I had been staying with Alice, well actually Edward more often now that things weren't so hectic and I didn't always have to be under a watchful eye for my safety. Charlie was starting to finally let me be an adult.

He wasn't strict at all with rules, sometimes I would stay at the Cullen's and sometimes I would stay home with Charlie and cook him a nice meal. No matter where I chose to go Edward was always with me, which I absolutely loved, except for the occasional hunt with Emmet and Jasper. At those hard times Alice was my extremely hyperactive company, always keeping me entertained.

Today wasn't one of those days, Edward was here with me and for that I was grateful. I had a lot on my mind today. We were in the meadow, our meadow. Rain started to fall through the thin space the leaves provided for the water to escape.

"I'll get you home." He brushed the tiny bead of water from my cheeks.

"Rain's not the problem," I grumbled. "It just means that it's time to do something that will be very unpleasant and possibly even highly dangerous."

His eyes widened in alarm

"It's a good thing your bullet proof," I sighed. "I'm going to need that ring. It's time to tell Charlie."

He laughed at the expression on my face. "Highly dangerous," he agreed. He laughed again and then reached into the pocket of his jeans. "But at least there's no need for a side trip."

He once again slid the ring into place on the third finger of my left hand, where it would stay – conceivably for the rest of eternity.

The silent purr of Edward's Volvo had calmed me slightly, but there was still no way to completely erase the feeling of uneasiness in the pit of my stomach. I winced at the thought of Charlie's reaction. Edward's smooth cool hand found mine in an instant. His finger traced the ring that now bonded us together and a look of satisfaction crossed his face.

"I'll be right there with you," he vowed. Just as always he turned to me and smiled my favorite crooked smile and with one look into his liquid topaz eyes I was calm. How could I not believe him?

I was so wrapped up in his beauty that I hadn't realized the engine of the Volvo cut off and then I was more nervous than before.

"I don't know if I can do this Edward." My stomached turned uneasily as we walked hand in hand up to my front porch where Charlie waited inside totally unaware of what was in store for him.

Within my first steps on the porch Edward's hand was cupping my chin in an instant. His eyes smoldered as he looked at me.

"Bella, love, there is no need to be frightened. He can't be any more frightening than I, myself and right now you seem completely at ease with me." He chuckled.

"Well you're not about to receive news of your daughter getting married fresh out of high school are you?" I gave him the meanest the look I could muster trying so hard not to concentrate on how light and heavenly his eyes looked today.

He laughed lightly at my expression. Well Charlie knows were here now we better go inside. He looked at me out of the corner of his eye scrutinizing my expression. I gulped down my nervousness and nodded firmly. He turned the handle of the front door and as normal there was Charlie sitting on the couch watching the game. He glanced up, "Hey Bells," he said turning his attention back to the television.

I sat in the chair next to the couch fidgeting nervously. Charlie must have noticed because the room grew quiet. He turned the television off and now his attention was on me. "Okay," he said suspiciously "What's going on?"

I didn't have the guts to look my father in the face. "There's something I need to discuss with you, Dad." I said quickly still fidgeting.

He listened more closely now. "Okay, what is it honey, you've got my full attention."

Honestly that didn't help anything. A part of me wished he would've still been paying attention the game so I didn't have to feel him gazing at me the way he was.

"Well there's… really no reason to stall I guess… so I'll just get straight to the point," I felt Edward's hand on my shoulder. For a minute I had almost forgotten he was in the room. I threw Edward a pleading glance and as I had hoped, he interceded.

"What she is trying to say is… yesterday I asked Bella… to be my wife." I looked up from under my eyelashes to examine Charlie's expression. It looked to me what appeared to be a mixture of sadness, anger, and defeat. I knew he objected 100 percent to the idea, but I also knew that he knew, now that I was over the legal age of adult hood he could no longer choose my path for me.

Charlie nodded once. "I see," was all he said. I couldn't tell what he was feeling but hopefully with Edward's ability to read minds he would use that to an advantage and Charlie wouldn't completely disown me.

"I assure you Charlie, I love Bella. There is nothing in this world that will ever change that. I know I have made mistakes in the past," although his voice was calm his face gave away his pain. "I will never hurt her in any way ever again for as long as I live."

Charlie couldn't help but to believe the sincerity burning in Edward's voice. He stood from the couch and walked over to Edward. At first I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. To my surprise Charlie extended his hand to Edward and they exchanged a firm handshake.

"I'm afraid I misjudged you Edward," Charlie said breaking away from Edward's handshake flexing his fingers a bit. "Take care of my Bells for me. I know she will be safe with you. She takes a little more looking after than most if you haven't noticed just yet." Charlie chuckled.

"Not to worry, I will take care of Bella. Thank you." Edward smiled. Charlie straightened his shirt and cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable.

"So, when's the w-w-wedding?" Charlie asked stumbling on the word.

I looked up a little embarrassed, "Three weeks, Alice sent out the rest of the invitations. You should be getting your's soon." Charlie looked at me and smiled lightly. He held out his arms and I hugged my dad and a painful amount of sadness washed over me.

This was it. Soon enough I would be married, and going off to college, well at least that's what everyone thought. At that moment I yearned to tell him what was really going to happen after I was married but I knew that I couldn't. The rules were being broken even by me knowing what was really going on in the world. Charlie whispered in my ear, "Love you Bells."

I tried to fight back my tears and failed "Love you too, Dad." Edward took my hand as we walked out the front door. I looked back at Charlie standing there holding the door. He had one hand in his pocket, with an understanding smile on his face and tears in his eyes.