
The shadows of a dozen ninja flew across the forest floor. The lead shinobi was a blond haired teenager wearing orange hidden by a cloak. Naruto was running as fast he could to catch up to Sasuke. The others behind him were trying to keep pace with the hyperactive boy, failing miserably. "Naruto" Kakashi called "stop for a moment. We need to rest for a second." Stopping mid-step, Naruto turned to face his teacher "We are so close sensei. We can't stop. If we do, he'll get away again!" he yelled. "Naruto!" Sakura cried "We can't catch Sasuke, if everyone is exhausted." Blinking, he started to speak when he was cut off by the med-nin "We don't have you stamina, Naruto. Even Lee would be hard-pressed to keep up with you right now. So stop and let us rest, got it?" Her last sentence was filled with barely contained anger, which got the desired response for him.

He stopped. As everyone sat to take their breather, a puff of smoke appeared out of now where. Kakashi, Sakura, and Yamato recognized it immediately. 'Kuchiyose no Jutsu?' As the smoke cleared, Kakashi made out the figures of two toads. 'Did Naruto summon them?' "Naruto, why did you summon…" "I didn't Kakashi Sensei. They just popped up on their own." With the smoke completely gone now, Naruto recognized Gamakichi and Gamatatsu, each with an item in their hands. "Hey guys why…are…you…here?" His question trailed off as he saw what the items were.

In Gamatatsu's hands was the Toad Summoning Contract. In Gamakichi's, the hitiate of the Gama Sannin, Jiraiya. It was covered in blood. Gamakichi looked up at Naruto and finally spoke "I'm so sorry Naruto." It was loud enough for everyone to hear, but no one knew what it meant as their view of the toads was blocked by Naruto's body. Seconds seemed to turn to hours for him. 'No…no it can't be. E-ero- s-sannin can't be gone.' Dropping to his knees, Naruto began to weep.

As Naruto fell to his knees, Kakashi finally got a good view of what was happening. The sight of the hitiate told him all he needed to know. 'Jiraiya-sama.' Looking behind him, he noticed that Yamato and Sakura had seen and understood as well. Kiba looked at Kakashi and asked "What's going on? What is wrong with Naruto?" Kakashi looked into the sky and without even looking at Kiba, answered his question "A great shinobi has just departed from this world Kiba." Now confused Kiba asked the question for the rest of Team 8 "Who?"

The simple question was answered by a simple answer. "Goodbye, Jiraiya-sensei." whispered Naruto. With his enhanced hearing, Kiba heard Naruto's word. "T-the Sannin J-Jiraiya is gone?" was Kiba's next intelligent question. "Yes. Jiraiya-sama is dead Kiba" answered Yamato. Working up all her courage, Hinata asked "W-why i-is N-Naruto-kun t-taking this so h-hard?" It was Sakura who answered her question "Because Hinata, Naruto was with Jiraiya for almost 3 years. They became close, like a father and son. He was one of Naruto's most precious people."

Ha could hear people outside, talking about him and Ero-sannin. He didn't care. One of few people who cared about, who was proud of him, who was precious to him…was dead. The shear weight of Jiraiya's death was crushing him. 'Why Ero-sannin? Why did you have to go? Why did you leave baa-chan and me and the village?' His thoughts soon turned to darker paths 'Who killed you? Why? Where?' "Gamakichi, who did it?" Kakashi asked. The small toad turned to the one-eyed jonin and replied "The toad that Jiraiya-sama summoned said, upon his arrival back in the summon's world, that the "Man" if you could call him that was the Akatsuki Leader."

Naruto heard every word of the exchange. Then, in one great explosion of emotion, his thoughts changed again. Outside his mind, chakra began to surge out of his body. The rest of the team jumped away as red chakra began to seep out with the blue. The amount off the Kyuubi's chakra started to increase with each moment. "Yamato, stop him. Now!" yelled Kakashi. Running through seals, Yamato stretched his hand out and yelled "Hokage-Shiki Jijuun Jutsu Kaku'An Nitten Suishu!"As the jutsu began to take effect, the Kyuubi's chakra exploded outward, forming four tails. "I WILL NOT BE DENIED MY REVENGE!" Naruto growled out. Yamato's jutsu fell apart with the amount of chakra pouring out of Naruto's body.

Four-tails and growing. Kakashi, Yamato, and Sakura watched in horror as the number of tails continued to increase. Five, six, and seven tails sprouted and still there seemed to be no stopping the power of the Kyuubi no Yoko from being released. Eight tails and finally, the most powerful and destructive tail of all, the ninth tail emerged. The consciousnesses of the fox and Naruto were battling each other for the control of the body. The chakra tails started flailing about and striking trees and rocks and the earth itself.

Suddenly, Naruto stopped. Instantly the rest of the ninja were ready to fight their friend if need be. Well, except one. Hinata could not bring herself to even raise her kunai. 'Please Naruto-kun stop. I don't want to see you like this. This is not you. Your kind and loving, not bloodthirsty and hateful. Please come back to me, Naruto-kun.' Naruto raised his head and ran off toward the direction of Sasuke. "We need to catch him before he kills anyone. Who doesn't deserve it of course." Following Naruto wasn't hard. The path that he tore was easy to follow through the forest.

"What do I see Itachi?" Sasuke asked, looking up into his brothers eyes "I see you dead." Itachi just stared at Sasuke. "Foolish little brother. Do you honestly think you can kill me?" A split second later, the sound of a Chidori filled the room. Sasuke charged his most powerful technique and charged toward Itachi. Before he could complete his attack though, the wall behind Itachi exploded. The shock on Itachi's face told Sasuke that this was not a part of his brother's plan. Taking advantage of the explosion, Sasuke Dove in for Itachi. Driving the Chidori forward, he found his brother was gone.

Until he turned around. There, holding Itachi by the throat, was a creature with nine wiping tails. Naruto. 'How did the dobe find me. And why is he trying to kill Itachi?' "Dobe, he is mine to kill. Drop him now" Sasuke said in his usual monotone. "YOU CAN KILL HIM WHEN I'M DONE WITH HIM!" The pure rage and hatred his voice startled Sasuke. 'What is going on here?' Behind him, the rest of Team 7 and 8 arrived at the scene. Sasuke turned to them with the apathy that only he could pull off and asked "Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?"