AN: The Dib Equation was written on a pure whim, and so it has NO carefully planned out events. I have NO IDEA where this is going and I have NO IDEA if this will even be finished. I'm currently concentrating on gather and follow, since I really like the ways its turning out. Soooo just sit back and tell me if you like where this is going and maybe I'll see if I can finish it.

The Dib Equation


They made a seemingly odd pair, the two of them. One who feared death from every possible nook and cranny of existence, and the other who battled the demons who haunted even the bravest soul's nightmares. They were quite the opposite you would think, and their differences would only hinder the other- and yet here they are sitting together in the cafeteria.

Todd was very quiet in school. He was so quiet, that if you hadn't read the attendance sheet you'd never even know he was there. He liked it that way and tried to keep it that way. Of course this was difficult with Dib always bringing attention to them by the truck load. Todd lived with his negligent parents in house number 779 right next to house number 777- the one with that crazy man, the one who killed people. Before he met Dib, he didn't have any friends, and one day, perhaps out of pure loneliness, began talking to his teddy bear, Shmee. It had began as an innocent childhood venture-a seeking of security; something that would protect them from the nightmares of reality and those of their own imagination. It happened slowly- almost unnoticeable. But that bear began talking back. He told him to do things to those kids who bullied him in school- told him to set them all on fire and watch them scream while they burned. Todd's parents were positive their son was crazy.

Unlike Todd, Dib had quite the reputation in all the bad possibilities of the word. His father was the world's most respected scientist- a man of pure genius. He was also that kid with no mom- the only one in his class. You can only imagine the kind of rumors that bread around that subject. And lastly, he was the crazy kid. The kid everyone was told to ignore, in fear that his insanity was contagious. He grew up under the burden of great expectations- that he would one day succeed his father as world's most respected scientist. But… as an omen of future misfortunes, Dib disappointed the entire world; but more importantly, his father.

Dib remembered that day. Todd did as well. Because you see, the day Dib would destroy his life forever, was the day fate had woven together the lives of two lonely little boys, which would in turn set forth a chain of unnatural and paranormal events.

AN: btw folks, the title is in reference to the "Drake Equation" which is a real equation that proves there is life in space. Go google it and try it yourself. Its REALLLEEEE kooool.