
by the Legendary Armor

It was nearly too much to bear.

The Feral Ones were twisted, were maddened, were shattered beyond repair, but still a deep and sickening guilt weighed itself down in Jill's gut like a cold lead slug. Her wyvern roared in victory as her axe sunk into the desecrated flesh of another fallen laguz, the sick, dull light in the mad tiger's eyes fading so very quickly. Blood spattered over her armor, running down its rose-colored metal in crimson rivulets. Disgust roiled in her stomach and she felt her bile rise as her wyvern dove to avoid the breath of a mad dragon, and her knuckles brushed the laid-open flesh of another dead laguz, the blood far too slick, far too cold.

Haar covered her flank, keeping her safe--she was hardly injured at all... physically. His heart clenched at the sight of her, and when he met her eyes for the briefest of moments, he felt a surge of sorrow through his veins--such as he had not felt in a very long time. She had become so understanding, had transcended so much mistrust and so many years of vile teachings, and yet here she was, killing the very people she'd sought to grow closer to. Their souls were broken, so very broken, but it hardly made it easier on her conscience. Yet... no tears grew at her eyes, no sobs echoed forth in her voice. Her eyes held all her thoughts--a burden of anguish laid far too heavily on her soul.

A battlecry borne of the deepest, most terrifying rage tore through the sky, and a chilling scream rent the air soon after. Jill's axe descended downward once more, ready to end the misery of yet another existence, when her target dissolved beneath her--the warped laguz all fell away into a dull, brown dust, settling upon the earth in a sudden, haunting silence. The young woman looked up, her sad eyes gazing into the distance as the sound of flapping wings grew ever closer. Tibarn appeared from the trees, Elincia close behind them--both were covered in blood. It was terrifying--Tibarn was so imposing, and to see him like that could send fear into the hearts of anyone. But to see Elincia and especially Jill that way...

Galdr, so soft and angelic, echoed through the dark swamp. The song of Prince Reyson soothed the young Fizzart's soul, but still a tear finally fell down her blood-covered cheek. Too many had died... far too many, and for what? It was so vile... so vile... and so much had been lost...

"You've done nothing wrong." Haar's hand fell gently to the woman's shoulder, and he stood beside her, their wyverns behind them--the beasts, too, looked outward as Reyson's song ended, as if they, too, understood. Perhaps they did... "You saved them from themselves, Jill. You know that. If you feel sadness, it should be that they suffered so much wrong at the hands of others. Don't you dare blame yourself."

She did not respond immediately, as though she fumbled for the words. When she finally did speak, her voice was quiet and laden with distant despair. "I know... I know. It's just so... It's so wrong. It's all so wrong. I couldn't do anything for them... I couldn't do anything but kill them."

"They're better off for your actions. At least they didn't have to see a world with their goddess gone mad."

She turned to meet his eyes, and rested a hand on his arm. "I just wish they could have... had something more. I know. I'm sorry... thank you. You make me... you give me the courage to do what I must. I'd be nothing otherwise. Thank you for being here with me." She trembled, but only for a moment--she pushed her anguish away, and offered him a weak smile.

The veteran dragonlord pulled her into a close embrace, and whispered into her ear, "I always will be. Don't you ever forget that."
