Disclaimer: I don't own the Clique series, or any of the characters. sigh I wish I did though!

Massie Block: Still ah-mazing. Still the head of TPC. But what happens when her Mom leaves the house to the PC, and she's in charge? Massie throws a party that goes WAY out of hand, and breaks the friendship of the PC! Oh no!

Alicia Riviera: Still the magnificent Beta, but wonders if she deserves more credit. What will happen when she finds out a MAJOR secret, and spreads it for Gossip Points at the party at the Block Estate, and gets caught gasp Claire?

Dylan Marvel: Obviously, her new diets not been working. Miss. Marvelous will have to take a major step to solve her weight problem, before the party Massie's planning. But is she hard-core dieting, or is it what Claire thinks: Anorexia? And at the party, she makes a BIG mistake that could get her into a lot of trouble…

Kristen Gregory: Her status has been upgraded, when she is the first girl at OCD to have a major anniversary gift from her BF! Her Dad's art pieces have been bought by very famous Art dealers, and after a lot of difficulty, her mom finally aloud her to spend two weeks at Massie's! Life couldn't be better…until she gets stabbed in the back by drum roll Dylan?

Claire Lyons: Still in. Still beautiful. Doesn't know that Massie may be considering her as the new Beta, but is bothered that Cam hasn't been interested in her for a while! At the same time, she's the first one to see Dylan may be taking her weight TOO seriously…

The Block Estate

Massie's Room

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

4:49 PM

Massie Block impatiently clicked her tongue while waiting for Kristen to get out of the bedroom. Alicia Riviera sat in the corner of the iPad, aka Massie's room, flipping through an old issue of Seventeen. Dylan Marvel was at the long table Inez had brought in the room for the snacks, munching on avocados and BBQ Pringles. Claire Lyons was on the iMac, IM'ing Cam, her boyfriend. In the corner of the room, her ah-dorable pug, Bean lay curled in her doggie house.

"Oh. My. God. Massie, it perfect! I love it!" Kristen squealed as she pranced out of the bathroom.

At once, all four girls crowded around Kristen, trying to get a glimpse of the People set her boyfriend Kemp Hurlinton had given her as a mark of their second year anniversary together. It was a single thin silver chain, with a circular diamond pendant hanging down in the middle. A matching set of diamond earrings were dangling from her earlobes. It looked ah-mazing!

A chorus of "oohs" and "aahhs" echoed the room, until Massie put up her hand for silence.


Alicia immediately stepped up. "9.8"

"9.7" added Dylan.

"9.9" exclaimed Claire; a little envious that Cam hadn't done the same thing for her. She sighed, and quickly hid her disappointment with a bright smile.

Kristen beamed. She threw her arms around Massie, and everyone immediately went in for a group hug. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Kendra, Massie's mom, and Judi, Claire's mom, walked in. "Hello girls."

"Hi, Mrs. Block. Hi Mrs. Lyons" They all replied back.

"Hey Mom," Massie said casually, flicking an imaginary piece of lint of her Ralph Lauren cashmere sweater.

"Honey, we need to talk." Kendra said.

Massie immediately straightened. Kendra usually never interrupted their sleepovers unless it was necessary, and she'd never asked Massie to talk in that serious tone. Something was up.

"Sure Mom, alone?"

"Yes, Claire too. I'm sure your friends don't mind? It'll only be a few minutes."

"Kay, Alicia, why don't you start a game of Would You Rather. Dylan, I downloaded some CD mixes, they're on top of the CD player. I'll be back."

Massie could see the curiosity in the PC's eyes, and had the same feeling herself. She glanced at Claire, who was looking intently at Judi, who was giving know hints. Massie shrugged at Claire, and followed the mom's into the sunroom. When they sat down, Massie and Claire followed.

"Honey, Claire's parents, your Dad, and I were thinking of taking a trip. We really need a break, and I thought it would be nice to visit Italy or Sweden again." Kendra started.

"Oh, sweet! Personally, I think we should go to Sweden. Much more exotic-ish, you know? Can you imagine Claire's never been to Sweden?"

Claire rolled her eyes at Massie. Then smiled. "Cool!"

Judi hesitated. "Actually, we were thinking maybe you'd like to stay behind. We really need some adult time alone, and we think you're ready to be home alone…"

She rushed on, but Massie wasn't listening. She was too busy thinking about what was going to happen to them.

"…and we'll only be gone for two weeks, so really, it's not that long. Maybe, we could call Alicia's mother, and see if Alicia would stay to keep you guys some company. Inez and Isaac will be here too…"

"What? Did you say Alicia could stay?"

"I'm sure we could arrange it, you know, so you guys won't be alone."

It sounded like Kendra was trying to reassure herself, not Massie.

"Can Dylan and Kristen join us to? We'd hate to leave them out of it, and they're like our best friends." Claire added.

"Good call," Massie whispered.

Claire replied with a nod.

Kendra hesitated. "I'm not sure, it may be too much…"

"Please mom? We'll be really responsible, and you always told me, it's best to include people, not to leave them out, etcetera, etcetera."

Massie watched in satisfaction, as she watched the hesitation in her mom's eyes vanish. She had hit the spot. Kendra hated it when people argued with her principles.

"I'll call their mom's." She promised.

Massie smiled deviously. She couldn't wait! All the fun they were going to have! And ah-bviously, they were going to break, like, a million rules! She silently screamed in her head, as she hugged her mom, and ran back to the iPad with Claire, to deliver the news

The Block Estate

Massie's Room

Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

5:02 PM

Massie walked in the room. "We've got news worth seventy gossip points!"

Claire nodded enthusiastically.

The girls stared in shock. Good gossip was worth twenty points, and the highest gossip points ever given at once, was forty, to Alicia, for finding out Chris Plovert had kissed Skye Hamilton in a closet at a Halloween party, and that Skye Hamilton had thought he was Chris Abelay. When she found out, of course, she shoved him into OCD's private training pool.

"What is it?" Kristen was the first person to get out of the shock.

"Yeah, tell us!" Insisted Dylan.

"Ready?" Massie said slowly. She loved building the suspense.

"Yes!" They all cried back.

She took a deep breath. She and Claire took turns explaining what the mom's told them. After they was done, the others all stood for a second, and immediately started screaming at the top of their lungs.




They broke into fits of laughter, until Massie held up her hand.

"Oh no," moaned Kristen.

"What?" asked Massie, afraid Kristen would back out.

"My mom! She'd never let me sleepover for two weeks! She barely approves the weekly sleepovers we have!"

"Don't worry," Massie assured her. "My Mom has it all under control. She's calling our parents right now, in fact."

Kristen sighed, still looking doubtful.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Cried Dylan, throwing her hands in the air. "We're going to have a blast!"

Alicia smiled. "What are we going to do?" She asked Massie.

Massie thought for a while. "Well, I want to do something our parents would never let us do. You know, do something totally parent illegal!"

Claire's eyebrows darted up, looking worried. "I don't know…"

Massie rolled her eyes. "C'mon Claire! We're never going to get another opportunity like this!"

"My mom would kill me!"

"Only if she finds out!"

"Massie, really…"

"Claire…" Massie's voice sounded dead serious. Everyone knew that voice. It was her "don't mess with me" voice.

"Fine," Claire agreed. "But what will I be?"

Massie thought. "How about…Nah, never mind. Too cool."

"What?" Alicia screeched.

"Well, I was wondering, maybe we could throw a party, like they do in the books when the parents are out."

"That's not bad." Claire commented.

"Claire, you don't know who you're talking to. Trust me, it'll be dirtier and more fun then last time."

Claire's heart sunk. "Dirtier?"

"Claire, we're teenagers now. We need something sexy to spice up our lives."

Alicia jumped up and down. "Oh. My Gawd, this is so meant for me!"

Kristen shook her head. "And what, Miss. Block, do you have in mind for that little "sexy something"?"

Massie smirked. "You'll find out later. Our parents are leaving on Saturday. They come back in two weeks. I want the party to be in the middle of their vacation, so we'll have time to plan, and time after, to cover up."

Dylan spoke up. "What if one of us are not aloud to stay for two weeks?" Dylan was looking straight at Kristen.

"Claire will call you tonight, after my mom's called your parents. We'll tell you what they said."





"And done."