Okay! first DN fic, have mercy. Please review! the first point of view is L's, pre- series. I haven't read the manga, so I'm sorry for any inaccuracies. Tell me if the characters are OOC, i thied hard not to make them so, but one can never tell...oh, and I don't own anything... cough sadly.
L only took the cases that interested him.
Everyone knew this: everyone in the police knew of him, his eccentricities, but at the same time nobody really knew him. Who he was, where he came from, how his thoughts processed ideas as easily-no, more speedily, actually- than a computer, what were his hopes and dreams, his long-term goals. Those things were outside the scope of law, the cold hand of indifference.
L was alone, worked alone, as he always had.
Maybe that was why nobody really knew him, save for Watari. And even Watari's knowledge had limits.
He was pondering this in his room at the Wammy house-yes, he still lived there, he had a room. Granted, he only went there very rarely, when he didn't have a case, but it was practically the only home he had ever known.
There was a knock on his door. "L."
"Come in," L said distractedly, focusing his dark eyes on the macadamia nuts before him. It was nice, but not sweet enough. "What is it?"
"I've brought a case you might be interested in."
L spared Watari a glance. "What is it about?"
Watari hesitate for a second. "It's quite complicated."
"It is a killing, isn't it?"
Watari's words came slowly. "A large number of criminals are dying in Japan."
That piqued L's interest. "Dying?"
"Dying of heart attacks."
"That is natural death," L said dismissively. "But you aren't finished, are you?"
L ceased making a line with the nuts. "What makes this so different?"
"The sheer number of it, L."
"Hand me a summary." Said L, holding out his hand. Watari thankfully had made one. L read the written words, his brows scrunching with each line. Heart attacks…criminals…both on the wanted list and in prison. It was clear that someone was killing them off.
Someone who thought of what he was doing…as justice.
They had named him Kira. A slurring of the English word, Killer.
L's eyes stopped at the end of the black letters. But his mind didn't stop. There was a stirring of emotions within him. Slowly, slowly, he analyzed them.
First of all he felt curiosity. The deaths didn't happen by accident, that much was clear, but what kind of person would have to be behind these crimes? Killing by heart attacks…what a very convenient way. No murder weapon, no witnesses. Who in the whole wide world would believe that it was murder?
Patterns. He needed to search for patterns.
This Kira…what kind of person was he?
He couldn't help but feel a grim admiration for Kira. He would have the sympathy of most people. After all, he was killing off bad guys. Who needs them? They were worthless, a barrier to feelings of safety and security.
A perfect world.
Is that what Kira was trying to create?
But he even Kira couldn't think that there would be a perfect world in a world where people did not commit crimes out of fear.
Was the world really that hopeless, that killing criminals was the only way?
Second was excitement. The case was an interesting one. More interesting, maybe, than any case he had tackled so far.
There was a frisson of apprehension. This Kira could kill people without touching them. That means that he could be killed, too.
And yet didn't he take this risk with other criminals?
He raised his eyes to look at Watari. The older man must have been calling for him for some time. He hadn't been paying attention.
"Sorry. What is it?"
"Will you take on the case?"
And underneath it all, a very faint tang of guilt. And sympathy. Admittedly he had wished, more than once, that all criminals would just up and die. Maybe then, he had mused, all the suffering in the world would cease. Now someone was granting his wish, in a morbid kind of way. But in Kira's way…
Justice would not be served.
Arrogance. This Kira had the very arrogance of God.
"Yes. I need some more material on this Kira: when and where exactly did he start killing, any patterns in time and any difference in his style." He stood up from his semi-crouched position. "Oh, and book two tickets to Japan. There is a very high possibility that Kira is Japanese. We will get in touch with the police shortly."
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going to tell Roger and the others where we're going." He jammed his hands in his pockets. "I need to talk to Mello and Near, as well."
Till he had confirmed the existence of this Kira, how he killed and who he was-at the very least, until he had the true cooperation of the Japanese National Police, he would have to play hide and seek.
The game had begun.
Take one's finished! please review. love and peace, all the time!