hey guys!!!! i sooo sorry about not updating Trinity Blood the Movie i have soo many test and basketball! plus i have a term paper due soon and a few things for science fair! plus i have church and i need to do Christmas shopping (and shopping for myself! gotta have cute winter outfits!!!) and i just have to hang out wih my friends cuz i love them soo much! plus i have some family problems popping up and i wish my love would tell me he loves me TT-TT (i've liked this same guy for 8 years and i havent told him yet, but i think he likes me and i think he knows about my feelings, some of my friends are blabber mouths! XX) but i'm hoping to update that soon! but i had this story on my computer (only about the begining of thi chapter) so i decided to finish this chapter and update more in the future! i hope you like this!

DISCLAIMER: everyone's gotta have one of these…don't they?… well, sad to say, but I don't own Trinit Blood or Beauty and the Beast, but I do own Porter though!3 but not some of his lines TT-TT …

ENJOY! Remember to review at the end!

oh! here's the cast for this chapter:

Belle: Esther

Prince???(find out next chapter! but i know u can guess who he is!)

old beggar woman/enchantress: Lilith

Belle's father: Bishop Laura

Gaston: Dietrich

Lefou: Porter (OC 3)

Philippe: as himself! (hehe)

Once upon a time in a far away land a young prince lived in a shining castle Although he had every his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind. But than, one winter's night an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed from her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances for beauty is found within and when he had dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress with long red hair and glamorous blue eyes.

The price tried to apologize, but it was too late for she had seen that there was no love in his heart and as punishment she transformed him into a monstrous Crusnik and placed a powerful spell upon the castle and all who lived there.

Ashamed of his monstrous form, the Crusnik concealed himself inside his castle with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world. The rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose, which would bloom on his 21st year. If he could learn to love another and earn her love in return by the time the last petal fell, then the spell could be broken.

If not, he would be doomed to remain as a Crusnik for all of time.

As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. For who could ever learn to love a beast such as him?

A Beauty and a Beast

Chapter 1: An Adventure Unfolds

In a quiet village lived a young woman. She was the most beautiful girl in that small village, however she was quite usual. She always had her nose stuck in a book. She loved to read; the books she read were her friends. Every morning, such as this, she would come out from her house and walk into the village to see the bookkeeper to return and checkout books. That is were we see the young woman off to this fine early morning as the rooster crowed and the birds twittered.

She walked down the dirt path to the village as she wore a simple blue dress with a white apron tired around her waist and as she swayed her basket, were her book was in, back and forth. She crossed the stone bridge into the quiet village as the people just began to start their day. She said hello to the baker and to everyone else she passed.

She opened the door to the bookshop and the little bell rang as she did so.

"Ah, Esther." A man said.

"Good morning." Esther said as she walked up to the bookkeeper and handed him the book in her basket. "I've come to return the book I borrowed."

"Finished already?" He asked as he took it. He turned and saw Esther as she climbed onto the ladder hooked up to the tall bookshelf as she said,

"Oh, I couldn't put it down." She turned and looked at the books. "Have you got anything new?" She asked as he chuckled.

"Not since yesterday." He replied.

"That's all right." She said. "I'll borrow," she took a blue covered book of the shelf, "this one," and handed it to the old bookkeeper.

"That one?" He asked as he looked at the cover. "But you've read it twice!" He exclaimed.

"Well, it's my favorite–– far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells; a prince in disguise!" She explained.

The old bookkeeper chuckled again as she climbed down the latter. "If you like it all that much––it's yours." He said as he handed it to her.

"But sir––" She began as she headed toward the door.

"I insist." He said.

"Well, thank you. Thank you very much!" She said as she waved bye to him and walked down the cobblestone road. She began to walk home as she read the first page of her book.

However, she didn't see the man following her in the alleys. He stepped out of the shadows and into the light. He had brown hair just three inches over his ears that touch his neck and had brown eyes. He smiled devilishly at the redheaded woman.

A man, who was a bit shorter than the other man, followed him out from the alley. "Wow, Dietrich! Just take a look at how much money that old fart left us with!" The old fart was the old man they had just robbed.

"Yes, yes. That kind of money will help me in winning that girl." He said as he pointed his head toward Esther as she walked down the cobblestone road.

"What? You mean Esther? But she's an orphan! None the less that cursed witch-in-disguise takes care of her like she was her own! That girl will grown up to be a witch too, you'll see!" The man made a scary, killer's face and hissed.

"Yes, but she the most prettiest girl in this town. And I deserve the best, don't I, Porter?" Dietrich asked as he looked the man, who's name was Porter, in the eye.

Porter turned pale and sheepish. "Oh, of coarse you do, Dietrich! You are the best man alive!"

Dietrich smiled. "That's right. And the best man alive needs the most beautiful girl alive." He said and walked toward Esther. He was just behind her until he darted into an alleyway, with Porter behind him.

Esther turned around. She had a feeling someone was following her. She shrugged her shoulders; then turned around to walk again, but instead she smacked her head on a strong chest. She looked up to see Dietrich as he smiled cutely at her.

"Hello, Esther!" He said innocently.

"Oh, good morning, Dietrich." Esther said as she took a step backwards and smiled at him.

"I see you're reading."

"Oh, yes. The bookkeeper gave me this book to read."

"Do you like reading books, Esther?" He asked as he took the book after from her and flipped through the pages.

"Yes, I do. They're very interesting––"

"I think women shouldn't read. They don't need to get ideas about things." He said coolly as he tosses the book over his shoulder.

Esther rushed passed him to pick up the book. It had landed in a puddle of mud. She wiped off the mud on her apron. She looked at Dietrich, who stood over her.

"Really, Esther, you need to get your head out of these books and more attention to more important things: like me." He smiled down at her devilishly.

"Dietrich, you are positively primeval." Esther told him as she stood up.

He chuckled and said, "Why thank you, Esther." He put his arm around her slyly as he said, "What do you say, you and me take a walk over to the tavern and take a look at my trophies?" He took her book away again as he lead her back toward in the center of the town.

Esther crossed her arms and looked at him, crossed. She reached for her book. "Maybe some other time." She said awkwardly. She took the book from him and walked back toward her cottage, which was only about half a mile away from the town. "Please, Dietrich, I can't. I have to go home and help my mother. Good-bye!"

Porter, who came out of nowhere and stood by Dietrich, laughed. "That crazy witch, she needs all the help she can get!" Dietrich joined in his laughing.

"Don't talk about my mother that way!" Esther snapped at the two. Immediately they stopped and looked at her.

Dietrich looked down at Porter as he said, "Yeah, don't talk about her mother that way!" He hit Porter on the head with his fist.

"My mother is not crazy! And she's not a witch!"

An explosion came from behind her. She turned around to see smoke flowing out from her cottage. She raced toward her house, leaving the laughing idiots.

She opened the door to her house and ran inside. The smoke was thicker in the kitchen, so she headed there. She heard a woman coughing and when the smoke cleared a bit, she saw her mother, who had blonde hair and a white dress on, on the floor. She rushed to her mother's side. "Mom!" She exclaimed.

"Hello, Esther dear. Welcome home!"

Esther's expression softened. "Hello, Mom."

"Now, how on earth did that happen?" Her mom asked as she looked at the smoking and boiling pot on the stove.

"Are you all right, Mom?"

"Yes, yes I'm all right." She stood up with Esther. "But I'm afraid the soup's not."

"Oh, Mom, why can't you wait until I get home to make the soup?"

Her mother was never a good cook. She would even burn water!

"Well, I wanted it to be a surprise. For your birthday."

Today was Esther's birthday, her 18th birthday to be exact.

"Mom, you don't have to make me soup for my birthday. You could have given me a dress or a book." She smiled at her mother.

The smoke had cleared and the kitchen air was fresh.

"That's my Esther. The only girl who would want a book as a birthday present." Her mother smiled back at her. "Come, let's have some tea."

"All right, Mother. I prepare some."

Esther poured some tea for her mother. They were in their living room, sitting at a small table. "Thank you, Esther." Her mother said.

Esther nodded and took a sip of her tea. Her mother did the same. Esther held her teacup in her hands and stared into it. "Mom, do you think I'm odd?"

"My daughter? Odd? Where did you get an idea like that?" Her mother asked as she took another sip of her tea.

"Oh, I don't know. It's just… it's just that I don't know if I fit in here. There's no one I can really talk to."

"Oh, but what about that Dietrich? He seems to like you enough and he's a handsome fellow."

"He's handsome, all right, and rude, and conceited, and… oh, Mother, he's not for me."

"Oh, that's all right, Esther. I'm sure there is someone out there for you. The right man is just waiting impatiently for you to fall into his life."

Esther sat at the table. She was reading the book that the bookkeeper had given her. It was in the afternoon, when someone knocked on the door. She quietly got up to answer it. When she opened the door she saw Dietrich. He proudly stepped inside. "Dietrich. What a pleasant surprise." She backed up.

"Isn't though? I'm just full of surprises. You know, Esther, there's not a girl in town that wouldn't love to be in your shoes. This is the day that your dreams come true."

Esther walked over to the table. "And what do you know about my dreams, Dietrich?"

He sat down in the chair and placed his muddy boots on the table right on her book. "Plenty. Picture this: a rustic hunting lodge, my latest kill roasting on the fire," he began to slip off his boots as he talked, "and my little wife massaging my feet, while the little ones play on the floor with the dogs."

Esther held her nose in disgust. She did not like how this was going.

Suddenly, Dietrich stood up, right in her face. "We'll have six or seven."

"Dogs?" She asked worryingly.

He pulled back a bit. "No, Esther! Strapping young boys." She grabbed her book off the table and held it to her chest. "Like me." He added with a smile.

"Imagine that." She said awkwardly as she walked away from him.

"And do you know," he said following her, "who that little wife will be?"

She had wiped the mud off the book again with her apron and put the book on the bookshelf. "Let me think." She said as she looked away from him with the most disgusted look on her face.

He pinned her up against the wall and leaned close onto her. "You, Esther."

"Dietrich, I'm," she rushed away from him and moved toward the door, "I'm… speechless." She placed a hand on her chest as she leaned against the door. "I really don't know what to say." Dietrich proudly walked up to her.

He pinned her up against the door as he said, "Say you'll marry me."

"I'm very sorry, Dietrich, but… but," she reached for the door handle and when she found it she turned it open, "I just don't deserve you!" She moved to the side as the door opened and he fell out the door. She threw his boots out to and shut the door close.

Porter ran up to him and asked, "So, how'd it go?"

Dietrich stood up and took a hold of Porter's collar. "I will have Esther for my wife. Make no mistake about that!" He said; then dropped Porter and stormed off.

"Hmph! Touchy!" Porter remarked. Then, he realized that Dietrich was already half way down the path back to town. He stood up and cried as he chased after him, "Hey! Wait for me!"

Esther watched from behind the curtain of one of the windows as Dietrich and Porter headed back to town. "Finally, he's gone." She sighed. She opened the door again and walked outside. Chickens clucked as they fed on their feed as she walked by them. "Can you imagine?" She asked as she took their bucket of feed and walked. "He asked me to marry him!" She marched around to the side of the cottage where the farm animals were kept. "Me the wife of that boorish, brainless…." She opened the wooden gate to the pen and set the bucket of feed on a barrel. "Madame Dietrich. Can't you just see it?" She picked up a rag and wrapped around her head and held it at her neck. "Madame Dietrich, his little wife!" She kicked the barrel and the chickens clucked and the goats bleated. "No sir, not me! I guarantee it!" She ran around out to the back of the cottage. Behind the cottage was an open plain; then a cliff. You could look for miles at the beautiful scenery. Rolling hills, covered with trees, whose leaves were charging colors, a clear, blue, sparkling river as the sun began to set behind the hills.

Esther wanted so much more than the provincial life she had. She wanted adventure like in the books she read. She wanted it badly. She sat down in the grass. " It might be good to have someone to understand me." She whispered as a wind blew on and around her. She stood up and walked back to her house. She had an idea. She would leave this town for a while and seek another place. She would go off and have her adventure. She would return to her mother in a year, if not sooner.

Her mother understood her and sent her off with her love, a smile, a hug, and some warm clothes.

Esther mounted her horse, Philippe, and waved her mother goodbye. She turned away from her mother and looked out into the dark wood in front of her. And so her adventure began on her eighteenth birthday.

well, there you have it! i hoped you like it! so review it! please! i had fun writing this! there's no movie themesfor trinity blood here! well, besides my anastaisa one which i will finish someday!! just give me a while! i'm also writing other storyes that aren't fanfics now so im sorry for the delay! i'm trying really hard! well see ya at chapter two (or chapter 24 for trinity blood the movie, which ever comes first)