To those of you who can still ever so faintly recall my story Unforgivable, I would like to first and foremost thank you for keeping it nestled in the folds of your brain, never truly forgetting this blundering and naïve little piece I began and never seemed to retain enough fidelity to finish.
I hope this news will please those still interested, those who bothered to click the link when they were alerted that I had added another chapter—well, this was probably a disappointment seeing as how it's not really part of the story, but read on!—I plan on rebooting and revamping this story. I'm going to start back from the beginning (sorry to those who were hoping me to just pick up where I left off, but I can't because I haven't the foggiest idea as to where I was heading with certain mini plots). I may also, finally, write a small story on the two queens' mother. Oh joy. :)
I must first re-immerse myself in the strangely enticing world of Saya, and then I'll be able to accomplish a story that will hopefully do justice to the series.
Oh, and my style of writing has probably changed and (hopefully) improved, so look forward to that. And another minute detail: I'm probably going to just delete this story once I have the other posted. I'll post once more here to alert you of its birth into the FanFiction world, and from there we'll be off.
Thank you for taking the time to read my little rambling message! I hope you'll read the new Unforgivable (whose title I haven't yet decided).