Disclaimer: Naruto © Masashi Kishimoto

Hinata opened her eyes slowly and deliberately. The bright, fluorescent hospital lights half-blinded her when she blinked quickly to make the blurriness fade. With her eyes closed, Hinata could hear distinct shouting outside her hospital doors. It was a bit muddled, but she could make out the familiar voices of the vice president and the president of Sharingan Graphics.

Sharingan Graphics!

Oh no, Hinata thought, how long have I been out of it? Darn, that stupid rock just had to hit me so hard. Gingerly, she tried to reach her forehead to feel for bandages, stitches, anything. Her hand felt the hard surface of thick bandages and pieces of hardened, crusty blood. She guessed that there were probably stitches underneath them.

Great, Hinata thought, just like the time I fell off the bed when I was six. Hinata had rolled off her bed on a sweltering summer night and hit her head on the bedside table corner. There was a deep four inch gash hidden by her hair to show for that unfortunate accident. Hinata sighed and tried to sit up. Her head felt heavy; similar to a ton of bricks mixed with cement. With another deep sigh, she laid down again and focused on the shouting outside her door.

"You f…… idiot, Itachi!" Sasuke shouted , "You could've killed her, don't you realize that?!"

"Well, not technically—"

"Shut up! What were you thinking? Were you even thinking?! And whose idea was the bombs—"

A blonde looked up from the corner and interrupted, "Actually, that was my—" Sasuke whirled around and glared at him with murderous intent, "Didn't I just tell you to shut it?!"

With that, Itachi suggested, "You just told me to—"

"And I mean it! What were you thinking when you took her?! I mean—"

A sharp voice cut through Sasuke's yelling, "This is a hospital, gentlemen. Not a shouting arena. If you want to stay here, I suggest," she looked directly at Sasuke, "that you quiet down." Tsunade walked over haughtily and sent a chill through the entire hallway to let them know that she wasnot joking. Peering inside the window, she put her finger to her lip and said, "You can go and see her if you want. But keep itdown, hear me?"

Itachi smiled slyly at Sasuke and whispered, "Go on. You know you want to." Sasuke sent him a look that could've curdled milk and was about to yell when he could sight of Tsunade's warning glare. He huffed angrily and pushed open the door to Hinata's room.

When the shouting suddenly stopped, and clicking footsteps drew near, Hinata knew something was different. After a few seconds, the door creaked open and through the cracks of her eyes, she could see that it was Uchiha-san. A hot blush covered her face as she recalled how he had looked at her in that collapsing cave.

Sasuke sat down in the chair next to Hinata's bed and stared at her. Hinata willed wit hall her might to make that troublesome blush disappear, but it wouldn't when she could feel his stare boreing into her like lasers. Her eyelids fluttered briefly, but she kept them closed; the reason? She had no idea.

It seemed that Sasuke was too preoccupied to notice her obvious blushing and quickening of breath when he touched the bandage on her forehead. He ran his fingers down the dried particles of blood on her face. To Hinata, it felt as if her whole face was about to explode from this, this sensation running through her .By now, she was sure that her whole face was completely pink, or even red. Should she open her eyes? Or keep them closed, even though he probably knew by now that she was obviously awake.

She felt him get up and stand by the open window a few feet away. Her eyes opened a crack before quickly closing when he turned around again. But it was enough to see that there was a tear running down his face. Hinat felt confused, a tear? For what? Her mind wandered back to what Itachi had said I nthe cave. Something about making her fall in love with Sasuke? Impossible, she argued even though she knew that she was just denying the inevitable.

She almost jumped out of her skin when she felt that he was sitting right next to her again. And his face was very near hers. Very, very, very, very, very near her's. Extremelynear her face. Without thinking of the consequences, she suddenly screamed, "BANANAS!!!" and shot sraight up.

Yeah. Straight up.

The next thing she knew, Sasuke was laughing hysterically and pounding his fist on her bedside cabinet. She flushed bright red before collapsing in laughter herself. Despite the fact that warm blood was once again running down her head, she felt almost comfortable.

And all of this was running in Hinata Hyuuga's, soon to be Hinata Uchiha, head while she walked up the aisle.

Author's Notes: Awful ending, ain't it? I liked it, short and sweet. It was a bit cliché at the end, though. I FINALLY finished this! That mean CELEBRATION!!! Please review:D

moonlight haku