Ghost of a Magician

Summary: A new hero named the "Masked Magician", more enemies that aren't ghosts, and alien sightings are all hitting Amity Park; making life more difficult for our ghost halva. Not to mention a new kid with a thing for pink hats. FOPxDP

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom or Fairly Odd Parents… it would be really cool if I did because then I'd be Butch Hartman… and all awesome and stuff… but I do own this really bad plot… and maybe emo-Timmy… he's kind of mine… I guess…

A/N: I'm really sorry to all of my Second Taile fans but this (and about another 12 plot bunnies) wouldn't stop bugging me. So I chose the least stupid (or at least the one that didn't involve 5 billion OCs) one to write out so hopefully I can get back to my favorite kitsune hanyou.

And to all of you who have decided to read this based on my… interesting summary I'm going to warn you right off the bat: Timmy is a tad (a lot) bit angsty and OOC-ish (especially in this prologue/first chapter) but I mean… if what happens in this story actually did happen to the "real" Timmy I'm pretty sure this would be an accurate depiction… sort of.

WARNING!This first chapter/prologue thing gets WAY angst-ridden and tear-inducing-ly sad in some parts. THOSE WHO WOULD RATHER NOT BE DEPRESSED SHOULD SKIP TO THE NEXT CHAPTER (whenever I put that up) BUT YOU WILL PROBABLY END UP CONFUSED… so… with that said… enjoy?


It happened on Friday the Thirteenth. It really shouldn't have surprised him, the date that it happened that is, he'd had enough experience with the Anti-Fairies to know that something bad always happened on Friday the Thirteenth. He should have checked the calendar, or at least noticed, the day before so maybe he could have prepared for something… anything… that thing.

But even if he had, it wouldn't have done much difference, there was no way he could have (well before it had happened anyways) thought anything so… purely evil could have happened to him. The most evil he had ever encountered in his thirteen (nearing fourteen) years of life would be Vicky, his old babysitter, but even she paled in comparison to this… this… it was that bad.

At first he had thought it was just a dream, a mean trick that the April Fool, Jorgen, or even Remy had taken too far. But it wasn't, it wasn't. Oh, he had wished it hadn't happened: going as far as using his carefully locked away (he had learned the first time) Fairy-versary muffins to reverse it, but to no avail. He had tried the time scooter, the Re-Do watches, and every other past wish that might be able to help him. But it had still happened and there was no way magic (even if he did have the support of nearly every magical being out there) could undo it.

So he turned to science. He went to AJ at first (he was still a bald, sweater-vest wearing, genius), after all if he could end world hunger and make eight clones of himself then he must be good; unfortunately, though, not good enough. So he turned to the boy with the best laboratory in the universe, Jimmy Neutron, his once rival in love (although the fudge-headed boy would never admit it, he did finally win Cindy over) and probably the only one who could safely know his secret; he had tried, modifying one of his old inventions, and succeeded… to some extent.

The memories of the two brunettes' "success" were the only things worse than the actual incident. Although it had biologically restored them, it did nothing to appease the gaps for their minds, their hearts, their souls, they were merely empty shells; zombies, but so much worse than the "fake" ones from that one Halloween. The shock, and mostly horror, had stunned them to such an extreme that it had taken all of the Retroville boy's willpower to undo it, and even then it was Goddard who had to push his owner's finger.

It had taken two weeks of insomniac inventing and dire events in his own world for Jimmy to finally be able to sleep without having nightmares. That and it was only scientifically induced naps, monitored carefully by his robotic dog and on occasions his blonde girlfriend (though neither would ever admit it) when she forcedhim to sleep. And the only time he had met the Turners was when they claimed he was Timmy in a new costume and forced him to clean their toilets.

So imagine the trauma it caused Timmy, their only son, when he had seen it. Instead of the righteous anger that Wanda would have had when she found out that he had been using science to do exactly what she told him not to, she had to hold in her own tears when she saw his wide-eyed, manic, shaking form. It was sad, for the police to have to escort him to the large empty house from the cemetery where he had been found soaked to the bone in the rain just sitting next to their tombstones. Although they hadn't necessarily been the best parents before (what, with the whole lying thing, the constant trying to make him a girl, their inattentiveness to him, etc.), the Turner family had gotten much, much closer over the years.

Everything had finally seemed perfect; with his group of 'loser' best friends, his strange yet awesome collection of acquaintances (ranging from TV's Adam West/Catman to the monarchs of Yugopotamia), and his family with two sets of parents (one pair magical, one pair just weird). Then that Friday the Thirteenth, it all went downhill… from the "accident" all the way down to that incident with his universal comrade. He still woke up in the middle of the night screaming, sweat dampening his pajamas, and no amount of sand and not even the Sleep-Master 9000 from the "Mattress King" Sandman could help his sleeping problems.

His grades, though, had mysteriously gotten better despite the fact him zoning out in class (probably sympathy from Mr. Crocker, who had followed Timmy through the years as teacher, and plus, he wasn't completely heartless… sure, he enjoyed children's misery but only when he was the one causing it) and he had somehow gotten much more popular (Trixie Tang, even asking him out, and surprisingly getting rejected) on the grounds that he was now "rock star cool" (despite the fact that he had been 'main man' to Chip Skylark for years).

It figured, though, that everything he thought he had wanted before- the grades, the fame, and even the girl- would come after he lost the two most important humans to him. As if losing them weren't hard enough, the Anti-Fairies just had to mock him, too. When he had been in one of his more cynical moods, he had told his godparents that little notion. It had taken Jorgen and him scrambling all of the Fairy Cadets to stop Cosmo from breaking in to Anti-Fairy World and doing whatever the fairy equivalent for murder was to his evil counterpart. Needless to say, no one (besides his wife and godchild) ever called the green-haired fairy a dumb idiot, and even that was few and far between.

Then came the lawyers, as if he couldn't have felt any lower; it was as if at the bottom of that hill was a gaping chasm to the molten center of the Earth (maybe the boost in grades wasn't just Crocker's work). Hired by the Mayor of Dimmsdale, on Chompy's insistence in order to help his buck-toothed savior, the lawyers tried to find him a legal guardian. Both of his parents had been only children themselves, and after Grand-Pappy's death when he was twelve he no longer had any grandparents. The Dinklebergs offered, since they had been the Turners' neighbors since before Timmy was born, but he had to refuse (really, they were nice people but that would have been disrespectful to Dad). If it hadn't been for his experience in outsmarting The HP and Sanderson, that's probably where he would've ended up.

They went down the list of his friends: the McBadbats were too poor to handle another growing boy, AJ's parents would expect too much from him, Sanjay's mom was nice enough but he wouldn't be able to handle his friend's step dad, Elmer was… well Elmer, and he had even considered staying with Mark… but after that whole F.L.A.R.G. incident, he was always cautious to stay more than a full day around the Yugopotamian prince. Then through his list of 'acquaintances', many of whom were either ill-prepared or unwilling to take on a traumatized teenage boy (the Crimson Chin did offer him the "permanent" role as Cleft: the Boy Chin Wonder but seeing as how most ordinary boys didn't go off disappearing into comic books, Timmy had to refuse yet again).

It came down to the red-wire/ blue-wire strategy: only two choices, both bad, and neither would end up remotely beneficial to his mental health. One was a foster home, not to knock on that or anything, but he was already sick of hearing "condolences" from the citizens of Dimmsdale that had watched him grow up; he didn't need any from strangers, though probably very nice, who would try to play mind games with him (he already had someone to play mind games with, and his name was Gary, thank you very much). And number two was home to his two favorite girls in the world; Vicky's house. The reasoning behind this was mostly because she had been his evil baby-sitter since he was eight.

Not that she was evil anymore (he was also sort of thankful to her in a way, without her he wouldn't have gotten Cosmo and Wanda); in fact once Vicky hit eighteen (for real this time) she had matured and mellowed out… a little. She was still sadistic, and she still called him twerp, and she still enjoyed putting him in girl clothes (he had gotten used to by now, really, skirts were kind of comfortable) but it was in that weird kind of "I'm your older female cousin that enjoys embarrassing you" kind of way.

And Tootie was tolerable now (to the point where he had stopped renewing the restraining order) but he still wasn't interested in her romantically. There were moments when he considered having Cupid shoot him with an arrow, so that he would fall in love with her, especially when she stopped being so fan-girly and showed her care for him in a less creepy way. But she was of the "I'm your younger female cousin that enjoys annoying you" type of role in his life, nothing more.

As much as he had been okaywith living with them, their parents were okay too even if they were a bit on the push-over side, it was just too… too normal and yet weird at the same time. It would have been like he was being baby-sat by Vicky all the time; and he would always be waiting for when his parents would come home… only to realize that they never would. He would be forced to walk around the town where he had grown up and wonder how his parents were doing at work or if they still remembered being Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad; the small things that would constantly remind him that he was now an orphan.

It would have been psychological hell.

So, he took it into his own hands… or wands, seeing as how he wouldn't actually be doing any of the work. It was his first wish since his failed attempt to bring his parents back to life; and this one would work. Wanda had nearly burst into tears of joy, worried sick about her godchild's withdrawal from magic, and Cosmo had celebrated the "rebellion against The Man" with a snow-cone and corn party. Even Jorgen was willing to bend "Da Rules" for Fairy-World's favorite pink-hatter; which was a big help considering he would need to do a little (a lot) bit of illegal magic… namely falsifying documents.

It helped him deal, in a way, creating relatives that didn't exist, it made him feel less alone, even though it was only Cosmo and Wanda in their human forms. But it also hurt a little, lying about his parents; it was like he would be the only one who truly remembered them as they were, before his magic meddling. It was what had to be done, though, if he wanted to leave Dimmsdale. He had never been one to run away, well at least for the important things (where Francis was concerned he was okay with being a coward), but this one… was huge. Far worse than any punishment Jorgen could come up with, worse than any test Crocker or any 'game' Vicky could come up with, and far worse than any scheme Anti-Cosmo could come up with.

He had asked the smartest magical beings he knew, including Santa and his extensive information network; there was no way Anti-Fairies could have done it, at least not with their own powers. Even if they were the evil counterparts of normal fairies, they still had to abide by "Da Rules". The only beings that could… off humans (besides themselves) and even revive them belonged to Higher Magic; Higher Magic that made even Cupid's free-will-bending love magic look like Mr. Bickles' in comparison.

No, Higher Magical beings were powerful. They only involved themselves inimportant situations, and since the Abra-Catastrophe had not concerned them in any way (even if it had changed the dominant species on Earth and enslaved humanity in two different ways), one human's pleas would not get to them in the slightest. There was no chance, no matter what he did or what method he used, that he could reverse the irreversible. The only thing he could do now was run away, and this time there would be no Mom and Dad to wait for him to come home.

There would only be an empty house, too big for his scrawny self, faint memories that were easily outshined by fairy godparents', and the endless feelings of guilt that he could've done something more… or he hadn't done enough. He would no longer have his childhood innocence; material things would be empty, and even magic that had once amazed him would only be able to distract him. Not that he was willing to lose Cosmo and Wanda, quite the opposite, in fact he needed them now more than ever; needed them to keep him sane, to lift him back up to normal.

Yeah, whatever normal was for a child with fairy godparents, and this specific godchild was beyond any other. After all, he had done everything magical that any kid would want to and more (like changing genders… that would be one of the 'and more'). And where would a lone teenage boy with endless amounts of magic at his disposal go without being noticed? Why, the most hectic city and chaotic city in the world (besides Dimmsdale that is):

Amity Park

A/N: Yup! I told you it was kind of… strange. But still good, right? Right? REASSURE ME! (Okay, just kidding, but reviews would be nice)

And yes, I was specifically vague on how the Turner parents died (Bad me! Why did I have to be all evil and kill them off?) If anyone has any ideas on details… or if someone is really picky and must know then just review or message me… And yeah, he didn't quite get to Amity Park yet… but I wanted to get this up before Monday… and it kind of ends nicely this way, don't you think? So anyways, any compliments (unlikely), complaints, suggestions, and etc… just review!