DISCLAIMER: I don't own Death Note(although I want to). Junsuke Izumikuro is MINE, but the other's aren't.

A week had gone by and there was still no sign of Light. Near was most certain he died. They burned the murderers notebook. He figured it was time to make the announcement of Kira's death to the world. He and SPK began to prepare for big announcement.

Meanwhile, Ryuk grew curious of what would happen if he gave his death note to another human to play the role of Kira in order to throw off Nears accusation. He flew off to Korea and left it on a random bench in an airport. A male in his mid-twenties with black hair with blond tips and green eyes stepped off of a plane, which arrived from Japan, and saw the notebook sitting there unattended. He walked over and picked it up. Flipping through the pages he assumed it was a just a sick joke. He slipped it in his coat pocket and continued on towards the luggage claim. Ruuk followed him around surprised the male hadn't noticed him yet. After the male picked up his luggage and went off to his hotel where he finally took notice of Ryuk.

"Who are you, if you don't mind me asking…" he asked the strange looking man, Ryuk.

"Ryuk. I am a shinigami. Who are you, and do you know where there might be some apples?" he asked

"The name's Junsuke Izumikuro. If you want an apple, go get your own down at the store. Why are you here?" he asked undaunted by the term shinigami.

"Curiosity…" Ryuk trailed off.

"About what?" Junsuke asked in reply

"About how you will use my death note of course." Ryuuk smirked.

"I had almost forgotten about that!" Junsuke exclaimed taking the book from his coat pocket. "When I found it I thought it was some sick joke, but I kept it despite that fact. I don't know why, but something in my head told me to bring it with me. What exactly is it?" he asked

"Do you know about Kira?" Ryuk asked

"Yes, of course I do. He is law." Junsuke remarked

"That's what you think." Ryuk laughed. After a short pause he continued, "Kira has died. You want to know how he was able to pull off killing everyone in the various ways that he did? Look in that notebook and the answer is there."

With his interest quickly growing, Junsuke opened up to the first page and began to read the rules. Any human, whose name is written in a Death Note will die. He skimmed through the rest of the rules. "Is this for real?" he asked himself out loud. He looked at a few of the names on the actual note pages, and recognized a few of them.

"I'd like you to be Kira for a little while. Just write down the names of the criminals posted on the Internet and TV and avoid getting caught by detectives." Ryuk requested.

"Why?" was the one worded question Junsuke replied.

"I'm bored and I think it would be entertaining to see Near become confused about the Kira killings continuing." Ryuk explained

"O..K.. I don't really know what you are talking about, but I guess I need some excitement in my life so I guess I can do it." Junsuke stated.

"Good. Now, I haven't had an apple in I don't know how long, and if I don't get one soon I am probably going to start experiencing some of my withdrawal syndromes. " He remarked.

While out site seeing in Korea, Junsuke noticed how highly praised Kira was, even though Kira was mainly in Japan. This confirmed his answer. He definitely would take up the offer on being Kira's successor. On his way back to the hotel he bought a bushel of apples for Ryuk. When he arrived, he gave them all to him. While Ryuk ate he explained some of the rules and deals that Shinigami could have with the human using their death note. Junsuke listened as he began working for some presentations for a company of which was interested in one of his companied products.

The next day his presentation went well and he was now on some free time. While resting inside his hotel room watching TV, an announcement came on.

"Hello everyone. Our beloved detective L has passed away quit some time ago. I am N, his successor. I have some news for you all. Kira has died. You may all go back to the way your lives were before you had to fear being murdered by some unseen killer. That is all I have to say. Carry on with your lives. Bye" The TV went back to normal. An idea popped up in Junsuke's head. He went over to his laptop and made a recording. Being the computer geek that he was, he hacked onto a site of which enabled to be able to send out a world wide video to all TV's. He messed with his voice a bit to make it indefinable.

"Hello N. This is Kira. I am insulted that you think I am dead. I am far from dead. I have never felt more alive. You think you are worthy to be L's successor? What a joke. I will give you two weeks to catch me, and if you don't I will give you one hint. After that, we will see what happens. For the rest of the world, if you live an honest life, I won't kill you. I am not going to kill you for starting a fistfight in fifth grade or lying to your parents about something stupid. No, I will only highly suggest you don't. We aren't all perfect, and if I were to kill you for little sins, I'd have to kill everyone. I am looking forward to our world without war and major crimes." Junsuke ended the video and smiled. He enjoyed this job already.


Yeah, well that it chapter one. If someone else already wrote something similar, I am sorry. I didn't know. The idea popped up in my head as I grieved over Light's death. It might take me a while before I post the rest of the chapters because I want to plan it out and than post them all at once. Just wanted to post chapter one to get the interest up. Hope you liked it. Please rate and enjoy. I am going to try and draw Junsuke and get my friend to post him on her deviant art. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.