Musical ED-ucation fan fiction

I don't own any of the rights or characters of Ed Edd n Eddy or of Cartoon Network

It was dawn of another school day in Peach Creek. Edd woke up at his usual time, 7:00 turning off his alarm as soon as it went off. Wiping the sleep from his eyes to see the sun shining through the window, he stood from his bed and went off to completing his morning routines. He made his bed, cleaned up, then lastly, he showered. While showering, Edd sang as he loved singing in the shower as it was the only place where he could truly use his gift of singing. This was something he dared not dream of having anyone know about as for one, he was too shy to bare it anyhow. He sang with all his heart, during which he heard his front door get thrown open and Ed's loud booming voice blare "Double-d, we're going to be late!!!!!"
"Late?!?! School doesn't start for another hour," Edd said to himself in response to Ed's shouting as he got out of the shower, dried himself off, and went to use the bathroom.
Eddy came in the front door right when he heard the toilet flush and decided to tease Double-d by telling Ed, "Hurry Ed, I think Double-d is being sucked down the evil toilet."
"NOT TOBY THE FLESH-DEVOURING TOILET!!!! SAY IT ISN'T SO, EDDY!!!!" Ed wailed and immediately broke through the bathroom door at the top of the stairs, which right after Edd could be heard shouting, "ED!!! GET OUT!!! I'M NOT DECENT!!!"
A moment later, Ed came stumbling back out with the door being slammed behind him. "Double-d's wearing his birthday suit, Eddy. Is it his birthday?"
Eddy was cackling at the bottom of the stairs, laughing his ass off as usual at whatever happened to anyone but him.
"Hey, Sockhead!!! Let's go!!!"
Edd was already losing some patience with them as he finished up in the bathroom. He came out to greet Ed who was standing mindlessly in the middle of the hall, his eyes both going opposite ways, signaling his lack of attention to anything.
"Eddy, you know that school doesn't start for another hour, right? Is there a reason you want to leave for school so early or is this the result of your staying up all night and not acquiring much sleep?" Edd asked as he led Ed back down the stairs.
"Can it, Double-d, and listen," Eddy approached the other 2 Eds. "A before-school scam so that we can buy jawbreakers after school."
"And scam all the neighborhood kids out of their lunch money? Really, Eddy! Can you sink any lower than this…said…morning swindling?"
"It came up with it last night—"
"For which you stayed up all night for instead of obtaining your required slumber."
"What's sleeping ever done for me in school? My school days usually last longer than what it should be."
"Because you and Ed need to learn the rules of behavior and conducting yourself in a manner most presentable, which neither of you know about any and it shows."
"SCHOOL IS FOR CHUMS!!!" Ed gladly shouted aloud, causing Edd to shake his head and correct him with detest, "Chumps, Ed, is what you meant to say."
"We're chums AND chumps, Double-d," Eddy laughed as he hugged Ed with one arm.
"Well, honestly, Eddy, its way too early in the day to be attempting any scams," Edd said when there was suddenly a knock outside the front door. Turning towards the front door, they saw Jimmy standing there with a smile on his face.
"Greetings, Jimmy," Edd welcomed the young boy to his house.
"What are you doing here, Fluffy?" Eddy ignorantly asked, Jimmy ignoring him and going on to tell them the reason he was so excitedly there.
"Wonderful news!! Did you guys hear about what's going on at school today?"
Eddy snarked, "Did you hear about us not caring?"
"There's auditions for a musical today at school. This traveling casting call has been going from school to school around Georgia and they are coming to our school to look for a lead actor. It's going to be so much fun, all those who want to try out or watch the auditions should come to school now."
"Magnificent!" Edd sounded interested.
"I'M GONNA BE A BROADWAY STAR!!!!" Ed excitedly shouted, dancing about.
"What a spectacular opportunity and medley of performing arts, song, and dance to be presented unto the humdrum cul-de-sac. Isn't it fantastic?"
"Yeah, if you like sissy singing and dancing," Eddy grumbled, then burst out in laughter as Jimmy protested with, "You're wrong, Eddy. Musicals are so much fun to partake in."
"Yeah, you'd know."
At that, Jimmy stormed off to school as did all the other kids who could be heard running for school with excitement.
"What excitement, don't you think so, Eddy?"
"Since when are you so into musicals? Musicals are for sissies!"
Edd frowned. "That is not true, and musicals provide an excellent occasion for all in its premises. I'm rather interested to see what talent hides in the confines of our own cul-de-sac so I'm heading off to school." At that, Edd walked out the door.
"What? What about my scam??" Eddy shouted after Edd who paid no heed and walked off toward the school, soon following Edd with a grudge, hand in his pockets.

The Eds were the last ones to reach school, or at least Ed and Eddy were. Edd was one of the first to be in the doors while everyone else just lagged behind. With classes not being in session, he headed right to the auditorium where within he met Jimmy and Sarah. They were sitting together near the front of the enormous room.
"Hello, Double-d," Jimmy said when he saw Edd in the aisle.
"Hi, Jimmy."
"Are you going to audition?"
Suddenly, a guy sitting in the front row turned around and said, "Welcome to all who are willing to try out, but the part we're trying to fill in is the lead male, all other parts have been filled. We just came here because with all the other schools we went to, all those who tried out didn't make the cut. Just hoping to find the right talent for the lead role here."
"Sorry to hear about your negative luck, sir," Edd said.
"This is the last school in the area to try," sighed the agent.

Eventually, everyone else began to file into the auditorium and take seats. Edd sat with his buddies. For the next five minutes, everyone chatted loudly. It lasted until the talent agent stood up and got everyone's attention by shouting out, "ATTENTION PEOPLE!!!"
"Finally, order!" Edd sighed.
"These auditions I must admit are only for guys today, the role I am trying to get filled is the male lead role to the musical, Tommy."
Fortunately, none of the girls stormed out of the room with anger for having this feel sexist but it was only honesty.
"Tommy," Edd was impressed, "what a wonderful visual masterpiece of song and dance. I wonder who's bound to get the role."
"Not you, Double-Dork, HAHA!!!!" Kevin snarked back from 3 rows back, overhearing what Edd said.
"The head-in-the-sock Ed-boy can't even out-sing my snagger-toothed grand-mama," Rolf chimed in beside Kevin.
That was when the agent ordered they hush, which they did but only to start snickering behind the seats in front of them.
"So let's get this underway. Who would like to be the first to audition?"
Ed, being so mindlessly willing, shot his arms up and bellowed, "ME, COACH!!!"
"Oh god," Edd said as Eddy and everyone else laughed while Ed, grinning ear to ear, went up onstage and said loudly with a good loud theatrical voice that was well projected to the back wall, "I LOVE CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"THANK YOU!!!" the agent stood up and urged him off the stage. "Thank you for auditioning."
"Did I get the part?" Ed asked.
"No, I'm sorry, you did not get the part, take a seat," the agent said and Ed trudged down the steps and up the aisle back to his seat.
"I didn't get the part, guys," Ed told Edd and Eddy with a sad tone.
"Good, you sounded like an air horn," Eddy remarked, after which Edd gave Eddy a dark stare.
"Really, Eddy, you ought to support our friend for trying at the least."
"He sucked, why support a bad attempt at something like theater?"
Edd leaned forward to face Ed past Eddy and said, "Great attempt that was, Ed, I applaud your efforts."
"NEXT!!!" ordered the agent.
"Go on, Jimmy, you can do it. Show them what you are made of," Sarah was urging Jimmy to go up and try, and immediately with a grin, Jimmy walked down the aisle, anxious.
"Ok, I'll do it, Sarah, I will try," Jimmy said as he went onto the stage. A spotlight shone down onto him and with a few coughs to clear his throat, he began to sing highly, 'Once upon a December' from the musical Anastasia. Jimmy apparently had too high of a voice for the song he was singing because the agent stood up halfway through and interrupted him with, "We are not looking for ultra-sopranos, I am sorry."
"GEY OFF THE STAGE, FLUFFY!!! YOU SUCK!!!" Kevin shouted with a laugh from the back. Eddy and Ed joined in the laughter as Jimmy ran offstage, crying.
"YOU IDIOTS!!!!" Sarah growled as she comforted Jimmy. "Ed, I'm telling mom you made Jimmy cry today when we get home."
Ed didn't care, he got told on so much it was an everyday thing now.
By now, the agent was rather frustrated. "Right, anyone else wanna give this a try?"
Silence still, until Nazz piped up from a few rows behind the Eds, "Hey, Double-D, why don't you give it a try?"
Edd froze in anxiety when he heard her say that to him. He sweated to no end and his throat tightened so that he squeaked out a shy, "No, I-I-I don't sing."
"C'mon, Double-Dork," Kevin teased, "let's see you screw this up, too, along with everything else you've done in life."
That, for once, pissed Edd off to a point where he'd love to set Kevin in his place and make him suck and swallow his own words. Not even hearing the laughter, Edd got up from his seat, walked down the aisle, hardly aware of his stage-phobia problem, and he ascended up onto the stage, hearing everyone laugh at him in the audience, already thinking he was going to burn a certain song to the ground. Even the agent was skeptic on having Edd even try out.
"Whenever you're ready, kid," the agent said as he sat back, seemingly ready to shout him off the stage.
Edd took a deep steady breath, ignoring the laughs, and quickly thought of a decent song that he would be able to project his voice well through all the way to the back row.
As soon as he walked onstage, something came over Edd. Something he never thought he'd feel in his life. Courage onstage. And when the spotlight hit him direct center, he felt at home like this was his calling: singing.
The laughter continued, until Edd took a deep breath and with full force of his vocal cords, sang at his utmost efforts, "There were nights when the wind was so cold…"
Everyone immediately shut up and became struck with freezing awe at how great he could sing. They were utterly blown away, speechless, and their spines tingled. They got goosebumps at his talented vocal ability as he stood on the stage, displaying his voice at full force. Singing this song as he did, his notes and tones echoing off the walls of the auditorium and ringing the air.
"...I can never recall but it's all coming back to me NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He held the note for half a minute effortlessly it seemed as his perfectly unadulterated vibrato accented the long note he bellowed from the depths of his lungs.
Edd had an amazingly strong singing voice that stunned everyone into chilled silence. His voice gave them goose-bumps and shocked them so they all thought the same thing: who knew he had it in him?
He ended the song with a diminishing series of notes that got softer, which brought tears to the eyes of a few of the girls and Rolf, who wept and said, "Double-D Ed-boy's voice reminds Rolf of his old country's folk singers and makes him miss them deeply."
Once Edd was done with his audition, there was a small period of stunned silence that made Edd hesitate a little, thinking they hated it. He began to back up in an attempt to escape behind the curtain when suddenly, he heard a deafening applause of screams, whistles, and chanting with clapping going to the chants, which it was his name being chanted: "DOUBLE-D!!! DOUBLE-D!!!"
Edd paused to see everyone he knew standing and cheering for him. This shocked him, and it felt incredible. He glanced at the audition agent, who was staring at Edd like he was dead and frozen, his mouth drooping open and he remained like so until the applause died down some and he shot to his feet so fast that he flipped the table he was sitting at onto its side with a loud THUD!
"BLESS YOU, CHILD!!!" the agent stepped over the tipped table, crying as he yelled, "GOD HAS BLESSED YOU, MY FRIEND!!!!"
Edd was overwhelmed, not knowing how to react to this.
"Um, thank you, sir—"
"No, no, do not thank me," the agent scrambled up onto the stage, shaking and crying. He hugged Edd. "You are gonna be a HIT!!! You are gonna bring full houses in all over the world, kid. You voice, it's AMAZING!!! Hear the chanting? They are chanting for YOU!"
Edd was still unable to absorb this all in.
"You will be THE next megastar, kid."
Edd never dreamed of this happening to him, though he had known about his talent to sing his whole life, he was always too shy to reveal it to anyone or use it in public, which was why he overused his brainy talent in Peach Creek instead of his art of singing, to divert everyone from ever suspecting he had the voice of a Broadway superstar. Now that he has revealed his talent and everyone knows he can sing like a professional superstar, he was rather proud, and it felt good. He smiled as he looked out into the audience and saw Ed jumping around in the chairs like a happy maniac, yelling, "Double-D is Elvis, Eddy!!!!"
He then looked at Eddy, who was happy for Edd; Edd could tell, but he also looked like he was getting ideas and Edd didn't like the thought of Eddy trying to use his talent for self-gain and profit. That was what was going to happen if he stayed in the cul-de-sac…
"Once this musical is over, we'll hit Broadway and get you out of this rat-hole of a town!!!" sang the agent. "What do you say?"
Edd stared at Eddy, his good but greedy friend. He didn't want to be taken advantage of by him with this talent of his, or be used for Eddy's own gaining.
"Indeed!" Edd replied with. "I'll do it!"
"Excellent!" the agent was so overjoyed that he began to cry some more. "Pardon me once again."
Edd felt it was his fault he made this man cry. "I apologize, sir—"
"Do not apologize for your talent, kid," the agent ordered. "By the way, tell me your name."
"Um, Eddward, or Edd with two d's, but my friends call me Double-D."
"PERFECT!!!" the agent sang again. "Double-D!!! Love it! Sounds so… EXOTIC!!!"
"Um…thanks," Edd replied as he finally realized that it was all real.