Chapter 1
Ten Years Ago
Ten years ago. Ten long years from the place I called my home; Malibu. Most importantly, ten years without her; Miley.
I'm 28 years old now. Ten years zipped by before my eyes. I was only supposed to be gone only for college, but I stayed, I stayed and never came back home.
I don't know why I crossed the country to go to college. Sure, I wanted to see the bright lights of New York, and just the east coast in all, but was all of it worth it, when in the end you lose the love of your life. Did I really need to go to New York to become a history teacher? No, but I did.
Miley stayed in Malibu for school, so she could continue with 'Hannah Montana', so we were going to have to go our separate ways. We both knew we wouldn't be able to keep a relationship, especially with a bunch of states between us.
I remember the night we said good-bye so well. She was at the airport with me, as we were waiting for my plane.
"Oliver?" She whispered. I gave her all of my attention. We were cuddling up next to each other on a bench, the airport provided.
"Yea Miles?" I said softly, running my hand through her brown locks.
"I'll miss you...s-so much," she cried, starting to sob. I held her tightly against my chest as a tear of my own fell onto my cheek.
"I'm gonna miss you too Miley,"I sniffed, making it obvious I was crying myself, "But, I promise, I'll be back."
"Never forget me Ollie! Okay?" She said taking her head away from my chest and looked into my eyes. Her eyes were watery and red from crying. I imagine I looked somewhat the same.
"I could never forget you!" I assured her, "Never." And I kissed her on her forehead, as she buried her head into my chest again. I laid my head on top of hers, smelling the sweet smell of vanilla scent coming from her hair.
"Boarding for New York City!" Echoed though the airport.
I reluctantly pulled away. She looked up at me. "I love you Miley Stewart, I always will." I told her before placing my lips on hers with as much passion and love I could muster.
When I pulled away she hugged me tightly, "I love you too Oliver. Forever?"
"Forever, and always," I assured her. Completing our little good-bye we always said to each other.
I kissed her again. Her kisses still had trillions of fireworks exploding in my head.
"Final call for New York City!"
"You have to go,"She told me. She fixed my jacket I was wearing. Then looked at me, "Bye."
"Bye." I picked up my luggage and walked slowly to the door that would take me a plane to New York; miles and miles of land away from my love.
I took one glance back at her before walking through the door, I blew her a kiss, and she mimicked, wiping away her tears.
I walked through the door, and it shut behind me...
That was the last time I saw her... Ten years ago...
But now after ten years...I'm back.
A/N: Short, I know, the other chapters will be longer!! This isn't going to be more than 10 chapters at the most!! Hope you all like it so far! Tell me what you think!! PLEASE REVIEW!! 5 reviews and I'll update:D