Dear Santa, I Can Explain…
A series of Holiday stories featuring Christmas letters the characters write to Santa trying to explain themselves before they end up with a lump of coal.
Warnings: Will mention Yaoi, Yuri and Het pairings nothing graphic planned if that changes warnings will be on chapter
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or any brand names I am writing this for enjoyment and I am making no money off of it.
Chapter 1 Pegasus V 2.0
Dear Santa,
I swear I can explain. I know I haven't been the best little boy this year, but I have been doing what I can to make up for it. I haven't been making a nuisance of myself. (Well, too much anyway) I haven't tried to violently take over Kaiba-boy's company at any rate, but he's just too much fun to tease!
Now, I know it probably wasn't a good idea to poke fun at Jou-boy while Kaiba-boy could hear… but dumping that punch bowl over my head for ONE little lewd comment was highly unnecessary! I am the victim in that situation!
Anyway, Santa, all I want for Christmas is my darling Cecilia.
If you still can't manage that, I'd like some new paints and brushes. And a new Funny Bunny plush, my old one burst, it was a casualty of a pillow fight that took place between so far unidentified intruders. Hmmm, while I'm at it, do you think you could find a way to locate those security tapes that went missing? And the silver?
If not that's all right I just want to know how the blazes they got into my castle!
Well I guess that's—OH WAIT WAIT WAIT! Santa, please, PLEASE leave some form of irrefutable evidence at Kaiba-boy's he still refuses to believe that magic (and by extent you) exist.
Yours truly,
MaximilianJ. Pegasus
(Time change)
"So anyway, Kaiba-boy," Pegasus was saying, "Since those imbeciles at the security company have been stalling for so long, they've just now arranged to update the system on the 24th."
"I fail to see the point to this story, Pegasus," Seto dryly remarked into the phone.
"The point is that I don't trust these simpletons and plan to supervise them myself. After all, the original 'fail-proof' system proved useless. I intend to make sure that this one is properly installed. Therefore, I am afraid I must be absent at the Christmas party. I doubt I'll be missed though, eh, Kaiba-boy?"
"Probably not," the younger CEO agreed, "Very well, I'll mark you off the guest list."
"Terribly sorry about it, Kaiba. You know I hate to break with a holiday tradtion but I refuse to loose more property to those thieves. Say hello to Jonuchi and your darling brothers for me!"
"Ta!" Click!
Seto turned to the list and crossed off Pegasus's name. Odd, though, that this would be the first time someone missed the party since the tradition began four years ago.