The light dimmed as the pair stood against each other for support. Bulma smiled at her mate, her face bruised and blood dripping from the cut on her cheek. When the light finally faded and the smoke cleared all that lay before them was the shell that was once Frieza. His eyes were black instead of his glowering red. Bulma moved forward, her feet moving slowly toward the man whom had called her his daughter for several years.

"I can't believe that I called you father," she said to the white form on the ground. Blood pooled around his limp body. With a kick of her booted toe she decapitated the once powerful tyrant. She turned back to Vegeta, who stood next to her, his own damage present on his rugged features. "Let's go." They turned from the fallen creature and headed for the docking bay. After getting their friends off the ship they watched with grim satisfaction as the ship was blown up, it metal flying in all directions as the smoke mixed with flames. A body part hit their ship, the crimson blood left a trail as the body part fell away.

(Years Later...)

Zarbon watched from afar, a small blue haired baby in one arm and a lavender haired baby in the other. Both cooed up at him as the girl tried to pet his ponytail. He smiled down at the pair before turning his gaze back to the older pair standing over a grave. Bulma placed flowers on the new tombstone, her face sad, but happy. Vegeta had sent a crew to locate her fathers remains, anything that she could bury. It was her way, she had explained. She needed it. It seemed that he had been buried in the King's own private garden. Bulma's father had been a childhood friend of the kings. When they found this out, the king and queen had been over joyed. There was a great deal of good news that came within two years. Bulma and the king decided that there should be a new tombstone made for him that was from all his loved ones.

"Hello, father," she said. "Guess what? You are a grandfather two times over. King Vegeta is very happy of this. He spoils the two of them." A tear slid down her pale cheek. Vegeta hugged her close as he glanced over at Zarbon, who at this moment was turned away from the couple. He kissed her on her lips as they turned from the grave and headed back toward the castle.

Good? I thought that it ended nicely.