Title: Five Things Tony Left Behind
Author: KaylaShay
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
Fandoms: NCIS
Characters: Tony DiNozzo; Jethro Gibbs (can be read as u either /u friendship, family or pre-slash, it depends on how you see the characters...)
Timeline: Post Left for Dead (season 1)
Written For: NFA Game - Five Things
Prompt: Five things that Tony left at Gibbs' house when he stayed there when the boiler in his apartment was out.

Summary: Gibbs didn't think he would miss having DiNozzo around until he found the things Tony had left behind.

Gibbs walked through the door to his house and placed his gun and badge on the table. He didn't realize he was doing it until he had grabbed two beers instead of one from the fridge. Not just any beer, but that obscenely priced stuff that Tony liked. Sighing, he placed the second, unopened beer back in the fridge and opened his own. Who would have thought anyone would miss DiNozzo being around, but Gibbs found himself doing just that.

He walked into the living room and sank into the sofa, propping his feet up on the coffee table. He smiled briefly at the copy of GSM laying open to the centerfold on page sixty-two. Maybe he would hang on to that copy, she was a redhead after all.

Sometime later, after the beer was long gone, Gibbs made his way to the basement and his boat. Working on autopilot, he tripped over something that normally wasn't on the staircase. It sent him pinwheeling down the stairs, but he fortunately caught himself before he hit the bottom. With his balance regained, he turned around to find the culprit. Laying innocently on the stairs was one of Tony's handheld game devices. Gibbs almost stepped on it out of spite, but decided he would deliver a few extra head slaps instead of taking it out on the innocent game. He picked it up to carry to one of the workbenches as he thought of how nice it had been working with Tony sitting on the steps. Tonight he would be alone.

Many hours later, Gibbs stiffly (and safely) made his way back upstairs for his nightly ritual. He frowned when he saw a wadded up towel on the bathroom floor, toothpaste stuck in the sink and some fingernail clippings next to the toothpaste. He mentally made some new rules to inform DiNozzo of the next time he stayed.

Finally ready to crawl into bed for his three hours of needed sleep, Gibbs stopped short when he saw the white envelope on his comforter. Picking it up and turning it around to check for any hidden surprises, Gibbs finally deemed it safe enough to open. Inside was a card with a picture of a St. Bernard. Smiling, Gibbs opened it to find a gift card to the coffee shop nearest the office and a brief note...

"Thanks Boss."

Gibbs just smiled again as he sat the card on the nightstand and got into bed. As he flicked the light off, he spoke to the empty house around him, "No, thank you DiNozzo."