Ok so ... I am apologizing ahead of time for any sort of cliff hanger that I may POSSIBLY have at the end of this :D

Read... Review and tell my what you think please :)


Edward led me to his bed and sat me on the edge briskly wrapping his arms around me.

"Sweet Bella," was all Edward said while he sat and listened to the sobs erupting from my chest. I tried to calm myself, but I couldn't keep the tears from resurfacing. I felt a cool hand beneath my chin. Edward lifted my face to his and pressed his icy lips to mine. I don't know if it was just the need to be held that overtook me or the fact that it had been almost two hours since I had kissed Edward. Whatever it was I couldn't help but to find myself in the same position I was the first time he kissed me. A day I will never forget.

I twisted my fingers tightly in his hair, pulling his face closer to mine. It had been about ten seconds before it dawned on me. It wasn't like Edward to let things go on this long but here he was letting me kiss him with the passion I had the first time which nearly killed us both.

I felt his icy hand on the skin of my lower back where my shirt was slightly lifted from having my arms around his neck. With a sudden but gentle force he pulled my body to his. I shivered with satisfaction. Our lips moved rhythmically as the tip of his tongue met mine, exploring a new found interest. It seemed impossible but he somehow pulled me closer to him than I already was.

With a quick almost unnoticeable movement he twisted until I lay on the bed beneath him not pulling me an inch from his body. He lifted his lips from mine leaving me dazed. To my surprise he, himself was just as breathless.

Edward pulled away from me enough to where I could focus on his face, his eyes liquid topaz. He was panting, scrutinizing my shocked expression.

He brought his lips back to mine but only for a second. He then explored my neck, his teeth grazed my earlobe.

"Bella…" he said. His voice made my heart accelerate.

"I… want you." My heart stopped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I wanted to know exactly what he meant but I couldn't unscramble my thoughts enough to form a coherent question.

He lifted his head looking at my face, apparently scared by my silence. All I could do was nod. He looked at me with questioning eyes.

"Are you sure that is what you want? You have every right to deny me. Don't take my feelings into consideration. Please tell me what you feel," he said as he caressed my cheekbone.

"Edward… you know I want you… but…" I couldn't remember what I was going to say as his expression saddened. He started to pull away from me to sit on the edge of the bed again.

"NO! Wait!" I said, grabbing a hold of his arm. "Let me finish. I was going to say, but… didn't you say you wanted to wait until after our wedding day?"

"Is that what you want?" His eyebrows lifted the slightest bit.

"No, of course I want you now. I just don't want to do anything if you don't want to." In response he chuckled lightly.

"Bella, the reason people normally wait until after marriage is because they wish to make sure that person is … for them… correct?"

I was sort of confused to where he was going with this. "Yes," I replied pretending to understand. Of course he wasn't fooled.

"Bella my love, you are right for me. You are everything I could have ever wanted. There is no doubt in my mind, in my very being, I will always want you forever and that will not change for as long as I exist. Maybe even after that." His expression became thoughtful with a hint of humor. "Your exactly my brand of heroine," he said smiling.

I felt the heat rush to my face and he smiled. I had to hurry before he changed his mind.

"I… want you Edward," I said in short breaths. He chuckled and caressed my hand.

"That's all I needed to hear." He situated himself on top of me so I couldn't feel his weight and just as the last time I lifted my hands to unbutton my shirt. He quickly clasped his hands around my wrists and shook his head.

Sadness replaced my excited expression and again to my surprise he rested my hand on the buttons of his shirt and smiled. With the shaky unsteadiness of my hands undoing the buttons of his shirt all of a sudden seemed like a challenging task. I managed to get his shirt unbuttoned and he swiftly removed the shirt completely.

My heart beat so loud beneath my chest anyone from miles away could probably hear it. Edward put his ear to my chest and sighed as he listened to my heart beat with my arms wrapped around. I let my hands explore the hardened muscles of his back and he didn't seem to mind at all.

I felt his cool hands on either side of my neck as his nose skimmed my collar bone. He then brought his hands to the first fastened button my shirt. I gulped down my nervousness.

He placed his face close to me and he kissed my neck moving down inch by inch kissing each time he did so. He slowly unbuttoned the first button of my shirt and kissed the newly revealed skin. He continued to the second button and the third. Within a minute he was finished. He lifted his head and kissed my lips softly. All that was visible was an inch of skin from neck to my waist line interrupted by the pink lace that held my bra together.

Edward looked at obviously nervous and it was hard to believe.

"I love you Isabella Marie Swan," he said examining my face.

"I love you Edward Anthony Cullen," I replied. His hands fluttered nervously above my shirt as he spread it open revealing my flushed skin. His icy hands followed the curve of my hips as he smiled.

"You truly are the most beautiful thing I have even been given the pleasure to lay my eyes on." He lifted my hand to his lips and gently kissed each of my fingers, the top of my hand, and then the ring that now bonded us together. He kissed all the way up my arm until he reached my shoulder. Even from underneath his eyelashes his still had the ability to lay the full force of his captivating eyes on me.

He brought his mouth to mine for one swift kiss.

"Are you sure you're ready?" he asked me as if I had changed my mind. I couldn't even breath let alone think enough to change my mind.

"I am absolutely sure," I said mussing his hair playfully.

He pressed his hard icy lips to my shoulder and drifted downward letting his lips softly brush across my chest.