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                                                        The Year of Magic

Hey guys! Sorry about the wait, but I'm sure that you guys have all had the same problem with uploading chapters right? Oh well. Any way, here's chapter six. ;)


*****On the trail

                "Father! We're closing in!" Pepin's voice sang out to his gloomy father. "How far are they?" Bartholomew's gravelly tone made Pepin stop in his tracks. "Not far father. Maybe, a day or two's journey." Bartholomew nodded. "Good. I want my sorceress back as soon as possible." With that, the dark king stood and turned from his son. He was determined to retrieve what was "his".

*****Deeper in the woods

                "Sorceress, I bring a message from King Jonathan." Before he could continue, Yolei raised her hand. "Please don't call me that." T.K. looked puzzled. "What?" She explained. "Please don't call me 'Sorceress'. I have a name you know. Or do you?" T.K. turned to Davis, who simply smirked. "I didn't think so." Yolei sighed. "My name is Miyako Yolei Inoue. You may call me Yolei if you want. But DON'T call me 'Sorceress'." T.K. nodded. "I understand." Ken nudged Yolei. "Oh yeah. What is your message?" She asked. "King Jonathan offers you a safe escort to his castle." Yolei shook her head fiercely. "No! No kingdoms! No royalty!" Yolei's eyes were wide with fright. "But Ken there is a prince. You know that right?" T.K. asked. "Yes I know that. I also know of Ken's past. In fact I've seen it. I know I can trust him, but I don't know if I can trust you. Or King Jonathan."

                T.K. took a step back. Yolei was becoming angry. She knew what it was that T.K. was trying to do. He was attempting to cause dissention within their group. He was hoping he could trick her into hating Ken, that way, he assumed, she would go with him. This made her angry, and her anger caused her eyes to glow purple. "I'm sorry, my lady. I never meant to offend you." Yolei's eyes dimmed. This entire time, Davis had been standing behind T.K., chuckling. "Did you really think she was that dense?" He asked through giggles. "I mean come on. Not even I would have fallen into that trap." T.K. whirled around to face the thief. "Why don't you mind your own business? This is between me and the sorceress." His voice was cold, but nowhere near as cold as the voice that spoke next. "I told you..." Yolei's eyes flared purple. "...don't call me sorceress." T.K. fell to the ground. His arms and legs were bound with the same purple energy ropes that had bound Davis earlier. "Hey! What's going on?!"

                "I warned you! But you didn't' listen! I asked you not to call me sorceress, but you go and do it any way! Oh by the way, the answer to your message is a definite... no! I want nothing to do with any kingdom. Especially not when it's so close to the Year of Magic." Yolei's statement was finished softly. "That's fine, but it means that I must accompany you." Ken's eyes narrowed. "What? Why?" T.K. began to struggle in his bonds. "Release me and I'll tell you." Ken shook his head. "I don't think so." T.K. huffed. "Fine. King Jonathan ordered me to protect the sor... Yolei." Ken looked at Yolei then back at T.K. "I think Davis, Prowler, and I have that covered." T.K. shrugged. "You can never have too much protection, especially with King Bartholomew on your trail." Yolei stiffened slightly at the mention of her former captor. She began to shake at the thought of him catching her again. "He's right Ken. God knows what Bartholomew would do if he caught up to us." Yolei whispered. Ken pulled her closer to him. "What do you think Davis?" Davis' head shot up at Ken's question. "Well... even though I'm not that found of T.K.... he is honorable and trustworthy. It can't hurt any." Davis nodded.

                Ken looked to the timber wolf. My lady, would you be kind enough to inform me on the events of this strange encounter. Prowler's voice spoke in Yolei's mind. She smiled. Sometimes, it amazed her at how the wolf had better grammar than most humans. She filled the wolf in on the details. He has a strange smell to him, my lady. But I do believe he can be trusted. If not, you still have the three of us and your magic to protect you from him. Yolei nodded. "Prowler says to bring him along. But also to be wary of him." The two boys with her nodded at this. "Well, T.K., I guess that means your coming with us." Ken spoke cautiously. He obviously did not like the idea of bringing his fellow prince along. "Don't worry Ken. I've got you." Yolei whispered gently.

                Yolei turned back to the bound prince. Her eyes lost their purple glow and the ropes once again disappeared. "Thank you... Yolei. I must inform my troops that I will not be returning to the castle with them." With that, the young captain left. Davis' chocolate eyes followed him and, with a nod from Yolei, so did Davis.


                "Are we any closer, Tai?" Kari asked her brother. "Yes. They're not far ahead now. We should reach them in about a day. Maybe less if the move fast." Kari nodded. She and her brother began to make camp for the night. All the while Kari hopped that her friend was all right.

*****Farther away

                "WHY HAVE WE STOPPED?!!" The King's voice rang out. "I'm sorry father, but the horses need a rest and the men are tired. We have to stop and make camp." Pepin's voice was barely above a whisper. "Are you aware that we could lose them?!" Bartholomew's beady eyes narrowed. "Yes I know sir, but we have no choice." Bartholomew huffed but said no more. Tomorrow girl. Tomorrow you will be mine again. The evil king's thought's dissolved as he drifted into sleep.


So how was that? Again, sorry about the wait. I should have the next chapter out soon. If I have enough reviews (Hint, hint, hint) ;)