Seconds Away

Disclaimer; You know I don't own them. Sadly (.

A/N; Okay so I know its been awhile, and if you all read my authors note chapter (the previous one) then you know why. So here it is the real chapter 4. Let me know what you think, I hope you like it.

4. The beginning of something great.

[ Nick's POV )

No matter what I do, she will never see me like that. And it sucks because thats the one thing I want most. I'd give up everything to be that guy. But, instead I'm the other guy. I'm the go to guy when everything goes wrong, I'm just the bestfriend. Thats all I'll ever be too, because she has him. Man, I hate him. He's not good enough for her. Sometimes I don't even think I am, because she deserves the best. But I know I'd treat her way better than he ever could. And no, I'm not saying that because I'm loaded. Which I am, but thats not what I meant.

It's like no matter how much I compliment her, no matter how much I drop hints, I'll always just be the friend. They say nice guys finish last, well damn that one is true. I don't even think anyone understands the love I have for this girl. I mean, I'm always there, and I'm always going to be there, but maybe its time to give up. You know? Just throw in the towel and walk away. A guy can only handle so much.

My thoughts are interupted by the buzzing of my phone. Great, it's her. Maybe they broke up again. Maybe this time it'll be real. I shake myself out of these thoughts and pick up the phone.


"Oh Nick! I didn't think you were going to answer. Am I interupting something?"

"No, no. It's fine, I just couldn't find my phone." I lied.

"Oh well, I was going to go down to the beach and I wanted to know if you wanted to join me?" She asked me, her voice full of hope.

"Uh yeah, sure Miles." I said. She usually didn't ask me down to the beach unless she had something big on her mind. This was going to be a long day. Or afternoon, which ever you perfer.

"Okay great! Thanks so much Nick."

"Yup, of course." I said hanging up the phone.

I can't believe she didn't know I was inlove with her. Everyone else did. The worst part was, she flirted with me like no tomorrow, even though she had a boyfriend. It made me hopeful, yet sad at the same time, because I know some girls are just like that. I really hoped that wasn't the case with her. Even though in the back of my mind, I knew it probably was. I was never that lucky anyways. But that was just me, the unlucky duck. Atleast thats what Joe always called me.

I sighed and got up off my bed, leaving my room. I was going to grab a water and then head down to meet Miley at the beach.

When I got down to the beach, there she was. Laying out in the sun like absolutely nothing was wrong. I decided to sneak up on her and scare her. A few seconds later I was behind the chair she was laying in.

"BOO!" I screamed right in her ear.

She shrieked in response.

"NICK! Don't you dare ever do that to me again!"

I just laughed and she smiled at me.

"Thanks for coming down to the beach." She said smiling at me.

"Sure. Whats up?"

"What do you mean?" She askes me, tilting her head to the side a little bit. She was trying to act confused, but I knew her too well.

"Well you always ask me down here when you have something really big on your mind." I say. I didn't want to call her out on lying, and get her mad at me.

"Nothings wrong! Can't I just want to spend some time with my best friend?" I cringed when she said the word 'best friend'. It always made me upset. I was hopelessly inlove with this girl, but all I would ever be was her best friend.

"Sure Miles, sure." I said giving her my signature smile. She smiled in response.

"Good." After she said that she just pulled on her sunglasses and layed back down.

I couldn't help but think why she would want me here. She had Lilly to do this kind of thing with. She almost never asked me to do this. The only times we usually hung out were at my house or hers watching movies, or on the rare occasion of going to the local mall. It made me kind of suspicious, but I wasn't going to fight it. Come to think of it, we really weren't even best friends. Not in the traditional sense. I mean, sure I guess we were, but not really. We didn't tell eachother every thing, we just kind of hung out, and stuff. The only things we really truly talked about was her relationship, and how to fix it, every single time it'd fall apart. They'd broken up and gotten back together at least 10 times. I swear.

I mean I talked to Lilly about more stuff than Miley and I ever talked about. But I guess that was different, because no matter who you were, I always wanted to talk about Miley to you. I mean she just made me so happy, I couldn't even explain it. Except lately she was different. She was more prissy, and stuck up. I miss the old, down to earth Miley. But he's been changing her ever since they started going out.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look and it was Miley. Apparently I was spacing out. I gave her a slight smile.

"Sorry Miles. I was just thinking about stuff. You know, alot on my mind."

"Oh, thats alright. I was just saying how I have to go. I'm meeting Jakey for a movie." I cringed at his name. I truly did miss the old Miley. The Miley that I really was best friends with. I guess everything changes sometimes.

"Okay Miles. See you later." I said standing up. She smiled at me and just gave me a hug. Hmm.. That was a new one.

I half waved when she walked away.They were going to break up soon. I could feel it in my gut. Or maybe that was just the oatmeal I had for breakfast not settling well. Either or, it wasn't all that great of a feeling. I knew I was either going to puke, or be picking up the peices of her heart. I didn't really mind it, but usually when that happened for other guys, they actually got the girl. But I don't think I ever would.

I started to head back to my house. Another day spent inside. Man, when did everything change?

[ Lilly's POV )

I just got off the phone with Miley. Apparently she finally got the courage to call Nick and ask him to hang out. He still thinks shes dating Jake. She wasn't of course. It was all a ploy to get Nick. It was so dumb. They were both seriously into each other, but they were both oblivious to the other. It wasn't just dumb, it was really sad too. He was so inlove with her, and she was so inlove with him. I was so ready to just go betray both of them and tell them that the other has feelings for them. Oh well. They'll figure it out soon enough. I'm just glad that Joe was just man enough to ask me out straight up. He also thinks that this whole thing is dumb. They could be so happy instead of eating themselves up inside. She's pushing him away and she doesn't even realize it. Gah! They make me so angry.

OH! Joe's coming over. I should probably go change and stuff.

Ah! Too late, theres the doorbell.

I opened the door to see none other than my boyfriend. Joe Jonas standing there.

He steps inside my house and kisses me roughly. Whoa Joe, whoa! You just got in the door. But I don't object, I just kiss him back, and before I know it we're both on the couch kissing. When we finally break away for air he smiles at me. I smile back.

"Well that was some hello!" I say my smile growing wider.

He smiles at me and kisses me again. We break apart and I just look at him.

"They're so clueless Joe. It really ticks me off, because I get caught in the middle. She comes running to me telling me how its hopeless and she doesn't feel the same, and he comes to me complaining about Jake Ryan. Even though shes not even dating him! She really needs to let him know that if she wants to get anywhere with him." O say, nearly screaming. Then I let out a big sigh.

"Just don't worry 'bout it. The lovebirds will figure it out eventually." Joe says giving me a smile that melts my heart. Then hes back to kissing me again. All my anger and frustration just melts away. We just keep kissing, and I'm not complaining.

Joe pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "Lil, have I ever told you that I love you so much?"

My jaw drops. I was not expecting that at all. Then I smile at him and kiss him. I pull away and look at him.

"No, I don't think so. But wanna know what?" I say.

"What?" He askes looking nervous.

"I bet I love you so much more." I say, kissing him before he can reply.

[ Miley's POV )

I've been laying in my bed since I got back from the beach. What a waste of a day. I just can't get him off my mind. I feel so bad lying about dating Jake. But in some twisted way I feel like it will help me. I did really date Jake, but we broke up when he went to Romania. I never really liked Jake as much as I've liked Nick. Heck, I'm not even sure if you can call what I feel for Nick 'like'. I really truly think that I am inlove with Nick Jonas. I realize I've been distant with him lately, but ever since I realized that I really like him I turned into something I'm not. He has brought it up to me on occasion and I feel bad because I know its true. But I try and distance myself because I know he doesn't feel the same.

I reach over to the table next to my bed and grab my phone. I have to text Lilly and Nick.

( A/N: Bold Miley. Bold Italics Lilly. Italics Nick.)

Lilly! I dnt kno wht to do!

Nick. I'm sry.

Miley u shld jus tell him how u feel. i bet he feels the same.
but he thnks im w. jake
thts ur fault. u shld jus tell him ur not.
he wnt even answer my txt. i doubt he feels the same 4 me
just tlk 2 him miley. call him.

what 4 miles?

I take a deep breath. Maybe Lilly's right. Maybe he would feel the same. But if I'm going to do this, I should do it in person. I pick up my phone and scroll through the contacts searching for Nick's number. I hit send before I can think twice about it.

He picks up on the second ring.

"Miles? Whats wrong?"

"Nothing. Listen I have to talk to you. It's kind of, really important. Well to me it is."

"Um.. Alright. Do you wanna meet down at the beach?"

"Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks Nick."

With that, I hung up the phone. My stomach was doing flipflops. This was it. I had to come clean about everything. The worst he could do was oh, I dunno. Reject me! Come on Miles, think positive. I said to myself.

I reached the beach. He wasn't there yet, so I just sat down in the sand. I don't know how much time passed, but the next thing I knew, he was sitting next to me.

He gave me a half smile before he spoke. "Whats up Miles?"

My heart was racing. "Alright, well I don't know where to start." He reached over and took my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Just tell me, it can't be that bad."

"Actually.. you'd be surprised." I said.

"Miles. Just get to it."

I took a deep breath.

"Okay, well for starters, I'm not going out with Jake anymore." I said looking down. I didn't want to see his reaction. I quickly continued before he could say anything. "And I haven't been for probably about a month and a half. Since he left for Romania. You're probably wondering why I lied about it, but I just thought it would help me. Because honestly Nick, I like you so much. I have for awhile now, but I just really realized it after Jake left. I didn't feel for him a quarter of what I feel for you and it kind of scared me. I just thought it'd help me get over you, because I know you probably don't feel the--"

I was cut off by Nicks lips crashing against mine. It felt so much better than I could ever imagine it would. I reached over and pinched myself. Was I dreaming? Nick pulled away and smiled at me.

"I've been waiting to do that for a long time now Miley. I really like you."

"Stop talking. Just kiss me." I said smiling at him.

He didn't argue he just kissed me again.

This was the beginning of something great. I could feel it.

A/N; Well there you have it. Chapter 4. I'm not really sure how I feel about it. But let me know what you guys think, because I love hearing from you. Anyways, still wondering on weather or not I should make Never Had A Dream Come True, or Chapter 2, of this story full length. Please let me know. Oh, and I put in some Loe action, because I feel bad about how it's been taking me so long to get out those OneShots. Anyways, do let me know what you think. I hope you liked it. )