I'm sorta back, I know u all missed my amazing short chapters. Which I am working on. But im back for a short time, so I figured y not go post a chapter, so here I go. Btw please review my stories. Thanks again


Ryu was walking around the market district, he wasn't there to buy anything, rather he was there to think. In about one hour, was had to go get Naruto, that wasn't a problem. The problem was that after he picked up Naruto, they had to go to the ANBU headquarters. That was something Ryu was not looking forward to. Naruto was known for being loud, blunt, and hyper. People of ANBU level are calm, collected and tactical. Ryu knew that eventually by just being around ANBU members so much, Naruto would start to act correctly, so the question how long would it take. The problem with was that Ryu wasn't sure how some ANBU operatives would feel about a hyperactive kid running around in their headquarters. He decided to just hope and pray that everything turned out okay.


Naruto was excited; he was going to be part of an ANBU team. It was currently five-thirty a.m. Naruto had been up for the past 2 hours training and practicing drills he knew. At five a.m. Jiraiya got up, he went though his normal morning routine, then at five-thirty he called Naruto over to the kitchen. When Naruto came in, he looked a little wore out, but Jiraiya knew Naruto would be fine so he just sat Naruto down on a stool and explained some very important things to him concerning ANBU.

"Now Naruto ANBU don't run around their headquarters, they don't scream when they talk, and the most certainly always stay composed. Now Naruto if you don't act like, chances are you will be thrown out your squad."

Now Naruto looked a little nervous about how he was going to act, but he wanted to Jiraiya at ease so he told him what he wanted to hear.

"Dad, you know me, if I have to act composed and formal I can. And now that I know that's how I should act at headquarters, that's how I'll act. Now dad I got to go, so I can get to the training grounds in time"

And with that Naruto took off running towards the training grounds. New thoughts were flying though his head. He was wondering what was going to happen if he did something wrong or if his new squad didn't like him.

By the time Naruto got to the training grounds, Ryu was already there, just standing in the center of the training ground circle, waiting for Naruto.

"Hey sensei"

"Naruto, I need to talk to you about what will happen when we get HQ. I'm going to need you to be quiet when we are there, walk with me, and only talk if someone asks you a question. If you do all this, then we should be fine. Now since I'm such a great sensei I figured I should let you know what being a ANBU operative means you get. Sometime in your first week you will get the weapon kit, the clothes, the tattoo, and the passes to the facilities, such as the ANBU library, equipment room, and the training supplies. And since you're so young, I'm guessing that our squad will help train you. That should great news for you.

Naruto had a huge smile, he was going get trained by a entire ANBU squad, not just one member of the squad, the ENTIRE squad.

Time Skip approx. one hour

Ryu and Naruto had been sitting a Ryu's new room for the past 15 minutes, Naruto was going insane from boredom. Naruto had been excited when they first got there; Ryu had gotten his squad's number and filled out the paper work for Naruto to get all the standard ANBU benefits. Now they were sitting in his home, because the squad didn't meet for another 15 minutes.

Another Time Skip 16 minutes.

Now Ryu and his entire squad were gathered in the squad's main room. Since Ryu had read the dossiers on his squad members he new a lot more about them, then they did about each other.

Naruto was looking at the other 4 members of the squad. Sitting together in a pair of chairs were two girls, they looked like they were each maybe 20. Naruto instantly decided that he liked both of them. The blond one was dressed in a black bodysuit, that looked way to tight. While the brunette was wearing a blue shirt and a pair of khaki shorts. The only thing they had in common were the katanas on their back and the two oversized pouches on their belts. A tall man in the corner seemed like the really powerful type, he looked to be in his mid-20's. He had a very powerful build, and he had on a cross between standard ANBU and standard Jonin clothes. He had the back ANBU pants and shirt, while he still wore the Jonin vest. He had the standard ANBU katana and next to the katana on his back was what appeared to be a staff. He seemed to like kunai sine he had multiple kunai holsters attached to his outfit. The last guy in the room looked really lanky; he had the full standard ANBU garb on. He was just standing in a corner. He just didn't look intimidating at all. Naruto was wondering how strong they all were, but he also was wondering why no one was doing anything except sitting here. This is when Naruto noticed that none of them were wearing the ANBU masks, not even the guy in the corner.

Ryu had been debating in his head, how to get things started so finally he said "Well why don't we all share a little about ourselves.

The man who was sitting on the corner of the table, decided to start.

"Hi, name's Royce. Been in ANBU for the past 3 years, I consider myself a taijutsu specialist, I know about 20 styles, I got scrolls on another 80, and I fight with 2 styles. I was a Genin under Akoji Kapato for 2 years, I was Chunin for 3 years, and a Jonin for 3 years. I needed a new team after my last team was almost completely killed off. Their were only two survivors, myself and one other member of our squad. So the Hokage decided to put on new teams.

Ryu was impressed, at how the man decided to go first, without Ryu selecting him. Then as if he had just been waiting for someone to go first the other man started.

"Anoki is my name. I am sometimes considered an assassination specialist. This is only because I know approx. 100 assassination techniques. I know another 200 techniques though, so I don't think of myself as an assassination specialist. I'm 32 years of age, and I like the shadows, after all they are the best place to kill someone from. I was acting as a single agent, until the Hokage found a squad for me, which is why I'm here.

Ryu was happy with his squad; he knew that they could become a strong squad with the right training. Now he was just waiting for the two girls of the squad to introduce themselves.

With all eyes on them, the blond decided to start.

"My name is Anira, this is my friend Temra. We were on the same Genin team, we were frequently partnered as Chunin, and we became Jonin at the same exam. So we decided to join ANBU. That makes this our first ANBU squad. As for training we are both trained as novice medics and we are both trained very extensively in swordsmanship. I also know a lot of Katon techniques, while she knows many Futon. As Jonin we mostly did sabotage missions, so were good at stuff like that. I think that's about it.

Now Ryu was wondering if Naruto would introduce himself, when it seemed he wouldn't, Ryu smacked him. At that the Genin started.

"Most of you know who I am, if you don't my name is Naruto Uzumaki. I am the container of the Kyubi the nine-tailed fox." At the mention of his name and his demon, the two girls seemed stunned, then they gave him a look of pity, for what he contained and how he was treated for it. Anoki looked at the child with surprise; the child seemed undaunted by what he contained. Royce looked at the boy no different, he knew who the child was the moment he saw him. Ryu seemed shocked that Naruto knew about his demon. Suddenly Royce asked a question.

"Naruto do you gain any benefits from the demon."

Naruto looked at the man, and then replied. "The fox gives me advanced stamina, huge chakra reservoirs, an incredible healing factor, and I adept quickly to physical training regimens. The adaptation ability and the large chakra reservoirs combined allow me to learn ninjutsu very quickly. This is how I learned the Kage Bunshin in about 3 hours."

"Well then I think I'll train in taijutsu, and since you learn ninjutsu so quickly maybe you can learn some advanced ninjutsu from us four, especially Anoki And if you don't mind my asking how do you know about the Kyubi and who taught you the Kage Bunshin."

"My father Jiraiya taught me Kage Bunshin and told me about the Kyubi. And I would love to learn some techniques from you guys."

Decided to cut in, Ryu announced that the team would meet back here tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Next he decided to escort Naruto home. Once Naruto was home he decided to ask Jiraiya what all Naruto knew.

"So Jiraiya what all have you taught Naruto and what all does he know."

"Well I taught him a few rank D and C techniques of each of the 5 elements. I told him about the Kyubi, that's it. Tsunade taught him anatomy and nutrition. As far as I know, Tsunade never told him anything. Now if you excuse me, I have to go talk to Naruto about something." With that Jiraiya disappeared, Ryu was left wondering what he was going to teach his squad, and how he was going to get Naruto integrating as a working part of a ANBU squad.

Well there u go Ive been gone mostly cause I got annoyed at this story. , I still don't have a beta. I really should get one. Any way if you read it, plz review. I don't get enough reviews. Then I stop writing then other stuff happens, so just review. And mention any erros you come arcross.