Disclaimer: I don't own PR that would whoever owns them.

Title: First Christmas, First Kiss

Pairing: Tom/Hayley, Jase/Kim

Summary: Tommy invites Hayley to spend Christmas with Jason, Kim, and himself after learning she's not going home for the holidays. Holiday humor and sneaky friends leads to their first kiss.

Author's Note: This is the first thing I've written in close to two months. I hope you all enjoy. There will be three parts to this, and come hell or high water, they will ALL be up before Xmas.

Tommy walked into Hayley's Cyberspace as the last drifter was leaving. He stood leaning against the doorway as he watched Hayley wiping down the counter, he didn't want to disturb her in the middle of cleaning, that usually lead to a rag being thrown at his head and an order to help or get out.

Hayley continued to wipe down the counter, she knew Tommy was there, but this was the last task she had to do, and if she stopped now, she wouldn't have the energy to finish it later. "What do ya need Tom?" She didn't look up from her task as she addressed him.

"I'm surprised you're still here, I thought you would be gone by now, getting ready to fly out to your parents house," he said walking into the café and sitting down at one of the tables.

"I'm not heading out to PA this year," Hayley shrugged as she tossed the rag into the sink and washed her hands.

"But you always go to your parents for Christmas," Tommy replied, taken by surprise. He knew she didn't exactly have a copasetic relationship with her family, but she still went to all the holiday gatherings like a 'good daughter'.

"I decided to spare myself the family knife fight, belittlement from my sisters for not having a family of my own yet, and listening to my parents complain about how they wasted all that money on MIT and I paid them back by opening up a 'stupid little teen hang out'" she replied flatly, barely concealing the disdain she felt towards her parents for they attitude on her life.

Tommy nodded sympathetically, he was the one Hayley went to after holidays to vent about her parents and family. "So what are you doing for Christmas then?" He asked as she disappeared into the back.

"I don't know" the disembodied voice floated back to him from the store room. "I'll probably just curl up on the couch and watch the parade and try to find something to watch that isn't 'A Christmas Story'," she said with a wiry smile as she came back into the front room of the café.

"I hear that," Tommy said heartily. They both despised that movie with a vengeance, due to similar family 'traditions' of watching it ALL day on Christmas.

"What are you doing? I know your parents are on that cruise, so you aren't going back to Angel Grove," Hayley asked walking over to the table he was sitting at and collapsing into the chair opposite him.

"Nothing too exciting," he said with a shrug. "Jase and Kim are coming over since they are trying to avoid the parental units this year. You should come over too Hales, nobody should be alone on Christmas," he said with his signature charming smile.

"You just want me to cook," Hayley teased in reply, seeing that smile on his face always meant he wanted something.

"Well you could help, I did promise Jason and Kim that I'd make the ham, I was just going to go by a pre-cooked ham and pretend," Tommy said with a sheepish grin.

"Eww" Hayley made a face at the thought. "Pre-cooked! You can't just go by a pre-cooked ham! That's just not right!" she exclaimed. At his nod of agreement and smile she sighed, "You buy the stuff, I'll cook, but you owe me big time Dr. Oliver," she said mock-glaring at him.

Tommy gave her a big smile, "And, maybe… if I buy the ingredients, will you make that stuff that looks all nasty and gross, but tastes really good? With the Jell-O and the marshmallows?"

Hayley rolled her eyes, "Yes, I'll make a Jell-O salad, but stop calling it nasty and gross!"

"But it LOOKS like vomit!"

Hayley just glared at him, "Keep it up and I WILL go to my parents for the holidays," she threatened.

"You love me," Tommy said with a laugh.

"Why, I'll never know," Hayley retorted, laughing at Tommy's mock-crestfallen look. "Ooh stop pouting, let's get out of here so I can plan what you're having for Christmas dinner besides Ham and Jell-O salad," she said standing up.

"You're a life saver," Tommy said following her out the doors.

"More like a dinner saver," Hayley grumbled good-naturedly under her breath.