

Chapter 7

5 Years Later

I was sitting on my back porch overseeing the ocean waves, crashing over each other. The ocean scent reaching my nose as the breeze blew against me. All of a sudden I felt two hands gently place on each of my shoulders. I looked up and saw Miley standing over me with a small smile. I smiled back while grabbing her and making her sit on my lap.

I hear her silently giggle, as she looks into my eyes, smiling broadly. I dip down my head for our lips to touch for a sweet peck. I slowly withdraw from the kiss as her eyes flutter open, and she gazes at me again.

I wrap my arms around her waist, hugging her closer to me. I kiss her shoulder, and rest my chin on it, as I let my eyes wander to hers.

"What are you thinking about, Mr. Oken?" She asked playfully.

"You," I replied simply.

"What about me?" She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Oh, just thinking how you are the most beautiful, loving, smart, and caring wife a guy could have," I answered, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"Aww," She expressed, looking at me sweetly, tightening her grip on me. "What do you want?" She abruptly asked, eyeing me slightly.

I chuckled softly, "Nothing I don't already have," I told her sincerely, resting my forehead against hers. "It just seems like yesterday we were married."

"I know," She agreed.

Stepping out of my car, and gazing at the church across the street in my tuxedo, I couldn't contain my excitement. I was walking out those doors a married man. A man married to Miley.

Watching for traffic as I safely crossed the street I reached the church and went through the massive entrance to be greeted by the pastor. He greeted me with a gentle smile and kindly showed me an area to freshen up, and get ready for the wedding.

As I entered the little area inside the walls of the church I noticed two tan couches were present with a full mirror in the right-hand corner.

I went to the mirror and looked over myself to see if I was still presentable. Jackson shoved a breakfast sandwich at me before I left to leave to the church and I didn't want to get married with an embarrassing grease stain or something...Miley would kill me before we even got to the honeymoon.

Wait...what if she doesn't show...or she does, but leaves me at the altar when she sees that she can do way better than me.

I started fidgeting, and tangling my hands together in worry. Then all of a sudden the door flew open and Jackson walked in with a similar suit as mine.

"Dude! Are you coming out? The majority of the guests are already here!" He exclaimed, with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Oh, must have been here longer than I thought," I muttered to myself, then looked up to see a still peeved Jackson.


"Oh, yea! I'm coming," I said walking towards the door, as he followed.

Walking down a hallway to the main entrance I turned to Jackson. "Is Miley coming?"

"She's on her way," He responded, with a tint of annoyance still evident, then stalked away.

I walked to where all of the guests seemed to have gathered, and started greeting them all, as I made my way down the aisle, to my assigned place for the ceremony.

It took longer than I wanted but eventually the guests all took their seats and the familiar wedding song 'Here Comes the Bride' played through out the church.

I looked over to my side to see my brother, Tate, who was the best man, looking over at me with a genuine smile. Next to him was Jackson, and a couple of other guys that were friends with Miley and me.

I looked up the aisle to see my little cousin, who was no more than 4 skipping gently down the aisle throwing flower pedals around; sometimes hitting the guests, but come on she's too adorable to get mad at.

Behind my cousin was the bridesmaids in matching dresses, Lilly in front of everyone.

Then, I saw Miley in beautiful white gown, with a veil over her face. Her hair was put up, with two locks dangling, framing her angelic face.

Her arm was carried by her fathers, and soon to be my father-in-law, Robby Ray. I could see her smile radiating from the beginning of the aisle, and all doubts of her leaving me vanished. I couldn't help but smile back.

Robby Ray escorted her to the altar where I met them. Robby Ray gave Miley a quick kiss on the cheek then turned to me for a firm handshake that faintly implied, 'You better take care of my little girl'. Then I took Miley gently over to the pastor where the ceremony officially began.

Throughout the whole ceremony I couldn't keep my eyes off Miley, and everything the pastor said was just blurred by her beauty, but all she did was stare back at me. Before I knew the pastor stated that we were Man and Wife. "You may kiss the bride," the pastor said.

Miley and I both looked at each other, before smiling broadly. I stepped forward more to close the gap and carefully pulled the veil over her head, before kissing her chastely.

We separated and turned to look at our friends and relatives all with big smiles and a few with tears of joy in their eyes, as we walked up the aisle...

Miley nestled into my chest as I was stroking her hair gently. "The wedding was amazing, and the reception was hilariously a good time," Miley commented.

"Eh...honeymoon was better," I said smiling slighly, as she playfully slapped me.

"Oliver Oscar Oken!" She yelled, with laughter in her voice, "The family is just in the next room!"

"Alright, alright, but you know it's true," I said. She shook her head no, forcing back a smile.

"No? Well, we will have to fix that," I said, and started to tickling her sides lightly, knowing this was one her weaknesses.

"Stop...Oliver...Fine, Fine...You're right!" She said in between her fits of giggles.

"That's more like it. you think your dad could take Mikey so we can reenact it?" I asked, earning myself another playful slap.

"You are not shipping our son off to my father on his birthday!" Miley exclaimed, then settled down. "I can't believe Mikey is 3! I remember when he was born!"

"How could I forget?" I responded

I was watching something on T.V. when Miley came in yelling."Oliver!"

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, Oh," She said pointing to her stomach as she sat down, sweat beads forming on her forehead.

"What Miley? What's 'Oh, Oh'?" I asked confused. She gave me a cold glare that made me freeze. She wrapped her fingers into my shirt and pulled me close to her like when we were younger.

"I am in labor!" She screamed, making me wince.

I quickly scrambled to get all the necessities, then went out to pull the car to the front of the house. I then ran into the house and slowly walked Miley to the passenger seat, and then as I got into the car I sped off to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital we went through the emergency entrance, where Miley's doctor greeted us, and quickly put us into a room.

Before I know it Miley is in a bed, the doctor is at the foot of the bed ready to deliver the baby. I stood at Miley's side.

"You might want to give Miley your hand there son, for support and all," the doctor told me, then started to tell Miley stuff.

All I know is that one moment my hand was carelessly in Miley's hand and then the next it felt like a truck had just parked on it. I yelped in pain, but Miley just clenched my hand tighter.

Then a stream of crying came out of no where, and Miley finally let go of my hand. I looked over to the doctor to see a little baby in his hands; my baby, me and Miley's baby.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Oken, you have a healthy baby boy. Dad? Want to cut the cord?" the doctor asked smirking.

I walked over almost in a daze and cut the cord. They then took him off to clean him and I returned back to Miley's side.

"I'm a dad," I whispered.

"And I'm a mom," Miley responded. I looked over at her, and she seemed overjoyed. I lovingly brushed a strand of her hair out of the way, and kissed her forehead.

She smiled dearly at me, "What are we going to name him?"

"What about...Michael?" I offered.

She pondered then responded, "Sounds good, then his middle name can be...Thomas?"

"Michael Thomas Oken it is," I stated, and then that's when the doctor came back with Mikey, and laid him in Miley's arms.

She looked down at Mikey with joy, as she gazed at it. "Hello Mikey," she greeted him, even though he couldn't respond.

It was one of the best days of my life.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Was heard breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Over here Mikey!" Miley yelled, and soon Mikey was at our side.

"Yew are missin' my parwy," He said pouting slightly, like Miley was known for.

"Did you teach him that?" I asked, referrring to the pout.

"No...maybe it just a family trait," She said getting off me. I got up along with her, and Mikey grabbed both of our hands, and dragged us into the house, where the rest of our families were.

"There they are!" Robby Ray hollered, coming over to us. "You were going to miss the presents being opened!" He took Mikey in his grasp and transported him to the other side, where all of the presents were stacked up.

"He loves being a grandfather, doesn't he?" I said, watching Robby Ray with our son.

"Yea, well they all do." She responded and just then, my parents went over to Mikey.

"Then I guess they will like the news," I said, wrapping my arm around Miley.

"What news?" A voice questioned. Miley and I turned around to see Lilly and Jackson come in, with Lilly with a slight larger stomach; 2 months pregnant. "Is Miley pregnant again!?" She screamed, and may I say, loudly.

Soon everyone was looking at us, and Robby Ray came up to Miley. "Is it true, bud?"

Miley smiled broadly before exclaiming, "Yea, I'm pregnant!" Robby Ray hugged her, followed by just about everyone else in the house.

"This is so cool Miles! Since our kids are going to be the same age, they could be like best friends, like you and me! They will have movie nights together, and got to the mall, and talk about boys and..."

A/N: eh? Don't care for the ending, but I finally got some free time to actually finish this thing. Sorry it took so long, but I have had so much school stuff, and to think I still have a full month and some left! Bleh! Hope you enjoyed it though! :D