Uhm, Hi, so I realize it's been like, forever. I pretty much abandoned fanfiction, and since I felt terrible for my readers I decided to at least finish my most important stories. Considering it's been like, uhm, 3 years? Yikes. What can I say, time flies. Anywho, enjoy. Btw, I'd really really love reviews because in the last 3 years my ideas have changed and such, as well as my writing style in a way. So reviews would be lovely :) Thanks

Disclaimer: I do not own naruto

Kisame, being the one in front, turned the door knob to Pein's "office."

In a matter of seconds, every motion went slow-mo.

The wooden door was slowly opened causing a slight breeze to ruffle Kisame's foolishly blue hair, while he turned his grin plastered face to Sakura. He slowly blinked his beady eyes a couple times and just as he was going to move out of the way of the door so that Sakura could graciously appreciate his gentlemanly ways, a donut flying at lightning fast speed exploded on his face.

"WHAT THE FUUUUUCK?" He gripped the graspable remains of pastry off his extremely shocked eyeballs and flung them to the ground.

Sakura and the rest of the men erupted into various levels of laughter, watching the blue man fade to red.

"KAKUZU! I KNOW THIS WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA!" Kakuzu appeared in the leaders doorway, assuming it was safe considering Kisame already suffered the only donut to the face.

Another donut went flying. "What the fuck? I only bought one!" Kakuzu-being not so enamored with Sakura's face while the donut was whipped-easily dogged said donut. Green asparagus goop oozed from the damaged treat, spread on the wall outside the door.

"What is the meaning of this Kakuzu? Mission fail." Pein was glaring menacingly, etching lines into his desk with a very pronounced kunai.

Sakura, now standing at the doorway with everyone else, screeched in dismay as she watched Pein stamp a 'FAIL' onto the mission report.

Kakuzu rolled his green eyes, getting a large headache. "Forgive me leader-sama, it was a joke. I'll take the punishment, not Sakura."

Pein glared harder, "A joke? Oh, a joke. Well your joke tasted like shit." Pein spat like an angry German, "You're sentenced to cleaning duty, first by helping Tobi fix the training room."

Tobi grinned ear to ear. Not that anyone could tell.

"Oh for fucks sake." Kakuzu, clearly hanging around Hidan too often, accepted his dumb punishment.

Pein waved Sakura to step forward, done with Kakuzu. "Now, as for you, you are accepted into Akatsuki ranks. Your loyalty, for now, seems rightly placed. Your skills, with some tweaking, could end up at Akatsuki level, and your healing is much needed."

Sakura forced the idiotic grin off her face, trying to remain in all seriousness with Leader-sama.

"There is a cloak on your bed and a ring on your desk in your room, please go to it and leave my presence."

Everyone graciously bowed and sped from the room, taking their leave.

Pein sighed and leaned his head into Konan's soft touch as she twirled her finger through his short locks. "Konan, am I getting too soft with them? I mean, a jelly donut mission? Wow." He closed his eyes as he berated himself.

Konan lightly laughed, really enjoying how much of a family they had become.

Sakura stood outside of the door, giggling when she glanced at the donut spread on the wall.

Kakuzu grumbled and walked away with Tobi to do his idiotically stupid cleaning mission.

Sakura sighed, glancing up at the six - never mind zetsu just morphed into the wall-five members staring at her. "Well, is someone going to show me where my room is? I haven't exactly been here long enough to know where that's at."

Hidan let a lecherous smile play on his sleazy lips, "Fucking allow me."

Kisame, still pissed about the fucking donut, slammed his fist into Hidan's unsuspecting temple; his head rocketing into the wall. "How about fucking no." With no other questions asked Kisame swooped Sakura up by one arm and carried her like a rolled up sleeping bag.

"Kisame what the heck? I can walk you know." Sakura pounded lightly on his thigh, not really caring that he was carrying her. She relaxed and watched as the wooden floor passed beneath them.

A few twists, turns, and stairs later they were standing right in front of a cherry pink door. Sakura shook her head pathetically while Kisame swung the door open, throwing her on the cherry pink bed.

She glanced around as Kisame puffed up the cherry pink pillow, pushed the cherry pink chair that he bumped on the way in back under the cherry pink desk, and straightened the cherry pink lamp he had knocked over. She rolled her eyes after catching a glance at the cherry pink closet door and cherry pink walls. "Ridiculous. Who the fuck set this room up?"

Kisame stopped fidgeting with every single damn object in the room and shrugged his shoulders, not making eye contact with Sakura, "Probably Konan while we were gone on the mission. She tends to go overboard on making new comers feel welcome. When I joined my room had a whole fish tank wall built in, she said it would make me feel more at home."

Sakura laughed, picturing Kisame squeezing himself into the wall sized fish tank when he felt "homesick."

Kisame threw a cherry pink pencil at her that had just been lying on the desk, "It's not funny, I had a room right next to Hidan when I came, could see straight through the glass. Oh the freaky things he does."

"Whatever Kisame. Thanks for showing me to my room." She smiled gently, sitting up at the edge of the bed.

He shrugged again, still finding the desk the most interesting item to gaze at in the room. "It's no big deal."

Something was up, Kisame was being funny but in a bad way. The kind of funny that you called people who simply were not being themselves.

Sakura stood gracefully from the bed, making a point to brush her long hair with a hand, draping it over her right shoulder. She moved right to his side and tilted her head to the left, looking up at Kisame with bright emerald orbs. "Something wrong?" Her voice was smooth, as smooth as she could muster. She was going for lust, but stopped short.

He grunted and pursed his lips an inch, just twirling the piece of paper the pencil was once resting on, gazing at the words "Welcome to the Akatsuki" in bright-sigh-cherry pink letters.

The corner of Sakura's mouth raised a pinch, then she moved to grab his left arm that rested still at his side. He flowed with her movements and slightly turned towards her, finally making eye contact. Sakura moved her arms quickly around his head, gripping his blue fluff puff hair and pulled him down none too gently. Struggling on her tiptoes she could just reach his lips with her own.

In just seconds Kisame had rushed his large hands down to cup the sides of her waste, pulling her up so that her feet were no longer touching the ground by at least three inches. Sakura adjusted her arms, cradling his neck, helping her push even closer to him.

She popped her lips open and gently bit his bottom lip, causing him to grip her tighter and smile; he slipped his tongue into her mouth, feeling her little one with his own, realizing how small she really was.

He held her tight and stumbled to the bed, rolling as he fell so that she straddled him, her decent sized breasts pushing into his chest; just enough so that they looked even bigger.

Kisame gripped her rear and pulled her up with a jolt, causing their tongues twisting together in his mouth to move as well. She yelled and pulled away, sitting up on his waist, throwing a hand to cup her pinched lips. "What the fuck Kisame?" She stuck out her tongue to see it; blood oozed from a small cut on the side of her tongue, the soft flesh bright red and puckered.

He licked his teeth where the irony taste of blood settled in, "sorry" he grinned, just staring at her resting above his pelvis.

Kisame willingly let her swing her leg off of him and step off the bed, retrieving the ring from her desk and the cloak from under his back.

He pouted when she pulled the cloak on over top of the clothes she still wore from the mission the day before, "Aw done already pinky?" He mentally cursed the very obvious hard on. "Can't leave a man hanging."

She left the cloak open, proceeding to send a knowing wink at Kisame, "Don't worry fishface, I won't be going anywhere for a while, you have plenty of time to pop my cherry." with that said, she flashed to the door and down the hallway.

Eyes wide as saucers Kisame leapt up to chase after the teaser; screaming down the hallway, "Holy fuck you're a virgin?"

Sakura blasted past the training room, skidding to a stop and reversing. Tobi, who had been humming a tune to himself-annoying Kakuzu to no end- was taken by surprise when Sakura ran to him, hugging for dear life. "Tobi! Kisame's trying to rape me!" She struggled harder than ever to contain her giggles.

Tobi gasped and hugged her back, "Aaaah! No Kakuzu don't let Sakura-chan get raped!"

The minute Kisame turned into the room he tripped over Kakuzu's string which just so happened to make its way across the thresh hold. "perv."

Kisame scrambled to his feet after throwing a glare at Kakuzu and rushed for Tobi. The innocent man held up his hands and squealed as Kisame ripped Sakura away from him with one hand and held Tobi in the air with the other. Tossing Tobi away and to the ground like an empty Mcdonalds cup. He focused every ounce of himself onto Sakura.

"Sakura…" He stared at her with a mix of shock and determination, grabbing the wrists of both of her fisted hands, holding them close to his chest; drawing her very close to his own face. He knew what he wanted to say, but it was as if he had no clue how to word what it is he had wanted to convey to her. It sounded perfect seconds ago in his head; Funny. He sucked it up and the words tumbled out like a tossed salad. "Sakura…you have got to let me have it."

Her heart dropped to her stomach in a rush of embarrassment. Kisame was surprisingly, blunt and not entirely tactical. Plus, she hated salad. Before her pupils could return from dilation her ring buzzed on her middle right-hand finger. She glanced at the ring and coughed awkwardly, "Uh, looks like leader wants me."

He scowled, glaring at the ring. "That's not leader-sama calling you." She jerked in surprise.

"So wait, what? Anyone can call me on my ring? How can you tell who it is?" she gaped in aw at the tiny particular object.

Kisame huffed, annoyed that his much more important topic had gotten blown off. "Yes, it's color coded." Ugh more colors. "Your ring is tinted violet. Hidan's requesting you."

Sakura was, to say the least, impressed. She shrugged and ripped her wrists from Kisame's grasp, walking out casually.

"It was a request, not a demand!" he growled.

No way in hell was he letting Hidan be her first. Just, no way.

Sakura made her way to the main living spaces, making it a point to search for Hidan, but no luck. She went through the double doors behind the couch, entering the kitchen. At the kitchen table sat Itachi, Hidan, Sasori, and Deidara playing a game of, cards.

"Seriously? How come I just can't imagine a murderous group of criminals playing cards?" She chuckled as she took a seat between Itachi and Sasori.

Sasori raised an eyebrow, "Are you implying something?"

She hated when men raised just one eyebrow. She could never fully raise just one without raising the other, ending up with a surprised look instead of a cynical one. In turn making her look stupid.

She waved him off, "of course not." she glanced up at Hidan who was sitting across from her, "So what did you want?"

"A different fucking player," he jabbed a thumb at Deidara, "'Cause this one fucking blows."

Deidara rolled his eyes and held his hands up, all three tongues wiggling wildly at Hidan.

"Fucking ew."

Sakura laughed, just sitting at the table watching the guys continue their card game.

Sasori, for what seemed like the one-hundredth time, folded.

"You know, I thought you said it was Deidara who sucked." Sakura laughed as Sasori gave her a funny face. He leaned his head down onto his right palm, his left hand trailing to Sakura's thigh.

Sasori watched her face tinge pink, but she kept her head still placed between both palms, her elbows rested on the table. She did it out of saving her embarrassment, pretending nothing was going on.

His fingers were just inches from her underwear line, moving in slow circles, teasing her thigh. It seemed as though all the heat in her body was pooling to the bottom of her stomach and seeping into her throbbing not so private area.

The ticklish ministrations were driving her hormones insane, her virgin body new to this sort of treatment.

After a short five minutes of enduring an agony that felt as long as hours she mumbled an 'excuse me' and pushed herself from the table and out the double doors.

Sasori, claiming he was done losing, followed the very aroused female.

Sakura was leaning against the wall to the right, next to the double doors. Sasori, barely glancing, covered her body with his own, pushing a knee between her legs, up against her clothed crotch. He grabbed both arms by the wrists and held them in one hand above her head, pulling her into a bruising kiss.

The friction from his knee flushed her cheeks, causing her soft bud of nerves to throb like a headache. She had shared kisses with Kisame, but her body never felt this good. Kisame had been sloppy, where as Sasori was confident and precise. He had known from the beginning where he wanted to touch her, and how he wanted her to feel.

She felt, aroused. Her abdominal muscles tightening in excitement. She wanted the power building up inside her to cease, she needed release. She needed sex.

Sakura moaned and twisted an arm free, running it down Sasori's cloak, undoing the clasps. To her surprise, he wasn't even wearing a shirt. Oh how delicious he looked without a shirt. She pulled her mouth back from Sasori's and ran her butterfly soft touches over his toned chest, down to his muscled stomach. She smiled, "I don't understand why you sexy men hide behind these god forbidden cloaks."

Sasori chuckled in response and thrust his body hard against hers, causing her to slam her weight into the wall, 'thunks' echoing into the kitchen. Sakura drew one of her slender legs slowly up to his hip, allowing him to grab the underneath of the soft meat. She moaned as the hard bulge in his pants bumped into her entrance.

Sakura moaned into another kiss, gasping for air. Each kiss leaving her lungs burning. "Sasoriiii," she lulled his name, dipping her head back, basking in the sensation of his lips brushing over her pulse.

The door to the kitchen slammed, knocking the lovers back to reality with a brutally rash fist. Sakura dropped her leg to the ground as if Sasori was poison, pulling her arms back quicker than light.

The used-to-be door hung off of its top hinges, hanging awkwardly splintered from the immense blow to the solid oak. Hidan stood in all of his bastard glory glaring kunais at Sasori's vital points. "Hands off the fucking merchandise." Surprisingly he spoke steadily.

Sasori sneered at the fuck head and wrapped an arm around Sakura's waste, in the most claiming way he could. "Thought we were sharing?"

Hidan 'tch-ed', "Yeah, after I fucking claim her first. Virginity is mine bitch."

Sakura pushed Sasori off of her and poked a finger into Hidan's chest, "Who the hell said you got to choose who I sleep with? Hm? Fuck off Hidan."

"That's not fucking fair! At least let an experienced man be your fucking first!"

Deidara burst into a fit of laughter from the kitchen, "Oh because you're so experienced un."

Hidan gave him the birdy, "you're just fucking jealous."

"Oh, jealous, of what yeah? You're aids un?"

"Try getting in the fucking girls pants."

"I don't want to get into her pants un."

"Fucking puss is scared of puss!"

"Fine un." Deidara stood from his chair and walked over to Sakura, taking her hand and pulling her down the hallway. She didn't fight, she liked these guys, even Deidara.

Hidan whipped his head around to stare at Deidara's back, "Where the fuck are you going?"

"To my room un."

"For fucking what?" Hidan nearly screeched.

Deidara stopped, Sakura running into his back, smushing her nose. The corners of his mouth turned up into the most deadly gorgeous, incredibly confident smirk she had ever seen, Deidara trailed his hand down Sakura's stomach and gripped her soft mound of flesh between her legs, "'Gonna get some puss."

Hidan made to run after the dead blond, "Like fuck you are dickless!"

Sasori slipped his arms under Hidan's and locked his hands around the back of his head, nodding to Deidara to get away while Hidan gurgled words in his odd position.

"Get some puss? Excuse me?" Sakura followed Deidara but squealed down the hallway.

Deidara rolled his eyes, "Oh shut up, I was just saying that to Hidan to make him jealous, go back to your room now for all I care."

Sakura scowled as Deidara entered his room and slammed the door in her face. What the fuck is his problem?

She knocked on his door, no answer. "Deidara I know you can fucking hear me, open the door." No answer.

"Deidara! Seriously!" No answer.

She crossed her arms under her chest and huffed, damn the stupid brat to hell. She glanced down and noticed the ring, hm. How do I work this stupid thing? She tried twisting the top of the ring, looking for a button, a trigger, anything. Nothing worked.

She growled and pounded on his door, "Urrr- Deidara!" Still no answer and she couldn't get the stupid ring to work. He still hadn't come to the door either.

Fuck him. She threw a chakra filled fist threw the door, turning the knob on the other side, flinging the door open enough to slam against the wall.

Besides the many sculptures of clay figures littering the room, many looking scarily like herself, the room was empty. Empty until a very naked Deidara came flying from the bathroom, with a very noticeable erection.

Voila? Do review and let me know how the kinky scenes are! Please! I really need some confidence on those and reviews would do wonders ; ) Thanks! R/R