M.S.: God I'm bored. Here's my Sasuke/Kagome fanfic. I was listening to Lacuna Coil's Our Truth. Just to let you people know; Kimimaro never went to Orochimaru, he helped his imouto -you'll find out in the story-, and is still apart of Kirigakure with no Cursed Seal. He will be slightly lazy and OOC, just a warning/spoiler. No complaining about his attitude, I'm warning you. Complain, and I'll send hell upon you!

Disclaimer: I no own Naruto or Inuyasha.

Kagome - 12, Sasuke - 12, Kimimaro -15, Inuyasha - 13 ½, Bankotsu - 12, Sakura - 12, Naruto - 12

Bad Timing

Walking to the bridge where Team 7 meets for missions, Sasuke let his mind wander. Apparently, he wasn't watching where he was going either, seeing how he bumped into a silver-haired, dog-eared, red-clad; his usual fire rat haori and hakama with black shinobi sandals with a sword -Tetsusaiga- on his left hip and kunai holster on right leg; boy two years older then himself. Looking up at the individual, obsidian gaze met golden gaze. He noticed the teen had dog ears on his head. Sasuke's expression went from emotionless to sour in seconds.

Who he bumped into was Inuyasha Inutaisho of the Inutaisho clan, whose hitae-ate was worn on his neck. Children born from two members of the clan had markings and pointed ears like Sesshoumaru Inutaisho, children bon from a member of the clan and someone outside the clan had dog ears like Inuyasha. During the New Moon, Inuyasha loses his dog-like senses and ears to resemble the parent who wasn't part of the Inutaisho clan -which happened to be his mother Izayoi. Like the Inuzuka clan, the Inutaisho clan, too had a kinship with dogs; but instead of needing a dog companion, the individuals have the senses, attitudes, and likeness of dogs -hence why Sesshoumaru, Inutaisho, and Sesshoumaru's mother can take on the shape of giant dogs. Though because Inuyasha's mother wasn't a member of the clan, he only had a purple streak appear on each cheek and the whites of his eyes go red, while the irises go blue.

One of his teammates was Bankotsu Raijuu of the Raijuu clan, whose hitae-ate is also around his neck. People of this clan have control over and the use of Lightning/Thunder, and depending on the eye color of a member, depends on how strong their ability over Lightning/Thunder is -Red being the strongest, Blue under that; not by much though, and Black being the weakest; these are so far the known eye colors of the clan. Bankotsu's two brother Hiten and Manten were killed during an A-Ranked mission, leaving him and his Imouto Souten the last of the clan. He wore a white haori that had blue designs on the left shoulder and sleeve, and white hakama that ended an inch or two below his knees, blue shinobi sandals, and a kunai holster on his left leg. On Bankotsu's back was his most trusted weapon, Banryuu.

The third member of the team was Kagome Kaguya of the Kaguya clan, whose hitae-ate was around her eyes, like a blindfold. As you may know, this clan has control of their bones and can use them as weapons; but her Aniki and herself have three extra Kekkei Genkei, due to their mom who was half Kaguya half Tsukimori. Her snow-white hair reached the middle of her back, her bangs -that are like Haku's, and are five inches shorter than- have red-hair things on them, that are parallel with her eyes -that if her hitae-ate was removed were iridescent lavender that can look sky blue or like her Aniki's- the Maro Mayu symbol and red under her eyes. Kagome was wearing a black fighting kimono top that ended three inches under her knees, black capris, -two thin silver chains wrapped around each ankle were above her black shinobi sandals-, and black gloves on her hands -if her bell sleeves ever showed her hands- that made her skin whiter than her hair. She and her Aniki, Kimimaro -who was also their sensei by coincidence- were the last of their clan due to their clan attempting a coup de 'tau on Kirigakure, while she had Tori no Shichibi (The Seven-Tailed Bird) in her, and made her more liked -due to the beauty of some species of birds.

The trios sensei -who wasn't there- was Kimimaro Kaguya, and older brother of Kagome Kaguya and his hitae-ate around his neck. He, too, has three extra Kekkei Genkei; and would be dying from a sickness had his imouto not have the powers of a miko that she shared with him due to a blood bond, that gave them a special bond that's somewhat hard to find in siblings -the understanding without the need of words. Kimimaro had white hair -that he kept long due to Kagome- (1), the Maro Mayu symbol, red under his green eyes, wore a lavender fighting haori that ended an inch or two below his knees and black pants that ended mid-calf, were his lower calves were wrapped in bandages, black shinobi sandals, with a grayish-purple -or is it blue- Jounin vest. Though as young as he is, he's one of the strongest Jounin. No bragging included.

One of the three was a Doujutsu; the whites of the eyes go black, the iris gold, the seven tomoe -that in the right eye face left and vise versa for the left eye- blood red, and the ring around the eyes a darker hade of red(2). It was similar to the Sharingan, but worse -though it could cause a world like the Tsukiyomi and black flame like the Amaterasu- and could enter around the brain and should the victim move, a thousand needles of pain would shoot through out the body and could cause death if weak of the heart or sensitive of pain -it causes blindness in the user if used too many times. The second was the control over the elements -Fire, Ice, Water, Lightning, Thunder, Air, Light, Darkness, Shadow, Earth-, and the user could fuse with the element(s) being used. The third was both Necromancy/use of ghosts. Necromancy allows the user to resurrect Undead Minions and Bone Fiends (3) with the use of Blood Spells, Curses, Death Spells, and Hexes; and can solidify ghost and control them as weapons -but their mother never showed signs of having the Tsukimori Kekkei Genkei.

And as Sasuke looked at their headbands, he found that the three were from The Village Hidden In The Mist. Also, their physical appearance; nothing more.


Kagome's POV

She reached a hand out for Inuyasha to take, only for him to brush it away and stand on his own, brushing off stray dirt. Okay…? Rude much isn't he. Damn ignorant and arrogant Inutaisho, with that thought, Kagome turned to the fallen Uchiha and offered a hand to him, which he took begrudgingly.

"Sorry for Inuyasha bumping into you. He jumped down in front of you, which caused you two to crash into each other," explained Kagome who received a nod the Uchiha. Then, something dawned on the female Kaguya, "we never gave you our names. The one with black hair in a braid and blue eyes is Bankotsu Raijuu, the one you crashed in to is Inuyasha Inutaisho, our sensei -who isn't here- is Kimimaro Kaguya, and I am Kagome Kaguya." Sasuke gave the trio and a nod, and replied, "Sasuke Uchiha," before walking around them to get to Team 7's meeting place.


Normal POV

"Might as well find Kimimaro-sensei," said Bankotsu, who received two nods and walked the way Sasuke walked. The trio walked passed the bridge and along the riverbank -getting stares in the process by Team 7- and looked under the bridge. And sure enough, Kimimaro was under the bridge for god knows what reasons. Apparently, his headband untied itself and fell into the water from the bridge. Sweat dropping, Kagome jumped down onto the water and walked over to her Aniki.

Kimimaro found his hitae-ate but didn't want to get wet, because it's a hassle getting dry. Now, if the two were to look up, they would be looking into the confused eyes of Team 7 -who are on the bridge. Why doesn't Aniki control the water and have it bring up his headband. Might as well do it for him, with those thoughts, Kagome placed her hand on the waters surface and sure enough, a hand-like thing came out holding the hitae-ate. The elder Kaguya took his headband from the hand -which dissolved back into water- and the younger Kaguya stood up. The pair waked over to the riverbank and stopped when they reached their team.

"Why'd you have the wench," Inuyasha pointed to Kagome, "do it for ya, lazy ass?" he didn't get an answer from Kimimaro, but from Kagome.

"Sit! Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit." came from the younger Kaguya, which caused Inuyasha to drag into the ground. Kagome and Inuyasha were 'enemies' in the Academy and Kaede -a grandmother figure to Kagome- placed a subduing necklace on him -seeing how Kaede was a descendent of a priestess, though her powers are faint. It amused Bankotsu to no end, as well as Kimimaro. Looking over, the older Kaguya finally noticed Team 7 looking a them strangely.


Sasuke's POV

The younger of the only two living Uchihas, watched as this Kagome said 'sit' and caused this Inuyasha to crash into the ground. How'd she do that! Sasuke felt his eyes widening fractionally when he received no answer. Did she have some sort of magical powers, besides chakra, that no one knew -or was it something else? Sasuke's hands tightened and began to shake with suppressed anger at the lack of answers. He didn't notice Sakura looking at him.


Sakura's POV

Oh, Sasuke-kun. What's wrong? What's the matter? Is it that white haired girl our age that's making you angry? thought Sakura -who looked over at Kagome from the corner of her eyes, She'll pay for making Sasuke-kun angry! Cha! that was Inner Sakura. The pink haired girl turned her attention to the Kiri Genin in question, why were they here anyway? The kunoichi decided that all were acceptable -if they got along with 'Sasuke-kun', except the shiori-haired girl. Naruto, she could care less about, he could be friends with the girl for all Sakura cared. Naruto was dead-last and would always be dead-last in Haruno's eyes.


Normal POV

"Ano sa! Ano sa! Who are you? What are you doing in Konohagakure?" Naruto caught the attention of the Kiri Genin team ad asked them questions.

"Bankotsu Raijuu," a finger pointed to a boy with black hair and blue eyes, "Inuyasha Inutaisho," it pointed to another boy with silver hair and gold eyes with dog ears, "Kimimaro Kaguya-sensei," an older boy with snow-colored hair and grass eyes with a Maro Mayu symbol and red under the eyes, "and I'm Kagome Kaguya." a girl also with snow hair and a black-clothed hitae-ate around her eyes. Naruto's eyes brightened with the information on a new team and potential friends. Maybe they wont hate him, but there was a doubt with this Inuyasha person -he reminded hi of Kiba Inuzuka and Akamaru. Wonder where Kakashi-sensei is anyway.


M.S.: Here's the prologue! I'm curious at the reviews. Hope you like it. R&R!


(1) Kagome would brush it and play with it, so Kimimaro kept it long.

(2) http(colon)/i85(dot)photobucket(dot)com/albums/k58/IridescentAngelOfDeath666/ExtraKekkeiGenkei(dot)jpg

(3) I don't own this, it's from my game Guild Wars Factions.