Paige and the chosen one

Summary: Paige Matthews goes to Hogwarts to learn things as a normal witch would-however things are far from normal. Join Paige on her journey to learn her true heritage (being a charmed one) whilst helping Harry Potter defeat you-know-who.

Prologue:15 years ago

The woman and man appeared in a mix of blue and white lights and walked up to the Matthews' cottage with a small bundle in the woman's arms the man looked down and sighed, "Patty are you sure that this is what you want?" he looked towards her face and saw a mix of emotions pass over before her expression became guarded.

"Sam your a whitelighter-my whitelighter I have no choice. The rules state that we are forbidden to see each other, let alone have a child"( Patty held up the baby so that the man can see)"together. Its for the best." She said with great sadness.

The baby started to stir and opened her eyes to reveal dark green eyes that would melt any ones heart. Patty gently cooed the baby back to sleep before knocking on the door and laying the baby down on the floor with a note tucked deep in her blanket. She stepped back into Sam's arms with tears rolling down her cheeks as they bid the baby goodbye before disappearing in a whirl of blue and white lights.

The door to the cottage slowly opened to reveal a middle-aged woman with short brunette hair staring out into the darkness, "Hello! Is anybody there" she asked before sighing inward. Bloody neighbors, they're a right pain in the ass,she thought as she went to close the door. As if on cue the baby began to cry and the woman jumped in shock.

"Hey sweetie pie,where did you come from?" she wondered aloud as she picked up the note fell out of the blanket and the woman put the baby in one hand whilst kneeling down to pick it up. The woman walked into the cottage kicking the door shut as she walked past. "I wonder what your name is?" the woman looked at the baby as she asked this and saw nothing but amusement and confusion in the girls face."Well my name is Mel and my husband is called Richie okay?" she smiled whilst she said this as she knew that the child would understand her some how.

Mel walked into a small living room that showed pictures of her and her husband on their wedding day, and sat down on the chair by the fire opening the note.

Dear Matthews family,

You do not know me or my family but I write this letter in the hope that you can look after this child. I have watched you from a distance for a while now and decided that you and your husband would make great parents for my daughter.

'You're nuts if you think i'm gonna take in this child so easily!' Mel thought amused. She looked down as the letter went on:

I understand that you may not wish to take on this child right now but we cannot have her. Not because we don't want to but because we have to. I wish that I could tell you why but all I can say is that she will be in danger all the time if she stayed with us and that is not what we want. We want her to grow up happy and loved and we know that you can give her that so we ask you to please care for our child.

Mel smiled at the child and said "Of course we'll look after you. I dont know how anybody could think about giving you up cos your so adorable."

All that we ask is that you keep her blanket and give her a name beginning with P-I know that it is a lot to ask of you and your family but please do this and keep my baby safe.

Give her all my love and thank you.


Mel was annoyed at first at the request that was given but soon realized that she was being given a second chance with this baby and agreed to the terms. "Welcome to the family Paige Matthews" she cooed whilst the baby just stared at her intently and smiled.

My first fanfic so please review.