Hey everyone, for those who haven't seen my page I just want to apologise again for the lateness of this update. Technology can be so frustrating at times-lol!

But at last i'm back and with a new chapter so I hope you guys aren't to mad with me to leave a review after you have read this chapter. Thanks!

Previous chapter:

A knock at the door alerted them to Molly Weasley telling them that they had an hour before they left for Hogwarts. Harry looked at both of his friends and sighed, "We'd better make sure we've got everything packed you guys" he said watching them both nod in agreement before walking out of the room. Hermione hugged Paige before heading out of the room as well, leaving Paige to herself.

Paige walked over to her bedside cabinet and picked up a photo of her with her family. She rubbed her thumb over the picture and smiled sadly. "I really miss you guys" she said as a tear slid down her cheek. She took the picture out of the frame and folded it in half, before putting in her pocket.

Chapter 8: Musings

The train ride to Hogwarts was as expected by Paige and her friends. Malfoy came by their cabin giving out the usual insults to them and was once again shown up as Paige and Harry knocked him off the pedestal he had put himself on. Hermione berated them for their 'childish behavior' and yet couldn't help but smirk at them as they looked at her innocently and cast an amused glance towards her.

The arrival at the station alerted the gang to the many memories that the castle had given them over the years and they welcomed back the feeling of home as they looked up towards their castle, riding towards it in a horse-drawn carriage. Paige felt a pang in her heart as she looked towards the horses and realised that now she had seen death she could see them pulling the carriages along. It was a sharp and painful reminder of what she had lost earlier in the summer and it was something she didn't like. A girl in the year below her at Hogwarts called Luna Lovegood had said that they were called thestrals when they came back last year. Only her and Harry had been able to see them then but now Paige too was part of the club.

"Hey you okay?" a concerned voice brought Paige back from her musings as she turned to look at her best friends worried expressions. She forced a smile onto her face and nodded slightly before turning to look out of the window once more amazed at the scenery that whizzed by her. It was this kind of scenery that made her forget about everything going on in her life and gave her an odd sense of peace.

Her friends looked at her before turning to each other with concern still etched onto their faces. "Just leave her be Harry, she come to us when she's ready." Hermione whispered squeezing his hand in a comforting manner before picking up the book she was reading before and getting lost in her own world. The boy was angry and annoyed by the fact that she could turn a blind eye to their friends turmoil but after casting another quick glance towards the said friend he found himself agreeing with her and decided to let the girl be for now.

After getting out of the carriages the trio walked up the stone steps and entered the large wooden doors that led to the great hall muttering a quick hello to Professor Mcgonagall as she walked past. Taking a seat at the gryffindor table the trio waited patiently for the sorting to begin so that they could dig into to the magnificent feast that quickly followed.

A/N: I've decided to do a separate chapter for the halliwells and that will be up shortly. Please read and review.