Hey Guys!!! I know I've been flaky lately but I'm hoping to change that. I have several chapters of multiple stories written out and I've found myself a beta.

This is a sasusaakunaru fic, don't like don't read. It involves all three of them, in love, from Sakura's POV.

Disclaimer: I DON'T own Naruto, yet, talk to me in 30 years after I hit the lotto. Then we'll see who marries Neji.


Flower of the Moon and Sun

A heart torn between two souls

Confused, not knowing of her goals

Both burdened by a tragic past

Full of scars that will always last

One hateful for family long dead

One grateful for the family he's gained

Rivals once, now they are brothers

Best friends unlike their fore-fathers

Different lives, similar pain

A nightmare, they fight in the rain

One the moon, the other the sun

Both of whom she truly does love

Each day the sun shines, valiantly

On some nights the moon shines boldly

But on some hides treacherously

A traitor fleeing rapidly

The moon returns yet stays away

Sun reaches out both night and day

Together, yin and yang, they stand

Sun now wear's the traitor's fan

Both united, never alone

Love and caring show in their tones

Public show is their sole weakness

Yet that can't stop their happiness

She, an outsider, interferes

Her love concealed yet strong as theirs

Who should she choose, who should she lose

Sun and moon, surprised by the news,

Know not what to think, what to do

Then they choose, to be more then two.

Sun and Moon welcome the flower

All three, together forever

Scarecrow looks on, proud as can be

The once teachers watch the new Three

Formidable trio to fight

They force on, using all their might

A Hokage above all others

An ANBU to send the strongest back to their mothers

A medic like none before her

She will do anything she can to save both lovers

Fighting, bleeding, doing what's right.

Never will any of them go without a fight.\

Corny? I had to write a poem for a class and this ended up it. I had to get it out of my head. Now hit that little button down there and tell me what you think,

P.S. no flames please