This is just something i did while i fought writer's block. i found that staring at a blank screen invokes vivid images. this is inspired by that mental image.
please let me know what you think, i might turn it into something.
Michelle looked over the list in her hand.
Milk, bread, peanut-butter, chocolate spread, carrots, biscuits, butter…
The list went on. How can three people eat this much? Michelle reflected on her housemates and conceded that the length of shopping list correctly indicated the appetites of the brothers. Michelle squashed her stab of envy, she didn't see how those two could eat so much and not gain a pound. It probably had something to do with their metabolisms but that didn't mean she had to like it.
Bagels, muffins, eggs, soda, jelly, coffee, mini quiche?...
It had been disconcerting at the beginning. She hadn't thought that her advertisement for housemates would have been picked up by a set of twins, let alone charismatic and handsome men. Shaking those thoughts out of her head Michelle returned her attention to her shopping, there was no way she was getting herself mixed up romantically with another set of twins. George and Brandon would have to find someone else, not that that was hard for them.
Living with the boys had been a real eye-opener for Michelle, she hadn't been expecting the immediate sense of 'safe' she felt around them or the amazing amount of dirty laundry they left for her to clean.
Shoving the rest of her groceries into the trolley Michelle aimed for the check-out. She grumbled quietly as she paid seventy-three dollars for her stash of goodies. They were so paying her back. Michelle quickly stowed the bags into the back of her car before leaving the parking lot.
When she reached her home Michelle was confronted with a sight she did not expect; an eclectic group of vehicles sat in and on her front yard.
"No, nononononononono!" Michelle practically forced the car into park before leaping out and advancing angrily. "I know what you are and I don't want anything to do with you."
An image of a man appeared next to the red van. "We just wanna talk to ya."
"Hmm, no I don't think so. Get off my property."
Another image appeared, this time next to the white and red ambulance. "We don't have time for this, get her and let's go."
The van's image scowled. "Prime said to convince her without force."
"Well she doesn't seem to want to help voluntarily so now we do it this way."
Michelle had stood frozen while the vehicles spoke to one another. Suddenly the red van began to shift and move. It occurred belatedly to Michelle that she should run, she'd dealt with these things before and had no intention of going through that again. Michelle took off across the lawn, dodging between the other cars parked in her front yard. As she past them they started changing. Michelle hit the pavement and dashed down the road. She knew that it would be easier for the giant robots to catch her this way but she knew of a side street two blocks away that was far too narrow for them to follow her.
The slight shaking of the ground beneath her feet alerted Michelle to the approaching robots. Diving off to the side she narrowly escaped a hand. The owner of that hand continued to jog past, unable to slow down in time.
Michelle picked herself up off the ground and took two steps before another hand closed around her.
"Put me down!"
"We just need your help for a little while."
Michelle glared angrily into the concerned blue eyes of the grey and black robot. "I don't care."
The ambulance stopped next to them. "Put her inside Bluestreak."
Her captor obeyed with an apologizing look.
"Why are you kidnapping me?" Michelle demanded once the doors locked behind her. "I thought you weren't supposed to harm humans.
"We haven't done anything to you." The voice sounded annoyed and tired. "I need you if the surgery is going to succeed."
A spark of fear jumped into Michelle's heart. "Surgery?"
The ambulance didn't reply. Michelle sat down and waited for the ride to end.
It took them two hours to get to wherever they were going. Michelle had watched the hands on her wristwatch move slowly around the face. Boredom, fear and concern churned in her stomach.
The light coming through the windows dimmed as the entered the base. The ambulance didn't slow or stop until they reached a large door. The robot then transformed and Michelle found herself sitting in its palm. The door infront of them slid open.
Michelle's hand flew to her mouth as a startled gasp escaped her lips as her eyes widened to take in the scene of carnage before her.
"You remember the twins don't you?"