This chapter should not be read before the seventh one.


Meanwhile in Paris

Meanwhile in Paris, our hero Dogtanian was just returning from a pleasant ride in the outskirts of the city. Together with his friends Sandy and Pip, he had spent the morning enjoying a free day from the responsibilities of a Musketeer, and all three of them were now quite hungry.

"What do you say we stop by that bakery you like before we go home?" Dogtanian asked Pip. As usual, the mouse was always ready to grab a bite.

"That's a great idea, Dogtanian! Boy, I feel like I could eat a horse! No offence of course, Sandy," Pip replied from his spot by Sandy's neck. As he turned his head around to look at Dogtanian, he spotted something on the road behind them.

"Hey, someone is following us," he said

"Huh?" Dogtanian took a look back as well and sure enough, a rider was approaching them fast. The young dog told Sandy to stop so that they could wait and see if the other rider had something to say to them.

The man finally caught up with them. He was a short bulldog and looked like he had been travelling all night; his clothes were wrinkled and he had a tired and weary expression on his face. Despite this, his eyes lit up as he caught Dogtanian.

"You're one of the King's Musketeers, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. Can I do something for you?" Dogtanian asked.

The man reached into his bag and pulled out a letter. "I was told to give this to one of the Musketeers. It needs to be delivered to someone called Enguerrand in the King's court," he said.

"I'll be happy to do it," Dogtanian said as he took the letter. Life had been a little boring ever since he had become a Musketeer, and he was ready to tackle any task that was given to him.

"Thank you so much. This really makes it easier for me," the man said.

They rode together for a while before they came by the man's house and said goodbye. Once he was done waving at the man, Dogtanian took the letter from his pocket and glanced at it.

"It has a family crest on it, so it must be important. We had better deliver it right away," he said.

"But what about those pastries?" Pip asked.

"Sorry Pip, but this is more important. You'll just have to wait until we get back to Juliet," Dogtanian said with a chuckle.

They rode to the Palace and Dogtanian left Sandy to wait outside as he went in. He always felt a little nervous in the Palace, as some of his experiences there had been more than a little unnerving. It was like accidents were preying on him.

"Excuse me, could you help me?" he asked when he spotted a servant on the corridors.

"What can I do for you, sir?" the man asked. It never stopped amazing Dogtanian how differently people treated him now that he was a Musketeer. He didn't think he had changed at all as a person, but suddenly everyone but his closest friends had started to think he was so much better and grander, like he hadn't been anyone worth knowing before.

"I was asked to deliver this letter to monsieur Enguerrand. I hear he is somewhere here," he said.

"Oh, yes. Monsieur Enguerrand is currently having a stroll in the royal garden. You can't miss him," the servant said. Dogtanian thanked him and then hurried outside again.

"Did you deliver the letter?" Pip asked. He had stayed outside to keep Sandy company.

"Not yet," Dogtanian said as he passed them. He hurried to the gardens and immediately noticed that there was someone taking a walk between the rosebushes. It was a tall black dog in a blue vest and white trousers, and Dogtanian slowed down into a walk as he got closer. At the first look, the man seemed very intimidating because of his size, but his hands were calmly crossed behind his back.

"Hello, sir. Are you monsieur Enguerrand?" he asked.

Hearing his voice, the dog turned around. "Yes, I am. What is it?" Enguerrand asked.

"I was asked to deliver this letter to you," Dogtanian said and handed over the note.

"Hmm. It's from the Rocheforts," Enguerrand said as he took a look at the crest.

"Rocheforts?" Dogtanian repeated in surprise, his thoughts immediately turning back to the duel that had taken place a few weeks ago. That whole day had been filled with surprises, first Rochefort warning him about the poison, then the duel and Milady's shameful actions, and finally Rochefort casting the final vote that had made him a Musketeer. He hadn't heard anything about the Count since then, and he couldn't help wondering what had happened to him.

Realising that he was staring, Dogtanian quickly bowed and excused himself. He was immensely curious about the contents of the letter, if only to know if it was from Count Rochefort and not one of his relatives, but he knew better than to stick his nose into other people's business now that he was a Musketeer.

"Well, that took a while," Pip said with crossed arms as Dogtanian finally reached his friends.

"Sorry, Pip. That letter was from someone in the Rochefort family," Dogtanian said. He told Sandy to take them to Juliet's house where they'd be having dinner later.

"Really? Was it Count Rochefort?" Pip asked.

"I don't know, but I almost hope so. It would mean he's still alive. It's a little worrying that he disappeared like that," Dogtanian said.

"Oh, blah. I don't see why you even care after all the trouble he caused," Pip said.

Dogtanian said nothing to that. He knew that his friend was right and that Count Rochefort had done much evil in Richelieu's service, but he was also certain that deep inside, the Count was a man of honour. He had, after all, saved his life and acted honourably in that last duel.

Dogtanian suspected that that faithful day had opened the man's eyes to that as well, and he hoped that he would meet Count Rochefort again.

The End