Title: Worth it
Series: Adventure 02
Pairings: VeeHawk
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 300
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon and make no money with this.
Comment: VeeHawk is among my favorite pairings. I tried to write them into drabbles a few times, but this is the first one that worked out.

Stupid bird...

The Tokyo Tower was an impressive sight at midnight.

He's lucky I love him...

It also happened to be closed by midnight.

He better keep that promise of making it worth it! Veemon was panting. It had taken him more than an hour to climb up the outer structure. I swear, if he just gives me a rose and a kiss, I'll slap him silly.

"You are late, my love..." Smooth voice, lovable English accent. Hawkmon.

Veemon turned around and glared at the bird. "Any reason why you chose this dating place, Mr. 'I can fly and you can't'?" he wheezed.

"Three, actually." Hawkmon gave him a seductive smile that made Veemon's knees weak. Then he moved in closer, letting his feathers brush over Veemon's skin and getting a gasp in return.

"One," he whispered. "You look incredibly sexy when your skin is glistening with sweat..."

"Two: We're all alone up here." A wing brushed idly over Veemon's side, making the dragon moan softly. "Nobody will hear us..."

"Hawkmon, we could've been alone without me climbing the entire Tokyo Tower, so-" Veemon started, but Hawkmon interrupted him.

"Three: After your climb, you should be too exhausted to fight back."

Veemon blinked. "Fight back? What- HEY!" Hawkmon had suddenly started to move, pouncing Veemon and forcing him onto the ground. After moments of struggling, Veemon's hands had been pinned next to his shoulders. "What the-"

"Remember how we sometimes wondered what it would be like if I were the stronger one?" Hawkmon gave Veemon a devious look. "What it would be like... for me to be on top?" He leaned down and kissed the dragon's cheek. "Feel free to struggle, my love..."

Veemon briefly tried to struggle, but quickly gave up and smiled. "You were right: Totally worth it."