Operation Overdrive belongs to Disney/Ranger Productions. I am using it without permission, but I am not and don't expect to make money from this.

Rated a mild T: minor language, some mild sexuality, some mature concepts.

A/N: Last chapter. Thanks go to my lovely beta, MzDany, for all her encouragement and friendship. Good luck to you in your new house! Thanks also to everyone who's read and reviewed, it means a lot to me.

End to Beginning, part II

They had all the makings of a great party, Andrew reassured himself as he followed Mack to the front door in answer to the bell. The living room and entertainment room were decorated with a few balloons and flowers tucked in the corners in honor of the occasion. Music was playing and could be turned up later for dancing. Spencer had prepared enough food to satisfy a small army and had made sure the bar was stocked. Most important, their guests were Mack's former and present teammates and they all had something to celebrate: the return of the Astro Rangers to Earth. Andrew had his own reasons for looking forward to seeing one of them - but this was Mack's night, as he reminded himself when the door opened and that one was not in sight.

"Guys!" Mack exclaimed. "Come on in. Glad you could make it."

Alpha was the first one inside. "Thank you for inviting me, Mack," the little robot said. "I wasn't expecting to be included in your homecoming party!"

"Why not?" Mack patted him on the shoulder. "You're part of the team, aren't you? And I hope you're my friend."

"Of course." Alpha had no real face to express emotion, of course, but his voice had an almost human warmth as he added, "I'm glad that we're friends."

Mack gestured at the rest of their guests. "Dad, Spencer, this is Andros, Ashley, T.J., and Carlos. Everyone, this is my father and Spencer."

"Good evening, sirs and madam," Spencer said with a little bow. "Refreshments are just inside." He looked down at Alpha. "If soft drinks, juice, or alcoholic beverages are not to your liking, perhaps I can find something else that is."

"I don't suppose you have any motor oil or transmission fluid?"

"Indeed we do. Only the finest, you understand. Come with me to the garage."

Andrew chuckled as Spencer led the way out, and then showed the rest of the group into the living area where they took a moment to look around the large and luxurious room before finding seats.

"Where's Cassie and Phantom?" Mack asked.

"They should be here soon," Carlos said. "They wanted to drive from Angel Grove instead of catching a ride in the Megaship with us."

"More time to be alone, probably," T.J. said with a shrug. "As if they need it."

"I hear congratulations are in order for you two," Andrew said to Andros and Ashley.

"Thanks. We're still getting used to the idea ourselves."

The bell rang again, interrupting his response. Andrew excused himself and got up as Mack went to answer it, following his son into the hall. But instead of the one he was waiting for, he saw a slender form in jeans and a yellow sweater almost knock Mack over with her greeting.

"Mack!" Ronny exclaimed, her arms in a stranglehold around her former teammate's neck. "I'm so glad to see you! Ohmigod it's been years!!"

"Good to see you too," Mack said with a grin, disentangling himself from her. "You look great!"

"Thanks, so do you! Hey, Mr. H, nice to see you again!"

As she bounded inside they saw Will behind her, making a much more quiet entrance. "Hey, Mack, how's it hangin'?" he said casually as he held out his hand, but Andrew saw a deeper feeling in his smile. "Andrew, how've you been?"

"Great," Mack said. "And it's great to be home and see you guys again."

"I'm a lot better now that Mack's back." Andrew waved them towards the living room. "What have you two been up to lately?"

"You know, still doing the racing circuit," Ronny said. "It's fun, but I gotta say driving a car in circles just isn't the same as piloting zords and the SHARC and fighting monsters. Now, that was what I call an adventure!" She grinned, eyes shining.

"Will, I hear you're based in California now?"

"Yeah, South America was cool but it's nice to be back in the USA. Been dividing my time between L.A. and the East Coast - plenty of security systems that need the Will Aston touch."

"Sounds great."

Spencer had reappeared with Alpha and Andrew turned the new arrivals over to him for greetings and introductions as the bell rang again. This time it was a nice-looking young couple who Mack introduced as Cassie and Phantom. He tried to keep from staring at the man - if he truly was an android reconstructed to look human, his rebuilders had certainly done an excellent job.

"So, any luck with choosing a new name, Phantom?" Mack asked as they returned to the party. Andrew glanced around to see Ronny and Ashley helping themselves to hors d'oeuvres while Carlos, T.J., and Will inspected the pile of CDs by the stereo and Andros curiously examined the collection in the trophy room.

"We decided to go alphabetically through a list of baby names until we agree on one," Phantom said.

"How's that going?"

"Not too well. With every name, either one of us doesn't like it or it's the name of a former Ranger or a friend."

Cassie nodded and made a face. "We're up to Zack and Zane," she said darkly. "Tomorrow we start over with Aaron."

Mack snickered. "Sorry to hear that, guys - maybe you should just go with something like John Smith or something. You know, the common man and all."

Phantom and Cassie exchanged an annoyed glance and Andrew suppressed a laugh as the bell rang again. "Excuse me," he said, once again following as Mack headed that way.

Ronny went with them into the hallway, and he heard a faint gasp of surprise from her as the door swung open. There stood Dax with his familiar enthusiastic grin, and two unfamiliar but very tall and very beautiful women on his arms. He stepped forward and pumped Mack's hand, exclaiming, "Mack! Man, is it great to see you again!"

"You too, Dax. Come on in."

"How the heck have you been?"

"Good. Not doing as well as you seem to be, though," Mack said with an admiring glance at Dax's friends.

"Oh! Want you to meet Tiffany and Amber. This is Mack Hartford, and his dad, Andrew Hartford."

Spencer stepped in smoothly as hellos and nods were exchanged. "Pardon me, ladies. Allow me to introduce you to the others and show you where everything is."

"Wow," Andrew said as they walked away. "Nice going, Dax."

"Yeah, didn't know you had in you!" Mack exclaimed.

"Them? Just a couple of starlets who came along for the ride."

"I see being a Hollywood director has its benefits."

A bit of the old awkward, self-conscious Dax showed through as he grinned and shrugged, and said, "Aw, they just wanted to meet some real Rangers. Besides me, of course. And to hang out in a real gazillionaire's mansion, I guess. So it's no big deal."

Mack and Dax had started into the house, and stopped to greet Ronny in the hallway. Andrew watched them, amused as she grabbed Dax in another energetic hug, and only became aware that someone else had arrived when he heard a soft tap on the open door. He turned, and there she was. At last.

Rose stood quietly smiling at him until he extended a hand and said, "Hello, Rose. I'm glad you're here."

"So am I."

She stepped inside, and a moment later Mack and Dax had spotted her, and Ronny was chattering to her, and Will came over to say hello, and she was being introduced to the Astro Rangers, and there was no more chance for private words. Andrew closed the door and followed his former team into the living room, smiling at the easy way they slipped back into their old friendship, and trying not to feel left out.

- x -

He found himself in much the same situation two hours later, after everyone had helped themselves to Spencer's excellent food and drinks and separated into small groups talking over the music Mack had turned up in hopes of encouraging dancing. Andrew leaned against the wall in a corner with a drink in one hand, content to watch Will using his considerable charm on Tiffany and Amber, who unfortunately seemed to be fascinated by Alpha; Ronny and Ashley with their heads together, perhaps comparing notes on being yellow Rangers; Dax saying something that made Andros, Carlos, and T.J. laugh; Rose talking to Cassie and Phantom while looking at the latter with what Andrew suspected was scientific curiosity; Spencer weaving among them all making sure no one lacked for refreshments and someone to talk to.

Except Andrew himself, but perhaps Spencer knew he preferred to be alone with his thoughts at the moment. He sighed. There had been no opportunity for a word alone with Rose - or perhaps he just hadn't made one. Maybe a party was the wrong time, anyway, when he had no idea how the others here might react - most especially Mack, who he hadn't yet found the courage to tell. But the thought of just standing by and letting her walk out of his life again was completely unacceptable.

"Dad? Something wrong?" It was Mack himself, settling against the wall beside him.

"No, of course not." Andrew put a smile on his face. "I'm fine, just taking a little breather."

"Right." Mack looked at him with a discomforting intensity, and then said the last thing Andrew had expected. "It's Rose, isn't it?"

Andrew tried to suppress a guilty start. "Excuse me? Is what Rose?"

"You like her, don't you?"

He pretended not to understand. "Of course I like her. I like all of your friends."

"You know what I mean." As Andrew hesitated Mack went on. "The way you talked about her in your letters, especially the last one, I had a suspicion. And now tonight you've been watching her the whole time, but kind of trying not to get caught watching her." He smiled. "Besides, I asked Spencer what's up, and he told me - I quote - 'I believe your father and Miss Rose are quite deeply in love, but from what I gather he is too clueless to seal the deal.'"

"Ah. And Spencer is always right," Andrew muttered, shooting a dark glare at his butler, who looked back with lofty indifference.

"Is he? Are you and Rose really... in love?"

Were they? Andrew couldn't deny what he himself felt, but Rose - that part wasn't so clear. He'd done very little to encourage her, after all, and yet her last words to him at S.P.D. told him otherwise: "I never once wondered what I see in you." Present tense. Finally he answered the question truthfully. "Yes, I love her. I'm not so sure about Rose." He paused for a moment as Mack nodded and glanced across the room towards the subject of their discussion. "If she doesn't feel the same way, I can't blame her. I was so sure it wouldn't work, because of the age difference. I pushed her away. I do love her - but I still find myself wondering if it's a good idea for either of us." He raised his eyes to meet Mack's again. "Or how it would affect you, and that's very important to me."

"Dad..." Mack paused, head bent, and then looked up into Andrew's face with all the directness that the last two years seemed to have given him. "I fell for a girl on Mercuria and I worried that we were too different. Now there's a woman back on Perfection I like and I've been worrying that I only feel like this about her because she's an android like me. But now I'm starting to think - maybe none of that really makes a difference. Maybe I'll end up with her, or maybe with a human woman, or maybe with someone who's not either of those. Maybe it'll be someone from right here in San Angeles and maybe someone from another world. Isn't the important thing whether we love each other, not what she is or where she's from or how alike we are?" He smiled. "I guess what I'm saying is that if you and Rose make each other happy, forget the age difference and go for it."

"You know, Mack, maybe I wasn't such a bad father after all," Andrew said quietly, and reached out to squeeze his son's shoulder. "You've turned out to be quite a man. Thanks. That means a lot to me."

Mack's smile turned into a grin. "Besides, it might be cool for me to have a little brother or sister or two."

Andrew had made the mistake of raising his glass at that moment and found Mack laughing at him as he almost choked on his drink. "We haven't even... well, anything," he said, shaking his head. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Still smiling as he looked out into the room again, he saw Will lead Ronny into the cleared center of the living area and begin to dance, followed by T.J. and Cassie and Andros and Ashley. Andrew handed his glass to Mack and straightened away from the wall. "Now, if you'll excuse me," he said, "I'm going to take your advice and go for it."

She looked up as he crossed the room. Andrew held out his hand and looked the question; Rose nodded and came into his arms as naturally as if she had always been meant to be there. The music wasn't really a slow dance, but it didn't matter. Minutes later as the song began to fade towards its ending, Andrew bent his head to her ear and said softly, "I've been a fool, haven't I?"

Her eyes flew up to meet his, but all she said was, "Have you?"

"I think anyone who doesn't appreciate what could have been the opportunity of a lifetime qualifies as a fool."

"Maybe. But maybe sometimes there's more than one chance at that opportunity."

Andrew paused for a moment, their eyes locked together, before saying, "I was wondering if you'd like to get out of here. We could take the SHARC and fly to Paris, or Rome, or Rio. Or maybe we could go to the desert, or the mountains, and see the stars the way they should be seen." He hesitated and added, "If you're interested, of course."

Rose blinked, and tilted her head, and slowly the deepest, warmest, most beautiful smile he thought he had ever seen blossomed across her face. "I'd like that," she whispered.

Without another word they started out, hand in hand. Andrew waited until they were out of sight before he kissed her.

- x -

Mack still had a smile on his face when the sound of his name pulled his attention away from the doorway through which his father and Rose had disappeared, to find Cassie and Phantom holding hands and grinning at him. "You guys look happy," he said.

"Oh, we are. We were wondering if you'd mind if we take a walk around the house. Spencer says there's a nice garden," Cassie said.

"Sure, have a good time." Mack waved them towards the door.

"Great! Come on, Johnny." Cassie cast a playful glance back as she tugged on Phantom's hand.

"Uh - Johnny?" Mack asked.

"Yes, just call me John Smith from now on. Isn't it great?" Phantom - or John - called as they started for the door. "Thanks for the suggestion!"

"But I was joking!" Mack protested as they vanished through the doorway with a peal of shared laughter. "Oh well," he muttered to himself. "As long as I'm on a roll..." There was one more thing on his agenda for the night, something he'd already discussed with his teammates. Now seemed like a good time, as he crossed the room to join Ronny, T.J., and Carlos.

"Hi, guys."

"Mack!" Ronny exclaimed. "You have got to show me your ship sometime. It sounds incredible!"

"It's pretty cool, all right." He nudged T.J. "Did you tell her it's the fastest ship in the galaxy?"

"I sure did, right before I told her how fast we can get from here to KO-35 at maximum speed."

"You'd love the engine room, Ronny," Carlos said. "I can spend hours down there tuning the Mega Accelerator, getting that last bit of performance out of her."

"Yeah, and flying her is a real experience," T.J. said. "Incredibly maneuverable for such a big, powerful ship."

"Did you mention the Simudeck?" Mack asked. "You can simulate any environment there. It's great for training exercises, or just for hanging out or playing games."

"And we didn't even start on the Astro Megazord form," Carlos said. "Diving through a planet's atmosphere to the surface when there's a fight - now, that's what I call exciting."

Ronny's eyes were round with eagerness and envy. "Oh man, you guys are so lucky! I would so love to do the stuff you do!"

T.J. and Carlos both grinned as Mack said, "Well, you know, with Ashley leaving we could use a Yellow Ranger. So if you're really interested..."

"Are you kidding me??" Ronny gasped, and then looked around wildly. "Hey, where's Mr. H? I NEED MY TRACKER!"

- END -