Thank you all for the reviews! I'm so happeh! Well anyways here's the third chap.

Oh, and thanks to the following reviewers:

Of-Light-and-Shadow- Well here's the next chapter!

tomorrow4eva- Thanks for letting me know, and just to let you know I re-edited the first and second chapter. So please let me know if they (plus this chapter) are better, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

Master of Minds- I'm real glad that you enjoyed it.

AccessBlade- Glad that you liked it. Oh, I would like to let you know that I re-edited the second chapter, for some clear up on our favorite paranoid mech, on why he was calm. He was overcharged in High Grade energon.

Delphine Pryde- Hmmm…I haven't watched the Three Stooges in ten years…

Elita One- I'm glad that you like the race.

Draw4life- I…uh…I'm glad that you like the story…Wow…You're like…only going to have like, four hours of sleep…? Good luck in school.


Meet the organic and her craft

(God the title sucked…)

There are some things that Jenna absolutely hated in her life.

One: was her ex boyfriend. He was an absolute idiot whose brain could be questionable to the size of a fly…maybe even smaller than a single cell organism…

Two: death from anyone or anything around her. More specifically her horse, she was absolutely devastated when her horse had died.

...Well, she hated to see death from anyone or anything except her ex boyfriend. He can just roll over and croak for all she cares.

Three: When her boss at the NASA made her go on the project that got her into the mess in the first place. She had to go because it was just her luck that the other real astronaut just had to get into a hover car crash. Thankfully he lived, but he did not get out unscathed. He got broken bones, torn muscles, swollen cheeks which could make him mistaken for a smiling purple chipmunk, and a slight concussion.

All in a day before the scheduled launch.


And since she made her own craft and armor, she was told to go on the scheduled launch, or else.

She did not fancy loosing her status as a High Class Space Engineer that she achieved through ridiculous amount of hard work in two years.

And through luck, don't forget about luck.

And four: this one took the cake of being on the "hate list". Being the center of an attention of six giant robots, who were ready to listen he explain that she has, in a way, an ownership over the craft that she made. And the craft somehow became alive and a copy of her under the name Silversreak.

Who, Jenna noted, was also getting increasingly agitated by the tense silence, almost begging her to get on with it and explain.

Looking at the expectant red and blue face of the biggest one in the room she cursed at the idiotic Astronomers. The least they can do was to report any rock that might be of danger to the mission, especially when the one, small, little rock that caused the satellite to explode with a HIGHLY DANGEROUS FORMULA, AND HAVE HER END UP WITH A METAL CLONE AND IN THE CENTER ATTENTION OF GIANT ROBOTS!!!!

Lady Luck must hate her right now, there's no other logical explanation for it.

The grumpy white one patience was wearing thin and he looked like he wanted to throw a welder at her, and Silverstreak noticed it, too, because she sent a message in Morse code by frantically tapping her fingers to the cold metallic table she was sitting on,

::Get on with it! I don't fancy in testing the theory of how closely bonded we are by you meeting death in a form of a giant welder!::

Jenna flicked her eyes between the face of the giant red and blue one, to the grumpy white one, and to Silverstreak, and began rapidly clapping her hand together in Morse code,

::Why don't you explain!! You look like them, and you are less likely to be crushed, stomped, or squished like a bug!::

::You're in the hands of the biggest one!::

::I don't care! Speak with them, you tell them!::

::NO!:: Silverstreak practically slammed her fist on the table at this exclamation.

The Autobots around the arguing pair gave each other confused glances, wondering what the slag kind of language they were talking in. Sure they could know many different languages by downloading them, but they would need to have a key. The key could be, say, the name of the planet of where the language originated from, or the name of the language that they were speaking. One mech can't just know the language on the whim.

Optimus thought that the organic was scared and wouldn't speak, so he decided to reassure the little organic, Jenna, and Silverstreak that no harm will come to them, "You have no need to worry, we are Autobots and we would not harm you." Then he thought that maybe making the organic talk about its slip up just would not do at the moment so he changed the topic with a different question, "So what are you?"

Jenna calmed down considerately at this, so she was off the hook, for now, "I'm a human, a Homo Sapiens."

Curiosity burning for new knowledge, Wheeljack asked another question while having his hand out for her to climb on, "Really, fascinating. So your name is Jenna? Does that mean anything in your language?"

Jenna had no idea what her name means so she just shrugged, "I don't know, my parents just gave me the name because a complete stranger suggested it."

Silverstreak however searched through the internet and when she got the result of the meaning of her name, she had to suppress her laughter, "Her name means 'Little Bird'" (1)

Jenna face palmed again, "Oi, what a major coincidence."

Wheeljack was intrigued, "What is a Bird?"

Silverstreak had to smile at this, "They're small organic creatures that can fly, are easily scared and ruffled, and they can fly fast."

Wheeljack gave Jenna an amused smile at this although it was hidden behind the mask, "The name suits you."

Jenna grew hot in embarrassment at the comment, remembering the chase that she gave him not too long ago, and wished that she can take her helmet and her armor off because blushing like crazy was making her overheat in the armor. Her armor was heavily insulated to protect her from the radiation of the sun in space and add the factor of getting a major workout she had in nearly two years she was sweating like a pig in her armor.

Oh how she wished she had put a cooling system in her armor…

Wheeljack turned to face Silverstreak, "Where did you get it?"

Before Silverstreak could answer Jenna stomped her feet on the mechs hand, yelling, "If you are going to refer me to anything then at least use my name, Jenna J-E-N-N-A! Or at least use my gender rather than saying 'it', how about a she, her, a girl, a woman, or any of those!"

"She's from a rock and water planet called Earth." Silverstreak continued as if she hadn't been interrupted. Although she did stress 'she' for good measure, because she was also irked at the 'it' comment.

"Earth? At what sector was this planet from?" Optimus asked.

"Sector?" Both asked in unison, both of their both sounding as one person was talking. Then Silverstreak started patting around her chest compartment, taking out a small circular device. Then she looked around the room, noticing the blinding white room, "Could someone dim the lights?"

"What are you going to do with that thing?" Ratchet asked with a suspicious undertone.

"This is a map of her kind discovered galaxies, although they never ventured further than their Sol System themselves. This map is a 3D holograms and it won't show well if the room is bright."

Ratchet went over to the wall near the door and dimmed the lights and Silverstreak sat the small contraption in the middle of the room. Immediately the whole room exploded in galaxies, floating around.

Silverstreak took a few minutes looking around the room to find her familiar galaxy. Jenna spotted it first and said to Silverstreak, pointing to the small image of the purple spiral galaxy and typed in the name of the galaxy on her small arm computer on her left arm. The Milky Way Galaxy was zoomed in until it was the only galaxy shown in the room.

Silverstreak used her internal navigation system and zoomed in to the Sol System into view. She then pointed at the small blue rock planet, the third planet from the sun.

"So she's from the remote sector." Wheeljack spoke to no one in particular, then he look down to Jenna, "It looks like a lively planet."

Jenna beamed up to Wheeljack, although he couldn't see her face due to the golden visor, he could hear the enthusiastic, "Yup!" But then her shoulder sagged as exhaustion was creeping up on her. Jenna stretched and yawned.

Silverstreak likewise did the same.

Ratchet decided that the two needed some rest after seeing them tense their body for some strange reason. And through his scan their energy level continues to decrease at a steady rate.

"All right, you two need to go in stasis and the rest of you need to get out." Ratchet held his hand out to Wheeljack so that he can pass Jenna to him. Silverstreak had an amuse smile on her face at seeing Jenna being passed around gently like a kitten.

Jenna looked around and asked, "Where can I sleep?"

Before Wheeljack and Ironhide and the rest could fully leave the room, they all heard a beep coming from the direction of Ratchet, or more specifically, from Jenna. Ironhide warned up his cannon and growled in a threatening tone, "That better not be a weapon."

Jenna gave the black mech a blank stare before returning to her arm computer. Pressing a few buttons Jenna groaned, "Not good."

"What's the problem?" Ratchet asked.

Silverstreak check her link between herself and Jenna's armor, looking at the health line and found the problem: Jenna only had fifteen minutes left of oxygen and breathable gas. Silverstreak check the outside gas level and found it unsuitable for a human to breathe in.

It was too thin in helium, hydrogen and carbon, and it barely had any trace of oxygen.

"Apparently I only have fifteen minutes left in breathable gas. I need to take this helmet off or I will suffocate." Then she looked at the arm computer, "And if I take my helm off right now, I will also suffocate."

Wheeljack came back in the med room with worry for the little being that was in Ratchet's hand, "What kind of gas do you breathe in?"

Jenna just gave a cynical shrug, but giving a jolt in remembering something, "Oh duh, god I love you free internet service!" and proceeded to look in her arm computer.

While Jenna was searching through the net, Ratchet found the frequency signal of the Wifi and looked up on the gas that human breathes in. He got the information much quicker than Jenna did, and scanned her again to confirm the gas that she was breathing in her helmet. Ratchet set Jenna on the med bed near Silverstreak before walking up to Wheeljack, "Wheeljack, I want you to change the atmosphere in the ship to make it fit for Jenna to breathe in." Then he gave Wheeljack the list of gases that Jenna needed to breathe in.

"Right away, Ratchet." Wheeljack's fin-like ears flashed blue in reply before he left the med bay. But just as he was about to step out of the room he heard a cry,


Ratchet groaned, "What is it now?"

"The temperature in here is far to cold for me, I mean 30 degrees isn't suitable for a human being. And I'm only being protected by this suit, which by the way I'm dying in heat in here!"


Jenna immediately found herself being pluck off of the table by the scruff of her neck and staring right into the worried optics of the CMO. Bumblebee started babbling, worried for Jenna, "Is Jenna ok?! She's overheating is she?! She's not going to offline permanently, right?!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, look! I'm not really dying, just a figure of speech!" Jenna was kicking her feet in midair, trying to get the panicking Autobots their attention, "Nothing to really get worried about here, if you can get the air and temperature suitable for me, then honestly there is nothing to short your circuits about!"

Ratchet and the others turned to Silverstreak, who was trying valiantly not to laugh, "What can I say, she's a human being and they have a tendency to overreact with words."

"I do not overreact, and you shouldn't be throwing stones!"

"But she's not throwing stones…" Bumblebee pointed out.

"It's another figure of speech, um…"

"Bumblebee." He supplied helpfully.

"Hey, 'Bee!" Jenna nodded, then crossed her arms and glared at the CMO, "Now, put me down."

Ratchet glared at the small human between his two fingers, "This is my med bay and you don't order me around. I have control in this room, and not even Prime or Primus can change that." But he put her down to her place anyways, "Primus, are all humans like this?" He asked Silverstreak.

Silverstreak just shrugged, "I don't know really, but yeah a lot of them may be like her, but then again she's unique among ten billion others." (2)

Wheeljack spluttered in surprise at the huge numbers, Bumblebee's blue optics grew large, Mirage just stared, Optimus likewise did the same, Ironhide yelled, "Slag!", and Ratchet just stood still. He just shook his head muttering something about a swarm of squishies.

Ratchet then looked at the remaining five Autobots who where still in the room. Ratchet gave a warning growl and as quick as a flash the remaining Autobots are gone.

Even Optimus Prime is scared of a grumpy CMO and his amazing pitching arm.

Ratchet turned back to the femme seeker and the female organic, "Now go in stasis, right now."


"Hey Bee!"

Bumblebee looked up to see the infamous Twin Terror walking up to him, "Hey guys, what's up?"

Sideswipe smiled, "Well, we heard that you guys found yourselves a seeker."

"Yeah, we found a seeker and she's a femme. And she also has an organic with her."

"A femme and she had an organic?" Sideswipe and Sunstreaker was surprised. They both looked at each other and grinned. Bumblebee had an idea of what's going in their CPU processor and tried to stop them, "Um, guys. I don't think it's a good idea to meet them."

"Thanks Bee!" "Yeah see ya!" And the Twin Terrors left.

Bumblebee only shook his head.


Well I'm going to stop here. But I hope you all like the third chapter, and reviews would be appreciated, along with constructive criticism.

Also for some clear ups:

(1) This was honestly a coincidence in the meaning of the name; I mean the name Jenna was just thought right out of the whim. So when I imagined the conversation between Jenna, Wheeljack and Silverstreak it gave me a thought to look up on what her name means. I would make sense that the mechs would ask for the meaning of the name because names tells information about themselves like Frenzy or Soundwave, etc. and Jenna means Little Bird. And I really had to laugh at this, I mean her feathers are easily ruffled and she is a flier with her craft, er…who happens to be alive…um….yeah. You know I can't believe I'm going to over work myself with this slag…

(2) Ok, remember that the world population right now is around six point six billion people on Earth. And studies showed that the population is expected to reach nine billion in around 2050. Where Jenna was at was in the year 2103 and the population is bound to reach up to ten billion. Any more people, without control, the population will take a dive bomb to probably around thousands of people instead of billions of people. If anyone here had taken Biology as a high school elective then you would understand what I'm talking about.

Again I would like to thank all of my reviewers.

Dragon260 out!