You have changed Lia…" she noted cautiously. "Whether something has happened or there is something that you keep from me, I do not know nor care. But to address me in this way…it is desperate."

Swallowing her pride, Lia kept her mouth shut. The strange girl could not know what her words cost her. The fact that Murtagh was unable to witness the moment was her only feeling of comfort. Erika raised her sword and chewed on the inside of her cheek.

"When you wake up tomorrow and all of this is over, you are going to remember this moment and feel completely and utterly disgusted with yourself!" the strange girl mused with a grin.

"I feel disgusted with myself now," Lia promised her with a brief, bitter smile.

"Alright warrior, don't ask me why, but I will make this easier for you. If I teach you something, maybe your humiliation will be less?"

"It would be nice to have something to show for it," Lia admitted, drawing her own sword.

"Are you ready for lesson number one?"

"No," Lia answered honestly. "But do let us begin."

"It's quite simple really."

"What do I have to do?"

Erika's smile widened. "Move."

And then, she attacked.


Tired of travelling within the walls, Murtagh decided to take to the halls and the first thing that struck him was the silence. There was no sound of any life whatsoever. No footsteps, no far off scuffling of feet, so clashing sounds from the kitchens. Not a thing. Passing each an every chamber, Murtagh stopped and looked inside. With the doors that were locked, he pressed his ear against the wood and listened. Nothing. No one. The place was deserted. The kitchens empty. Areas were still closed off, but it was evident that the only people within the castle were himself, the King and The Twins. For a moment, he smiled. The lack of witnesses would make their need for stealth unnecessary. And then he remembered why they were gone. Resisting the urge to claw at his own chest, Murtagh fought the bile that was rising to his throat and headed for the kitchens. It did not matter that he could barely eat, he had to. He needed the energy to remain himself and make it through the night. Not for the first time, he wished that he could find some of Lia's purple root.


The afternoon passed and soon, Lia, Erika, Ella and the son of Ajihad were gathered in the room at the Tavern, with Murtagh present through Lia. They had each done all that was possible and now, it was time to plan. The young, dark skinned man was the first to offer an idea

"We have created a simple draught, but the properties not only cause drowsiness, but affect a magic bearer's ability to cast. I cannot promise that the effect will be a strong one, but any advantage must be taken. This, I feel would benefit your assault on the Twins. As for the King…there is a way to limit his magic. Do not misunderstand me, the man will remain lethal by all means- but there is a way to leach his powers…"

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a handful of crushed herbs.

"This may not look like much, but if placed in a circle around the area where you wish to face the King, it will help drain him. By all accounts, it should be a continuous drain. It will however begin slowly and until then…well…your only concern will be staying on your two legs. If you can remain alive until he is sufficiently weakened, then you stand a fool's chance – but no more."

He looked to Lia. Lia looked to Murtagh.

Well, what do you think? she asked.

I don't think we shall receive a better offer from anyone else


"Thank you. Your help is appreciated. May we ask of you one last thing."

"You can ask, but I cannot promise that you shall have it," he informed her carefully.

"At nightfall, all we require is ten seconds. Four sets to be precise. And a signal at the beginning of each," Lia requested.

"I think that could be arranged," he agreed. "And the signal?"

"That depends on where you will be standing."

"Near the gates, overlooking the city."

"Then all you need do is flex your fingers."

The son of Ajihad frowned. "You will be unable to see."

"We will be fine," Lia smirked.

"And then what?" Ella asked.

We split into two groups. I will meet you at the entrance. You, Erika and I head for Twins. Eragon and Ella can begin to plant the herbs around the throne room. By the time we finish with those bastards, they will be ready. I can provide them with a map of the area and we can meet at a pre-arranged place for the final show down Murtagh suggested.

That sounds like a plan Lia agreed.

The plan was relayed to the others and then, one look out of the window told them that it was time. The son of Ajihad gave them each a curious look.

"It has been…different," he concluded with a wry smile.

"You could say that," Lia agreed extending him a hand.

He took it and shook it. "I shall not forget you warrior."

"Nor I you magic bearer. I will say this much – I like you a damn sight better than I liked your father," she chuckled.

"That, I shall take as a compliment."

His eyes moved to Erika and he only dipped his head. She returned the motion and then, he looked down upon the young girl whom he had taught throughout the course of the day. She tried to look as impassive as the rest, but there was a twinge of sorrow in her eyes. Strange how they had only met and he had made such a difference. Grinning, he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You show promise. May what you learned serve you well."

"Thank you," she mumbled.

With a final pat of her arm, he turned and left. This was the end of their association. After tonight, they would go their separate ways. In a way, he was glad. It had been a risk since the beginning, but at the same time – the only form of excitement he had experienced in a long time. Did he privately wish that he could join their fight? Maybe…if only for the sake of something different. And vengeance? Was vengeance worth taking such a chance? It was too late now. It was better to play it safe. For what chance did they stand anyway…


Are you ready? Saphira asked for the thousandth time.

Yes Eragon replied tiredly,

He was reminded of the Garrow nagging him before market day.

Have you rested well?


Eaten enough?

For pity's sake Saphira, you were there! You saw how much I ate!

But did you rest enough? You cannot expect to –

Saphira! Please! I rested perfectly – you watched over me the whole time and there is no more preparation to be made

I know she sighed.

Is it nearly time?




I don't want to say goodbye he said stubbornly.

Then do not … she replied softly.

How about… see you later?

That will suffice

And –

He simply disappeared. Saphira's head shot forward probing the air, but there was nothing there. She reached out for him, feeling only the vaguest sense of his presence somewhere far away.

Good luck she whispered, closing her giant lids.


The air in the underground chamber shimmered. Hepzibah and the others stepped back.

"Here he comes," she warned.

A bright flash lit up the chamber and there, the Rider stood in all his glory… literally. There was not a scrap of clothing upon him. Hepzibah's lips twitched. Erika's flickered downward, then up again and she offered Ella a congratulatory smirk. Ella turned scarlet and averted her eyes. Murtagh snorted and Lia, hiding her laughing fit with a series of chokes, fought to compose herself. Eragon, oblivious to his condition and only delighted to see his friends, strode forward, arms outstretched.

"Lia! Ella!" he shouted happily.

"Uh…" Ella stuttered.

"What?" he asked, noticing the minor horror in her face and feeling a stab of hurt. "Are you not pleased to see me?"

"We are very pleased to see you Rider," Lia assured him. "But we would be even more pleased if-"

"If what?" he demanded, visibly upset.

"We could see a little less?" Erika finished.

Smiling beatifically up at him, she allowed her eyes to drop down and stay there. He followed her eyes, yet out a small yelp and jammed his hands over his manhood. Lia and Erika couldn't help but guffaw. Hepzibah threw Ella a spare cloak, who then gingerly passed it to her love. One hand shot out to take it and the second he was covered, he let out a long sigh.

"And there I was thinking this was a change to my poor luck," he winced.

"On the contrary Rider, we love you just the way you are," Lia grinned.

"Lucky girl," Erika said, nudging Ella in the ribs.

Refusing to take the bait, Ella only threw an arm around Eragon's shoulders and placed a soft kiss to his cheek.

"That was certainly a new way to say hello," she commented cheerily.

At that he laughed and then, a pile of clothing was thrust before his face by an intimidating middle aged woman.

"These should fit," she said and then turned her attention to Lia. "Well, this is it. You gave me your word girl."

"That I did," Lia nodded and then gestured to the stairwell. "Everyone, bid the pleasant lady farewell. This is the end of our stay."

Hepzibah shuffled uncomfortably, as each of them mumbled their thanks. Then, one by one, they ascended the stairs. Only Lia stopped in the doorway for one final word.

"What's the matter girl?" the woman asked sourly. "Missing this old crone already?"


"Then what is it? My deed has been done, you can end your bloody bind!"

At that, Lia offered the witch a sly smile. "You know… there never was a bind."

The woman' s face paled. "…What?"

"The never was a bind," Lia repeated casually. "It's quite fascinating what you can achieve with the power of suggestion, is it not?"

"But… you?!… I…"

"Oh I think you'll find that any symptoms you suffered, were brought about entirely by yourself," Lia winked.

"That's… No… You?!…"

"Goodbye Hepzibah."

The door closed on the spluttering woman, ending their acquaintance.


Inside the tavern, they waited for darkness to fall. The wait was not long. Before they had left the apothecary, Erika performed the simplest spell to hide Eragon's identity and upon their arrival, he was informed of the plan. Everyone nodded, agreeing to his or her individual roles. However, no one asked the one question that mattered: how to deal with Galbatorix. And why? Because no one knew. That was the beauty of this suicide mission. It relied on sheer, dumb luck.

They used their hour to sit quietly. Eragon and Ella sat side by side, hand in hand. Erika and Lia leaned against the opposite wall, shoulders touching and glancing at the spot where Jacob had died. They had disposed of the body earlier, but in their minds eye they could still see it. Whatever their reasons, they were all fighting for something tonight. What little time they had left was best spent remembering exactly what it was that they were fighting for. When the sky turned black, they left the tavern and headed for the castle wall.


The son of Ajihad saw no sign of the coming trespassers, but he could wait no longer. Wherever they were, he would keep his part of the bargain. Feeling foolish, he flexed his fingers and his lips stopped moving. From around him, he could hear the chant of the others and then a strange whooshing noise. He nearly toppled backwards, as a grinning Lia appeared by his side and then dropped down the other side of the wall. So stunned was he that he almost forgot to resume his chant, but he did. Taking a few minutes to prepare himself, he gave the signal once more and braced himself. Next shot Erika, who offered him a flirtatious wink and then, disappeared. After that there was Ella, who looked rather terrified and finally the Rider. Then, it was over. Chanting as normal, the son of Ajihad resisted the urge to turn his head and scan the shadows for their progress. They had made it this far…maybe they were not destined to die…yet.


Sticking to the shadows, the four reached the castle entrance. The door was open a crack and at their approach, the opening widened. Running quickly, they barrelled through the door. Murtagh sniggered, as Eragon suddenly stopped and the rest of them crashed into him, causing every last one of them to fall. Picking themselves off the floor, they spun around, eyes landing on him. Ella smiled. Eragon marched towards him and flung his arms around the surprised warrior in a brief embrace.

"It is good to see you my friend," he said with feeling.

"Yes… well," Murtagh muttered, awkwardly landing an affectionate blow on the Riders shoulder.

Erika gave him her best smile, but he did not look at her, only at Lia. The look that passed between them was unfathomable. Ella tiptoed to her friend's side and whispered loud enough for all to hear.

"This is the part where you give him that arse kicking I promised."

"Later," Lia said, forcing a smile.

Murtagh tore his eyes away from her and glanced at the others. This was not the time…

"Follow me," he ordered.

They did. Heading towards the dungeons, Murtagh lifted the tapestry and gestured Eragon and Ella inside. From his trousers, he pulled a roughly sketched map and pointed to a candle on the floor. Ella picked it up and Murtagh passed her a flint and tinder.

"The tunnels. They are all marked. Right now, you are here," he said, jabbing a finger at the relevant area. "Follow this line, until you reach here. The place is deserted. Place the herbs in a rough circle around this area and when you are done, meet us here."

Eragon and Ella nodded.

"And the three of you?" Eragon asked slowly "Will you-"

"Worry about your own task Rider," Murtagh rolled his eyes. "This will be no challenge for the three of us."

Trusting in them, Eragon gave them one last look and then headed into the dark. Ella followed obediently. Erika appeared between the two warriors and chuckled.

"Well, now that the children have left, shall we plan?" she enquired.

"The Twins are in the dungeon. The hall is protected by a spell that will rip a man apart and take him body and soul. The only way to fight them is to lure them out."

"And the draught?" Lia asked.

"Hmmmm," Erika thought. "It is unlikely that they will accept our generous offer of a tasty beverage before we kill them…but I believe there is another way."

"Being?" Murtagh pressed impatiently.

"Steam," she replied casually. "And as for luring them out, well I can think of no better bait than myself."

"You would play bait?" Lia raised a significant brow.

"It looks like we're all doing things a little different on this day. Do not worry yourselves, my spell casting abilities shall remain in tact. Now - " she smirked and then waved to the tapestry. "Hide."

Murtagh hesitated. "What are you going to do?"

"Get their attention," she sneered.

Lia passed her the flask with the draught. Opening her arms wide, Erika closed her eyes and muttered a series of words. The flask began to glow and then, from its centre, steam began to escape and fill the hall. As Murtagh pulled Lia into the tunnel, their fingers touched for the first time. Pushing his partner up against the furthest wall, he urgently crushed his mouth against hers. The kiss was over before it began, but they were left breathless. He opened his mouth to speak, but there was nothing left for either of them to say. Marked palms joining, they could only listen and wait.


"I think we're here," Eragon frowned down at the map, turning it this way and that.

"Give it here," Ella said, prizing the map from his fingers before he could complain.

After a brief glance, she nodded to herself and then looked to their side. A crack of light broke through the tunnel on their right. A doorway.

"Through there," she said and pushed at the wooden panel.

It opened out into a hallway. Stepping out, they looked left and right.

"The place is empty. We should split up," she announced.

"Is that a good idea?" Eragon asked, his voice unsure.

"We've got a lot of ground to cover and we need to get this circle sorted out. You take that chamber and I'll take this one."

"And then what?"

"We get back in the tunnels, find another good place and do it all over again," she shrugged.

He stopped and smiled at her.

"What?" she asked defensively.

"You're different," he chuckled.

"I suppose I am," she admitted.

"I like it," he said with a twist of his lips.

Blushing, she jerked a finger at the chamber before him. "Enough of that Rider, you can romance me after we've killed the evil man."

"I fully intend to," he grinned and then turned, leaving her red-faced and intent on completing her own task.


A groaning noise filled the air, joined by a loud rattling. Daring to peek from their place of hiding, the two warriors stared down the halls. Pictures mounted upon the walls were shaking and lantern holders were tearing away from the walls. Erika stopped speaking and her hands beat together I one single loud clap. Every picture, every candlestick holder and every item that had been attached to the walls or the floor came free and hovered in the air. Upon whispering one single word, everything shot forward, past the strange girl and went crashing into the invisible barrier. Even from where they stood, they could hear the answering shrieks. Erika beamed.

"I think that did the trick."

They could hear the thundering of footsteps slapping against stone and then the dungeon door flew open, revealing the Twins. Both were panting, both were covered in cuts and bruises.

"You!" one hissed. "How did you survive?!"

Erika sniffed. "Well that is hardly the way to welcome your prize student."

"Enough of this!" his brother growled. "Finish her!"

Staggering forward, they stopped in their tracks, sniffed the air and began to cough.

"That sounds quite bad," Erika said sympathetically. "Would you care for a glass of water?"

"She has - " one stammered.

"It is nothing!" the other argued and then closed his eyes.

A lightning bold flashed through the air and hit the space where Erika had been a second before. Now, she stood, leaning against the wall, with a bored smile.

"Really master…is that the best you can do?" she taunted.

Both of their eyes began to glow a deep shade of purple, their lips began to move and their arms began to rise. Erika's eyes brightened at the concept of a challenge.

"Yes," she murmured. "Don't make it too easy for me."

The first bolt missed her shoulder and the second hit the spot where she had intended to appear. They had missed, but only just. The sleeve of her dress was smoking at the edges. Analysing the damage, she gave the Twins an admiring look.

"Interesting plan," she commented. "But how long before I render it useless?"

"Why don't we see," one snarled, whilst the other clicked his fingers.

From the ceiling, countless stalactites appeared and began to drop down upon her. Each and every one missed. Staring from the ceiling to the ground, she avoided being skewered and awaited the lightning bolts that never came. It was more difficult than expected. With each step, her path was blocked and she did not have time to cast a spell – only move. When the last stalactite fell, relief swept over her and then, anger. She was trapped. Enraged, she cast a spell. It did not work. The last spell had drained her of much. Cursing herself, she willed the warriors to make their appearance.

From behind the tapestry, the warriors waited for the Twins to pass the point of safety. When Erika was imprisoned, their time had come. Weakened by their own spell casting and the effect of the steam, the Twins were panting heavily. Their breathing stopped however, when the son of Morzan and a girl who they had thought had been killed, stepped out from the wall. Glancing behind her, still holding Murtagh's hand, a thoughtful looked passed across Lia's face.

"Let's see…there is me…you…them and some interesting cave type formations. One could say that this scene looks oddly familiar…but something is missing?" she mused and then smiled. "Wait a moment, I think I know how to complete this picture."

Murtagh knew her thoughts before they reached his and gripped her hand tightly. Minds focused on the same task; they barely needed to think. All their energy was focused on the Twins…and the walls. A loud ripping noise filled the air, as cracks split down the stone. The Twins were barely given time to register what was about to happen, when the walls either side of them burst into large fragments of rock and hurtled towards each other, meeting in the middle, where the two bald headed men stood in wait.

There were no screams. What little noise they released turned into gurgles, as the rock crumbled to the ground and their crushed bodies crumpled to the floor. Barely able to writhe for their broken bones, their broken lips moved in their defence. Murtagh and Lia knelt by their sides and issued a single, hard punch to their mouths. Withdrawing from the crippled bodies, rubbing their fists, they stared at their handiwork. Several teeth were missing from the front of each Twin and the jaws of both were broken. Murtagh raised his foot; ready to crush the skull of one, when Erika's cry reached their ears.

"Wait!" she yelled.

Lia looked to Murtagh. "This is not just our revenge."

"Fine…then let's make this worth our while," he replied coldly.

With the last of her power, the strange girl created the smallest gap for her to pass through and joined them, hovering over the immobilised Twins. All three stared down at them and in their eyes was a look that caused the bald headed men to feel something that they had never felt before…terror.

"Well Lia, I think you have had your revenge," Murtagh said menacingly. "But I think I should very much like to have mine."

"And mine," Erika added with equal rancour.

"Ladies first?" Murtagh offered in an unusually gallant manner.

Erika smiled. "Oh no, I insist. But please, let me offer my services. Whilst you do whatever it is that you wish, would you allow me to keep them alive?"

"That would be most generous of you," Murtagh smiled and then reached into his pocket, as Erika began to mumble her spell.

When his hand became visible once more, he was holding a knife. Lia smiled. Murtagh bent down on one knee and toyed with the blade, his eyes blazing with hatred. The twins struggled, never taking their eyes off the blade, knowing what was to happen next. Lia crouched down beside her partner and mumbled a few words of her own. The Twins went completely still – apart from their eyes. Erika gave the warrior a look, but the warrior only shook her head. As usual, the unexplainable always reared its head at the most unlikely times. However this was not the time for questions, it was the time to take an eye for an eye. With the blade, Murtagh cut through the front of each of the Twin's robes and then, through their trousers. When their flesh was exposed, Murtagh lay the tip of the blade against the hollow of one's throat.

"This is a very interesting invention of mine, this…" – he laughed and then cocked his head to the side – "It is a knife. It has no magical properties. When I cut you, you will bleed, you will scar and you will feel pain and Erika?" – he added with a brief glance upward.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Do make sure they stay alive," he insisted.

Then the knife came down and one Twin watched in horror, as his brother was cut open and gutted like a fish. Skin parted, organs began to spill out and blood poured from the wound, as if it would never end. And the process was done slowly… an inch at a time…beginning from the throat and ending at the crotch. By the time Murtagh had finished with the other, their eyes were rolling backwards into their sockets and the floor was slick with blood, but they were alive. Lia and Erika's faces remained impassive as stone and when Murtagh rose to his feet, he threw the knife to the ground and took his partner's hand. Her fingers closed around his, unfazed by what the very same hand had performed seconds before. The both of them looked to Erika, who moved her gaze from the ground, to them.

"I want to end them…but I understand that we shall stand here fighting all day for that privilege. So what say you to a joint effort?"

"I'm listening," Murtagh replied curtly.

"I suppose the question is…would you rather it be quick… or…"

"Messy?" Lia offered.

Her partner did not blink. "Need you even ask?"

"Very well, why don't we all do our own little thing and finish this right now. They are being kept alive only as long as I wish them," Erika pointed out.

"Darling?" Murtagh offered, turning to his partner.

"I always did like going first," Lia muttered.

Frowning hard in her concentration, she needed no words. The ground beneath the twins began to glow red, and their victims began to wail. A thick, vile stench filled the air- burning flesh. Lia smiled, satisfied and then looked upon Erika's interested face.

"Fascinating," the strange girl commented. "But I believe that I can best you in… creativity."

With a flick of her fingers, the steam that only existed as small particles in the air began to gather, forming a dense cloud above the two bald headed, burning men. Erika's lids closed for the briefest moment and when she opened them once more, there were no whites to her eyes, no sign of the usual green – only black.

"How about I put out that fire?" Erika whispered and then snapped her fingers once more.

From the cloud, raindrops began to fall, splashing against the exposed skin. Only it wasn't rain…it was acid. Another putrid stench was added to the air, as flesh was burned from above and below. Flesh was disappearing fast and yet, the Twins continued to live. Lia and Erika finally turned to Murtagh, who offered them each a hand.

"For this…I will require a little extra power," he said in a low voice.

Lia clasped his right hand, Erika clasped his left and without discussing the act, both girls clasped each other's remaining hand. Without pity, they looked down upon their enemy and savoured the last moment of their retribution.

"Go to hell," Murtagh said.

And then, the bodies exploded. Just as Murtagh had witnessed the bodies of many innocents being blasted apart, he now subjected them to the very same end. Only this time, there was no containment for the damage. Blood sprayed all three of them, splashing across the floor and walls. Bones, flesh and organs decorated their faces and clothes and yet, they did not flinch. Erika, who was usually impeccably clean and conscious of her beauty, merely shook a string of intestine off the end of her shoe, turned on her heel and walked away. Lia shook off any loose pieces of flesh, as if dusting off dirt, after being seated on the floor. Murtagh did no such thing. As Lia walked away, he found the skull of one still in tact. After smashing his foot down upon it, he followed his partner. Part one of their mission complete, they were ready for part two.


At the loud cracking noise, Eragon and Ella ran from their respective chambers and met in the hall, staring down the corridor with wide eyes.

"What was that?!" Eragon hissed.

Ella winced. "They were probably having a little too much fun."

"If we could hear it, then…"

His sentence trailed off and Ella grabbed his hand, pulling him back into the tunnels.

"Don't finish that sentence!" she warned him. "And work faster!"


The King's head slowly rose, as he felt the ground beneath him shudder. He was used to feeling and hearing unusual things as a result of the Twins and their experiments, however this was taking things one step too far. Did they care not for his reputation? Were they becoming both careless and reckless in their quest to please him? Possibly. Could he forgive such behaviour? Maybe…If they accomplished the task that they had been set.

A low rumble from behind the curtain reminded him of his dragon's presence and then of the egg. Ah, the egg. Soon there would be a real hatching, another dragon and the Riders could rejoin the world once more; ruling over the people as they saw fit. Resuming his thoughts, the King forgot the loud noises, his dragon and everyone else, as he dreamed.


Erika took the lead. They were to meet in Murtagh's chamber. She had seen the map of the castle enough to remember the route. Murtagh and Lia followed a few steps behind. They walked with hands itching at their sides, ready to draw their weapons at a second's notice. Neither said a word, satisfied with the other's presence and their link, which was all that they –

"What?" Erika fumed.

The footsteps behind her had stopped. Murtagh was staring down at his partner; hand rested on her forearm…fingers digging in. Lia stared up at him, her expression blank. Annoyed, Erika took a step towards them.

"Go," Lia said, without turning her head.

Erika stopped, letting out an exasperated sigh. "But we have completed our task, we are to meet with the others. Whatever it is that the two of you wish to do, it can damn well wait!"

"Erika…" Lia said calmly.

The strange girl frowned. "What?"

"Do you trust me?"

She hesitated, but only for a second. "…Yes."

"Then go," Lia said, her voice cool and controlled. "Meet with the others and go forth as planned. We will catch up."

Frowning, Erika took a step back. "Then we will wait for you."

Murtagh's fingers seemed to dig deeper and Lia fought to keep her voice under control.

"There is no need, we will join you as soon as we can," she promised.

Frowning deeper, Erika surveyed the scene once more. It was wrong, but she couldn't place how or why. All that she knew was that the others awaited them and they still had a King to kill. Nodding once, she turned and disappeared.


One moment he was there and the next, he was gone. Like a candle being snuffed out, her partner had disappeared. His body walked by her side, but the hand that clamped down upon her arm did not belong to him, nor did the eyes that bore into hers or the predatory smile that twisted his lips.

Murtagh… she whispered.

His smile widened, but it was not him. This was Morzan. It had happened, just like that. And now, here she stood, face to face with a true killer. Lying to Erika had came smoothly and she was glad. Morzan seemed not to notice the other girl, distracted completely by the object of Murtagh's desire. With Erika gone, Lia knew what it was that she had to do. She had vowed to stop this man and she would. Her partner's soul was lost for all eternity and yet, she could not allow herself to think of anything but this moment. She would grieve for the rest of her life, but now, she had to do this – for her love, for the world, for herself.

Yanking her arm free from his grip, she drew both her swords and began to circle him. He made no effort to draw his own, only pivoted on the spot, allowing his eyes to wander over her body with a perverse smile across his lips.

"So…we meet again," he said, his voice as enchanting as in her worst nightmares. "Lia, is it? Such a pretty name. And you can use a sword? How…interesting. He loves you, you know. Right now, he is screaming his pathetic little heart out, begging me to let you live. He must see something in you, although I cannot quite see it myself. But hmmmm…maybe I can give him something to remember you by?" he mused.

Lia's heart jumped into her throat and she fought it back down. Murtagh was there?! He was still there?! He was alive, even in the barest sense?! But for how long?! Would he be gone before she could strike the killing blow? Damn it, there was no time for talk!

"He's disappearing a little more every second, so why don't we speed things up a little? Remove your clothes, bend over and allow me to take you from behind. Then, if you would be so kind as to lie helplessly as I squeeze my hands about your throat, it would make a beautiful passing gift for my son. Do you have any objections?" he asked, approaching her at a casual pace.

"Just a few," she replied icily and then, she attacked.

Her speed came to her, her swords were raised and she was prepared to drive the blades through his chest. There was only one problem…he was a former Rider. A blade stopped the both of hers before she had noticed it was there and their faces were inches apart.

"You like a little foreplay I see…Well that can be arranged," he stated happily.

Before she could respond, his face shot forward and his tongue darted out, licking the side of her face. Staggering back, she wiped the spot furiously and snarled.

"I'll give you foreplay, you sick bastard!" she roared.

"And there I was thinking you would make me beg," he replied, readying his sword.

They stared at each other, breathing hard. Sweat beaded down Lia's forehead and a drop seeped into her eye. She blinked. Morzan became a blur. A sword stabbed towards her head. She ducked and appeared on the other side of the room. Their fight began.


Bursting through the chamber door, Erika found Eragon and Ella standing by the window. When their eyes locked onto her, their faces blanched. Glancing down at her current state, the strange girl had to agree that she looked thoroughly ghastly. Passing a hand across her cheek, she felt something soft and gooey. Picking the stray piece of flesh from her face, she flicked it off her fingers onto the ground. Ella tried very hard not to turn green. The Rider failed. Erika shrugged her shoulders.

"No one ever said revenge was pretty," she stated matter-of-factly. "Now, are the two or you prepared to…" – she smiled – "…get a little dirty yourselves?"

"Where are the others?" Ella asked instantly, ignoring the strange girl's attempt at humour.

Erika's face darkened. "They will join us when they are ready. In the meantime, they have asked us to continue.

"Without them?" Eragon practically squeaked.

Ella's face fell, but then she nodded. "We cannot wait any longer."

"What are you complaining about Rider?" Erika said, striding forward, until Eragon was forced to inch back. "You are a Rider, I am an expert spell caster and that girl," she hesitated and then shrugged. "Well she must be good for something?!"

Rolling her eyes, Ella snorted a laugh. "Thanks Erika"

Eragon looked from one girl to the other and then to the map in his hands and took a steadying breath. They were ready.

"Well then… let's not keep his highness waiting."


It had been a long time since Lia had felt the signs of physical exertion from a fight, but what she experienced now was insufferable. Fighting against the elf had been a challenge, a great challenge – but it had never meant to be a fight to the death. Even her afternoon's practice with Erika had been nothing but carefully controlled practice. But this? This was real. He was fast. He was skilled and worse… he was toying with her.

She avoided the majority of his attacks, but she had the most unsettling feeling that he was allowing her. He was only seeking to wear her down, tire her out until he was able to pin her down and… No, she could not let him. He would take her in no way whatsoever. But damn it…he already was! With every attack that she dodged, she would feel a prick, a small slice or a nip. And now, after several long minutes, with over one thousand moves, she was aware of the warmth that trailed down the length of her arms and legs. The warmth of her blood that trickled from countless wounds. Even her face stung and burned from cuts that had gently sliced her cheek, her nose, her chin and one on the side of her neck.

However, these small stinging, throbbing pains were nothing compared to her burning limbs. They begged for her to stop, to allow them a moment's reprieve. She could not stop, for the moment she was still; he was there, attacking. Had she even struck him the once? She could not remember. She had been too preoccupied with remaining alive long enough to plan a lethal attack. Missing another thrust to her side and receiving another nick to her face, she growled and forced herself to carry on. She couldn't stop.

Damn it woman, don't you give up now! she growled in the back of her mind and then swung her sword in a deadly arc…and missed.


The three stood outside the throne room and stared at the door. A feeling of dread passed between them, but none showed any sign of their fear. Eragon took hold of Ella's hand and squeezed it hard; she squeezed it back and then reached for Erika's. Erika's fingers stiffened in her hold, but then, Ella felt the smallest grip – the smallest, but surest sign of reassurance.

"So… any plans?" Eragon whispered; trying to sound as carefree as his piers did in the face of death.

"Spread out, distract and attack?" Erika suggested with a shrug.

"That should do it," Ella shrugged back.

One by one, they released the other's hands, but the staring at the door did not cease.

"Er…" the Rider hesitated. "Just a quick question."

"Yes that robe does bring out the colour of your eyes," Erika stated with mock solemnity.

"And no, your arse doesn't look too big in it," Ella threw in for good measure with a shaky laugh.

Eragon smiled through trembling lips. Only then, did he realise that all three of them were shaking from head to toe.

"Actually, I was going to ask how we should go about making our entrance?"

Erika grinned. "Well I have always found that when one wishes to announce one's self, one usually knocks."

Exchanging nervous grins, the three of them walked right up to the door and stopped. Ella held out her fist and glanced from Erika to Eragon. Eragon closed one hand into a fist and piled it on top of hers. Erika felt their eyes on her, rolled her own to the ceiling and then added her own fist on top of the pile.

"Ready?" Ella asked.

"Never" all three of them chorused and then laughed.

Stepping apart, they beat their fists three times against the large, oak door and then pushed.


Lia tripped. It was one mistake, but it was all that it took. The next thing she felt was her back smashing against the wall, his knee pressed between her legs, one hand wrapped around her neck and the other pressing steel against the side of her throat. She tried to move, but his fingers only closed and the blade dug into her skin. How had this happened? What had she tripped on? Had her fatigue finally got the better of her? Her sagging limbs answered the question. She was spent. This was the end. Murtagh would soon be lost if he was not already, she was going to die and soon, so would everyone else. She had failed. Turning her face to the side, Morzan skimmed his nose from beneath her ear to the edge of her jaw.

"I can smell it," he murmured, inhaling deeply, causing her to cringe in disgust. "Your fear… it smells so sickly sweet and I imagine it tastes even sweeter." He chuckled and with his tongue, lapped up the bead of sweat mingled with blood that ran down her cheek.

Groaning, Lia forced her head to face his. His fingers tightened, but once he ascertained that she would not struggle, they loosened once more. Piercing him with all the hate that she had ever felt in her life, she searched his eyes, wondering if Murtagh could see her now. Half wishing that he could not…

Morzan smiled down at her lazily. "He has fallen quiet…No…wait…I think I hear the sound of tears…Weak boy…Pathetic boy…Watch what I do to this girl, so you can know that you never had a reason to exist other than to serve me."

As his fingers moved from her throat, across her collarbone and towards her chest, Lia shut her eyes and prayed that Murtagh would look away. When his hand reached lower, she inhaled sharply and gnashed her teeth together. All hope was lost…everything that they had ever accomplished was worth nothi-

A memory came to her out of no where. Not of Murtagh, not of anyone that mattered, but of Hepzibah. She was down in the chamber, they were all talking, and they were discussing a spell. Words flashed through her mind. Blood given willingly. But they had done that…



It was given willingly…but it was not what was needed…

Lia finally understood what they had done wrong…

Looking up into Morzan's eyes, her expression softened.

"Forgive me," she whispered.

Morzan's brow furrowed.

Jerking her head suddenly, Lia thrust her neck hard against the blade. There was pain, but only for a moment. She heard the sword clutter to the ground, felt hand and knee release her and then she hit the floor.

Morzan's eyes widened and then, he threw his head back and screamed. His body rose a foot into the air, as he flailed his arms and legs in agony. A dark shape rose from the ground, taking the shape of a giant hand. Seeing it, Morzan began to whimper and scream.

"No! No! Do not take me back! I belong here! I demand it!"

The hand darted upwards and grabbed the floating body, fingers closing into a fist. From within, the screams continued and then, the fist slammed back down into the ground, bringing the body with it. The screams disappeared. Murtagh's body twitched and then slowly, trembling, he rose. Looking around him, he wrapped his arms around his chest and felt inside himself.

"He's…he's gone. Lia…he's…"

Remembering what he had seen, he bellowed in agony and collapsed on his knees by her side. Her eyes were open, unblinking and unmistakably dead. Her throat was sliced open, almost severing her neck from her head. The pool of blood beneath her was thick and flowing. There was no rise or fall to her chest, but he could feel her – like an echo far, far away. So faint was it, that he was unsure it was real.

"L…Lia," he struggled to even say her name.

Eragon…help Eragon… her voice whispered and then faded.

She was gone.

Bending down, he kissed her still warm, dead brow. Picking up his sword, he stood and stared down at her.

"I will not fail you," he promised her fallen form.

Giving her one, final, anguished look, he turned and ran.


They stood in a line, several metres apart. Ella stood her ground on the far left, Erika on the far right and Eragon in the centre. Each offered the King a derisive bow. Galbatorix rose from his throne, ignoring the women and fixing his eyes upon the Rider.

"Well, well, well… if it isn't the farm boy turned saviour," he smiled. "Galbatorix," Eragon glared.

"It speaks!" the King clapped and then, began to stroll forwards. "Now, may I guess the nature of this call? Have you perhaps come to pledge yourself to me? Offer me these fair maidens in exchange for your life or have you simply come to chat?"

Drawing Za' Roc, Eragon grabbed the hilt in both hands. "I have come to kill you."

The King stopped, snorted a laugh and glanced at the other two guests.

"And these charming ladies?" he enquired politely.

"They are here to help," Eragon replied.

Both girls tensed, ready for anything. Galbatorix lifted his palms upward, in a gesture of nonchalance and then threw his arms forward. An energy bolt hit all three intruders in the chest, sending them crashing against the walls. The King examined his fingernails and waited patiently for the three of them to pick themselves up. They did, in a wobbly and ungraceful way.

"Do not waste my time child, I will kill you in due time, but now-"

Three spells hit him in the chest and threw him across the room. The King's body only stopping, when his head hit the corner of his throne. Eragon's palms were still smoking from the fireball he had sent, Erika's form was illuminated by the crackling of thunder, but both their eyes glued to Ella, who stood with her fists bunched by her side and her brow drenched in sweat.

"What?" she growled at the both of them. "Didn't think I was going to sit back and let you two enjoy it all?!"

Eragon's face split into a wide, manic grin. Erika threw her head back and laughed. The lightning around her bouncing off the nearest walls.

"It looks like the innocent girl isn't so useless after all," she stated, impressed.

"Innocent, my arse!" Ella spat. "And as for useless? Well let's just say that all that shit is about to change."

"Shall we play," Eragon smirked.

"Let's," Erika grinned back at him.

Galbatorix clambered to his feet, spread his arms wide and an unnatural wind began to swirl around him, extending further and further, until objects began to move. Things began to lift off the floor and spin through the air. Twelve chairs rose, a table and the throne itself began to rise. With a clap of his hands, every object flew towards the trespassers. Readying their spells, they waited for the opportune moment…


Murtagh flung open the doors and stepped onto the scene. The air was alight with magic, spells being fired every which way and movement so fast, that activity was barely decipherable. The only being who could be made out was Ella – the only one who apparently could not move with inhuman speed. It seemed that somehow, this encounter had brought about Eragon's own Rider talents. It was promising, but would it be enough? A bolt flew through the air and there was a loud gasp. Everything suddenly stopped and Murtagh could see. Erika stood several feet away from the King, Eragon stood further, but every head was looking across the room. Ella was on the ground against the wall, hands over her head and an inch above her, was a cavernous hole. A near miss…too near. Eragon's eyes shot from Ella to the King, indecision lingering there.

"That's right Rider," the King cooed. "Spare your friends an early grave and take them away. I will kill you soon enough, but I need this coming way. So why not take them now and offer them a chance to live? I give you this opportunity to walk away. Do it now and I spare them their lives."

"Don't listen to him Rider," Murtagh spat.

Ella jumped to her feet, her expression overjoyed and then, upon noticing the mission party member, her head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Murtagh…where is…"

He silenced her with a look. Her lips clamped together tightly and her lids closed. When they opened again, she went to stand by his side and glared at the King.

"Don't Eragon," she said bitterly. "This is it. It ends here. Remember?"

The King smiled. "Ah Murtagh, so good of you to join us. I wonder though, have you not told the Rider of your little… predicament?"

Murtagh's nostrils flared. Erika and Ella exchanged a look and Eragon's brows rose questioningly. The King rubbed his chin.

"I wonder…what would the both of you think if I told you that-"

"Enough!" Murtagh roared.

Charging, it mattered not if his blow missed. Nothing was more important than silencing the man. Agreeing with him entirely, the women joined him. Eragon, clueless to their sudden rage only supported the attack. Galbatorix smiled, waited for them to grow close enough and then muttered one word. The four collapsed to the ground, screaming. Galbatorix closed his eyes and savoured the sound. Strolling past their writhing bodies, he tutted his disapproval.

"Really children, this will not do at all. You have these silly little powers and simply no idea how to use them. Now I offered you a chance and you refused to take it. Did you honestly expect me to extend the same invitation twice?" he asked.

His only answer came in the form of long, drawn out wails.

"If you think that this is pain dear ones, I beg you to think again. This is nothing. I can do a lot worse that this and I will…if you continue to defy me so," the King continued.

Turning his back on them, Galbatorix walked to where his throne had once sat.

"Are you done talking?"

The King's eyes grew saucer wide and he spun to see Murtagh standing there, sword ready. The boy looked strong, steady and in perfect health.

"Impossible," he hissed.

"Apparently not," Murtagh muttered. "And I have a message for you."

Galbatorix's eye twitched. "Really?"

"See you in hell," the warrior snarled.

Hands spreading apart, a glowing force emanated from between them. His lips moved, words flowing off the tip of his tongue. Words that he did not understand, but they were there. A pulse of energy cut through the room and hit the King with full force. The King staggered backwards and then fell flat on his back, paralysed. Murtagh walked forward, his pace slow and pointed the tip of his sword to the King's heart.

"Recognise that one, do you?" Murtagh spat. "One of daddy's finest. He liked to use this one before he tortured, raped and killed his victims."

"But…how?" the King gasped.

Crouching down, Murtagh put his lips to the King's ear.

"You missed it your highness. Your dearest friend has been and gone and all that is left is me…me and apparently a few choice powers. Under any other circumstances, I'd feel violated by such a gift – but if it means killing you, I'm calling it a blessing. But if you think I'm going to be the one to kill you, think again. I'm going to let you die in the most pitiful way possible…at the hands of a farm boy."

Facing his comrades, Murtagh only thought it and their torment ended.

"Rider," he ordered. "Get up. You've got a King to ki-"

Eyebrows pulling together, he slowly looked down. Protruding from his chest was the length of a blade. Frowning, he stared at his friends. Their mouths opened, they seemed to be shouting something, but it sounded strange – as if he were underwater. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the King's cruel smile.

"Goodnight Murtagh," Galbatorix said, and then dragged the blade upwards.

Murtagh's eyes bugged, he choked and blood bubbled from his lips. Falling to the ground, he lay there, trying to move his arm, but unable to. Standing over him, Galbatorix stepped down on the blade, slicing it further down. More blood, more gurgling, more sounds that couldn't be made out. His vision began to fade. The pain now so intense that he felt numb. And then, he felt it…like bathing in the sunlight. A warmth so inviting, so… her

Smiling, he died before he could form another thought.

"NO!" Ella screamed.

"YOU EVIL BASTARD!" Eragon yelled, grabbing his sword with tears in his eyes and charging.

No one cared anymore, they ran at the King and the King waited. He was tired of their games. His lips moved, his eyes closed and then there was a roar. The curtain tore away, revealing a wide, gaping maw. Eragon grabbed Ella and Erika's arms, holding them back. The King gave his dragon an irritated glance.

"Silence Shruikan!" he hissed.

The dragon spared one moment to look down upon his Rider and then his head snapped forward. When it shot back, the King was made of legs and torso…but nothing more. The body swayed on the spot and then fell. Shruikan's teeth gnashed together noisily, smoke jetting from his nostrils, as he stormed out into the open. Ella huddled to Eragon's side, terrified. Erika staggered backwards, caught by Eragon's free hand. Frozen with fear, they watched as the mighty black dragon growled fiercely and then spat out the King's head – or what little was left of it. The dragon's growls receded, but he paid them no heed. Softly, sadly, the beast padded across the floor and slumped to the ground, nudging Murtagh's dead body with his snout. Then, the dragon's tail curled around the boy protectively and the beast threw back his head and roared.

Ella broke free of Eragon's hold and ran to where Murtagh's body lay. Shruikan remained still, as the child scrambled over his tail and collapsed sobbing against the body on the ground. Soon, the two others joined her – the boy shouting to the skies and the remaining girl simply standing and staring. Together, they grieved.


Lia's body was discovered an hour later and placed beside Murtagh's. Erika was the one that carried her to the throne room – for the others, it was too much to bear. Red eyed and weary, Eragon and Ella stood hand in hand, gazing down upon the faces of the deceased. Shruikan had not moved. Only the strange girl seemed composed enough to speak.

"Someone…anyone…go to the witch and fetch some herbs. Their bodies will need to be cleaned and prepared. I know not to what faith they belonged, if to any. But if we are to give them the respectable burial that they deserve, they will need to be dealt with. I will perform what is necessary…I have done it before," she said, her voice low.

Ella released Eragon's hand and stepped back. "I will go."

Eragon could not speak... he could barely nod. The young girl spun and fled from the room. Erika turned to him with gentle eyes.

"Come Rider, your mourning can wait. You carry a map, do you not? Find the kitchens. Fetch me some water and some clean towels, then return to me."

"Al-alright," he stammered.

Trudging away, Erika dropped to one knee and surveyed the deceased through angry eyes.

"Was it worth it?" she muttered in disgust and then waited.

It was as though she expected them to leap up with those two matching, inane grins and spout their usual heroic rubbish… for this was them. For all the stupid things that they did, they could never…die. But here they were and they were dead. Two sets of empty eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling. Furiously, the strange girl drew back her hand and struck the dead girl's face. The head lolled to the side, but there was no change. Erika's breathing quickened and her shoulders shook.

"What's the matter bitch? Going to let your pathetic, attractive friend get the better of you? I'll do it again!" she threatened and then did.

Still the dead girl did not blink or even raise a fist in protest. Erika shuffled to the girl's other side and glared down upon the man that had been the cause of all this trouble.

"And you!" she hissed. "You were never worth it!"

Slamming a fist into his face, she gritted her teeth against the pain. This time, the dragon roared in protest. She shot the creature a deadly look and then folded her arms.

"Good riddance to the both of you!" she roared, a single tear cutting through the blood caked on her face. "They will be better off without you! You'll see!"

The door behind her opened again.

"Erika…" Eragon's quiet voice reached her ears.

Embarrassed and unwilling to be caught in such a state of emotion, the strange girl leapt to her feet and stormed past him, stopping with her back to him.

"You clean them! They were your friends. I-", she struggled, took a heaving breath and then slammed the door behind her.


Lia was sat on the floor, hugging her knees and… waiting. She was in their place…at least she thought that she was…There really was no way to be sure. It turned out that keeping her side of the promise had been harder than she thought. Dying hadn't been quite as easy as expected. Overwhelmed by this urge to simply sleep, it was near impossibly to form a thought, let alone hold one. She had tried her hardest to think of him and only him, but it had been her time of death and other images had joined his. Friends. Family. Her life passing before her eyes. So many visions in so little time…

No… she was here. Sitting here, it may not have looked familiar, but it felt it. It was dark. Dark, except for a speck of light that seemed to grow in the distance. Watching it become bigger, Lia was content to wait. After all, she was going to be here for a very long ti –

What is that? Murtagh asked casually from behind her shoulder.

A thousand questions and words raced through her mind, and yet when her lips parted, only three words escaped.

I don't know she finally replied.

Care to find out? he invited, a smile evident in his voice.

Standing, she could not see him, but he was there. His hand finding hers, they headed towards the ever-expanding tunnel of light.

So…do you think it leads up or down? he wondered aloud, his tone carefree.

Flip a coin Lia chuckled.

The tunnel was close now, a bright white light that bathed them until they appeared to shimmer like gold. Stopping at the edge of the darkness, they glanced at one another, expressions amused.

I don't know…the devil may simply have an unreasonably bad reputation Murtagh suggested.

And if not?

Pissing him off will just be all the more interesting he grinned.

And what if we go up instead of down? – Lia added thoughtfully – I've heard it's meant to be quite pleasant…

Blowing the air from his cheeks, Murtagh gave a one shouldered shrug.

Do you think the big bearded man is ready for the likes of us?

There is only one way to find out…

Smirking, they joined palms one last time and walked into the light, embarking on the only adventure that was left. Only when their souls were engulfed, did the light disappear, taking them with it.


The map was on the floor, opened and ready…and Hepzibah hadn't put it there. When she first descended the steps several hours earlier, there it was. Was it time already? No… it couldn't be. The feeding…it had been dealt with six months before. Locking it away, she had left. And now, there it lay… again…the edges glowing…the surface rippling…

"No," she had groaned, rolling it up, locking it back inside the chest and then sitting upon it. "Not yet…"

The chest rattled beneath her and she closed her eyes, throwing her weight against it. Approaching footsteps met her ears and she froze. All movement beneath her stopped. She sighed, temporarily relieved. The door opened and there, stood Ella. One look at the girl's face told her all that she needed to know.

"You failed," the witch nodded knowingly. "It is no concern of mine, you are no longer welcome here – none of you."

Ella lifted her chin and eyed the woman coldly. "We did not fail. The King is no more."

Hepzibah's mouth hung open and then, she shook her head. This changed things…this changed things dramatically.

"Alright…well why are you here?" she demanded. "Do you wish for my congratulations? Well congratulations! Now be off with you!"

Reaching into her pocket, Ella pulled out a bag of coin and tossed it to the woman's feet.

"I require some herbs and ointments to treat the dead," the young girl said, her tone as cutting as steel.

"Very well…as you are a customer… you had better follow me," the older woman grumbled.

Several minutes passed, gathering the necessary items and piling them inside a basket. Hepzibah held the door open for the girl and watched as she walked away.

"Who are the fallen?" the witch asked, morbidly curious.

Ella stopped in her tracks.

"Lia…and Murtagh…"

She continued her walk towards the castle, leaving the older woman staring after her.


Erika's feet carried her to Murtagh's chamber, where she collapsed against the furthest wall, sliding to the ground. Her clothes, they felt too tight. Each and every breath that she took felt sharp, icy and difficult. What was this that she was feeling? Like a part of her that she never knew even existed had been torn away, leaving her open and vulnerable…and lost. She had always felt lost, apart from the rest…why should it matter now? Was it not something that she had always embraced, putting herself above the rest, and looking down upon every other being in existence.

It had been…

But then they had come along. Them and their knack for breaking the rules, finding trouble and escaping death by a hair's breadth. She had barely spoken to him. Attractive as she may have found him, with him, there was no connection. But with her

She had hated her and a part of her hated her still. Wanting nothing more than to put the abnormal female in her place, she had invested time and effort into her goal. That itself should have been a sign… something she should have recognised a long time ago. Erika did not waste her time on others, but the warrior had claimed her attention. And why? Because the other girl had noticed her… really noticed her. The warrior hadn't been afraid, nor intimidated, but treated her as an equal. Even when their intentions and feelings were made clear, the warrior still treated her with some degree of respect and they had talked. Then and only then, did the strange girl come to know that the girl she had always considered to be her enemy, had been her only friend…

Thumping her head back against the wall, Erika allowed her thoughts and fears to consume her. Where would she go from here? What would she do…and where would she ever belong?


Even from where she sat, legs swinging from the edge of the counter, Hepzibah could feel it. The map was out of it's place…and this time…it would not take no for an answer. Glancing over her shoulder, the witch observed Albert's snoozing form. How many years had she kept him this way? If he were released from this state, would he ever recover? The place was quiet, now that it was just the two of them once more. How odd… she never thought that she would grow accustomed to the sound of the three bickering young girls residing below. Talking was a lot more satisfying when someone could talk back. But here she was, alone…and all she had left was Albert. Drumming her fingers against the tabletop, she smiled and for the first time in years, spoke to the man by her side.

"I didn't have a choice you know…your wife, she was dying. Of course she never did tell you how she felt. You always were a mean old bastard…She just passed it off as a slight fever…and then whatever other excuse came to mind. I did her a service…and as for you? I saved you the pain of her loss. You are alive…Alright, so it's not much of an existence, but you are healthy and still inside there…somewhere," she said somewhat doubtfully and then continued. "But I never did tell the young girl about the others..."

Shuffling off the table, she leaned over the counter, arms folded and rested her head on top of them. Albert's face existed kissing distance from hers, but she only watched him and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"She wanted to know about my map and I told her of you and your misses…but I left out the rest. What little I divulged was enough…The girl didn't need to know that the map needed to be fed again… and again… and again…"

Eyes drifting out of focus, Hepzibah felt the tingling sensation run through her arms and legs. Suppressing a shudder, she closed her eyes.

"Of course, it wants something a little different every time. For one arm, I took your wife. For the other, I took a dying whore. As for my legs? Both were courtesy of diseased wenches on the street. They were all going to die and none have been missed. They disappeared without a trace. I didn't do anything that wouldn't have happened to them anyway. Their deaths were quick, their suffering minimal. I was the one who suffered, I was the one who had to graft their limbs onto mine when I was half bleeding to death. Me! There was never a damn thing on that map that suggested that there would be more than one payment…Nothing that suggested continuous sacrifice…Nothing that even hinted at imminent death…"

Voice trailing away, the woman stared down at what was left of her…what was left to feed the monster, that it hadn't feasted on before. There were only two options left…her middle…or her head. She was a skilled practitioner of magic, better than any she knew and yet there was no way that she could survive such a process. She had taken every step she could, given all that she could give and now…there was nothing left. A cold seemed to rise from the floor, curling around her ankles and travelling upwards. Shivering, she knew that her time was up. And somehow, an awkward relief outweighed her fear.

"What use am I now anyway?" she asked the sleeping man with a weary smile. "The King is dead…peace will rule throughout the lands…and business will disappear. There is nothing left for me here. I suppose my dear sister was right…my greed did get the better of me, would you not agree?"

Shifting in his sleep, the man began to snore. Hepzibah reached forward and lay a hand upon his head.

"I release you from your slumber," she whispered into his ear.

A soft glow radiated from her palm and the man's breathing slowed and then stopped. It appeared as though the years had proved too much for Albert after all. Taking a calming breath, Hepzibah resigned herself to her fate and did so with dignity. Giving the man who had posed as her husband one final apologetic glance, she descended the steps and opened the door.

Everything had been moved back against the walls, leaving a clear space in the centre where the map awaited her; only in it's true form. The waters had parted, revealing the head of the beast, which loomed several feet above her. It's skin red, coated in a thick layer of sticky blood that dripped back into the crimson water. Like a snake, it hissed down at her, only with no distinguishable eyes or nose…only the huge mouth, emphasised by rows upon rows of deadly sharp teeth. Standing before it, Hepzibah closed her eyes and bunched her fists against the inevitable agony.

"I am ready…" she announced.

"And I am impressed…" a voice responded in a deep, booming note.

Opening her eyes, the beast was gone and in it's stead stood what could only be described as a demon. It had no true form; it's shape shifting and changing from one second to the next. A black mass that grew and grew, until it filled her line of vision. All that she could make out were the pair of glowing red eyes in its centre – a vision straight out of the pits of hell. Falling to her knees, she bowed her head and averted her eyes.

"Ah! A witch show shows respect…you impress me further Hepzibah. Indeed, I never expected you to last this long. In the history of the map's existence, no man has lasted past their first offering…but none had been as creative as you. You have given me much witch. With each feast, you have bestowed upon me more knowledge and power than I have gained over the centuries and now, you offer me the final sacrifice…your life. You are the one I have been waiting for. I came here to this world in the form of this map to learn of your kind and gain knowledge and power and you are the first to give it to me. With you inside me, I can return to my realm fulfilled. But I am not an unreasonable demon and as a token of my gratitude, I can grant you one wish. If it is within my power, I will fulfil your desire."

As the first thought popped into the witch's head, the demon laughed heartily.

"Ah Hepzibah, I am afraid that that request is out of the question."

It was worth a try, she thought and then focused harder on what she could possibly ask and could think of nothing. Lines in her brow deepening, she wished to think of something…anything. And then it came to her. She surprised herself with the thought and then chuckled to herself. I must be getting soft in my old age…

"Are you sure that is what you wish?" the demon asked.

"I have no idea why…but yes," she replied with a wry smile.

"So be it."

Hepzibah held her smile, until the moment when the monster's head broke through the black mass and swallowed her whole.


Eragon sat by Murtagh's side, whilst Ella sat beside Lia. Both cleaned the wounds in silence, immersed in their own agony. As Ella passed the now bloodied, wet cloth across Lia's throat once more, she blinked. Her eyes were playing tricks on her. Of course they were – she had cried and cried and now, they were sore, stinging and barely able to focus. Rubbing at them with the forearm of her free hand, she glanced back down, expecting to see what she should. But it was still happening…the wound…it was closing on its own accord. Her mouth worked, but no sound came out. Looking across to Eragon, she saw that he too was staring at Murtagh. His chest that had been opened wide, was knitting together, cuts fading into nothing and colour rising to his cheeks. Glancing at Lia once more, her friend looked whole. Clapping a hand to her mouth, Ella began to sake.

"What is this?!" she choked. "Is this some trick?! Why are we seeing this?! Who would be so cruel as to-"

The eyes of the deceased flew open and they bolted upright, hands clutching their chests as they swallowed mouthfuls of air. Eragon and Ella stumbled backwards, stunned into silence. Murtagh moved his hand to his chest. Lia gingerly traced her fingers across her throat and then the two of them stared at one another, their expressions torn between confusion and terror.

"Are we…" Murtagh began, but could not bring himself to finish.

"We can't be…" Lia said, shaking her head.

"You…you're alive," Eragon stammered through trembling lips. "The both of you…you came back?!"

"You two!" Ella howled in anger and then charged at them.

Her fists pounded into the both of them and then, she threw an arm around the neck of each and pulled them into a ferocious hug. Neither could respond. They only gazed at one another over the shoulders of the sobbing girl.

"We were dead," Murtagh qualified.

"Yes," Lia confirmed.

"And now we're not."


Shoving the weeping girl away from him, Murtagh jumped to his feet, grabbed Lia's hand and the both of them glared up at the ceiling.

"What the bloody hell do you want from us?!" he bellowed to thin air. "Do you want us alive?! Do you want us dead?! You've tried to take us time and time again and then when you have us, you send us back?! Can't you just make up your bloody mind?! We are sick and tired of this shit! Well?! Well?!" he challenged.

There was no reply, no sign…nothing.

"You had your chance…" Lia added defiantly. "And you blew it. Now, we're back and damn it, we're staying! We're not playing by your stupid rules anymore!"

"Who the hell are you talking to?!" Ella demanded, giving them a crazy look.

"The big bearded man," Murtagh growled obviously. "Or whoever it is that plays with our fate."

"The King is dead," Eragon said, approaching them slowly, as if meeting them for the first time.

"You mean…" Murtagh blinked. "You really killed him?"

"No," the Rider replies sheepishly. "He did."

Eragon pointed behind them both and they turned to see Shruikan. Lia stared up at the dragon in awe, whilst Murtagh felt his lips creep into a smile. The dragon's head lowered until it was directly before his.

Not bad Shruikan, former dragon of the King he praised the beast.

Not bad at all…but he tasted bloody awful the dragon muttered.

Murtagh laughed and then glanced around the throne room with a meaningful look.

And what now? You have done the world a great service and now you are free

It is true. I have considered your words and my decision has been made

And what have you decided noble dragon?

I have decided that I do not wish to belong to any man. I do not wish to be tied to a Rider or his fate

A wise choice - Murtagh nodded.

But… - the dragon hesitated – I… I wish to stay here… with you

Eyes bulging, the warrior cleared his throat and then pointed a finger towards himself.


Of course I want to stay with you, you imbecile! – Shruikan muttered, embarrassed – You are my friend, are you not?!

I suppose that I am Murtagh replied, stunned.

Don't look so shocked boy! the dragon growled, offended.

My apologies Murtagh grinned.

Facing his partner, the warrior jerked a thumb towards the giant, onyx beast.

"It looks as though we've acquired a family pet," he said through a tight grin.

Lia choked a laugh and the dragon growled. The two warriors turned to see the Rider and the young girl staring at them hopelessly and then a creak from behind made them all turn. Erika entered the room, stopped and gaped.

"You!" she yelped and her shoulders began to shake.

The five of them stared from one to the other, before Murtagh finally turned to Lia and rolled his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Alllright, who needs a damn hug?" he offered.

Four bodies slammed into them in the space of a few seconds, pinning them together and choking the life out of them. The muffled sounds of sniffling and sobbing filled the air. The warriors felt their clothes and skin turn slick from the tears of their comrades and awkwardly patted their backs. Lia snorted a laugh.

"Honestly my good sir, you'd think someone had just died!"

"My lady?"


"Why the hell aren't we joining this huddle of weeping women?"

"I heard that!" Eragon's muffled voice cut in with a laugh.

"What on earth is there to be sad about? We're alive," Lia stated simply.

"You're right," Murtagh agreed and then groaned. "Although whatever the hell is pressing into my groin really isn't helping my happiness."

"Don't look at me," Lia chuckled. "My hands are tied."

"It's not me," Erika mumbled from his left.

"Or me," Ella mumbled from her right.

"Uh…oops," Eragon mumbled.

Murtagh tore himself free from the large embrace and pulled his partner before him.

"Bad Rider!" he scolded. "Bad!"

"Really Rider," Lia said in a reprimanding tone. "Is that any way for a King to treat his subjects?"

"It was an accident!" Eragon spluttered, turning a violent shade of red.

Erika leaned into Ella, both brows raised high. "I think you should take him to the first available chamber and take him before you lose him to the other side."

"I?!" – the Rider stuttered, smoke practically streaming from his ears. "I do not prefer men damn it! I like women! Why do you always do this to me?!"

His foot stamped to the ground and they all observed the tantrum with twitching lips.

"You see that," Lia muttered loudly to her partner. "That is our new King."

Murtagh nodded seriously and then added. "Do you know what I heard?"

"What?" she asked, excitedly.

"I heard…he prefers a nice, thick, long co – "

"Aggggh!" Eragon cut in with a furious roar and then swung around to face the girl that he loved. "You!"

Ella's eyes widened. "What?"

Storming forward, he grabbed her hand and began to drag her towards the door.

"You and me. We're finding a chamber right now and I am not taking no for an answer!" he growled.

Ella's eyes lit up at the tight feel of his hand around her arm and the animal lust in his eyes. "Alright."

At her reaction, he stopped short and searched her face. She was serious. Forgetting the others, a lustful look passed between them and then, they were running through the doors, followed by a chorus of wolf whistles and whoops. When the young couple were gone, the three remaining in the room turned to face one another.

"Erika," Lia greeted her with an incline of her head.

"Lia," the strange girl bowed back and then, turned the bow to the son of Morzan. "Murtagh."

When she next looked up, Erika wanted to express something… anything. But it was all too new. She was not ready… not yet. Instead, she took a step back and offered them a mocking smile.

"It's a bloody miracle," she snorted. "But here you are…both alive… and I suggest that you use this night to adjust. Yes, yes I know that The Rider is busy banging on the virgin milkmaid, but I think that the both of you should give it a rest just for one night. I hear that death can be quite a bitch… Tomorrow is another day and a new beginning for us all. Save your energies until then. And for now… I bid you goodnight…"

As expected, the girl simply vanished, leaving only Murtagh, Lia and the dragon.

"Was it me, or was that bordering on friendly?" Murtagh pondered.

"No…I think you are right," Lia agreed.

"Fascinating," he chuckled. "Does death make everyone this boring?"

"Don't worry yourself," she grinned. "We're still rather interesting."

Stretching his arms over his head, Murtagh yawned and ruffled his hair. Catching his yawn, Lia covered her face and rubbed her eyes.

"She has a point though," he said, suddenly sleepy. "I am feeling somewhat nackered."

"Hmmmm," Lia agreed, swaying slightly on the spot.

Bending down, he swept her off her feet and cradled her against his chest. Her head rested against his shoulder and she sighed contentedly.

"Ready for a night in a nice, warm bed?" he asked, pressing his lips to her brow.

"A bed?" she murmured through a smile. "Never heard of one."

"Then let me show you," he grinned.

As he walked toward the door wondering how he could possibly open it without dropping his love, it opened on its own accord. Smiling, he pulsed the one thought.

Thank you Shruikan

Sleep well Murtagh


Walking out into the corridor, Murtagh sensed that Lia was already fast asleep and he smiled. She was alive… He was alive… The Twins were dead… The King was dead...

… For the first time in his life, he knew that everything was going to be fine.
