Dancing Shadows

Summary: She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping.

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: Naruto ≠ aBoOm-Un©

By aBoOm-Un

Konan never liked Kisame much. She always saw him as a lowly being, a hybrid, a freak, if you will. He took this pretty harshly, judging how he always had it a bit harder than most men with the ladies. Konan was no exception; she IS a woman, after all. Most women who saw him either screamed or hid when he approached.

This was the reason why Kisame started watching Konan, caring for her, loving her in the first place. Despite she called him a hideous brute and all sorts of other hurtful names, she was the only one who never ran or screamed when he approached. She hated him, but didn't fear him.

So, it was only natural that she wasn't happy when Pein stuck them on a mission together. The last thing the beautiful Akatsuki kunoichi Konan wanted was to be stuck with a ugly freak who looked like the aftermath of a woman having a hot one-night-stand with a great white shark, when she could have been standing next to and helping out the God of the new world. However, she did go on the mission with Kisame.

Very begrudgingly.

While traveling to a small village for their mission, the blue-haired women didn't take the fact he was frequently glancing at her too kindly. "What do you want?"

He looked up at her, startled slightly. "I don't need anything."

"Sure you don't." She frowned at the man, who was watching her with a bemused expression upon his face. "Well," she sighed, and ran a hand through her hair, "If you don't need anything, stop looking at me. It's creepy." She glared at him. "Get to it, you."

She walked off briskly, leaving Kisame standing behind her, in utter confusion of what she was talking about. He managed to shrug it off though; he was getting used to her random insults and statements.

That night, the two booked into a small Inn. "Keep over the other side of the room," Konan stated bluntly, when they got their room, pointing to the opposite wall to where she was standing. "If you come too close to me, I'll hurt you. No joke."

"Harsh." Kisame frowned slightly at her, mixed emotions running across his face. "You're acting like a child."

The glare she sent him sent shivers of fear down his spine. He knew not to annoy her, but this was an exception. "You really hate me, don't you?"

She went straight to the point; "I don't like you, deal with it." The shark-man winced slightly. It only seemed to get more and more hurtful every time she said it...

Late at night, the room was lit by one single candle. Konan was asleep, her eyes peacefully shut, her chest rising and falling in a steady pattern. A single pair of eyes watched her sleeping form, not taking their gaze off of her for a single moment.

A small sigh escaped the mans lips as he propped himself up onto an elbow, eyes keeping their steady gaze. The flickering candle sent shadows dancing across the blank white wall, small sparks flickering out of the candle and fizzling into the air like little fireworks.

Kisame had seen many people sleeping before. However, none of the ones he has been had been as beautiful as the one he was currently witnessing. A small smile graced his lips as he watched Konan's sleeping shadow dance on the wall.

As he fell back down onto the matress and felt his eyelids droop, he only knew one thing - She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping.

Five minute drabble. Enjoy. xxx