Chapter 14
Second Chances
Hermione decided it was finally time for her to take a holiday. She thought that perhaps a trip to Australia would give her time to figure out what she would do now that Dean was cured. Her parents had always talked so highly of Australia and she didn't have time to see much of it as the only times she had visited had been when she modified her parents' memories at the height of the war and then again when she went to retrieve them after the war.
She spent many hours contemplating her life and how it had changed over the years. She was nowhere near were she thought she would be at the age of 23. And she really wasn't sure where she wanted to be now that some things had been accomplished.
She knew that she wouldn't return to the Ministry. Her passion for her work in research came from a drive to cure Dean. Despite the fact that many of the patients could now be cured thanks to the discovery of the spell book, there were still many more who the book could not cure. But she figured the other researchers and Healers would be adequate for the job.
Maybe she would reinstate S.P.E.W although she would like to expand it to cover all Magical Beings. Werewolves still had a hard time finding work even after Minister Shacklebolt revoked the laws put into effect during Umbridge's day. The Centaurs deserved a great deal more respect than they are currently given. Perhaps more forest land could be set aside for them.
She spent much of her time reading. It had been so long since she had been able to sit down and just read for pleasure. She spent hours reading some of her old favorites. She even read the latest edition of Hogwarts: A History. It was surreal reading about the Battle of Hogwarts seeing Harry's, Ron's and her own name in print along with many others who fought so bravely during the war.
But there were moments during her time away where she found her thoughts drifting back to Draco Malfoy. It didn't help when Harry thought it his duty to keep her informed of all that was happening with the return of the Malfoy heir into the Wizarding world. Apparently they had even become friends. Much to her surprise it was even reported that Draco and Ron had reached a kind of tentative truce. They weren't exactly friends, but they were able to act civilly toward one another.
She had not had a nightmare since that night spent on the couch with Draco at his flat. But in their place were dreams of the handsome man who would come and sweep her off her feet. Many of the dreams left her blushing when she awoke the next morning.
In her musings over Draco Malfoy she often wondered what would have happened if she hadn't walked away that evening outside the Leaky Cauldron. Were either of them really ready for a relationship as unsure as theirs would have been?
She did know that she was the happiest she had ever been during the time she spent with him. The feelings she felt when she was with him were completely different from any she had ever felt before, feelings she never thought existed. She didn't think she would ever have the chance to feel them again with anyone else.
After Dean was cured, Draco decided it was time to return to the Wizarding world. After a rather bold article appeared in the Daily Prophet he found it hard to walk down the street with everyone pointing and whispering. To think he had actually been jealous of Potter and the attention he got at one time. He wished now that he was invisible.
He spent the next couple of months working with the Healers as they performed the counter curses on all the other patients. He found quickly that he couldn't just cure all the patients himself because of the great amount of energy required, which meant he had to teach the language to the other Healers.
He also met with a Wizarding real-estate agent in order to sell the Manor. Ironically the Ministry of Magic made the highest bid with plans to turn it into a Museum of the Dark Arts. He thought that was rather suitable.
After selling the Manor he decided to buy a much smaller house out in the country. He put up wards and made it unplottable so that reporters and other curious witches and wizards couldn't follow him home.
He explained to Jack, when he decided to move out, that he came into a large inheritance from a long lost relative. But with nothing else to do and no need for money he decided to keep his job at the coffee shop. So he would reapply the glamours and apparate to the alley beside the café each day for his shift.
The biggest change in his life since the day Dean was cured had to be the friendship he developed with Harry. He even invited Harry out for a night with the boys at the local sports bar, promising Ginny he wouldn't keep him out too late. He and Ron were even able to be in the same room now without being tempted to start a duel or even a verbal sparring match.
He even attended a couple of Sunday brunches at the Burrow. He found himself often cornered by Arthur Weasley with questions about Muggle appliances. It was one such Sunday that Mr. Weasley was drilling him about remote controls.
"So, it's like a magic wand then?" Mr. Weasley asked him with a confused look on his face.
"Not exactly. It doesn't use magic. The power comes from the batteries and it sends a signal to the television to change the channel, or turn the volume up and down . . ." They were interrupted by the call of Mrs. Weasley declaring it time to eat.
They all took their seats at the table and Draco thought how wonderful it must be to have such a loving family. They always made an effort to include him in their conversations, but he still felt a bit like an outsider.
He looked around the table at all the Weasleys and their spouses carrying on about their busy lives. Mrs. Weasley was recounting each of her birthing experiences to a very pregnant and worried looking Ginny. Ron and Harry were discussing the latest Quidditch match while George was telling Lavender about his latest line of joke cosmetics that turned the skin of unlucky victims every color of the rainbow. Percy was discussing new Ministry legislation with his father who nodded politely at the excitement of his son.
Despite being surrounded by all the chatter, he found himself feeling lonely. He thought that something was missing from the happy gathering. He knew who that something, or someone, was and try as he might, he thought a lot about Hermione. He thought about what would have happened if he hadn't let her walk away that night. She said that she forgave him, but did she really?
He had slowly started the process of forgiving himself. It started with a conversation with Harry. Harry recounted all the mistakes he made through school often leading his friends unnecessarily into harm, the worst being the fiasco of fifth year that led to the death of Harry's own godfather. It helped Draco see that no one was perfect. He could think of someone that was close to perfect though.
"Draco, what do you think," Harry said breaking into Draco's thoughts.
"I'm sorry, what?"
"The Quidditch game on Saturday. Do you want to go?"
"Oh, sure that sounds great," he replied glancing at his watch. "But I have to go. My shift starts in half an hour. Mrs. Weasley, thank you for the lovely brunch. It was delicious as always."
He walked to the apparition point and disappeared with a pop. He arrived at his house with just enough time to change into his work clothes and apply his glamours. He tried to spend as much time as possible away from home. It was hardest when he found himself alone. Thoughts of what might have been often snuck into his head. Everything reminded him of her. He would often come across a book that he thought she would like and would buy it to add to his library. He would watch the sunset and think that she would appreciate the beauty in it.
With the last of the glamours applied he turned and left for work. It was a slow afternoon at the café and Draco found himself in the back talking to the cook. They called him Cookie and he had been known to throw knives at anyone who attempted to interfere with his cooking, but he was hilarious to talk to. He was in the middle of telling Draco a joke about a blonde, a redhead, and a drag queen when Jack came in from the front.
"Hey Max, there is someone requesting you at the corner table," he said with a strange look on his face. It wasn't odd for him to get requests. It was probably some old lady who had taken a liking to him in a previous visit. But the look on Jack's face had him somewhat worried.
"Ok. Cookie, hold that joke. I want to hear the end of it. I'll be back in a bit."
He grabbed his notepad and went out the doors toward the corner table. Whoever it was, they were hidden behind a large book. His breath caught when a saw that peeking out from the edges of the book was a mane of brown hair.
It couldn't be. He commanded himself not to get his hopes up as he often saw her everywhere. He would see her pass in the street, but when he would take a second look it would be some other brown haired women. Or he would hear her laugh from across the room, but when he would strain his ears to hear her again the sound would be gone.
He walked up to her and willed himself to sound normal.
"Yes, can I help you?"
She lowered the book and smiled back at him. Everything else seemed to cease to exist. He took in her appearance. Her skin was a golden tan, and instead of tired dull eyes, they looked rested and bright. She had gained a little weight which just added to her beautiful curves replacing her old look of thin and weak. Harry had mentioned that she took a holiday to Australia. It had definitely done her good.
"Hi," he managed to say after a long moment of silence.
"Hi," she said back. "I had a craving for Italian food, but didn't want to go alone. I know of this excellent little restaurant called Joe's. Have you heard of it?"
He didn't answer, but swept her up into his arms. He didn't trust himself to speak so he just kissed her pouring all his feeling into it, trying to convey to her how much he had missed her and loved her.
A whistle from behind them seemed to break the moment and they pulled apart. Standing behind the counter was Jack and Cookie who were whistling and applauding.
"That's enough guys," he snarled, appeased when they turned and went back into kitchen.
He turned to her finally able to speak again.
"I didn't think you would come back," he said still holding her tight in his arms.
"I had a lot of time to think in Australia. I realized that my life was here with you. One of the greatest men I ever knew believed in second chances. Without them our mistakes would always lead us to a life of blame and unhappiness. You have earned your second chance. I just hope that you can give me mine."
"I love you Hermione Granger," he said and claimed her lips again. Perhaps everyone deserved a second chance.