Alright so…

Alright so I hate when people 'post new chapters' that are actually author's notes but I felt you all needed an update.

I had the next three chapters written. I had an extremely detailed plot outline for the rest of the story. I had 20 or so pages of random scenes written for future chapters. I was about a week away from posting the next chapter. Then in the midst of me backing up all my files onto my shiny new external hard-drive, my laptops's hard-drive crashed. I lost everything.

So it's not so much 'Don't Read My Hard-Drive' as it is 'You Can't Read What Was Stored on My Hard-Drive Cause It Went To Computer Hell.'

I'm SO sorry but I don't know when I will be continuing this story. I'm not saying at the moment that I will never get back to it, but I'm too upset from losing everything on my computer that I have ever written to even begin to rewrite what I had. So I'm sorry for the long hiatus that just become ten times longer.
